Stage Magician

Nästród, Oracle of the Dasun's page

521 posts. Alias of darth_borehd.

Full Name



Dasun (half-orc)


Oracle 6







Special Abilities

Birthmark, Intimidating, Lame, Metal Mysteries, Orc Blood, Orisons, Reactionary, Sacred Tattoo, Unforgiven


Neutral Good


Valiunt, Alanic, Quillic, Guerin, Bruidhínn, Auran



Strength 16
Dexterity 9
Constitution 13
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 18

About Nästród, Oracle of the Dasun

Male Dasun (Half-Orc)
Oracle 6
NG Medium Humanoid (Orc, Human)
Init +1, Senses Darkvision (60 ft.), Perception +6
Languages Valiunt, Alanic, Quillic, Guerin, Bruidhínn, Auran
AC 16, Touch 9, Flat-footed 16, CMD 16
HP 43 (6HD)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7 [+2 vs Charms/Compulsions]
Speed 30 ft. (6 Squares) [-10 if not carrying a metal weapon due to being lame]
Melee Gauntlet +7 (1d3+3)
Melee Örlög-Eldur [Flaming Falchion +1] +9 (2d4+5/18-20/x2) + 1d6 Fire
Melee Greataxe (2H) +7 ((2H) 1d12+4/x3)
Melee Dagger +7 (1d4+3/19-20)
Melee Wooden Stake +7 (1d4+3)
Ranged Dagger (thrown) +3 (1d4+3/19-20)
Ranged Dart +3 (1d4+3)
Ranged Wooden Stake (thrown) +3 (1d4+3)
Face 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +4, CMB +7
Abilities Str 16, Dex 9, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Toughness, Prophetic Visionary, Weapon Focus (Falchion)
Skills Acrobatics -1, Appraise +5, Bluff +8, Climb +1, Craft (Untrained) +1, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +4, Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Heal +8, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Knowledge (History) +5, Knowledge (Planes) +5, Linguistics(Guerin, Bruidhínn, Auran) +4, Perception +6, Perform (Untrained) +4, Profession (Soothsayer) +5, Ride -1, Sense Motive +8, Stealth -1, Survival +5, Swim +1
Gauntlet; greataxe; Agile Breastplate armor +1; vestments (cleric's); holy symbol (wooden); dart (x10); wooden stake; holy water (flask); rations (trail/per day) (x7); Backpack [ Bedroll; Blanket (Winter); Flint and Steel; Rope (Silk/50 ft.); Alchemical Cement; Earplugs; Fortune-Teller's Deck (Masterwork); Ink (1 oz. Vial); Inkpen; Invisible Ink (Simple); Iron Spike; Magnet; Mirror (Small/Steel); Oil (1 Pint Flask); Paper (Sheet) (x5); Tindertwig; Twine (50 ft.); Whetstone; ]; Pouch (Belt); Wrist Sheath [ Dagger; ]; Waterskin ;
3 CP
10 Sp
10 GP
160 PP
Spells per Day: (Unlimited/7/6/4/0/0/0/0/0/0 DC:14+spell level),
Spells Known:
0th - Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Mending, Read Magic, Virtue
1st - Lead Blades (Mystery), Command, Doom, Cure Light Wounds, Bless Water, Ray of Sickening
2nd - Heat Metal (Mystery), Cure Moderate Wounds, Oracle's Burden, Whispering Lore
3rd - Cure Serious Wounds, Keen Edge (Mystery), Borrow Fortune
Armor Mastery (Ex): You become more maneuverable while wearing armor. You can move at your normal speed in medium armor that is made of metal. This does not grant proficiency in armor. At 5th level, whenever you are wearing metal armor, you reduce the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by your armor by 1. At 10th level, and again at 15th level, these bonuses increase by 1.
Dance of the Blades (Ex): Your base speed increases by 10 feet. At 7th level, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with a metal weapon in any round in which you move at least 10 feet. This bonus increases by +1 at 11th level, and every four levels thereafter. At 11th level, as a move action, you can maneuver your weapon to create a shield of whirling steel around yourself until the start of your next turn; non-incorporeal melee and ranged attacks against you have a 20% miss chance while the shield is active. You must be wielding a metal weapon to use this ability.
Metal Mysteries You draw upon the divine mystery of Metal to grant your spells and powers.
Class Skills An oracle with the metal mystery adds Appraise, Bluff, Disable Device, and Intimidate to her list of class skills.
Bonus Spells lead blades (2nd), heat metal (4th), keen edge (6th), versatile weapon (8th), major creation (metal items only) (10th), wall of iron (12th), statue (metal statue instead of iron) (14th), repel metal or stone (16th), iron body (18th).
Lame One of your legs is permanently wounded, reducing your base land speed by 10 feet if your base speed is 30 feet or more. If your base speed is less than 30 feet, your speed is reduced by 5 feet. Your speed is never reduced due to encumbrance.
At 5th level, you are immune to the fatigued condition (but not exhaustion).
At 10th level, your speed is never reduced by armor.
At 15th level, you are immune to the exhausted condition.
Orisons You can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells. These spells are cast like any other spells, but they are not expended when used and may be used again.
Darkvision (Ex) Range 60; Darkvision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified for the creature. Darkvision is black and white only (colors cannot be discerned). It does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwise-invisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. Likewise, darkvision subjects a creature to gaze attacks normally. The presence of light does not spoil darkvision.
Humanoid Traits (Ex) Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.
Intimidating (Ex) Half-orc receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate skill checks due to their fearsome nature.
Orc Blood (Ex) Half-orc count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Sacred Tattoo Tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification are sacred markings to many half-orcs. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces the orc ferocity racial trait.
Weapon Familiarity (Ex) Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions, and treat any weapon with the word "orc" in its name as a martial weapon.
Unforgiven Alienated and hunted, the Dasun
have learned to harness Sæmyyr’s harshness and turn it
to their advantage. Whenever a Dasun with this power
is flanked, cornered, or reduced to less than 1⁄2 hit
points, they gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC and gain 1d8
temporary hit points. This bonus and the temporary
hit points last for 1 minute. Activating this power is a
swift action.
Birthmark You were born with a strange birthmark that looks very similar to the holy symbol of the god you chose to worship later in life. Benefits: This birthmark can serve you as a divine focus for casting spells, and as a physical manifestation of your faith, and it increases your devotion to your god. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.
Reactionary You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly. Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.