Gelatinous Cube

buzzby's page

Goblinworks Founder. Organized Play Member. 152 posts (297 including aliases). No reviews. 5 lists. 1 wishlist. 34 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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Grand Lodge

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I'm a brand new PBP player looking for a game. I can bring:

Level 1 Magus (hex crafter, staff magus)
Level 3 Unchained rogue (scout, skulking slayer)
Level 1 Oracle 1 (black-blooded, dual cursed)
Level 2 Cleric (herald caller, whirling dervish)
Level 4 Wizard (egorian academy infernal binder)
Level 5 Bard (sandman) / Oracle / Fighter (lore warden)

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Does anyone have a link to a size guide?

Grand Lodge 3/5

Hi Steve,

Check out their Warhorn or Facebook group.

Grand Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Like this?

Grand Lodge

The 4th level version of the dog and boar is actually medium.

Also, check out the post from Mike Brock about halfway down here.

Grand Lodge 3/5

littlehewy wrote:

Huh. After page one of this discussion, my vague unease about PFS had been largely diminished, and I was even having grand ideas of starting up a Society game here in little old rural Australia.

Some of the previous 19 posts have served to make me all shy again... Totally not into that kind of nitpickery.

Which part of rural Australia are you in littlehewy?

Grand Lodge Goblinworks Founder

I have assimilated another pledger!

[edit] Make that two.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Hello Neighbour!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:

The NRA seems to think that canada australia and england don't get our Video games there.

Don't forget Japan.

Though I'm not sure if they're big on video games over there.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Matthew Pittard wrote:


Ive decided to try to run Burnt Offerings : Thistletop at some point early next year and decided to create a thread to see If I could get some guidance about that before I start.

Is anyone else looking at running this and if so , how are you planning on turning into into something more fitting to PFS?

Can we wheel out Drendle Dreng as out giver of quest?


The Shadow Lodge over in Sydney have put up some nice thematic introductions for the APs.

Just take a look through their events.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Take a look through some of the Pathfinder Society blogs on this site, they'll give you a pretty good idea of how the international VCs in particular are set up.

Grand Lodge

West Australian players check in! We're looking to expand...

Callum Prior
Venture-Captain, Western Australia

Grand Lodge 3/5

Coraith wrote:
Wheres the Venture Sergeants and Corporals? I'm putting forth the players are are the Privates...

Players in my privates makes me terribly uncomfortable.

The things that stand out and motivate me are players being nice to each other, and just seeing people having fun. Chris our Venture-Lieutenant has also been a HUGE help maintaining things when Real Life events happen.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Has Mike been feeding us after midnight again?


Grand Lodge 3/5

Those pull up banners look fantastic!

Grand Lodge 3/5

zean wrote:
So we let all the Arcane Casters just suck for this scenario and have no magic. Yeah, not my idea of a fun night.

Really it's up to you how you take it on.

Our party's gnome sorcerer succumbed to the mists, but he really ran with it, slamming enemies, climbing thing, monkeying about.

One of the best sessions I've played.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Hi Matthew,

The other thing I'd urge you to consider is how this is going to affect the other players you game with. Organised play has even more of a social contract than a regular home game.

We have a few players locally that use 'I worship an evil god, but it's ok because I'm neutral' to try to skirt or (at times) cross over the don't be a jerk, don't be evil rules.

At the very least be upfront about your character when you sit down to a table as not everyone will be comfortable playing with that character.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Matthew Pittard wrote:
What is truly funny about living in Perth is that every so often it's cheaper to fly to Bali than it is to fly to Melbourne and occasionaly Adelaide.


Venture-Captain Bali does have a nice ring to it...

Grand Lodge 3/5

Ryan Koetsveld wrote:

Congrats Daniel.

Now we just need to get VCs in Adalaide and Darwin

Don't forget Tasmania!

Grand Lodge 3/5

As the only one currently doing reporting for our events I can say that this is certainly not the case. I'll be investigating the discrepancies today.

