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Organized Play Member. 155 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


While I played 1e, 3.5, Dnd 4e and 5e, as well as other TTRPGs like Shadowrun, Mutants & Masterminds, I very much like 2e's 3-action economy. But what made me choose to seek out 2e games over 5e games was character creation/advancement and real choices that allowed me to bring to life a variety of character concepts. 5e and their paucity of choices - especially wrt to skills - was utterly stifling and all my characters started to feel the same mechanically. With that said, advantage/disadvantage is a rather elegant game element.

Thank you, Nicholas Storm and PossibleCabbage. I thought that the answer might be yes but wasn't sure if I was missing some other interaction that would make it no.

Hi all,

I couldn't seem to find a definitive answer in the forums/online but does the Psi Strikes feat work with ranged weapons? For instance, if my Psychic casts Shield and then uses a longbow to make a ranged attack, does that attack get the +1d6 force damage on a success?

Thanks for you help.

Another idea I've had for improving/incentivizing AC is to have it mimic the Barbarian's Instincts specialization ability so at 7th level something else unlocks.

Perhaps AC's damage can go up more than it already does along similar (but more modest) lines at 7 and then again when you get great weapon specialization

Or perhaps everyone gets Runic Impression as a free conflux spell at level 7 or 8 (so it's no longer a feat) that can be used only if you're in AC

Or perhaps each hybrid study gets some extra something Bluemagetim suggests:

Aloof Firmament extra damage after Fly/Leap/High Jump/Long Jump lasts until end of turn (not just next strike before end of turn)
Inexorable Iron can add Shove or Trip or Disarm trait to their two-handed weapon
Laughing shadow extra movement is +10-foot bonus to Speed and +15-foot bonus to Speed if unarmored (+20-foot bonus to Speed too powerful?)
Sparkling Targe - don't know, any suggestions?
Starlit Span - able to add AC's damage to ranged strikes
Twisting Tree - don't know, any suggestions?
Unfurling Brocade - don't know, any suggestions?

Bluemagetim wrote:

One thing I think happens when classes get those kinds of circumstance bonuses to skills is that they begin to break the difficulty curve.

This is very much the case with Furious Bully on barbarian. It gives +2 circumstance bonus to athletics and after looking at reflex saves of every monster on archives of Nethys after level 8 its clear that feat makes tripping a reasonable chance even against the high reflex DCs for +3 solo bosses.

To be clear about what I mean by breaking. It gets you into the 13 and up range before buffs and debuffs against the best reflex saves. most creatures are going to be easier than that.
And it means the same tactic works reasonably well even against foes that are best against that tactic. I feel that options lose balance when you can build to make one option work all the time against anything.

Good point and articulates my intuition that it was likely too powerful. I'm more interested in smoothing out Arcane Cascade. It adds nice flavor but can be clunky to use and often doesn't offer enough to incentivize players to enter it.

Kalaam wrote:

Athletics and acrobatics are some of the most common skills for martials that fit hybrid studies because well... those are the most direct "martial" skills.

And having a recharge feature (or anything) relying on other skills like intimidation and so on might be an issue because of stats and MAD and all.

You can divide things up accross specific actions within those skills:

For example Inexorable Iron could get Shove and Trip while Laughing Shadow gets Feint and Disarm. Could also get Dirty trick or other stuff based on Thievery.
I mean Aloof Firmament gives you the benefits of a feat while in the stance, a revamped Laughing Shadow could give you Dirty Trick while in the stance.

Would have to see which subclass would fit Demoralize the most, or more niche actions like Seek.
Hide and Sneak are also valid. But the issue is you'd automatically know if you've hidden from someone if that recharge spellstrike, so I guess it'd have to be something like just rolling to hide recharges, unless you roll a nat 1. But then the immunity applies to every ennemies who was observing you when you hid. That'd only be once per fight then, but given it'd most likely be for Starlit Span, which already has an easy time recharging spellstrike, it wouldn't be much of an issue really.

Yes, I can see going for specific actions for the various Hybrid Studies like Demoralize with Inexorable Iron, Trip for Spinning Staff, etc. But I like the more general to allow for more freedom in character concept but that's my preference. Also not a fan that entering AC recharges spellstrike but I supposed that is a matter of my playstyle which is to cast shield in my first round and enter AC before taking my third action.

