WeirdGM66's page
52 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Ok, having read the idea's in the thread so far, I have a few ideas with just the core rule book.
1) I like for my first rouge talent- trap spotter, makes it less likely to set off a trap before you spot it, and you don't need to actively look for the traps.
2) the second rouge talent is likely to be a toss up between finesse rouge, and fast stealth.
Remember that many times not being seen is your friend as a rouge.
For basic gear I like-
Studded leather armor ( low cost- especially at low level)
Rapier ( slightly better chance to crit, then short sword)
short bow/ light crossbow (hand crossbow is nice, for very tight spaces, but without poison can be under powered, also is very high cost for low damage)
a sap is almost a requirement in my opinion, A club is a good choice as it is cheap and can even be thrown
daggers as they are throw able, and easy to hide.
This is a "classic build"
I find that a few alchemical items added to a NPC can add options for them in a fight, and surprise most players. I also add Fireworks for my Goblin lairs as part of the defenses, they surprise the players are often of the thought that they are magic, and then they might waste a dispel magic.
There are several ways to change the CR of a monster
One is the Goblin and add class levels to bring them up to a CR 1 so make them a Fighter 2 instead of a Warrior 1, this will make them a CR 1 encounter. This works in this case because the Goblins use class levels to determine the CR.
Two with some thing like a Dire Bear you can add the Giant Template from the bestiary on page 295 and this would make it +1 CR and just a bit less quick in a fight.
What I think Tom S 820 is directing you to is the Appendix 2 in the bestiary it starts on page 294.
I have run a lot of 1 on 1 games over the years. I have seen a lot of the tricks and tactics that I have used to make them work for the player.
Remember the most important rule of all when running a roleplaying game and that is have fun!
If you remember that rule it will work out well for you and your friend. Also you may need to cheat the set up of the adventures a bit and or the rolls.
Well at a guess there was only so much room in the book, and to add more detail on Fauns and put in the Forlarren would have added to both the page count and the cost of the book. Now when I read the section on the Satyr's and saw the note about Fauns being breed from them and human women, it was kind of amusing. I can see several possible stories just from the little bit that they did say.
For example: the Faun could be mistaken for a Satyr, by a group of town's folk, and the adventure's are hired to deal with the satyr.
Some extra low level minions can help. Also when the BBEG is a magic user, what about pre-casting long duration spells? (I have seen that is a few of the newer modules, but not in the rewritten RoTPL it's self), Maybe a few low cost magical defenses can be added, for example the BBEG has just used his last 10th level mage armor scroll that morning.
Depending on how you want to set things up you can use aa overview type file. To use the example of the pirate/sea campaigin from Markus Tay above you would start with 1-3 contanets, with at least 4-5 named bodies of water. the bodies of water might just be regions of the same "sea" (real world example - Pacific, Indian, and anartic all touch). next a list of names for large islands and some "known" native tribes that inhabit some of them. this would set you up with a good starting base. Add in a few Nations and their Trade intrests, as well as where the pirates can hide and sell their "ill gotten goods" and you have the start of a fair amount of fun

Roberta Yang wrote: WeirdGM66 wrote: I generaly consider the basic fighter class a weapon generalist, That is what I wish they were too.
Unfortunately, since their main boosts to damage output (Weapon Training and fighter-exclusive feats) all apply to only one or a group of weapons, fighters are the least generalist of all martial classes save gunslingers. A barbarian's bonus from Rage applies to any weapon she picks up; a paladin can slap a divine bond on anything and smite evil with anything; a ranger can get her favored enemy and terrain bonuses with any weapon; but as soon as the fighter picks up a greataxe instead of a greatsword, her bonuses vanish.
For some reason, Weapon Training and Weapon Specialization were deliberately designed to lock the fighter - which should be the weapon generalist - into being stuck with a single weapon or losing several class features. I will admit that I had not looked at it that way, I looked at it in the way of the thing they do is weapons, and fighting, they dont cast spells, or move through the woods, or any other thing well at the same time. They get extra feats to use only on combat feats, this allows them to build out and expand on the base of their weapon training.