Callum Prior
Perth, Western Australia

Grand Lodge

Kip84 wrote:
:( for 'could not load video'... Is it a region thing? (I'm in Australia)

We're in Australia too :P

Also, thanks for the comments guys it's made her day.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

My girlfriend has just finished a short stop motion clip featuring my Pathfinder miniatures. I was entertained by it and just thought I'd share.



Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:

*futile, lonely bump* Again, any groups in Western Australia, somewhere around an hour's drive of Bunbury?

I'm going into withdrawls here, yelling at the cats that, no, they can't full attack the Turbonium Dragon...

Not futile at all, new friend.

Please do contact me on I'm quite keen to get into Gcubed but haven't heard from them since late last year. Also scouting opportunities in Mandurah, Rockingham and Margaret River.


Grand Lodge 3/5

Season five you'll visit where bees live

Grand Lodge 3/5

Stephen White wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
Stephen White - Australia (yes the whole continent)
To give credit where credit is due, I'm no longer VC of an entire continent. I now have partners in crime!

I am not fooled by this test of loyalty oh glorious overlord!

Grand Lodge 3/5

There seems to be a lot of colour spraying going on. In the tactics as written Halli only uses colour spray when engaged in melee, otherwise she stays back and acid rays.

If the party is close enough to trigger that I would have expected most of the thugs to have been down. Ledford on the other hand...

Grand Lodge 3/5

1/3 of our VCs here in Australia are now five star GMs. You guys in the US may need to lift your game a little ;)

Congratulations Stephen!

Grand Lodge

Also, top work Fakey.

Grand Lodge


My year 6 teacher read that to the class when I was 12 and it's stuck with me ever since.

Also a fan of the eReader idea. iTunes / iBooks has previews available of the books, I assume the nook and kindle would too, so she can test read books that might be suitable.

Don't underestimate the learning potential of these devices. From using the iPad my three year old leant to write his own name, knows what a nonagon is and the order and relative sizes of the planets, can beat me in Settlers of Catan and make his way mostly unaided through Machinarium.

For reference I've had great luck with the following Apps for the iPad:

The Magic of Reality
The Elements
Solar System

Grand Lodge

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Your not the only one... though we might be the only two. :)


Grand Lodge


It's a public page so you don't need an account to view it, though you won't be able to interact with it. Most of the information I put out through Facebook goes out through the email list as well, so don't feel you absolutely must join the Facebook page.

However, being able to interact with the players and GMs via the Facebook page has been incredibly useful and really does help to build a sense of community.

Although we create events for the game days on there registrations are actually handled by our page on Warhorn.


Grand Lodge

Tarkeighas wrote:
To echo a common theme here - I'm a perth based gamer looking for a group. If anyone needs an extra player, or knows of anything going i'd be appreciative

Tarkeighas, I posted a link to Pathfinder Society Perth above. Looks like you might have missed it. You can also grab me on

Cyrus, not sure if I've met you, but we have regular events up and running now. The holidays are slowing things down a bit but we had our first event at the Gamers Guild last weekend, and there will be something between Christmas and New Years. We'll be kicking in to gear in earnest from January 7.

FuelDrop, I've been in touch with Dave previously. Hoping to run an intro event down there in January. Couldn't hurt to bug him from the other side if you're visiting the store. And if you want to send your contact details through to my email above, I'll add you to our distribution list.



Grand Lodge

FuelDrop wrote:
Bunbury. just behind the 'Nowhere, entering the middle' sign.

I believe It's pronounced Funbury. I'm actually hoping to have something up and running in there in the near future. Check out Pathfinder Society Perth or email me direct on

Grand Lodge 3/5

We have our inaugural event coming up next weekend:

Come and play Pathfinder, no experience necessary!

Pathfinder Society Venture-Captains across the world have been organizing gaming days to bring together Pathfinder players, debut the Beginner Box, teach new gamers how to play, and introduce players new and old to the Pathfinder Society Organized Play Program.