What I'd like to see is for Arcane Cascade to be easier to use and incentivized. I think with the recent errata opening up save spells for Spellstrikes, we've gotten the most Paizo is probably gonna give with the base Spellstrike. I can imagine a reworked Expansive Spellstrike class feat that along with allowing AOEs (which it already does) also gives a +1 to Save DC at Master in Arcana and a +2 at Legendary. This still might be too strong but I think because it's gated behind proficiency (which requires investment) and levels (7 for first access to Master and 15 for access to Legendary) it mitigates the "too strong" concern a bit.

As for AC, I like the idea previously proposed that if you Cast A Spell in your first round after rolling initiative, entering AC is a free action. This goes with the action compression someone mentioned seems to be the direction Paizo is going in and it is similar to how they made Rage easier to enter for remastered Barbarian.

I also like the idea of getting a +1 circumstance bonus to Athletics, Acrobatics, or Recall Knowledge checks (choice upon entering AC) while in AC. I was toying with the idea of having a different Skill for each hybrid study (e.g. Deception for Laughing Shadow) but then realized that I was defaulting to Athletics or Acrobatics for the vast majority of studies. The Acrobatics/Athletics/RK triumvirate fits the overall Magus theme IMO but also incentives using RK checks to find out a creature's weakness and then casting a spell targeting that weakness to enter AC to be able to continue to exploit that weakness. In other words AC would reward investing in Int if that's the way you want to go but still gives you something if you don't or delay said investment.

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I've played a Starlit Span magus to level 10 (campaign ended) and am currently playing a level 2 Str-based Laughing Shadow magus. I'm having great fun, using spell slots for buffs and cantrips for spellstrikes. My normal routine is cast shield, enter arcane cascade and move to a flank position if I can. All of this is a set up for a round 2 spellstrike. It's not terrible but doesn't feel great either and I think a nice fix would be to have Arcane Cascade as a free action upon casting a spell. There's precedence for something like this with the remastered Barbarian getting Quick Tempered which allows them to enter rage as a free action upon rolling initiative.

dpb123 wrote:
Deriven Firelion wrote:
Multiple stances doesn't boost damage, so not sure why people want that. It's a cool style thing, but it should probably be an innate monk ability than something they have to spend feats on considering it is such a minor, almost insignificant power boost.
I'm with Deriven Firelion on this and I agree with his assessment that FoB be one of the main things that gets tweaked. Something like a level 7 class feature that mimics Flurry Ranger in that FoB MAP is –3 (–2 with an agile weapon) on the second attack. Then at level 1 the class feature upgrades so that both attacks in FoB use the current MAP.

Sorry I meant level 11 not level 1 for both FOB attacks to use current MAP

Deriven Firelion wrote:
Multiple stances doesn't boost damage, so not sure why people want that. It's a cool style thing, but it should probably be an innate monk ability than something they have to spend feats on considering it is such a minor, almost insignificant power boost.

I'm with Deriven Firelion on this and I agree with his assessment that FoB be one of the main things that gets tweaked. Something like a level 7 class feature that mimics Flurry Ranger in that FoB MAP is –3 (–2 with an agile weapon) on the second attack. Then at level 1 the class feature upgrades so that both attacks in FoB use the current MAP.

Looking at other classes, you're right about crit specialization so I think crit specialization with Unarmed Strikes should be a level 5 class feature so it matches when Fighters, Barbarians, etc get it.

I understand what you're saying about mobility enhancing feats being too powerful as class features although I do think that Dancing Leaf should be a class feature. I can be won over to what you're saying re: combining them and I'd make the combined Water Step + Wall Run available at level 6.

