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Goblin Squad Member. 1,315 posts. 33 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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Our Price: $4.95

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Nice set of aliens. Price could be better


Though I haven't played Battlelords since the late 80's/ early 90's, I picked these up because we could always use some good sci fi minis.

The artwork is OK, not great, but not bad. (I think the Ram Pythons could be a bit larger.) As advertised, you get one male and one female of each race. (And one fat eridani as well).

The added B&W counters and the blanks are a nice addition. My only peeve is that there is a lot of whitespace on the printable sheets. (I wish more Paper minis companies would use as much of the printable area as possible. Even reusing some models is OK. I hate to see wasted space...its my cardstock, but after the printing, the unused parts are useless.)

And the price is a bit high for 27 paper minis. I think $3.00 would be a more appropriate value for what you get.

But, its still useful overall. If you need scifi characters, this might be a good set.

Our Price: $2.99

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A nice set of minis for the price with fun rules


This is a good value for the money. You get 16 minis and a writeup of rules for Pathfinder. (See the model list above. The 5 totem warriors are identical and the 4 Litorian warriors are identical.) And the Litorians fit a niche of minis that haven;t been done much yet. (Cat people).

And you get a Bulette!

The rules are simple and usable, with nice racial rules that fit with the rules in the PF Rulebook and aren't unbalanced. (And they're not just Anime Catgirl characters....cool!)

And if course, it has Ashton's fun artwork.

All in all the minis + rules give a good value for $2.99.

Diappointing 3D set. Not worth the price.


Those who have read my other reviews know that I'm a prop whore. I love paper and cardboard terrain. I have all of the Pathfinder and D&D map tiles. (I even have multiple sets of Kidnapping of Princess Arelnia and Revenge of Rusak).

When I heard that WOTC was going to be doing 3D terrain with their Dungeon Tiles Series, I was excited. I expected interesting pieces, hopefully a more sturdy update of the old stuff.

But no, we get some very average dungeon tiles and some mediocre 3d effects. A table? Staircase is OK, but very bland (and straight). A dual Staircase would have been nice (going up more than one level). ANd a platform.

Basicaly, nothing you couldn;t simulate with a simple box.

No sliding doors

No Cave behind the waterfall

no freestanding walls or pits

no overhead treelines

no wagons or treasure chests

None of the cool stuff that came out 25 years ago!

Very disappointing.

Then they jack the price up 20% (not a surprise really).

Save yourself the money and buy yourself some other floorplans and then save a couple of small boxes. You'll get the same effects and not feel cheated by this less than mediocre set.

Our Price: $3.99

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Goblins! Goblins! Goblins!


Ok, I'm a bit biased, because I love Paper minis. After collecting metal and plastic minis (over 10,000 of them) for more than 30 years, I'm moving back into paper and these are a great value and they look great.

These really capture the feel of a Golarion Goblin: funny but vicious. And you get enough to run a good encounter. (As I've mentioned before, I print at least 2 sets, one at letter size and one at Executive size - slightly smaller - to get easily identifyable differneces in the sets.)

And they worked great! (I actually need 4 warchanters becaue we have a 6 man party and i've beefed up the encouters for that. And now with Crystal's Mounted Ripnugget, we used the smaller king as the druid...)

And for mounting the goblins on the dogs, if you print 2 sets like I mentioned (I assemble them aframe style) the larger model slides into the smaller, so you can slide a slightly smaller dog into the goblin for a mounted attack!

And for the price! Great value.

There is a link further down for those of you who want to see them in action...

Our Price: $3.99

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Gnolls! Gnolls! Gnolls! (Say it 3 times and they sound even funnier).


Another great Ashton Set. (And you need gnolls for the LOF AP, I've read the first 4 books and they show up in every one so far...)

A good mix of gnolls, both melee and ranged attackers. And they are the right size...BIG. These things will tower over your heroes, as gnolls should.

And of course, the price. For less than $4, you get a nice hoard. then print them out to your heart's contenet and make your players weep. (I print them on two different setting: Letter and Executive, to get slightly larger and smaller versions of the same models so that you get even more variety).

Another great addition to the LOF paper minis sets.

Our Price: $4.99

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More like 4 1/2 Stars out of 5


Another nice set from Ashton.

The Minotaur guy and Bug Demon (I forget what they are from the Module) as well as the Harpy and Ogre are great. The right size, with terrific Menace.

