Horgus Gwerm

bobtheworm1513's page

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber. * Starfinder Society GM. 43 posts (66 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 24 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Wayfinders 5/5 ***

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LET ME KEEP MY DREAM! of playing Nedru'od Tzzird! Non-copyright infringing Drow Ranger who dual-wield a Lightning Kopesh and an Acid Kopesh and has a Wolf companion.

Wayfinders 5/5 ***

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I was curious if Bequeathal is going to be in the Faction/Reputation System. It was by far one of the best options in the old systems. To be able to transfer boons or Items to another character was very useful for Players who received access to an uncommon item they will never use and GMs who use GM dumps for the games they GM.

It also makes it more confusing how to transfer Keepsakes from Character to Character.

Please bring back Bequeathal... Please.... my GM Dumps have too many items in their houses and Marie Kondo is telling them to throw the stuff away.


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Society Playable?


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Why are the DCs on the scenario so ridiculous!

5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Hey Michael,

We read your reply and would like to thank you.

I will say that my wife is Korean and she said that if you wanted to make a weapon that was more representing a Korean, it would be the Gakgung. A Gakgung is a Traditional Korean Composite Bow, it is more of a representation of Korean weapons than a jingums.

5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Thank you Doug for your response.

To respond to a statement, it has mattered for me at a table. The thing is, I did not question it at the table because I 'try' not to GM tables I am not the GM and I can confirm that I do not know 100% of the rules in and out. This did not really bother me until this came up in a Starfinder game and I started to think to myself on what the official rule was in Pathfinder2, so I looked up Hero Points and Fortune effect and there was no statement to indicate that you need to choose before you know the results. It could be that even though it has come up, a player will not question it at a table for fear of not fully understanding the rules or just plain respect for the GM.

The problem is that Online Play is infested with the Idea that you do not get to know the results before you choose to use a Hero Point. Since it is the consensus for Organized Play Online, it would literally take a response for a Developer or an Official Organized Play Lead to change the opinions.

I want things to be correct and feel that Players should not have their decision handicapped. I am not even trying to change the rule, I just want a clear answer. I believe that 10+ years of doing it one way in PF1 has bled into PF2 GM memories.

This is why I am seeking an official response.

Thank you

5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Does a player get to choose to use a hero point before I know the results or after I know the results. I am really looking for a Organized Play response because nowhere in the Core does it say you are required to choose before you know the results. It does say you can re-roll a failed result, which should assume that you have to know it is failed before you choose.

5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

1. Being locked in the guardhouse for 30 minutes might be out of character for some players. One player in my game was playing a character who is apathetic towards loot crit failed the initial recall information. So she was set to believe that there was a ceremonial armor in the guard house. Generally in previous games she would have shrugged is she would not seen it within the first ten minutes but was locked in there for 30 minute minutes. This left a player doing nothing for to more turns as other players moved on to other buildings.

2. Thank you to the writer for scared pathfinder, there is nothing like seeing a whole game store turn around to the sudden scared yelp. (Bwu hahahahah)

3. Why are there no NPC pictures for the Venture-Captain and Lazzar?

4. Stat blocks and encounter mechanics split between 4 different pages is kind of annoying and slows down combat. I generally have to run combat off of my Laptop and an iPad in PF2E, but this was a little much.

5. Can we get non-labeled maps in the Scenarios like Starfinder. Sometimes it is easier to print an 8.5x11 map in exploration mode than lay out a large map. Placing an 8.5 map with trap markers seems a little obvious.

Great game though, thank you