I love Monks. Of my last five characters, 4 have been different kinds of Monks. Some things on my wish list for Monks Remastered are:
• FoB getting an upgrade as a level 5 class feature that allows the two FoB strikes both use the current MAP as Themetricsystem suggests. By making this a class feature it can’t be poached by others gaining FoB via Archetype dedication so Monks are “better” at FoB than a Fighter with FoB via Monk Archetype
• Ki Strike and Ki Rush are combined into a single focus spell that allows one to do one or the other (but not both) when the focus point is spent. Call it something like Tap Ki.
• Ki Strike damage scales like Rogue’s Precision damage and if that’s too aggressive make Ki Strike damage be a 1d8 and have it scale like Precision Ranger’s Precision damage.
• Monastic Weaponry is a class feature at level 1
• Crit Specialization with Unarmed Strikes is a class feature at level 1
• Brawling Focus can then be reworked (and renamed) that gives crit specialization with Monk Weapons
• If the devs want mobility to be the Monk’s schtick, then certain Monk feats that enhance mobility should be made class features such as Dancing Leaf, Guarded Mobility, Wall Run, Winding Flow. These can become class features at the same level as their current feat levels. Full disclosure, based on my game play experience, I don’t think the Monk’s extra speed is a major feature/boon like the devs seem to think it is, but turning some of the mobility feats into class features could help make the Monk’s mobility something special and unique to them.
• Agree that Stance Savant and Master of Many Styles come on waaaaaaay too late. I’d like to see Stance Savant as a level 4 Feat and Master of Many Styles a level 8 or 10 feat.

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Thank you Guntermunch and Darksol. I realize I was also reading Dangerous Sorcery incorrectly and erroneously inserting the "if your next action is cast a spell" clause. But since it's much simpler with just "when you cast a spell from your spell slots" it's exactly as Darksol described

Hi all,

I have a Fighter/Eldritch Archer with Sorcery FA. Let's say I chose to use a sorcery spell slot to cast Shocking Grasp with my Eldritch Shot ability. My reading is that the use of Shocking Grasp in this scenario doesn't trigger Dangerous Sorcery and thus I don't add extra damage should my Eldritch Shot it because the cast a spell action is a subordinate action of Eldritch Shot. Is this correct?

Many thanks for your help.

Thank you both. I thought that was the case but wasn't sure if I had missed something.

Hi all,

Let's say I have an Int-based Elf Psychic who took Otherwordly Magic to get Produce Flame. At level 2, the Psychic takes Ancestral Mind.

Does Produce Flame effectively turn into a Psi Cantrip via Ancestral Mind? Or does Ancestral Mind just make the Produce Flame an Occult spell with which I can use Int as the casting stat instead of Cha?

Thanks for your help.

Thank you all for your responses. Thank you @breithauptclan for the breakdown as that made it very clear. It's what I thought it was and not the broader 'any Perform' check I was hoping for :)

Hi all,

I have a battledancer swashbuckler close to leveling to 10. I'm having a hard time understanding what Derring Do applies to.

I understand that it applies to Tumble Through and Performance checks when I use Fascinating Performance. I assume it applies to Performance checks when I use Leading Dance too (although I'm not even sure this is true). What I'm wondering is does it apply to any Performance check I make? The parenthetical "...any skill actions listed in your swashbuckler's style" makes me wonder.

I guess what I'm wondering is what is the range of actions Derring Do applies to.

Thanks for your help.

Hi all,

I'm putting together a character for a new campaign. He's a human with an 8 Intelligence (I'm using voluntary flaws for backstory reasons). I've never played such a low INT character so I'm not sure if he starts with 2 languages or just 1 language. Here's my reasoning for each possibility. What do you all think is the correct interpretation of the rules.

2 Languages - under the Human ancestry entry it states Humans start with Common and "Additional languages equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive)" Since my mod isn't positive, I don't add the -1 modifier from my 8 INT and thus I get the "Additional language equal to 1"

1 language - The "+ your Intelligence modifier" takes precedent over the parenthetical which means my -1 modifier does negate the additional 1 language

As I think about it more, I believe the 2 languages reading is correct because otherwise I'd have to completely ignore the modifying phrase "if it's positive". But my GM can have strange reasonings at times and I want more than my word and a reading that benefits me to back me up.

What is the wisdom of the boards?

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If you aren't already aware, there are something like 80+ monk builds here: 101 Monk Builds

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aobst128 wrote:
You can even cast line spells backwards and with meteoric spellstrike, double dip on that line damage.

Nice! I hadn't thought that far enough ahead to see that interaction. Thanks for pointing that out.

Thanks aobst128. The more I study that clause the more I think it *must* be the case that I can choose the directionality because:

1) I can choose any square adjacent to the target as the source AND
2) the target must be in the area

So if I'm 30 feet south of the target, and I choose the square to the left of the target and it needs to be in the area, by definition, the cone/line is moving from left to right (aka east to west).