The day’s events include four new, one-hour quests highlighting the Beginner Box characters and rules. Special Beginner Box Bash punch cards allow players to keep track of their adventures and learn more about the Pathfinder RPG and Pathfinder Society.

Those who complete all four adventures will receive a special reward: a Pathfinder Society Chronicle sheet to welcome them into the Pathfinder Society (or to enhance any existing Pathfinder Society character).

Pre-generated characters will be available on the day. Participants only need to bring along a pencil, eraser, and dice (if you have them). To register for the event please contact Tactics on 9325 7081 or visit in store.

For more information on Pathfinder Society events in Perth, Western Australia please contact Venture-Captain Callum Prior via or

- -
Callum Prior
Pathfinder Society GM
Venture-Captain Perth, Western Australia

Grand Lodge 3/5

Stephen White wrote:
PS: Australia's first event with two VCs in attendance -Yeah!

Next year we'll make it three (or more!)

Grand Lodge 3/5

Hi all,

Just a heads up for any lurking West Australians, you may be interested in:

Facebook -

Twitter - @pfsperth

At this stage we're scoping out what resources we have access to, folks who are interested in playing or GMing, venues etc.

Hope to have some demo events running in the very near future. Please do get in touch if you're in the area.


Callum Prior
Pathfinder Society GM
Venture-Captain Perth, Western Australia

Grand Lodge 3/5

KestlerGunner wrote:
Yay Perth and Callum! The State finally has a force to deal with Dire Magpies and Fiendish Blowfish.

Thanks Mr Gunner! Really looking forward to the opportunity. Don't be shy about sending any sandgropers you know my way.

Grand Lodge

No question here, but this is rad.

Grand Lodge

leo1925 wrote:

This has been an issue for quite some time with this feat, the wording of the feat is a little wonky and allows you to interpert that it doesn't help full level rangers at all but some time ago Sean made a post (which i can't find right now) that said that the feat does help full level rangers and said that because they didn't have a place for this clarification to take place we are to take his post as a clarification.

EDIT: I found it, it's here.


Grand Lodge

Sean FitzSimon wrote:
Yes, you would treat your effective druid level as if it were four levels higher than a standard ranger, to a maximum of your character level. So the ranger would have an animal companion equal to a druid of the same level.

The feat description actually says:

Benefit: The abilities of your animal companion or familiar are calculated as though your class were four levels higher, to a maximum bonus equal to your character level. If you have more than one animal companion or familiar, choose one to receive this benefit. If you lose or dismiss an animal companion or familiar, you may apply this feat to the replacement creature.

It doesn't mention effective Druid level at all. I don't believe this feat affects a single classed ranger.

Grand Lodge

stringburka wrote:
buzzby wrote:

Blur affects miss chance, a colossal creature cannot hide behind a butterfly.

Blur grants concealment. You can use stealth in plain daylight if you have blur, by RAW. That doesn't make sense either, but that's more specific and such more in the "rule 0 to fix" department for me.

So in that case the 'making a stealth check' is what would trigger a perception check. Blur in and of itself only grants a 20% miss chance (concealment) and does not affect a Perception check. If that creature is not making a stealth check, I won't need to make a perception check, I just see a colossal blurred creature that's going to be slightly harder to hit.

I have no problems with it being difficult to detect a colossal, blurred, stealthed creature from 1000' away.

As written perception is not for noticing details in an environment, it says for noticing fine details in an environment. Otherwise the game would be dominated by perception rolls.

The list of details is not prescriptive, they are guidelines. Otherwise how to you stop walking into trees all the time? They don't appear on the list at all.

I don't think you understand what I'm getting at with the wall example. I'd ask that you read that and the fog one again, if you're inclined.

I'm probably going to bow out soon, as I don't think we'll convince each other either way (and I'm not really out to convince you to be honest), but I am enjoying the discussion.

Grand Lodge

GâtFromKI wrote:
buzzby wrote:
And again, what is the colossal creature doing to warrant a check? Is it invisible, stealthed?

