Half-Orc Warrior

Utak's page

734 posts (2,235 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 aliases.


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Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
Mothman wrote:

Utak, how are you going my friend? What's new in your life these days? Thanks for stopping by to say hi.

Hi all, hope all is well.

Life is good Mothman. My volunteer conservation efforts are really paying off. I just completed a 5 day rafting/canoe trip down the Lehigh River. Viewed some amazaing wildlife, even a Bald Eagle; a species that has not been seen on that particular stretch of the river in decades. Where there are eagels, there are fish, and where there are fish, we have non-polluted waters. Real good time. I hope all is well with all of you. Glad to see that the game is running strong.

Enjoy the gaming and take care.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Hey Folks,

Just wanted to give y'all a friendly shout-out. Hope all is well.

Twiceborn, the rafting trip sounds excellent. If you ever find yourself on the east coast of the States at the end of June, the organization I volunteer with runs a five day event down the Lehigh River. Real good time!

Linky, if interested.

Lehigh River Sojourn

Take care and be safe.


No probs on the response time. Just sent you an email.

blope wrote:
Hi, I'm am looking to fill a few seats recently vacated at my local game. If you live near Allentown and are interested in a Pathfinder game, drop a note here. (Located in an Allentown suburb- Whitehall).

Hey there Blope,

I live in Bethlehem, just a hop, skip, and a jump away. I find that I have less and less time to play, but I am interested to find out when you play, how often, and for how long. Also, what style of gaming is your preference.

Just to note: I do own most of the earlier products of Pathfinder and I was a subscriber. I still love the Paizo stuff, but I just do not have the time to truly appreciate it.



Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Hey everybody,

I want to apologize for going AWOL like I did. My computer got fried a few months back caused by some nasty storms. While I was fighting with the insurance company to help replace my laptop, I also got involved with a local conservation group. The storms caused some damage to a local plant and there was concern of run-off into the local river and watershed. After work, I spent most of my time creating riparian barriers and volunteering however I could to protect the river and its fragile eco-system. To add fuel to the fire, I have also been helping campaign for my candidate in our important upcoming election.

About two weeks ago, I finally got up and running with my new laptop and find time to make a post.

I feel really bad for disappearing and leaving the game the way I did. Until recently, I only had FW's email and contacted him accordingly. Excuses aside though, you have all been really great friends and I apoligize to you all.

My life has changed alot in the last few months, and my time near a computer has drastically decreased. Thank you for the opportunity to play in this excellent game. I will hold fond memories for the rest of my life.

Good luck and take care.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Hey Folks,

We have been getting some badass t-storms messing with our power lately. I'm currently on battery so I can quick post this. Hopefully things should clear up soon, but if you don't hear from me for a few days, this is why. Just need to conserve energy. Sorry for any inconvenience.

See ya when the lights are back on.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12


Hey man, hope things pick up for you. Hang in there and keep searching. Usually markets run on a nine year cycle. We are nearing the bottom of the trough. It should pick up soon. The market always gets funky around election time also.

Alison McKenzie wrote:
Utak, your subscriptions have been cancelled.


Thank you. Could you please also cancel Orders #956038 & #956051.

Hi Paizo,

Word around the office is that lay-offs are coming. I feel relatively safe, but who can tell?

To play it safe, I would like to have my Subscriptions cancelled. I would also like to have Order #956038 and, if it is not too late, Order #986040 cancelled as well.

Sorry for this, hopefully I can get back on the train at a later date.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

No probs. Glad you're still with us. Enjoy your Holiday.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Maybe it's an anagram. I'll try working on it.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Hey Ironhard,

Are you still with us? It's cool if your busy. RL happens and family is obviously more important, but please drop us a line and let us know. Hope all is well!


Will this Companion be similar to the 'Second Darkness Player's Guide' Companion, where it is free for subscribers and shipped with the first installment of the AP?

Thanks for any info.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

All I gotta say is we have a fun bunch of characters. This game is really excellent.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
thereal thom wrote:
French Wolf wrote:

No, the lack of targets for his spells.

When did Yrar get spells? ;)

'Smash' is a 9th level spell.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
Otto R. Ringus wrote:


Hey Utak if you decide you want to add another game to your list, I just had to bow out of one, another Necromancer round, Barakus. He is using Pathfinder rules and I dont feel up to it. Would love to have a replacement, lol! (It sounds like it will be a fun game.)

Thanks for thinking of me. I'm good though. I'm currently in five, and with my schedule, it is hard to juggle these at times. Plus, the wife would kill me if I joined another game. :)


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

sorry for the short posts lately everyone. Week was quite hectic with work. Also had to deal with a bit of flooding after a bad storm.

posts should get more with the story soon.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Thanks French Wolf. Good luck and have fun with the game.

