
cuatroespada's page

Organized Play Member. 1,362 posts (2,566 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.


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sounds fun!

level: don't really care though i assume it only really affects our dreamshifted selves.

gestalt: no preference

tone: serious but whimsical.

third party: drop dead studios' spheres of power is a well balanced subsystem that opens up a lot of options for people. also, elephant in the room feat tax reductions. martials need love.

time period: 1880s. i'm running a PTU game in a similarly themed region. this could scratch my player itch.

i'm interested

1. Dragon Age
2. Zweihander

not very well obviously

lol yeah, i know, but i didn't feel like typing "and i don't want to move furniture to find a place to set up my pc and buy it again" just to get that it wasn't readily available across.

i would love to play some Dragon Age! ugh now i want to play Origins again but i gave away my xbox... anyway that setting is great! totally down for Dragon Age.

Male Arrancar

all good! glad you didn't forget about us.

grats! have fun!

lol. you wrote it in all caps in that post, so i did too.

oh wow sorry about that you're right. fixed.

Submissions" wrote:

Unnamed Character by Jovich
Li Zhi Godjensen by Jereru
Genrimul the Banished by Patrick McDade accidentally missed on previous list.
Fiara Oathsbane by Vrog Skyreaver
Arendin Markvos by Simeon
Gurog N’doye by pad300
Syretia by Losonti withdrawn
Sogrin by ToxicStar
Farus Alazar by David_Bross
Gardolf the Green by eriktd
Liam the Wanderer by Ouachitonian
Harlak Janrik by Grandlounge
Morof Tarsi by Anthorg
NISHA by Yokaiboy
Glenn Nivenval by cuatroespada
Lethyr by ScorchedOne

In case it helps, submissions are...

Unnamed Character by Jovich
Li Zhi Godjensen by Jereru
Fiara Oathsbane by Vrog Skyreaver
Arendin Markvos by Simeon
Gurog N’doye by pad300
Syretia by Losonti withdrawn
Sogrin by ToxicStar
Farus Alazar by David_Bross
Gardolf the Green by eriktd
Liam the Wanderer by Ouachitonian
Harlak Janrik by Grandlounge
Morof Tarsi by Anthorg
NISHA by Yokaiboy
Glenn Nivenval by cuatroespada
Lethyr by ScorchedOne

GM_DBH wrote:
Recruitment stays open till Midnight 12.00 Friday 14th. I am on +12 time though.

so that would make it 6:37pm for you right now, giving us a little over 5 hours?

still need to finish purchases and add some details, but here is some crunch for the character i plan to submit.

congrats, everyone who made it! good luck in future applications to everyone else!

bu-bu-but... whatever it was he just did it for love <3

cuatroespada wrote:

three questions:

1) how do you feel about using lay on hands while wielding a weapon and a heavy shield?

2) if that's not cool, do you think the Gorum religion trait that let's you treat heavy shields as light weapons affects that?

3) how strict are you on religion (and other easily reflavored) requirements for traits?

three questions:

1) how do you feel about using lay on hands while wielding a weapon and a heavy shield?

2) if that's not cool, do you think the Gorum religion trait that let's you treat heavy shields as light weapons affects that?

3) how strict are you on religion (and other easily reflavored) requirements for traits?

got busier than i thought yesterday :p


Lowell (dpr frontliner):
Lowell is a blacksmith from a dwarven settlement near the capital. He's about average height for a dwarf with a lean, muscular build and a grumpy face behind his grizzled brown hair and beard. He traveled to the capital with his goat friend, Billy, looking to ply his trade in a new place. He'd been feeling a bit restless back home and thought maybe a slight change of scenery would help.

