Horgus Gwerm

bobtheworm1513's page

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber. * Starfinder Society GM. 43 posts (66 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 24 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Order 31196021 Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide is missing from downloads. I purchased the Lost Omens Ancestry Guide back in November. It was removed from my downloads because it had not released yet. Now that it is officially Released, it is still not listed in my Downloads. Can you please correct?

Thank you

Wayfinders 5/5 ***

Fiery Companion is a hard companion to get. At most, you can only have two ever. There a chance that one can die during a scenario. Can you spend fame/AcP to raise dead a Fiery Companion? The boon is not an Access boon it is, "You replace your companion with this companion" boon. So there has to be a way to save it after a scenario. Please let me know. thank you.


Because of a bug on the Paizo site I was able to pre-order a digital version of Trouble in Otari. Because it had not been released yet it was hidden in my downloads. It has now been officially released but I cannot see it in my downloads. Can you please re-add it to my downloads.

Thank you

Nathan B

Wayfinders 5/5 ***

3 people marked this as a favorite.


I was curious if Bequeathal is going to be in the Faction/Reputation System. It was by far one of the best options in the old systems. To be able to transfer boons or Items to another character was very useful for Players who received access to an uncommon item they will never use and GMs who use GM dumps for the games they GM.

It also makes it more confusing how to transfer Keepsakes from Character to Character.

Please bring back Bequeathal... Please.... my GM Dumps have too many items in their houses and Marie Kondo is telling them to throw the stuff away.

Wayfinders 5/5 ***

Why are the DC so ridiculous in this Scenario? There is a DC 26 Computers/Engineering check in the 3-4 that has a secondary condition behind and then there is a DC 25 Check for 3-4 where there is a Treasure hidden behind. This BS is why I ended my Starfinder Society Subscription.


When will it be available?


I was wondering if you guys would be willing to help me with a question that happened in my home game on Saturday. I was introducing a new player to the group. The New Player has noticed the other member resting after they just ended an encounter and is stealthing to them with a ranged raised. A Wizard notices and starts a conversation. I start a Diplomatic Encounter between players to put them into turns. Wizard sees a weapon raised and wants to defuse the situation before it gets out of hand and cast Charm.
The new player fails his save.
Does the new player (Target of the spell) know that Charm has been cast? The Spell text seems to indicate that only a Critical Success knows that Charm was cast and a Success would have to succeed at an Identify magic to know that Charm was cast.

This does have Society implications because we all know baddies love their Charms.


In my home game that I am running, my players are traveling counter-clockwise around Tyrants Grasp from Absalom to the Eastern side of Mount Kortos. I am looking for creatures my level 3 players may randomly encounter during their journey. I have Undead, Drakes, Minotaurs, Centaurs, and Harpies. Is there anything else you think they may encounter in the Cairnlands and in the Scrapes?

Thank you.

Wayfinders 5/5 ***

Reading the Skitter shot boon and the Skitter home boon, it makes reference to gaining credit on Multiple copies of the same Chronicle. Skitter Shot and Skitter Home are different Chronicles. If you play an SFS scenario, can you gain credit on Both the Skitter Shot and the Skitter Home boons at the same time?

Wayfinders 5/5 ***

If you are a cleric and purchase Esoteric Spellcaster - Core Rulebook boon, Do you automatically get access to the selected spell the next time you rest?

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Is there a way to create a Starfinder Challenge point system for SFS? It is just that when you have a 1-4 and there are three level 2s, two level 1s, and a 4, the level 4 takes over the game due to the very uneven challenge a low tier creates. As a GM for PFS2, I have found that CP has truly added to the challenge of a scenario. And even though the disparity of a level 4 with striking in a low tier 1-4 seems great, there is still more challenge than in similar scenarios in Starfinder.

Just some thoughts and wishes.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I have a player who would like to hire a spell caster to learn a spell. How much would that cost? Should it be the Price of the Spellcasting Service or Skilled Hireling?

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

When I look at the Catfolk boon it says one-time purchase. But the Hob-goblin says that it is one per player.

Catfolk Ancestry Build a player character with the catfolk ancestry found in the Advanced Player's Guide. One-time purchase.

I just want to make sure before I start making an Army of Kobolds and Catfolk.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


It is possible someone can give me a layman's Explanation of Magical Shorthand.

I have a player who is trying to use it. I understand that it allows you to learn a spell that you do not know. But what are they roll, how much are they spending per spell? Is it the price of the spell and the price of the learn a spell fee? Can a learn multiple spells during one 8 day downtime? Can the Discount in price be carried over to Multiple spells learned?