Hi all,

I plan on playing a Starlit Span Magus and am looking at Expansive Spellstrike as my 2nd level feat which opens up some nice cone and line AEO spells. With that said, does the feat allow me choose the direction of the cone/line (e.g. sideways/backwards wrt to the target of my Strike) or must it always move "away from me" (i.e. direction is unaffected just the origin point is the target of my Strike as opposed to me)?

Basically, I'm wondering if the following clause "if you're not adjacent to the target (using a reach weapon or starlit span, for example), choose any square adjacent to the target as the source" allows me to choose the directionality of my cones/lines?

Thanks in advance for your collective wisdom.

Thanks Graystone. If the familiar had Independent and Manual Dexterity and I'd be willing and able to wait a few rounds for my item, my familiar could get me that scroll and place it in my hand. Correct?

But if I'm looking for economy of action and needed things pronto, then Valet is the way to go.

Guntermench wrote:
It can grab them with Valet.

But not with Manual Dexterity?

So I understand that a familiar with Manual Dexterity isn't able to pour a potion into my mouth or the mouth of an ally because to do so requires the ability to activate the potion and familiars can't activate items.

My question is can said familiar with Manual Dexterity grab a scroll from my quiver of scrolls and place it my hand?

Thanks for confirming Asethe. I appreciate it.

Hi Boards,

Imagine I have a Starlit Span Magus with a wizard dedication via the free archetype rules ('cause my GM is awesome that way). And let's say that at level 10, I'm thinking of taking Advanced Arcana for Bespell Weapon. So here's my question:

Does the non-cantrip spell I cast via Spellstrike serve as an appropriate trigger for Bespell Weapon?

I think the answer is no because the cast a spell action is a subordinate action of spellstrike.

But on the off chance that the answer is yes, do I get the extra damage from bespell weapon on the spellstrike itself or just on a normal strike I make before the end of my turn (which admittedly would be a -10 MAP).

Thanks for your help!

Can you provide the names and brief descriptions of new cantrips on the Occult list?

HumbleGamer wrote:
dpb123 wrote:
Bird animal companion has a support action that adds persistent bleed damage to targets that bird's companion successfully Strikes

The bird's master.

It's also quite good when the bird becomes nimble.

Thanks for catching that HumbleGamer. Moral of the story is don't forget to proofread your post before hitting submit lol!

Bird animal companion has a support action that adds persistent bleed damage to targets that bird's companion successfully Strikes

Kyrone wrote:
dpb123 wrote:
Can you provide more information about fey eidolons and their advancement paths? I've heard of redcap or unicorn eidolons but I might be confusing this with something else, but if not, would love to hear more about that.

Trickster Fey: 12/18/12/12/8/16

Skirmisher Fey: 14/18/14/10/10/12

Abilities of both are equal, only change the stats. Fey gift that gives the enchantment and Illusion from Arcane and 2 cantrips, Fey Mischief that grants the feat that gives a feat that gives a few spell slots and Fey chicanery that gives you a free contingency spell.

Many thanks Kyrone! This info makes me happy and I'm already thinking about character concepts!

Can you provide more information about fey eidolons and their advancement paths? I've heard of redcap or unicorn eidolons but I might be confusing this with something else, but if not, would love to hear more about that.

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Vlorax wrote:
dpb123 wrote:
Can you describe the two monk stances and any follow on feats that support those stances? Thanks!

water is 1d6 finesse, disarm, agile, trip, unarmed, water, nonlethal. +1 circumstance to Athletics checks to Disarm, swim, trip and +2 bonus to Reflex save to avoid disarm/trip

lvl 8 - Reaction where you're hit by something you can see in reach. Step and then do a Disarm or Trip on the person that hit you.

lvl 12 - 2 action, Trip every creature in a 10ft emanation.

Fire is 1d8 slashing, forceful, nonlethal, sweep, unarmed.*if you have crit spec they do 1d6 persistent fire on crit instead of normal. Speed bonus.

6- Gain cold and fire resistance equal to half level. any creature that hits you with unarmed, or grab/grapple or touches you takes fire dmg = WIS mod.

10 - 3 actions - stride 2x make Strikes on up to 4 different creatures within reach at any point during movement. Attacks do fire instead of slashing.

Thanks Vlorax, Interesting that water is agile + finesse but fire is not. Thematically I guess that makes sense and I'm liking that level 8 reaction for water and the level 13 trip burst. It pushes towards Str as secondary stat and boosting Athletics to expert and beyond as soon as you can....yeah...ideas are already forming :)

Can you describe the two monk stances and any follow on feats that support those stances? Thanks!