Dwarf Fighter (Eldritch Guardian Foehammer) 1
LN Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4

AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +1 trait)
hp 14 (1d10+4)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1

Speed 20 ft.
Melee warhammer +5 (1d8+4/x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 17, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 17
Traits Defender of the Society, Indomitable Faith, Militia
Feats Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills Craft (armor) +4, Craft (weapons) +4, Handle Animals +2, Perception +4
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ craftsman (+2 on craft and profession checks relating to metal or stone), familiar (mauler, goat named Billy, +3 to survival checks), iron within (1 ki point that can be used as a swift action to gain +2 dodge bonus to AC or increase base speed by 20 ft. for 1 round), militia (+1 trait bonus to attack when flanking)
Combat Gear —; Other Gear breastplate, outfit, masterworked warhammer (x2) [40 lbs.]
Wealth 25gp 3sp 7cp



Orran (support frontliner):
At 6'4" with a thick, muscular frame, Orran is only slightly taller than his tribe's average male. As is customary among the men, his head is clean shaven, but where he would normally have a tattoo of the tribe's sacred animal the bear, he possesses a birthmark resembling the holy symbol of the Archangel Aphrael, his tribe's patron who is represented by a great bear. His bushy brows and the stubble darkening his face are brown.

Like any other member of the tribe, Orran was raised with a weapon in his hand and a song to the gods on his lips. Though due to his particular situation, he feels the call to serve a little stronger than his tribesmen, and it is due to this feeling he finds himself in the capital of the city dwellers. He cannot discern exactly from whence it came, but something compelled him to be there on that day.

Angel-blooded Aasimar Skald (Fated Champion) 1
CN Medium outsider (native) and humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3

AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +0 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +1
weaknesses take 1 extra damage from cold iron

Spell-like Abilities
1/day—alter self

Speed 20 ft.
Melee greatsword +4 (2d6+6/19-20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Skald Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3)
¤ Cantrips (at will)detect magic, haunted fey aspect, light, read magic
¤ 1st (2/day)charm person (DC 13), windy escape

Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 14
Traits Birthmark, Magical Knack, Spirit-singer
Feats Fey Foundling, Scribe Scroll
Skills Knowledge (religion) +4, Linguistics +3, Perception +3, Perform (sing) +7, Profession (herbalist) +3
Languages Celestial, Common
SQ birthmark (+2 vs charm and compulsion effects), deathless spirit (negative energy resistance 5, doesn't lose hit points from negative levels, +2 vs death effects/energy drain/negative energy/necromancy spells and spell-like abilites), fate's favored (luck bonuses increase by 1), fey foundling (+2 healing per die rolled, +2 vs death effects, take 1 extra damage from cold iron weapons), magical knack (+2 Oracle CL up to total HD), scion of humanity (count as outsider (native) and humanoid (human), pass for human without disguise skill)
Combat Gear —; Other Gear explorer's outfit, greatsword, scale mail [46 lbs.]
Wealth 80gp

Bardic Knowledge (Ex): A skald adds 1/2 his class level (minimum 1) on all Knowledge skill checks, and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Raging Song (Su):A skald is trained to use music, oration, and similar performances to inspire his allies to feats of strength and ferocity. At 1st level, a skald can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. For each level thereafter, he can use raging song for 2 additional rounds per day.

Starting a raging song is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. A raging song cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the skald is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action each round to maintain it. A raging song counts as the bard’s bardic performance special ability for any effect that affects bardic performances. A skald may learn bard masterpieces.

A raging song has audible components, but not visual components. Affected allies must be able to hear the skald for the song to have any effect. A deaf skald has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use a raging song. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts against his daily limit. Deaf creatures are immune to raging songs.

If a raging song affects allies, when the skald begins a raging song and at the start of each ally’s turn in which they can hear the raging song, the skald’s allies must decide whether to accept or refuse its effects. This is not an action. Unconscious allies automatically accept the song. If accepted, the raging song’s effects last for that ally’s turn or until the song ends, whichever comes first.

At 7th level, a skald can start a raging song as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, a skald can start a raging song as a swift action instead.

Inspired Rage (Su) At 1st level, affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the song’s bonuses on Will saves increase by 1; the penalty to AC doesn’t change. At 8th and 16th levels, the song’s bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase by 2. (Unlike the barbarian’s rage ability, those affected are not fatigued after the song ends.) If an ally has her own rage class ability (such as barbarian’s rage, bloodrager’s bloodrage, or skald’s inspired rage), she may use the Strength, Constitution, and Will saving throw bonuses, as well as AC penalties, based on her own ability and level instead of those from the skald (still suffering no fatigue afterward). However, inspired rage does not allow the ally to activate abilities dependent on other rage class abilities, such as rage powers, blood casting, or bloodrager bloodlines; the ally must activate her own rage class ability in order to use these features.