I generaly consider the basic fighter class a weapon generalist, as they are skilled in the use of all simple and martial weapons by default and they gain skill in groups of weaopns as the advance in levels as per the core rules. To add to their versatility feat suggestions would include improved unarmed strike, catch off-guard, and throw anything are very good to start with. Next power attack, improved shield bash or shield focus to improve your ac with the shield. For ranged combat the point black shot, rapid shot and distant shot are all good.
Plan to carry an assortmnet of weapons a bow or crossbow, a sword of some sort, a spear/ polearm for the reach effect, a club/mace/ hammer as a blunt weapon, and a couple of daggers as close in weapons/ throwing weapons. You want to have a weapon for percing, slashing and blunt for sure. This assortment will help you have something for each range zone in melee. It will also help overcome some of the DR's that crop up. If you can aford it add silver and cold iron to your listwhen you can. This will The use of other weapons is a personal choice depending on the personality of the fighter.
I have stayed away from anything outside of the core book here just to keep it as easy to use for you and everyone else.
Quick note why the Spell like ability for prestidigitation/ghost sound and the 0 level spell of the same name? The only reason I would do this would be if it was a bloodline or inharent power for the char. (I have not looked it up yet)
you should look at adding poations/scrolls of mage armor/protection to boost the armor class/ defenses a bit.
Will think about this and see what else I come up with

I am not sure what AGRO is but I tend to play monsters and NPC's based on their Intellagence, Motivates, Goals, and what they know from their own senses.
Animals even Magical animals tend to have more simple mindsets and thus simpler motivations and goals. For example: Where is my next meal coming from, is it a threat, can I escape or do i need to defend my young to my death?
Low Intellagentance Creatures Like Orcs, Goblins Etc. Will have some level of preplaning added to the mix. The also tend to have leaders with more skill or experance that can add to the chalange. In my mind there is a big differance between a fight with 10 orcs using a cave as a short trem camp and the same ten orcs as the first guards of the orc lords cave lair.
Normal Intellagentance Creatures such as any player char race etc. Will be even better at planing and looking for the advantage in a fight.
Now we get to the High Intellagenagence Creatures. these are the ones that may have minds that are so smart that they are beyond our own level in real thinking and will know more and plan better then we really can for them. This will add to the chalage of them in an encounter, but even more as a long running villian.
I think they can make great second teir problems or a weird village priest/ wise man/woman. Also can be used as an extra NPC class level to things like an orc or goblin to give then a sort of light prest/ warror as a sub leader for a gang or tribe.
Looking through the prior posts I see a few things to point out, some of which have been said already.
Skill checks:
Climb check to climb up tree is DC 15 for a normal tree
Climb Check to place themselves in a good spot to use the bow about a DC 15 on top of the normal climb check.
Survival check at DC 10 to pick the right place to stand to use the bow.
Other Factors:
Line of sight (what he can fire at ) I would determine an arc where he can fire on targets without them having Cover/Concealment from him even though he may have 20% Cover/Concealment from them. This arc would be between 30 and 120 degrees, the tpye of trees in the area would determane what the arc is at least in part.
Smart opponets will look for "snipers" or guards before they attack, and if this char. is asleep they have little to no chance of knowing about teh attackers till someone wakes them.

As a GM I have thought about having a PC's Spell book be stolen, but most if not all of the players I had that played wizards or others that needed spell books to recover spells would have been very very angry over it. However I do think that any wizard would have the intelagence to know that thier speel book is very valuable, and should think about protecting it from theift as part of the "reality" of the game system/ world.
A caster that uses a spell book to memarized their daily spells is likely to use the book as part of their bedding or slip it down inside their sleeping bag with them. This basic percution would make it more difficult for a theift to get the book, at a guess I would use a -4 or -6 to the slight of hand roll to get the book without waking the PC. Please note I am sticking with cheap ways to protect a spell casters book when they sleep as the OP said was thinking of doing this at low level for the party. Also they might use some twine or light leather cordage to tie it to them as well when they sleep, that would make a theifts job harder as well.

Knight Druid wrote: HangarFlying wrote: I think this section of the CRB will help for reference too: Gamemastering.