Thank you


5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

My wife really wants a Khopesh but leveled past the Scenario that provided it before it came out. Now she is forced to level her second character so she can Bequeathal the Khopesh to her Main character.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Asking for a friend

"Second Chance - Gain the benefits of a resurrect ritual. Each additional purchase adds 10 points to the total cost. 40.00"

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Is it possible to get something like PFS2's Bequeathal as a Faction Boon in Starfinder?

5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Does a player get to choose to use a hero point before I know the results or after I know the results. I am really looking for a Organized Play response because nowhere in the Core does it say you are required to choose before you know the results. It does say you can re-roll a failed result, which should assume that you have to know it is failed before you choose.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

This is a non-society question but could not think of a better place to put this.

In clarification of awarding Experience. if a party of level 1, Is a Creature 0 at the party level or -1 the party level. Is it is at the party level, is a Creature 1, +1 the party level. It is is -1 the party level, is a Creature -1, -2 the party level.

Thank you

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

When you have a weapon you have been using for a few sessions and want to enchant it, can you walk into a shop and have it enchanted, or do you have to buy the enchantment and do a crafting check to put it on the weapon?

5/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

1. Being locked in the guardhouse for 30 minutes might be out of character for some players. One player in my game was playing a character who is apathetic towards loot crit failed the initial recall information. So she was set to believe that there was a ceremonial armor in the guard house. Generally in previous games she would have shrugged is she would not seen it within the first ten minutes but was locked in there for 30 minute minutes. This left a player doing nothing for to more turns as other players moved on to other buildings.

2. Thank you to the writer for scared pathfinder, there is nothing like seeing a whole game store turn around to the sudden scared yelp. (Bwu hahahahah)

3. Why are there no NPC pictures for the Venture-Captain and Lazzar?

4. Stat blocks and encounter mechanics split between 4 different pages is kind of annoying and slows down combat. I generally have to run combat off of my Laptop and an iPad in PF2E, but this was a little much.

5. Can we get non-labeled maps in the Scenarios like Starfinder. Sometimes it is easier to print an 8.5x11 map in exploration mode than lay out a large map. Placing an 8.5 map with trap markers seems a little obvious.

Great game though, thank you

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I was checking the Core Rulebook and I was trying to find out how you can tie someone up. There are no clear rules to tying someone up, but this is what I can piece together.

Using the Manacle rules, "You can manacle someone who is willing or otherwise at your mercy as an exploration activity taking 10–30 seconds depending on the creature’s size and how many manacles you apply."

You can spend 10-30 seconds tying someone up as long as they are willing or restrained.

Once the player is tied up, they can roll an Escape action versus the person who tied them up. "You attempt to escape from being grabbed, immobilized, or restrained. Choose one creature, object, spell effect, hazard, or other impediment imposing any of those conditions on you. Attempt a check using your unarmed attack modifier against the DC of the effect. This is typically the Athletics DC of a creature grabbing you, the Thievery DC of a creature who tied
you up, the spell DC for a spell effect, or the listed Escape DC of an object, hazard, or other impediment. You can attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics check instead of using your attack modifier if you choose (but this action still has the attack trait)."

It does not look like there is a roll to tie someone up only a roll to break free. It also looks like it can only be done outside of combat because it seems to be an Exploration Mode only action.

Is this correct, did I miss something?

Thank you

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


Any news on when we will be getting an Additional Resources list for Pathfinder 2nd Edition Books.

Thank you

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

What happens to the Damage on a shield after a scenario. Does it automatically get fixed or do players have to spend downtime to repair it?

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Are Skittermander Pre-gens legal for normal Starfinder Society play? Skittermanders are fun to play and built a little differently then the standard Society Pre-gens. It would be nice to see if they are available for level 1-2 and 3-4 scenarios.

Thank you.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Can you attempt a "Earn Encome" Activity after a Quest (2 days downtime) or can it only be after a Scenario or higher? Example is that I will be running PFS2E Scenario 1-1A The Sandstone Secret. Can player attempt a Earn Encome after the Quest?

Addition to that, can they continue the Earn Encome activity for the 2 days downtime (basically earning twice as much). This also carries over to Scenarios, can they do the Earn Income Activity for the full 8 days (Earning 8 times as much if no other activity is performed)?

Thank you

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


GM Question for other Society GMs.

In Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario 1-34 Heart Of The Foe:

I had a player fall off of the chase vehicle and loose all of their weapons. In the next encounter the remaining players failed the diplomacy rolls with Ekkerah and therefore did not secure the Option to get the Players weapons back.

I ruled at the table that they has lost all of their weapons

Did I rule this right?