It has cast blur. Or it hide behind a butterfly. Whatever: the colossal creature is either automatically visible with no check, either completely undetectable since the check is impossible to success. And this binary alternative is plain dumb.

Blur affects miss chance, a colossal creature cannot hide behind a butterfly.

Except maybe Mothra.

Grand Lodge

stringburka wrote:
buzzby wrote:
Umbral Reaver wrote:

Right now it's possible to fail to notice a person standing in front of you. Or even yourself!

Wis 7, 0 ranks in Perception. Roll a 1. Your check result is -1.

You can't see a creature standing in your space!

Again I need to ask what is actually triggering the need for a perception check in this example?

The creature is the detail in the environment, just as it is stated in the skill description. Don't you even read the skill?

It comes down to: RAW, the DC IS 0+1 per 10 ft, and that's the way it is. There's really no debate about it since the rules are clear. What people are suggesting is "skip the RAW, rule 0 it" and I thought that was what you were doing too.

I'd prefer to have this discussion without you getting narky.

RAW the modifiers affect a perception check to oppose a stealth roll or notice a fine detail in the environment.

I do not consider a colossal creature 1000' away to be a fine detail of the environment, and so no perception check is required.

Grand Lodge

stringburka wrote:
buzzby wrote:

I am not being sarcastic when I say I'm interested in you addressing my other points, particularly the wall scenario.

As to your colossal creature example. Under what circumstances is the colossal creature.

I did, didn't I? A creature on the other side of a 2' wall (+20 DC) is basically invisible to you (+20 DC). As long as he doesn't speak, it's a DC 40 check which means only a really perceptive character/creature could detect him, in that case through hearing your breathing or whatever.

You said that 1000ft. distance is enough to warrant a check. A collosal creature has a -16 due to size, so the DC is 0 + 100 - 16 = 84. I don't know of anything less than a god that can make that save - it might be possible through some shenanigans, but basically it's impossible.

Umbral Reaver wrote:

Right now it's possible to fail to notice a person standing in front of you. Or even yourself!

Wis 7, 0 ranks in Perception. Roll a 1. Your check result is -1.

You can't see a creature standing in your space!

I WOULD see detecting yourself as at least favorable circumstances, so you wouldn't fail that. But yes, if your abscent-minded and stressed so you can't take 10 it might happen now and then that you don't notice a person in front of you in the first instance you see them. That isn't too hard to imagine.

I think you're misreading me again. What I said was 1000' is enough to warrant a check provided there is a trigger for a perception check. Much like there would be for something 5' away provided there is a trigger for a perception check.

As to the wall you haven't answered why a vision based detail (visible creature) sets the DC for something that is behind a 2' wall and so not visible at all.

And again, what is the colossal creature doing to warrant a check? Is it invisible, stealthed?

A colossal creature 1000' away in and of itself, with no conditions that would trigger a perception check, does not require a perception check.

Grand Lodge

Umbral Reaver wrote:

Right now it's possible to fail to notice a person standing in front of you. Or even yourself!

Wis 7, 0 ranks in Perception. Roll a 1. Your check result is -1.

You can't see a creature standing in your space!

Again I need to ask what is actually triggering the need for a perception check in this example?

Grand Lodge

stringburka wrote:
buzzby wrote:

The rules would seem to be when you make a perception check the table provides suggested modifiers to that check. Not all the situations you describe require a perception check.

But _every single other thing_ on that list require a perception check (if the DC rises to warrant it). Hearing a key turn, knowing if food is rotten or not and so on. Why would noticing a creature be the sole exception, without them noting that anywhere in the skill description?

I think 1000' is obvious if there are no other conditions present that would trigger a perception check.
And thus when it triggers it's completely impossible for anything short of a god to detect something 1000 ft. away. If you think there should be a check at 1000 ft., everyone automatically would fail it, even for a colossal creature.

I am not being sarcastic when I say I'm interested in you addressing my other points, particularly the wall scenario.