I went with Rogue FA for my Monk (Stumbling Stance naturally). Sneak Attacker provides great synergy and Mobility, as Deriven Firelion notes, is amazing on a monk especially as you get faster and faster. Skill Mastery also opens up some nice avenues for both combat and encounter-focused prowess.

Thanks for the detailed explanation shroudb. That really helps.

I went back and re-read Cooperative Soul and even if I could use it with Inspire Courage (for example with the scenario you describe above) it wouldn't get me anything extra since Inspire Competence already gets you an automatic success on the Aid check (except on critical fails that is, then Cooperative Soul would kick in)

Hi all,

If I'm a bard that has both Cooperative Nature and Inspire Competence does that mean I get a +4 to my Performance check to Aid?

Also what, if any, interaction is their between Cooperative Soul and Inspire Courage? Let's say I'm not an expert in Athletics but am an expert in Performance. Can I apply Inspire Courage to use Performance in place of Athletics to Aid an ally in tripping?

Many thanks for your help

@Unicore, I'm glad you liked the Death Roll idea. Along those lines, I'd like to suggest the following as a way to expand on the Bikanga Crocodile Stance feat tree. NOTE: the below is inspired by Tiger Rend (feat 8), Disrupt Ki (feat 12) and Mountain Quake (feat 14)

Crocodile Death Grip Feat 12 or 14
Prerequisite: Death Roll
Requirement: You are in Crocodile Stance and a target you have applied the grabbed condition to uses the Escape action to get out of the grab
Whether or not the target succeeds in its attempt to Escape your grab it takes persistent Bleed damage equal to your Strength modifier. If it critically fails, the persistent Bleed damage it takes equals 1d4 + your Strength modifier.

Special: If you have this feat, you gain a Swim speed equal to your Speed while using Crocodile Stance

Monk is my favorite class and since 2e has come out, I've exclusively played various monk builds in 4 different campaigns. From my POV, this is a well-balanced level 1 stance feat. I can image a 2-action level 6 companion feat that gives a free grab after a successful strike to up the crocodile flavor. Something like the following which is modelled after Wolf Drag

Crocodile Death Roll - Feat 6
Prerequisite: Crocodile Stance
Requirement: You are in Crocodile Stance
Make a crocodile maw Strike. Your crocodile maw gains the fatal d12 for this Strike, and if the attack succeeds, you grab the target. The target remains grabbed until the end of your next turn or until it Escapes, whichever comes first.

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Build 87: I’m Rubber You’re Glue

This build focuses on monk feats that give out-of-turn retaliatory attacks (i.e. Crane Flutter and Arrow Snatching)

Suggested Starting Stat Array
Str 14 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 10
Boost Dex, Str, Con, every time
Boost Int if you want more skills/languages/better at Int-based recall knowledge checks
Boost Cha if you want to be more of a face or go down the Intimidation route (I like the Intimidation route here which gives our monk another option for what to do with her 3rd action)
Boost Wis for better perception and Will save

1 Crane Stance
2 Stunning Fist or Brawling Focus (I have a very slight preference for BF on this build)
4 Deflect Arrow
6 Crane Flutter
8 Arrow Snatching
10 Open
12 Open
14 Open
16 Open
18 Open
20 Open (but not Impossible Technique because that’s a reaction so competes with Crane Flutter and Arrow Snatching)

You only get one reaction per round so you’ll need to decide if you’re going to Crane Flutter or Deflect Arrow + Arrow Snatching. Truth be told, it’s likely going to be Crane Flutter more often than not since we're a melee martial. Arrow Snatching is there to cover those instances when we aren't in melee range (yet) and are getting peppered by enemy fire.

The build comes together at level 8 so it can be taken in a number of directions after that. If I wanted to stay with a non-mystical fighter, I’d make sure I was increasing Athletics as quickly as possible and probably go Whirling Throw @10, Crushing Grab @12, Flurry of Maneuver @14, Shattering Strike @16, Sleeper Hold @18, and Deadly Strikes @20. And If I wanted to explore ki spells, I'd take Ki Strike @10, Wholeness of Body @12, and Meditative Focus @14, I'd probably fit in Ki Jump or Ki Form too.