I would like to expand on the good advice already offered. The way Pathfinder looks at encounter creation is that you (the GM) are given a budget and from that budget, you add opponents until that budget has been met. You could fill it by having one big guy or have multiple baddies. I think the Pathfinder philosophy (one that has been mentioned a few times already) is to have multiple opponents rather than just one.
Also, just because your party composition may allow for a CR 5 encounter, that doesn't necessarily mean that you should put in a CR 5 creature (especially at lower levels, as one poster already mentioned - fireball into a low level party). Hey, thanks everyone! So far I've decided to have the 4th level paladin and the 3rd level cleric, plus about 4-6 goblins for cannon fodder. But I'm thinking of switching out the paladin for a 3rd level wizard (story reasons). The battle should be intense but doable since we are starting out at level 2 with max hitpoints, plus I plan to give each PC a +1 magic item. Think this would work? I think you should consider having a few extra goblins nearby to have them come to the aid of their "masters" just incase the fight is going way too easy for your plans. As an aside when you pick your gear/ weapons/ magic for the villans/ goblins make sure they use some of it on the party and set how many charges will be left for teh party to win.
The next one I post I will put the Spoiler code in for the space savings. I made that one as a response to a comment about two many NPC's that where using PC classes. I did not think about that when I posted the theif.
To d20pfsrd.com you may use any ones I post as well if you wish.

Here is an NPC classed Theif for use as a low level member of a guild. They are not great fighters/ combatants, this repesents a less specal theif then a Rouge class does.
Expert Theif
Male Human Expert 3
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses: Perception +0
DEFENSE: AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10(+2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp: 20 (3d8)Fort +1,Ref +3,Will +2
OFFENSE: Spd 30 ft. Melee Club +3 (1d6/20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +2 (1d3/20/x2)
Ranged: Crossbow, Light +4 (1d8/19-20/x2)
STATISTICS: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10,Int 12, Wis 8,Cha 11
Base Atk +2; CMB +2;CMD 15
Feats: Dodge, Enforcer, Weapon Focus: Club
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Appraise +5, Bluff +1, Climb +6, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +7, Disguise +1, Escape Artist +6, Intimidate +5, Linguistics +3, Perception +0, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +8
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Orc
Combat Gear: Bolts, Crossbow (10), Club, Crossbow, Light, Padded;
Other Gear: Thieves' tools
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Enforcer- If you deal nonlethal damage with a melee weapon, make a free Intimidate check to demoralize.
Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
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MillerHero wrote: KenderKin wrote: Individual DMs always had final say in their games for this. I'm for letting the GM rule on all matter of things. However, I organize and run a lot of Pathfinder Society games and people are always asking about what kind of potions they can buy. I could really use a definitive list that all Pathfinder Society characters across the world have access to, not just what I or another GM says is legal. I was looking in the GameMastery Guide in chapter five under rewards is a listing of potions/ oils as a "random" roll table it may help figure out what one are legal for PFS games.
Ok I see a lot of disagreements over the "differances" between a long sword and other blade weapons of historicly simmiler length/ design.
I look at the game numbers as a baseline as to what the designers thought/ intended with the weapons. I will admit as GM I missed that swords did not perice (I always have though they did slashing/ pericing damage depending on how they where used in a paticluer fight) Most sword/ dagger/ knife designs I see in historical referances are edged and pointed. I use longswords as a "defult" weapon for many guards/ soilders of fair or better intended quility. Most of my reason is a sop to my base thoughts on ease of manafacture and training. City Guards may have diffaculity moving through a crowded city with longer blades or polearms/ spears.
As to space needed for a homebrew game set up one of the minor dieties for their temples that they had to have high tunnels and chambers to allow the deities great blade (greatsword) the room to fight properly.
Slacker2010 wrote: Is there a trait that makes appraise a class skill? None in the PRD
Ok Darkwing Duck, I will not argure about why I think the feats are in a reasonable range, but we are both free to use what we chose to from the books and change what we feel is needed in them to suit our games.
I think that feats are a nice system to use to make a charater that fits what you desire. There are feats that are likely poor choices for many char. but may have a use.