Song of Marching (Su) At 3rd level, a skald can use raging song to inspire his allies to move faster without suffering from fatigue. By expending 1 round of raging song, the skald invigorates allies within 60 feet, who may hustle for the next hour; this movement counts as a walk (not a hustle) for the purpose of accruing nonlethal damage and fatigue. The skald must continue to perform the song for the remainder of the hour, otherwise its effects end, but only 1 round of raging song is expended for that hour.

Song of Strength (Su) At 6th level, a skald can use raging song to inspire his allies to superhuman feats of strength. Once each round while the skald uses this performance, allies within 60 feet who can hear the skald may add 1/2 the skald’s level to a Strength check or Strength-based skill check.

Dirge of Doom (Su) At 10th level, a skald can create a sense of growing dread in his enemies, causing them to become shaken. This only affects enemies that are within 30 feet and able to hear the skald’s performance. The effect persists for as long as the enemy is within 30 feet and the skald continues his performance. This cannot cause a creature to become frightened or panicked, even if the targets are already shaken from another effect. This is a sonic mind-affecting fear effect, and relies on audible components.

Song of the Fallen (Su) At 14th level, a skald can temporarily revive dead allies to continue fighting, with the same limitations as raise dead. The skald selects a dead ally within 60 feet and expends 1 round of raging song to bring that ally back to life. The revived ally is alive but staggered. Each round, the skald may expend another 1 round of raging song to keep that ally alive for another round. The ally automatically dies if the skald ends this performance or is interrupted. The skald may revive multiple allies with this ability (either at the same time or over successive rounds) but must expend 1 round of raging song per revived ally per round to maintain the effect.

still need to finish minor purchases.

i might be interested depending on the night/time. roll 20 is fine with me and i'm on Eastern time.

@Emerald Duke yeah, those wouldn't be legal for a point buy, but all the point values follow a pattern. other than 11 (and 10 of course) they cost or give points equal to their bonus or penalty. so 6 gives you 6 points (one for 8, one for 9, two for 7, and two for 6), and 4 gives you a total of 12 points back. too bad you can't spend them. :(

so you rolled a -21.

anyway, i'll have my submissions posted a little later today.

i'm considering two builds and will gladly submit both for consideration if that's cool. an aasimar skald/oracle support frontliner with social skills though maybe a bit dull witted and impulsive and/or a dwarf foehammer fighter with who was hoping to do some (weaponsmithing) business while in town.

4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 5, 6) = 19 > 17

4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 5) = 17 > 14

4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 1) = 11 > 10

4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6, 3) = 20 > 17

4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 5) = 9 > 8

4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 1) = 10 > 9

pretty good stats. might still use the point buy for more control depending on what i submit.

what's the racial and cultural makeup of the country like?

oh damn. i just realized i hadn't dotted before. ah well...

arcane heirophant. i believe i've seen a Pathfinder conversation floating around

The Emerald Duke wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

it means that you and your eidolon can both benefit from items in the same slot. normally, if you have a +2 charisma headband, your eidolon cannot also be benefitting from a headband slot item of any kind. personally i think this rules is silly as you're already limited by wealth, but it's not my game. RAW, you need that evolution for every slot you both intend to use magic items on. fortunately, for some slots, like a headband, you won't both need a magic item.

definitely interested. it's been too long since I've played V:tM

okay, just didn't want to throw a ranged character in the pool if you had an abundance of those. was thinking an elf arcane caster (caster heavy arcane archer eventually) or maybe a half elf bard.

what's the ranged vs melee balance of the party so far?

any response about unarmed TWF in a grapple? monks can flurry while grappling, but that seems like it's a separate thing that has nothing to do with the rules interpretation above.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
If you take an Alchemal Tentacle, you don't get a Natural Attack Slot to use it: you have to use your regular, iterative attacks, but if you have a Natural Attack build, anyway, your've probably been hurting for a use for these attacks, anyway. This is a perhaps not-bad way to use your regular attack slots without interfering with your many, many natural attacks. An Alchemal Tentacle is still a Tentacle; a Tentacle is still a Natural Weapon.

okay, i normally wouldn't necro a thread but this is just wrong. there are no "natural attack slots" (except sort of for eidolons). having a natural attack means you can use it as part of a full attack and natural attacks can never use iteratives. if you use a manufactured weapon, it uses your iterative attacks and all your natural attacks are treated as secondary. if you only use natural attacks, tentacle attacks like the ones provided by the tentacle discovery and evolution are (normally) secondary.