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Build 14 Redo: “Mantis Style” Monk/Medic

My first stab at this accidentally treated Medic’s Treat Condition and Holistic Care as class feats instead of skill feats. This build corrects for that earlier mistake.

I like Human or Half-elf because I like Tiger Stance which we get via Natural Ambition but the build doesn’t depend on it. Any ancestry will work as long as it doesn’t take a penalty to Dex or Wis.

Suggested Starting Stat Array
Str 12 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 10
Background Field Medic
Boost Dex, Con, Wis every time

1 Ki Strike (Class), Tiger Stance (Natural Ambition), Battle Medicine (Background)
2 Medic Dedication; Assurance: Medicine (Skill)
3 Continual Recovery
4 Cobra Stance; Treat Condition (Skill)
6 Wholeness of Body
8 Brawling Focus
10 Cobra Envenom
12 Disrupt Ki
14 Meditative Focus
15 Legendary Medic (General)
16 Medusa’s Wrath
18 Ki Form
20 Impossible Technique

The idea is to simulate a "mantis style" manipulation of pressure/acupuncture points so this monk can heal himself and allies in and out of combat as well as remove conditions such as clumsy, enfeebled, sickened (Treat Condition) and frightened, stupefied, and stunned (Holistic Care). With more time, our monk can remove a disease or the blinded, deafened, doomed, or drained condition (Legendary Medic). He can also use this manipulation of acupuncture points offensively to potentially slow on a crit, cause persistent bleeding on a crit, poison, enfeeble w/persistent negative damage, and eventually petrify.

I can imagine a version of this build that decides to go with Grasping Shadow Initiate at level 12 instead of Disrupt Ki. Going this route, I'd definitely boost Strength at every level and might even start with a Dex 16 so I could start with Str 14. The main reason I didn't do this was because our Ki Strike gives us access to Negative energy from level 1 and I'm a fan of persistent damage in 2e.

Thanks. I thought that was the case but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.

Because the Rogue Dedication feat doesn't allow you take a racket, that means if I take Basic Trickery I can't take feats that have Racket prereqs like Brutal Beating or Unbalancing Blow. Is that correct?

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I'm currently playing a lvl 4 human bo staff-using monk and it is a BLAST. My starting stats are: Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 10. I wrote up the build I'm using as Basic Bo Becomes Iron Forest.

My basic tactics are:

Round #1 - Move so I'm within 10ft of target, (reach) Trip, Flurry. Yes the Flurry is -5 and -10 but offset by the target being prone so it's equivalent to -3 and -8. If any of my flurries hit, I may stun the target due to Stunning Fist but that's gravy since Stunning Fist has incapacitation trait, so I don't count on it.

If target uses a move action to stand up or crawl away, I use Stand Still reaction to get an AOO strike with no MAP

Round #2 - [if they stood up] Trip, Flurry, Activate Bo Staff Parry trait' [if they didn't stand up], Flurry, Strike, Activate Bo Staff Parry

I'm looking for decent damage, but more looking to mess with the target's action economy by tripping and potentially stunning. I also use my superior speed to get to back row casters and archers but that's more of my and my party's tactics than a feature of the build so YMMV depending on your party.

Salamileg wrote:
dpb123 wrote:

Build 83: Student of Perfected Elemental Archery

This build is all about combining monk Ki powers with eldritch archery so that we can deal a wide array of energy damage at will.

** spoiler omitted **...

If you're going for elemental archery, wouldn't you want to just get Ki Strike at 2nd and Elemental Fist at 4th? Let's you deal elemental damage whenever you ki strike with your bow. It would also allow you to get Eldritch Archer dedication two levels earlier.

You could certainly go that route but I didn't want the elemental damage the build could dish out to be limited by the number of ki points it happened to have access to in any given encounter.

Granted, this build could be achieved without going the SoP route, by doing as you suggest and then training out of Elemental Fist at 9 when Multitalented comes on line. But I like the way one could reflavor Perfect Strike to seem more magical (e.g. whizzing past the target then reversing course to to seek it out anew).

I suggest you head over to the 101 Monk Bulds thread, specifically Build 76: Avatar of Nature since it's Leshy focused. However there are a lot of other builds that don't depend on specific ancestries that can provide ideas/guidance.

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Build 83: Student of Perfected Elemental Archery

This build is all about combining monk Ki powers with eldritch archery so that we can deal a wide array of energy damage at will.