Mark Hoover wrote: So what do little tweaks add to a monster's CR. I was toying with 2 changes for specific adventures: giving mites green skin and water breathing to make them "bog nits" that try to drown passers by; also giving an extra feat to an elite mite warrior 2 to make him an expert mounted crossbowman.
adding gills or an extra feat; do these singular tweaks up the CR?
I depends on how much they change the combat effectivness of the creature. Example kobolds in a sewer or swamp with added gills are likely to be +1 CR in my opinion as it will allow them more likely-hood to suprise the party, but same change in a dry location woudl not maret the higher CR.
Darkwing Duck wrote: What feats do you think shouldn't be feats, rather they should be freely accessible to everyone?
Some on my list are
1.) Weapon Finesse and Agile Manuevers - as long as someone meets all the other pre reqs for these feats, they ought to get the affects of these feats for free
In addition, all featss which require other feats as prereqs should be free if those other feats are already taken (and the other pre reqs are met).
1)Weapon finesse as a feat changes what stat is used to add to your melee hit chance. Agile Manuevers does the same with manuevers. I woudl feel that bopth of them are worth the feat as they can be used to build that quick fighter that is lightly armored but still keeps up with that base fighter that pushed his Strength up as high as they could.
The prereqs are used to make sure that you dont grab a feat that needs another to expain it. I tend to think of it as learning a basic tactic before you can lean and use a more advanced tactic.
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My faverate way to lie is to tell the absalute truth and allow the person to make their own assumtions.
Tell the Demon/Devil/Bad thing that I do not know where they are now, as that is the truth.
To respond to the OP:
The act of drinking the blood of a slain eneimes should be considered seperate from the act of killing them in the first place.
Once they are dead the act of drinking the blood is mostly netural in and of itself.
The next part is what about the paladin's church and god. How do they see this drinking of blood? Does the church regulerly scrafice animals to their god? or do they forbid such things? What about teh god its self? A god of war will have a different view then a god of comerance.
Now I am sure that many people that see the paladin doing this will act/ beleave that it is an evil act because they have been taught that it is. That may provide many amusing roleplay scenes for the paladin and his party.
Well to start I think he may have over powered the party with gear and such. I have no idea about 3.5 D&D used to play/ run AD&D. When I build "higher level helper" NPC's I often short sift them in gear and or powers just to keep them more level and they stay only till they have accheaved their goal that they wanted/needed the party for.
On your Hero's build I would look to top the party members by at least 3 levels, to make sure they can fight over the party. As it was said many times they use brute force as their first tactic.
Look to make the heros gear as useless to the party as you can just to limit what they gain if they do win.
Question- What about the trade caravan heading north out of Iceferry towards Turvik?
How will the leader/ owners of that caravan feel about their guards helping pirates, that in all likelyhood may be wanted by others or even their own guilds etc.?
Giving the towns folk and pirates proper names can help quite a bit in making the party want to help both sides as was suggested by Vulpae.
Is the pirates wizard powerful enough to cast that spell? (Am not sure what that spell is in terms of level and such)
Other items can include:
Who else has heard about this "problem"?
What do they plan to do about it?

Mort the Cleverly Named wrote: You are missing a few tricks. For example, Crossbow Mastery will allow you to reload a heavy crossbow without that using a repeating crossbow. Not that wasting extra feats is really worth +1 damage, but it is an option that exists. Nice for Rangers who can skip the prereqs. Being simple also makes them much more accessible than bows, and they aren't so much worse that a character who isn't interested in archery will bother using a proficiency for a bow instead. There are also niche where they are superior, such as archery for those with low strength or critical hit builds.
But in general, you a right. For characters who can use them, crossbows just aren't as good for most characters. Blame standard fantasy tropes. From Robin Hood to Odysseus to Legolas, cool kids use bows. Crossbows are for the extras. Or, in this case, the Wizards who can't be bothered learning to use anything better.
First in many ways the "cool" kids using bows is directly out of movies/ fantasy books etc.
If I recall corectlly the Long Bow that the English used was a waepon that required "a lifetime" to master. Crossbows where much easier to learn how to use. I also beleave that a more proper real world compareason would be a crossbow to the short bow as short bows where much more common all oevr the world.