@GMiY there is some question as to whether or not one could use TWF with unarmed strikes in a grapple. it's a matter of whether the grapple restriction is referring to literal hands or effort "hands" per the unwritten rules. i don't care which way you want to do it it just affects how i build so i'm curious what you think.

yes, it would. it also allows you to escape grapples and make melee attacks normally underwater.

okay i'm leaning more investigator/fighty type. going for a "noir cop" feel. probably a dad. maybe divorced. definitely too preoccupied with work to be good at relationships. father was also a workaholic law man. probably both alcoholics. his mother was a saint and no his father never hit her but... something happened. he can't remember what though.

something like that anyway...

dot. seems like an investigator with some kind of psychic class could be really interesting.

was there a reason the skald wasn't listed? because i was thinking of a skald/oracle

oh no the array within an array thing was just a curiosity. i know how they work.

i forgot "link" was a thing though and i'm pretty sure it's what i needed. thanks

did you put an array within an array? cool, i had wondered if that was viable. btw, your array actually costs 51pp (not that the one point is a big deal just pointing it out). the initial power costs +1 flat for the dynamic array in addition to the +2 for each additional effect. or maybe that's only if you still want to be able to use the move object effect with your "leftover points."

regardless, i'm still unsure if you can have effects grouped in a dynamic array. i'm basically trying to do a personal biomanipulation array where i use magic to enhance my physical ability. just having four enhancement effects for the physical stats is a simple way to do it, but i'm wondering if i can tie exactly 1 rank in leaping to the strength enhancement effect or if it needs to be a separate alternate effect. it's important because i also wanted a speed enhancement and a healing enhancement that are separate from specific stats, and i want the speed enhancement to include only one rank of speed, quickness and evasion, but be able to pump the dodge and parry.

for simple arrays that's fine because you can't use any of the powers at the same time; you're paying a small flat cost for more mutually exclusive options. with a dynamic array you're paying a slightly higher flat cost for options that can be used simultaneously, but since they're theoretically sharing a power source, they can't be full power while you're using more than one.

for example, if i have a magic artifact that allows me to create multiple magical effects but it isn't limited to one at a time (e.g. it let's me summon something, while allowing me to fly and move objects remotely), i would use a dynamic array because i can use all those powers at once, but the same thing is powering them so its power has to be divided up.

okay, so the concept i have in mind is a magic user, so i figure a power array is appropriate. now i understand the concept behind dynamic arrays but don't really understand how they function in practice when the cost per rank of the various powers might vary.

ooh this looks fun

Male Arrancar

sorry! i meant to post when i got home from work last night. the map isn't loading right on my phone.

and if you can use a appositive simile to refer to the sneak attack ability, so can the author of a feat...

and i see now. i misunderstood your hypothetical. yes, you could apply accomplished sneak attacker to the damage you get from sense vitals as long as "your number of sneak attack dice [do not] exceed half your character level (rounded up)." i doubt that was the intent, but it seems like a valid interpretation of that interaction. i'd expect table variation though as this sort of ambiguity suggests you see rule 0 and ask your GM.

Isaac Zephyr wrote:
An appositive and a simile are not exclusive. It is an appositive, but it is also a simile comparing this ability to sneak attacks.

i wasn't claiming they were. i was pointing out what the commas indicate.

Isaac Zephyr wrote:

To make this an ability that woukd apply with Accomplished Sneak Attacker it would need to be worded something like:

"This spell grants you a Sneak Attack, the rogue ability, which deals 1d6 damage per 3 caster levels."

no, it doesn't. it could be worded that way, but it isn't necessary.

Isaac Zephyr wrote:
As mentioned in my example, you would not add Accomplished Sneak Attacker to the die provided by Sense Vitals, if ever in a situation where you would have it and other non-sneak precision damage. If Accomplished Sneak would not add to the spell on its own, then you cannot say that spell is limited by the feat. It is thus it's own form of precision damage which like Hidden Strike, functions like Sneak Attack.

actually, the only reason you wouldn't is because you have to already have the sneak attack class feature in order to take ASA. if you didn't, i would indeed add it to sneak attack gained from Sense Vitals up to the cap of half character level.

it's interesting that you used the exact same sentence structure to claim it doesn't do what you did with it.