Gotta go half-elf because we need access to elf’s cantrip-giving feats and human’s Multitalented feat

Starting Stat Array
Str 14 Dex 18 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 10
Boost Dex, Con, Wis every time

Boost Str if you want to do more damage (assuming you end up with a composite bow, don't stop at 16 though)
Boost Int if you want more skills/languages/to be better at Int-based recall knowledge checks
Boost Cha if you want to be more of a face or go down the Intimidation route. Note: nothing about the build requires investing in Cha (no Cha-based attacks/DCs on our spells, half-elf means we don’t need to meet a multiclass’s ability score requirement)

* = Student of Perfection feat
** = Eldritch Archer feat

1 Otherwordly Magic (Shield), Monastic Archer Stance
2 Student of Perfection Dedication* (gets us Ki Strike)
4 Perfect Strike*
5 Elf Ancestry - Elemental Wrath (Electricity)
6 Perfect Ki Adept* (I like Unfolding Wind Rush or Untwisting Iron here)
8 Eldritch Archer Dedication** (take Produce Flame as your cantrip)
9 Human Ancestry – Multitalented (bloodline needs to give access to Arcane or Primal spell list; take Acid Splash and Ray of Frost)
10 Ki Blast
12 Enchanted Arrow**
13 Elf Ancestry – Otherwordly Acumen (I suggest Blur or Resist Energy)
14 Disrupt Ki
16 Seeker Arrow**
18 Quivering Palm or Medusa’s Wrath
20 Impossible Technique

@9 we can deal Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage with our bow strikes at will and our arrows count as cold iron or silver too. @12 we add Mental damage and @14 Negative energy damage to the damage types we can deal, at will, with our bow strikes.

By spending Ki, we can expand the energy types we can deal to include Force, Positive, or Lawful (if we’re lawful)…and I love imagining that Ki Blast looking like a cone of force arrows.

Perfect Strike and Seeker Arrow are other ways we can get that “that’s not a normal archer” vibe we’re after.

@17 our bow strikes are treated as adamantine and @18 we can delivery death (if we go with Quivering Palm) or petrification with our bow strikes (if we go with Medusa's Wrath) by spending Ki. IMHO the monk feats, because they are focus spells, are better than the once a day Arrow of Death from Eldritch Archer

cavernshark and lemeres, many thanks for all this information. VERY helpful

cavernshark wrote:

Edit 2:

And I just now read we're doing Elven fighters. My bad. I got excited when I remembered that Minor Magic exists.

I think your best bet is Wildborn (1st), Ancestral Paragon at 3 for an additional feat (Otherworldly Magic), and...

No need to apologize, this is all still very helpful. Many thanks!

Full Name



Human (Varisian) HP 172/172 CBD 33 Perc +16


Bloodrager 14 Rage49/41 raging hitpoints 228/212







Special Abilities







Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Kelish, Orc, Osiriani, Polyglot, Skald, Tien, Varisian

Strength 22
Dexterity 14
Constitution 20
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Kiorec