Both the short bow and crossbow could be used mounted, where as the "standard" long bow could not be used mounted. The japaniese long bow the Dyaku (think I have the spelling right on it) was the only type of long bow that I know of that could be used mounted.
Looking at the damage each does the light crossbow does 1d8 and the short bow does 1d6. The Heavy crossbow does 1d10 and the Long Bow does 1d8 per hit presuming they are not compsite bows and can add strength damage to the strike.
Now there are other factors to look at a light crossbow can be fired one handed once at least maybe while climbing a rope or otherwise needing a hand for something else.
Vaas wrote: Hey all,
I am thinking of posting about my game, how it's setup, the characters and story. Possible get some feedback on ideas and general entertainment :)
However, not sure what board to post under since there a lot of different ones. Is there a board where others have posted about there campaigns and whats going on?
Or, is the general discussion the best place?
I am not sure but I would think that Homebrew boards are the right place for this type of thread.
william hannan wrote: i was thinking of having our wizard crafting me a glove of storing and iron bands of binding. keeping the bands stored in the glove and releasing and throwing them against escaping enemies, spellcasters and what not. any other suggestions
i am currently playing a 6th level monk and looking at fun/interesting ideas to add to the mix of just hitting and grappling stuff
Looking at your list of Magic Items and gear I wonder if the gloves can be worn with the Bracelets (Should these be Bracers?)of Armor +1 ? This is a call for your GM to make.
The idea of the Gloves and Iron Bands of Binding is a very intresting Idea as both a tactic and a good grouping of item with a creative way to deploy it.
Personally I enjoy having a physical book to read (It is part of my enjoyment of the hobby). That having been said I started roleplaying when things like the PRD or the SRD where not even thought up yet. I love having access to the information from both the Offical PRD and the SRD online because it means I dont need to carry even the CRB with me to plan an adventure for my players.
Indivar wrote: On another note, i am thinking about awarding xp for roleplaying. Any notes on this? Not everyone will get the xp bonus, and i could see people getting upset (thus i award this privately). Well I am working on awarding XP for roleplaying as if it was an encounter, but they talk themselves out of trouble and or accheave their goal without combat as a group. Or are you meaning more of playing in their set Char personalities?
In the first case put it in the pool of XP and split around full party. This will help with city encounters like talking to a city officer to see what they can acheave before they resort to murder or other mayham. As a Bonus they would likely get XP for the tring to solve it with talk/ roleplay and if that failed they could get the xp for beatting the foe as well.
In the second case talk top your players and explain what you want to do and why. They may be able to handle that player x was better at roleplaying in that adventure/ play day.
For starters I think that feytharn has a few good suggestions, I am currently running a game with 4 players plus my self and we try and run every sunday at a set time, to accomadate all of our schedules. We do miss a few weeks from time to time, but we do try to play on a reguler basis.
When writing any adventures I try not to make them require any paticuler charater or write in alternate ways to find the same clues/ items/ facts/ etc. Understand I rarely use pre made adventures for my games as it tends to need almost as much work for me as writing one from the start.
I think it started with the Drow in First Eadition AD&D, as they where the first ones I saw using them, likely for them was crampped spaces where a 2-3' long weapon would hinder them at times. They are good for very cramped spaces, as even a light crossbow has a bow that is about two and a half feet across (This is a guess based on pictures in the Weapons: An International Encyclopedia From 5000 B.C. to 2000 A.D., Updated Edition).
KDNash wrote: 28) An orc rapist that is trying to create the perfect offspring. likely a worshiper of Lamashtu (pronounced lah-MAHSH-too is the mother and patroness of many misshapen and malformed creatures that crawl, slither, or flap on, above, or below the surface of Golarion. Her unholy symbol is a three-eyed jackal head, which may be represented in many ways, and her sacred animal is the jackal. this woudl be perfectly in line with her goals as a goddess.
Wonders how the Orc would pick its "lovers" (figure that the orc is not sane in the human sense of the word)

I personally like the orb of acid as a 0 level cantrip for my sorcerer/wizards as a good general attack spell at lower levels the ray of cold from the 0 level list as well does as much damage but allows SR, where the Orb does not. both spells have the same range, casting time, compoants, etc otherwise.