However, what the other review has to say also has some merit.

1) The swordswoman could have used just a bit more detail. And, for my tastes, shes just a little too big compared with the other PF Papermini sets. (But only slightly). That being said, she'll make a good Paladin of Sarenrae in my ROTR campaign.

2) The Pugwampi King is just a bit too small. I picture him a bit rounder and taller.

3) The Axe-guy. (I forget his name). As the setpiece main villan, he could have used a bit more menace (look at the Minotaur and Ogre!) But he is suitably big and the axe looks cool.

And there are only 7 minis. Maybe this should have been a $2.99 set.

All that being said, however, this is stll a great deal. For less than $4, you get some new monsters that you can print over and over again (Guess what's going to show up during the Hook Mountain Massacre) and soem things that haven;t been done well as paper/ cardboard minis before.

and with this set and the other PF Paper minis, you get almost everything you need to run the first 2 books of the LOF AP!

Keep it up Ashton.

Our Price: FREE

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OK, this is a great GM's tool.

First, you get 4 pre-generated Hirelings: "Camp Follower", Guide, Porter, and Steward. They have full stat blocks, background, and a detailed description of their role in a party.

You also get other suggested roles for the same characters. Need a bartender, use the porter. Party encounters an apothecary, use the Camp Follower. Etc.

There are also RULES for using and implementing Hirelings in Pathfinder, including rates and how to imporve the morale/ attitude of your hirelings.

And you get a new feat and a new spell. (A VERY useful spell...) And additional special abilites/ rules for each hireling type.

And now for the best two things:

First, its FREE! So get it now.

Second, Crystal has included the Hirelings in her Kingmaker #1 Pathfinder Minis! So you can mix and match with the paper minis and the hirelings!

Well worth the cost (free?) and a lot of fun.

Our Price: $3.99

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Knights Galore


Another great value.

Dozens of Hellknights for your Pathfinder Games.

Several different styles, one for each Order.

And they look great!

Get these now!

Our Price: $4.99

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Another great PF Minis Set!


I think the minis speak for themselves. Another great set, with most of the special characters you need for AP #1 Burnt Offerings.

Bruthazmus is suitably large (without being so big as to be a LARGE figure, just big.)

Orik has a bemused expression.

Nualia is angry and in action.

Lyrie is, as one player put it, "The hot wizard chick"

And you get the bemused Foxglove.

The strange Korvus and Erylium for the Catacombs of Wrath.

and even some sinspawn!

Combine these with the PF Minis Goblins and you have almost everything you need for minis combat in Burnt Offerings. All for a nice price.

(And the Lyrie, Foxglove, Orik, and Shelelu minis all make good PC minis too...)

Our Price: $3.99

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Great Quick Start to Pathfinder!


OK, I ran this adventure this weekend as an introduction to PF in one afternoon. Ran it as a straightforeward module, not as a timed tournament mode.

General consensus was that it was a lot of fun, especially the scenes with Grandmaster Torch.

After years of suffering through RPGA adventures, it is great to see short adventures like this that are more than just unfathomable chases or dungeon crawls.

And using the Pathfinder Society as an excuse to get the characters together is a great hook.

And with the new Clerical Channel Energy ability with PF over 3.5... well, she got to be the big hero in the chapel (too many undead within 30' is bad for the restless dead).

With the combination of combat, puzzles, and mysteries, this simple module let all the characters shine.

And as a "Let's roll up characters and play a quick game" scenario, this hit the spot.

Can't wait to run the next one...

Our Price: $2.99

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Paper Minis AND Stat Block = YEAH!


OK, I like paper minis. And I really like Ashton's style. It's a little cartoony, but he makes minis that fit the feel of the subject matter.

This one is no different.

You get over 30 minis for less than $3 AND the stats to go with them. Inxpensive, easy to assemble, and lightweight (carry 30 lead or plastics around for a while...)

If you like his style, these are a great value.

Fun to Play: A Great Narrative Adventure RPG


I played this at Albany Game Day and I can;t wait until it''s available in print!

Simple to learn (5 minutes, tops), easy rules, but deep character interaction and very narrative, flexible games system.

Basically, you are characters is a Conan-like world. You are doing Conan-like things with Conan-like technology.