As to your colossal creature example. Under what circumstances is the colossal creature.

Grand Lodge

stringburka wrote:
Waffle_Neutral wrote:

Even PFS GMs are thinking people who understand when something is absurd.

There are zero situations where this distance penalty is an actual problem. There is never a need for a perception check to notice the obvious or you'd be making perception checks all day.

Yes, but when confronted with the rules they actually have to follow these. I know plenty of DM's who find things in the ruleset absurd but they can't houserule it for PFS just because they do.

When is something obvious and when not? Is seeing someone a mile away obvious? A mile minus 20 ft? And so on. Sooner or later you get from the "obvious" to "non-obvious", and then there'll be a hard limit there between automatic success and automatic failure even for the best.

Say that you think that up to 1000 ft. is "obvious", but more than that is. A half-blind commoner will detect someone at 1000ft. without rolling, as will a 20th-level ranger with maxed perception. At 1010 ft. the DC of 101 kicks in and it's impossible to detect it for both. That doesn't make sense either.

Also, as Umbral Reaver said, this IS relevant in a game where you have as large distances as you have. Without clear rules on when it's obvious and not, it becomes 100% DM fiat - something that is bad for something as basic as detection rules.

If you think it's so obvious, why even include those DC's in the list? Why have perception rules based on distance if we shouldn't use them?

Ah my numbers. Again, the principle is the same. Can you explain why whether or not something is visible (not invisible) sets the base DC for something behind a 2' thick wall. Be it a room or a corridor or a building or what have you?

The rules would seem to be when you make a perception check the table provides suggested modifiers to that check. Not all the situations you describe require a perception check.

I think 1000' is obvious if there are no other conditions present that would trigger a perception check.

If a sniper is sniping I assume he's making some effort to conceal himself which would trigger a perception check. If he is standing in the middle of a field, 1000' feet away with no other trigger conditions being present, then no perception check is required.

The modifiers come into play once a perception check is called for.

I'm not saying perception checks aren't relevant. I'm saying not every situation you've described requires a perception check.

Grand Lodge

Waffle_Neutral wrote:
Umbral Reaver wrote:

This can and does come up in play.

Consider that a sniper can attack from over 1000 feet away. That's a -100 to your perception check to notice where the attack is coming from. Only -80 if you take into account the penalty for sniping!

What weapon has that kind of range? Even if a weapon could fire from that distance, isn't that the point of attacking at extremely long rang? It's hard to spot the shooter.

Projectile weapons have a maximum range of 10 range increments. So a longbow with a range increment of 100' could fire that far.

Grand Lodge

stringburka wrote:

Visible (or "not invisible" as you call it) has base DC 0. Fog is +2, 20 ft is +2, there's no difference between those except you could actually hide in the fog if you try. But supposing none does, there isn't any difference between 50ft. away in fog and 70 ft. away outside of fog. The RAW makes no difference at all between them.

If the DC is at 0 or lower, no check is needed unless you're very unperceptive (as in, wis 7) and stressed so you can't take 10. If the DC is 10 or lower, most people will automatically make it since you usually take 10. If the DC is over 10, you have to look for it unless you're perceptive.

Thus, someone not stealthed 50' away would be automatically detected unless you can't take 10 (such as in a battle), but once they're more than 100' away you have to roll. Which is a far too small distance in my mind.

The system works great as is except for the actual distances per penalty, which shouldn't be linear but exponential (and in any case, larger than now).

I edited my post while you were replying.

I used fog as an example of a perception check trigger.

If I interpret the table as you seem to be it should be possible to percept a visible creature through a 20' wall (DC 0+20=20). This doesn't make sense, much like it doesn't make sense to only be able to see people up to 200' away.

I really do think it comes down to when you call for a check, which goes back to my comments on the two triggers for a perception check.

EDIT: To use your example someone not stealthed 50' away (or 100') would not even require a perception check. Provided there are no other conditions that would trigger a check. No taking 10, no implication of a roll at all.

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