I picked acid orb more on the create and throw that the spell evokes with me. I also like to make sure I have a variety of spell effects in terms of energy, to help counter more energy resistant creatures. I do this as a player to expect my GM to plan on what tatics I have been using and create encounters to use them to plan to counter them. As a GM I do think about what the players have done in each encounter and how they may plan.
There may be a hidden reason for the differance in how they work for SR that we do not know. Also maybe it is done just because Fire and Ice are more likely to be picked and or used.
Now If you dont like the differance you can always make a house rule that they all must have SR or none have SR.
blackbloodtroll wrote: I know the relevant text, but what can really be a Blackblade? Can a dagger or Musket Axe be a Blackblade? Where is the relevant text, not sure what a blackblade is.
I did search the PRD for it.
Looking at the spell discription it says the wall can be shaped as desired, and also states the size or a hemisphere that it creates. it is likely that at the minimum chaster level for a wizard with this spell that you can make a cylinder.
StreamOfTheSky wrote: Yeah, unfortunately as written, it's only 1 round frightened even if you shaken them for 40. I think that's bogus and would houserule it to be a 1 per 4 dealie, oh well....
And Thug + Enforcer (or just use Rake and save the feat, but I like thug better) + Shatter Defenses is one of the few reliable ways to keep getting SA left in pathfinder, so yeah, nice little combo.
What is the SA that you are refering to in this post? is it sneak attack?
I think that combo can be very effective with low to mid level enimies, but might be very hard to use at higher levels, but I have not checked teh rules yst on this.

Foghammer wrote: I don't necessarily want to make a new set of weapons (especially exotic weapons), but I wonder what kind of stats this weapon would use:
The Spit
Aside from that, I'm looking for ideas for new special materials. Special materials are lots of fun and help bring a cultural flair to shopping and trading for new equipment, which is something I want to play up in my next campaign. Alternative names for existing materials can help spice things up (like calling cold iron/mithril/adamantine blue/white/black steel).
I have an idea for a material I call 'inksteel' which is an alloy of steel and an inky, murcury like metal that ends up looking like damascus obsidian, but metal, not flaky glass. I don't have many specific uses for it, but armor with inksteel used in its construction (studded leather would be viable for this purpose) grants a +2 equipment bonus to stealth, and will reduce the cost of the shadow property by some amount.
Well how large is the spit for a normal (medium) creature?
if dagger sized use stats for a dagger
if short sword sized use stats for a short sword
Alternate names is not that hard as just call the materal what you desirte to call it.

Higginz wrote: When you add levels to NPCs to make an encounter more challenging or to compensate for larger parties, how do you assign additional feats and skills? Is it just arbitrary, or is there a system I can use? I do not know of any offical system for adding feats/ skills/ spells etc. to an NPC.
The CRB-(Core Rule Book) has in the chapter on NPC's chapter 14 in my copy a list of suggested feats by the role of the NPC. This might be considered the closest thing to an offical system.
If you have the GameMastery Guide they have a section of pre made NPC's that you can use for insparation.
I start by asking myself what role is the npc to play in the game/ encounter?
A lot of feats/ skills will depend on what their role is intended to be in your game. For example the feats I would pick for a Melee Fighter will differ from the feats for a Ranged Fighter (Fighter in this case refers to the style of combat not the class).
One factor that I consider in NPC creation is am I making a one shot set of stats for one encounter or are they a more developed one for multiable apperances in the campain.
For skills I often look at the "class" skills that are listed for a class as teh starting point for their skill selections they can guide you in what a class should mostly be good in, but remember they are only a guide and a char might have a skill that is not a class skill for any number of reasons.
I think that the GM playing a "full" char as part of the party can be very difficult. When I have played such a char I tend to treat it as another NPC just with a bit more detail and likely more loyalty to the party (maybe more then their alignment and such should indacate). As others have said useful to fill in a gap in the parties needs. I tend to "nerf" my char in these situations to make them less useful outside of the gap they are filling.
The Experance I give is computed as if this char was not in the party at all and it gets 1/2 to 3/4 of the experance. I often use them as a "meat sheild" as well to absorb soem damage.