Your character has 4 stats (STR, Agility, Intellegence, and Appeal), 4 Combat skills (Brawl, Melee, Ranged, Defence), and 4 Careers (whatever). You put 4 points into each of the three categories. You might see something like this:

ST: 2 Brawl: 1 Barbarian: 2
AG: 1 Melee: 2 Pirate: 1
IN: 1 Ranged: 1 Thief: 1
AP: 0 Defence:0 Hunter: 0

Then, to do, ANYTHING, you roll 2d6 and and add the appropriate 2 traits, like Agility and Melee for HTH combat, or INT and Pirate to fix a boat. You have to get a 9 or better....

There are a few extra rules, like additional traits, hero points, Life Points, and magic, but overall, its mostly narrative, where you describe what you want to do and if you have the abilites to do it. (Most careers do NOT help with combat, they are more for RPG stuff).

So, if you were trying to lift the Stone Dragon Door, you might describe how you're Barbarian Career influences your Unreasonable Feats of Strength to add STR and Barbarian to the dice roll... so now its 2d6+4 to get a 9 or better...

And the GM might add additional penalties if the Door is REALLY heavy.

So, what are the Level 0 things for? They allow you to attemt the challenge without adding to the dice. A Gladiator 2 doesn't know how to pilot a boat, but a Gladiator 2 Sailor 0 does, and can make the attempt...

And so on.

Its quick, flexible, and a lot of fun, but still designed with tons of Role Playing in mind....

And the Alchemist career is even cooler...

I can see this as an RPG that can be played as an ongoing campaign, or as a "Game of the Night" pick me up or even as a fun and easy intro for non-gamers interested in the hobby.

Our Price: $1.75

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Good Rules, poor miniatures


Ok, first the bad. (Hang in there, there is good).

The miniatures counters are just as bad here as they are in the expanded character sheet. If you're looking at this for the mini counters...not worth it. You get 49 25mm scale circular pictures of this girl's face. That's it for the minis. I'd have been happier with:

1) Some other pictures

2) If they were standups like the Paizo paper minis...

SO, poor minis.

That being said, the rest of the character is intersting.

The premise is a nobleman (or woman) who has been trained in basic martial abilites and the skills to govern and manipulate others. Kind of like a non-magical fighter bard.

The noble gets minor weapon proficiencies, but the Fighter BAB and good will saves.

As the noble progresses, she will gain more weapon and armor proficiencies and feats, as well as some ability to manipulate merchants, underlings, and others.

Some more powerful Weapon feats top out the blooded noble.

I'm not sure if there's enough here, stat wise, to make this a compatible PC character, but from a RPG standpoint, the Blooded Noble looks like a blast to play. A player not interested in massive combat damage or magic, but the more interesting intricacies of leadership and commerce might have a great time with this...

All in all, still worth the $1.75, despite the poor minis.

Print Edition Unavailable

Add PDF $9.99

Where Heroquest left off! Great Game


This game is a great boardgame for 2 or more players. Not only is it a nice segue into the world of RPGs, but the gameplay tself is fun and challenging.

I especially liked the spell simulations (Mialee's AC goes down when she drops below 3 magic points, simulating the end of her mage armor spell) and the fact that none of the monsters were especially easy to kill. (Even the goblins can crank out as much damage as Regdar!)

Initiative was especially nice. Cards numbered 1-5 are randomly dealt to each hero and the GM at the beginning off each combat or upon entering a room. Then 1 goes first, and so on. So, in each combat, until cards are dealt, no one knows who will attack first, or when the monsters get to act. This is a nice suimulation of RPG intiative in d20 and other games. In most boardgames, its usually a "Your side then my side" sort of thing, always the same from encoutner to encounter. This was much more fun and added some challenges to the game. especially when the wizard is blocking the door.

Tactics, movement, searching, and magic items all factor into this game, and the expansions look good too.

After seeing the high quality of the game components (especially the map boards) I hope they continue to make expansions.

And for the guy who needed dice info:

Trap Die:
1* hand
2* 1 Eye
1* 2 eye
2* Blank

Star Die:
3* Star
3* blank

Undead Die:
3 * Blank
1* One Skull
1* Two Skull
1* Three Skull

Yellow Dice:
4* 1 sword
2* Blank

Orange Dice:
4* 1 Sword
2* 2 Sword

Red Die:
1* Blank
1* 1 Sword
3* 2 Sword
1* 3 Sword

Purple Die:
4* 2 Sword
2* 3 Sword

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