Yuukale's page

42 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Guys, I'd like your help on this build. It's lacking some items and a trick (or feat) but I'm out of ideas. It has some quite high arrow damage output, even despite its low 'to hit'. What should I wear for armor? what are some nice properties?

Level progression:
Sohei Monk 6 -> Ninja 1 -> Evangelist of Erastil 10 -> Sohei 8 -> Ninja 11

Feats and tricks:
(1)Point Blank Shot; (1)Combat Reflexes
(2) Mounted Combat Feat
(3) Precise Shot
(5) Rapid Shot
(6) Mounted Combat Feat
(7) Deific Obedience
(9) Weapon Focus / (Ninja trick) Vanishing Trick
(11) Clustered Shots / (Ninja trick) Dazzling Display Feat
(13) Manyshot / (Ninja trick) Shatter Defenses Feat
(15) Deadly Aim / (Ninja trick) ???
(17) Improved Precise Shot / (Ninja trick) Invisible Blade
(19) Hammer the Gap


Arrow Splitter Bow
Bracers of Falcon's Aim
Tome of Understanding +5 (Wisdom)
Headband of Mental Prowess +6
Boots of Speed
Bane Baldric
Greater Sniper Goggles

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Guys, I've long heard that Pathfinder is the "archer edition" and I'm wanting to better understand this.
Why do people say this and what would be the most dmg-dealing archery build there is? How high is this in comparison with other damage dealers?

Are there any handbooks or guides on the subject? Is the hybrid class Slayer worth it?

thanks in advance