Well I think that Calistria woudl be a more likely source of help with this. She is a goddes of Lust, Trickery, and Revenge. The trait of a Calistrian prostitue is in the advanced players gude, but they push more to sense moative and diplomancy with a +1 to each of those skills. Also they get the skill Profession (courtenan) treated as a class skill for them so with that 10 wis you end up with a +4 to its roll just by putting one rank in the skill.
I think from reading the Profession (courtenan) skill and the trait of Calistrian prostitue they are making the skill more along the lines of the "traditional" Gesha of Japan more entainer and compaian then for the sex.

yuki_sc wrote: Hi. How's going?
We play pathfinder RPG in Japan. This is very difficult game, isn't it?
By the way, we started to play this game with 5 members (including me, which means that players are 4).
Once a day, my clelic player insisted that I should give her(that character) Bull's strength wonds (50 charges) immediately. I think that this may crush our game balance, I think.
Addition to this problem, my wiz 5 character asked me to learn "Animate Dead, lesser" (which is included in UM book). I think that learning this spell is TOO strong. Based on this information, I would like to reject its idea.
Moreover, my paradin character always asks me to give some **** +2 sword and so on.
Is it common to pass such a magic item to 6lv characters?
Thank you for reading.
One you should as Game Master decide on how much and what types of magic/ powers/ other things are in existance and avabile to your world/ party-players.
I do as a GM pay attention to what they ask about/ for and then maybe will give them it or something else that is like it that I feel is usesful oand approate to the game world that I am runing. I would guess that they are not getting what they feel is the level of magic they should have. In the core rule book(I think)there is a table of Wealth for higher level starting char. maybe think about using that as a guide to how much magic they "should" have at their levels.
You did not say what books you have yourself I am presuming that you only have the Core Rulebook for your use.
Maybe give the cleric a wand of Bulls Strength with a curse on it so that it makes him want to use it all the time even on the other side as his attack unless a will save is made at some DC. I would use a DC for it of (10+ his will save bonus) so that he has a 50/50 shot of using it to help out the other side.
Animate dead lesser can only bring one skeltion/zombie per casting. the total number of undead the wiz can command that he rases with this spell is his caster level times 4 HD worth as a hard total. This is two zombies or 4 skeltions per level total.
I hope that this helps
Most of the seggestions that I have seen posted are very good ones.
zen.cat.nine wrote: and the Eidolon already has extended reach and a knockback ability that essentially means that he threatens most squares in each of the combats I run How about use a Summoner as one of the opponets, and build an Eidolon with simmiler abilities and use it to attack the party?
Remember that the "bad guys" are not all dumb they will have spies that will report rumors/ things heard in taverns/ other news in their area of operations. They are likely to try and accurie items/ troops of some sort to equlize or remove such threats before they are a "real" problem to their plans.
Many of the "mooks" may be dumb but not all will be and even a dumb mook might be very good at tactics.
Use the mind of your lead bad guys to plan what to do if.....

Gandal wrote: WeirdGM66 wrote: I agree that the start of a campaign almost requires a bit of forcing and making the party come together as they must or you lack a group and get a pack of indaviduals that dont have any "good" reason to trust each other.
I sometimes use a tactic called "in meda res" or in the middle of the action. It tends to force people to act/ react to events. For examples of this in movies the start of Star Wars, many of the James Bond movies, also the start of the Lord of the Rings-The Two Towers is a very good example of this.
From what you said about the "chars" many could be worshippers of Calistria anyway by alignment at least, might be a bit tame for the barbarian, but if I recall right off the top of my head she is also a god of vengance. Add in that the half-orc barb could have been "hired" as labor when he was young at a temple of Calistria, and the paladin could have been involved with a defense of that same temple during his "trainning" Last time i checked with the guy, he was even less conviced of a paladin.He'll probably go with cavalier or inquisitor,but both classes are good for the initial sequence and both would have reason to start the whole campaign,be it the war or the ancient evil. The "training" background still works for a cavalier, maybe he will choose an order that has them joined as its requierment, or his order coudl insist that he "join" as a way to watch them for some reason that he does not know?
Inquisitor could be from the same church as the cleric depending on player choices. Otherwise could be sent after the same goal as the rest of teh party by his supperiors.