Isaac Zephyr wrote:

Yes, but the sentence structure around it:

"This allows you to use any manufactured weapon to make sneak attacks, as the rogue ability of the same name, dealing an additional 1d6 points of damage;"

Considering it's a 32 page companion, they couldn't exactly put the entire description on the last page. No space. Which is why it's surrounded by commas. If it gave the target Sneak Attack, as the feature altered by Accomplished Sneak Attacker, there would not need to be commas separating the sentence fragments.

Edit: It's a simile: a comparison using "like" or "as", not the ability itself.

yes, i know. my post was a response to the one immediately preceding it.

Isaac Zephyr wrote:

Yes, but the sentence structure around it:

"This allows you to use any manufactured weapon to make sneak attacks, as the rogue ability of the same name, dealing an additional 1d6 points of damage;"

Considering it's a 32 page companion, they couldn't exactly put the entire description on the last page. No space. Which is why it's surrounded by commas. If it gave the target Sneak Attack, as the feature altered by Accomplished Sneak Attacker, there would not need to be commas separating the sentence fragments.

Edit: It's a simile: a comparison using "like" or "as", not the ability itself.

actually, those commas just mean it's an appositive. it adds extra information about the previous noun that isn't entirely necessary to comprehend the sentence.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

my guess is that they were just assuming you were still using a manufactured weapon (in which case your primary natural weapons are treated as secondary) because there's little reason for, for instance, the -5 if you're not.

but you're right that technically it gives you a crap bite attack that is worse than the default.

Isaac Zephyr wrote:

Now to Sense Vitals... It doesn't refer to itself as Sneak Attack damage like other sources, and it doesn't reference Sneak Attack beyond as a "this is how to get the bonus damage".

Because it isn't Sneak Attack the feature, or Sneak Attack dice, I don't believe it's a valid target for Accomplished Sneak Attacker. Again, if it was, then a 1 level Rogue dip, the rest Aldori or Vigilante would result in subbing out your normal Sneak Attack with your more powerful variant, and having Accomplished Sneak Attacker add 1d6 to your Sense Vitals damage to stack with.

Sense Vitals" wrote:
This allows you to use any manufactured weapon to make sneak attacks, as the rogue ability of the same name

i understand this bolded portion to mean that it is sneak attack in all ways. the stacking clause just allows it to stack with forms of precision damage that are not sneak attack as an exception to the normal rules for sneak attack.

okay, first, i was never attempting to ascribe a straw man to you. what i said was relevant even if i didn't explain it adequately. that you assume i was attempting to erect a straw man suggests that you don't take it on good faith that people with whom you disagree aren't attempting to weasel out of the argument. i won't continue a disagreement in bad faith, so i'll leave you with this.

i probably explained it poorly, but you're making this more complicated than it really is. every locutionary act has two meanings. the meaning of the words used (and there are a finite number of those and we can in fact know them all which is all i meant to say before) and whatever message they actually wanted to communicate. this is why i can say "hey! can you get the door?" and you'll understand that as "open/hold the door." what i meant wasn't literally what i said. i'm sure you're with me still because this isn't complicated and you've basically said as much yourself.

anyway, the issue is we can have different and valid interpretations of what the author meant by the words on the page, and one of those is what the words on the page actually say. no one has argued that the author couldn't have meant something different from what the words on the page say, only that i can offer evidence for my interpretation that the author meant the words on the page and not some other words they didn't write that i find as compelling as you find your evidence. that it doesn't contain self-referential language like magical knack and that multiple authors wrote the rules without necessarily communicating every step of the way says to me that the author very well could have meant exactly what is written (though as i've said already, i doubt it).

also, your example for why i was straw-manning misrepresents the disagreement. the disagreement isn't over what the individual words mean. there are only so many valid ways to parse the sentence "Your number of sneak attack dice cannot exceed half your character level (rounded up)." and none of them involve adding specific unnamed limitations.

so yeah, there are two meanings, and i only think the meaning of the actual words matter in the rules forum because that's the only thing we can be conclusive about. we can't conclusively decide how other people should understand the authors' meanings, but we can be explicit about what the words on the page mean.

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