Human (Varisian) Bloodrager (Spelleater) 14
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +16
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+7 armor, +2 Dex, +1 deflection)
hp 172 (14d10+84)
Fort +16(+10 cursed), Ref +8, Will +5 (+4 insight bonus vs mind-affecting effects); +2 morale bonus vs. mind-affecting effects, +2 bonus vs. spells cast by self or an ally
Defensive Abilities fortification 50%, indomitable will; Resist draconic resistance
Speed 40 ft., dragon wings
Melee plan b +21/+16/+11 (1d10+10/19-20) and
. . sure edge +22/+17/+12 (2d6+11/17-20)
Special Attacks bloodrage, breath weapon, claws
Bloodrager (Spelleater) Spells Known (CL 14th; concentration +18):
. . 4th (2/2day)—calcific touch{super}APG{/super} (DC 18), enervation, shocking image{super}UC{/super}
. . 3rd (2/2day)—fly, force punch{super}UM{/super} (DC 17), greater thunderstomp, vampiric touch, versatile weapon{super}APG{/super} (DC 17)
. . 2nd (3/2day)—cat's grace, mirror image, protection from arrows, resist energy, scorching ray, spider climb
. . 1st (4/4day)—enlarge person (DC 15), feather fall, long arm, protection from evil, shield, shield, true strike
Str 22, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18
Base Atk +14; CMB +20; CMD 33 (33 vs. grapple)
Feats Arcane Strike, Blooded Arcane Strike, Cosmopolitan[APG], Eschew Materials, Free Spirit[ISWG], Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Raging Brutality[UC], Raging Vitality[APG], Steadfast Personality, Toughness, Vital Strike
Traits inspired, starchild, world traveler
Skills Acrobatics +16, Climb +10, Escape Artist -1 (+1 to escape a grapple or bonds), Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (geography) +7, Knowledge (local) +8, Linguistics +11, Perception +16, Spellcraft +10, Survival +16 (+18 to avoid becoming lost when using a Mapmaker's Kit as you travel, +20 to avoid getting lost), Swim +7; Racial Modifiers starchild
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Kelish, Orc, Osiriani, Polyglot, Skald, Tien, Varisian
SQ blood casting, blood of life, blood sanctuary, bloodlines (draconic), dependent, fast movement, greater bloodrage, spell eating
Combat Gear buffering cap, pearl of power (1st level), pearl of power (1st level), pearl of power (2nd level), potion of cure serious wounds (5), potion of neutralize poison (2), potion of remove disease, potion of restoration, lesser (3), quick runner's shirt; Other Gear +1 determination fortification (moderate) agile breastplate, plan b, sure edge, bag of holding i, belt of physical might +4 (Str, Con), boots of swift fury, cloak of resistance +2, headband of alluring charisma +4, ioun torch ioun stone, necklace of adaptation, ring of protection +1, ring of vengeful blood magic, Wand of cure light wounds (40) bandolier, bandolier, bloodrager's kit, mapmaker's kit, 897 gp
Special Abilities


Arcane Strike As a swift action, add +1 damage, +1 per 5 caster levels and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Blood Casting (Su) Cast bloodrager spells while in bloodrage.
Blood of Life (4) (Su) Gain fast healing when bloodraging.
Blood Sanctuary +2 (Su) +2 bonus to save vs. spells cast by self or an ally.
Blooded Arcane Strike While bloodraging, Arcane Strike is always in effect and multiplies with Vital Strike.
Bloodrage (49 rounds/day) (Su) +6 Str, +8 Con, +3 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Boots of swift fury While raging, +4 def to AC vs AoO from moving through or out of threat area, or casting spell.
Breath Weapon (1/day, DC 21) (Su) 1/day, Breath Weapon deals 14d6 Fire damage, DC 21.
Buffering cap (1/day) Convert extra damage from a critical hit into nonlethal damage.
Dependent Shaken for 1 hour when you fail a Diplomacy check.
Draconic Resistance (Ex) Gain Fire resistance 2 and +10 natural armor.
Dragon Wings (Su) Gain flight when raging
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Fire Claws (Ex) 2 Magic Claw attacks deal 1d8 damage + 1d6 Fire
Fortification 50% You have a chance to negate critical hits on attacks.
Free Spirit +2 bonus on saves vs. mind-affecting and on escape attempts
Greater Bloodrage (Su) When entering bloodrage, can cast 2nd level or lower bloodrager spell on self.
Indomitable Will (Ex) +4 bonus to Will saves vs. enchantment.
Inspired (1/day) Roll twice and take the better result on a skill or ability check.
Ioun torch This item is merely a burned out, dull gray ioun stone with a continual flame spell cast upon it. It retains the ability to float and orbit, and allows the bearer to carry light and still have his hands free. It may be in any crystalline shape common to ioun stones (ellipsoid, prism, sphere, and so on).
Mapmaker's kit +2 Circumstance for Survival to avoid becoming lost.
Power Attack -4/+8 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Quick runner's shirt (1/day) As swift action, take an extra move action to move on your turn.
Raging Brutality (+5) Add Constitution bonus on damage rolls
Raging Vitality +2 CON while raging, Rage does not end if you become unconscious.
Ring of vengeful blood magic (3/day) While bloodraging, cast spell (std act or less) as Attack of Opportunity.
Spell Eating (Su) As swift action, sacrifice spell slot to heal 1d8 damage per spell level.
Starchild +4 survival to avoid becoming lost. Automatically determine north.
Steadfast Personality You gain a +4 insight bonus to Will saves vs mind-affecting effects.
Vital Strike Standard action: x2 weapon damage dice.

[dice]1d20+23[/dice][dice=Sure Edge]2d6+45[/dice]