I agree that the start of a campaign almost requires a bit of forcing and making the party come together as they must or you lack a group and get a pack of indaviduals that dont have any "good" reason to trust each other.
I sometimes use a tactic called "in meda res" or in the middle of the action. It tends to force people to act/ react to events. For examples of this in movies the start of Star Wars, many of the James Bond movies, also the start of the Lord of the Rings-The Two Towers is a very good example of this.
From what you said about the "chars" many could be worshippers of Calistria anyway by alignment at least, might be a bit tame for the barbarian, but if I recall right off the top of my head she is also a god of vengance. Add in that the half-orc barb could have been "hired" as labor when he was young at a temple of Calistria, and the paladin could have been involved with a defense of that same temple during his "trainning"

gustavo iglesias wrote: LazarX wrote: I'm going to deconstruct your section on races.
1. Dwarves. Yes they get a charisma penalty. There are a fair number of sorcerer builds that don't rely on saving throw DC's as the all or nothing of success. Dwarves have several things going for them if you're looking to build a sorcerer around melee, especially Dragon Disciple type builds.
2. Elves. Spell Penetration is not something to be dismissed lightly, as those spell resistant folks are out there. In addition to the perception and low light vision abilities, elves have one thing going for them that can aid immensely in survival chance of lower level sorcerers.
-Built in bow proficiency. Even for a sorcerer, 20 arrows are more available than 20 spells. If you make an Elven sorcerer, budget for a bow, nothing fancy, a short bow will give you more combat options at least for the first few levels. Having that Dex bonus not only makes this more useful, but it also means going that much sooner in the initative count.
I still don't see dwarves working, even as gishes. 20' movement and -2 cha for a +2 con. I'd rather build a human and put the +2 to Con, use the extra feat for EWP and get a free extra spell per level.
Elves Spell Penetration is nice, but humans get it at first level too. If they choose not to, it is because they have something better to spend their feat on.
A bow doesnt give you anything better than a crossbow imho. Not until you get 2 attacks. By then, you shouldnt be attacking imo.
Can you build dwarven and elven sorcerers? Yes, but they'll be worse than hunans halfelves and halforcs. The major differances between the short bow and the light crossbow are in damage, range, relaod rate and crits. Start with range the crossbow has a 20' greater range incrament. The damage is 1d8 for the crossbow and 1d6 for the short bow. The crossbow is 5 gp more expensive then the short bow. The light crossbow takes a move action to reload, and the short bow does not. The short bow is a *3 crit and the light crossbow is a*2 crit with a threat range of 19-20.
This makes it a toss up in my mind in reguards to shotbow vs crossbow in use for a Soccerer.
Jeranimus Rex wrote:
A x5 crit melee weapon, so people can complain a little bit less about the falcata.
What is so bad about the Falcata? It is about the same as a LongSword in damage, threat range, and weight. The big differance from a longsword is that it is a crit*3 instead of a crit*2 like the longsword. if you compare it to the Battle Axe that is a martial weapon just like the longsword it is a bit lighter and has a grater threat range.

Kryptik wrote: I'm trying to find a wingless dragon/wyrm to use as a lower level boss monster in my campaign. I don't seem to be having much luck. So far the linnorms seem to be the closest in concept, but the weakest one is level 14, which is not going to work.
So, is there anything like this that I have overlooked? Or should I just reskin an adult dragon by popping the wings off and taking away some spells?
Which brings up a secondary question: how much does having wings add to a monster's CR, roughly?
There are wyrms in a few of the pathfinder modules that may fit your needs. They however do have wings. In one of the beastry's is a half dragon balisk if I recall corectly.
In reguards to the wings if they are damages/ removed by some form of event as suggested elsewhere in this thread I would say at most it is a loss of one CR from a dragon. Other creatures need their wings much more then a dragon does and would cost them much more in CR.
Reskinning an adult dragon is likely the best bet to create close to what you want, but then you would need to tweak it a bit so it felt right to you. Looking at a red dragon for example a young one is a CR 10 as is which might make a very nice Villian for a few adventures with it sending it's own minions after them. They are still only low level spellcasters.