Finwe Yrinsil wrote:

((Bows to Utak.))

Thank you good sir.

You're Welcome. You have an excellent DM in French Wolf. Have fun!

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
Sorry for delays guys. My system is not very well at the moment so posts may ne a bit sporadic. I'll do my best to keep things moving but it might just be a bit slower than it has been. Bear with me.

No problem. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

French Wolf,

I'll need to drop out early on. My wife got a hint that I was making another character and got a little angry. She says that I'm on the computer too much already. She is probably right. Being that we are still in the early stages and there is an alternate waiting, I will give up my spot.

I apologize and hope that there are no hard feelings. Your friendship is important to me. The concept of character generation is great, and I think I could have had alot of fun with it, but in the end, I have to make the Mrs. happy. I DO have to live with her after all. I hope you understand.

Good luck with the game though, and see you over in the Splintered Isles.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
Rev Rosey wrote:

Utak - are you human?

lol. My wife sometimes asks me the same question. Only she doesn't call me Utak.

Although, I would like her to.

Yes, my character will be human. And some type of family connection would work fine with me.

Busy day today. Will try to refresh for tomorrow and put some more thought into it.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

For Age, rolled a 6. Making me 11

Father (14) an Ex-Aristocrat - +2 on Wealth (but see Bad Events)

Mother (17) Well-to-do Merchant

Siblings (3) 1 sister

Early Events:

(4) Good Event - (4) Drank from Magical Pool - +1 Strenght & max Height.

(15) Bad Event - (7) Tax Collector = no wealth

Ancestor History (18) Stole bodies from a graveyard.

Wealth - no wealth, see Bad Events.

I have a few things in common with Rev Rosey. Might be able to make something work there.

Give me some time to process and think. Work was a bear and my mind is a bit tired at the moment for anything creative.

Any thoughts are appreciated.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

I'm also a virgin.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Osric, just so you don't feel left out. I'm way to American also. :)

I do love these Brit words though.

FYI DM. I finally have the fluff for Alajos posted in his profile. Feel free to review it at your leisure.

Looking forward to gaming with everyone; either again or for the first time.



Yes, very foul tempter. How Dare You! :)

I would also like to throw my name in the hat. If you get too much interest though, especially from new players that are not in any PbPs, please consider me for an alternates list.

1.) I am thinking Human Rogue.

The only son of a soldier who was recently accused, possibly falsely, of deserting his post or treason. The soldier was jailed or executed or possibly AWOL. The young rogue, with an even younger sister to look after, since his mother died giving birth to her, needs to find a way to survive. His name now has a bad reputation no one will give him a job. He starts to steal food until he is almost caught. Now on the run, he has to leave his sister at an (orphanage, church, or monastery). He is now on the run from the law.

Changing his name, hiding his identity, and moving to a smaller town, he looks to make a fresh start. Always hating the military he bears ill-will to the government.

These are just some thoughts. Nothing truly concrete yet.

2.) I gather you know me well enough by now, but for those that do not, I’m in the US EST. I have been gaming for about 20 years. I am unfamiliar with Greyhawk, but I do own the Gazetteer, and I am a quick study.

3.) Upon a quick glance over of the Gazetteer, Furyondy fits my concept well. But really any place where there is a city surrounded by smaller cities/towns.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Before I forget, I'll also be running an NPC for a while, Belflin if thats ok with everyone. It's just a way I can add bits of info and 'seeds' into the campaign.

Again, nice start to the game. A NPC is fine by me.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Now that we are on our way, I just want to say greetings to everybody. I look forward to gaming with you all and making this a great, long-lasting PbP. Although we are not across the table from each other, I still enjoy a bit of table chat.

A little about myself. My real name is Jerry and I am 32 (almost 33). I reside in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania located in a little place we like to call the Lehigh Valley. I am married to a wonderful woman named Amy for almost 6 years (we have been together for almost 12). I work in the drug addiction field although my degree is in accounting. I have been gaming since I was 12 or 13. Other than gaming, I enjoy hiking, biking, and animal watching.

That's pretty much it. A simple life is what I crave. If you would need to contact me for any reason, my email address is gmistal@verizon.net.

It is nice to meet you all. Feel free to share or just say hello.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
Nani Wahine wrote:
Thanks Utak, I have had a very busy week!

My pleasure to always aid a Lady in need. Hope it quiets down for the weekend. Dreamweaver, are you working your wife too hard? :)

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Thanks for the help Mothman.

FYI: Valessa's needed in Stormreach.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

I am having trouble locating it, but I believe a thieves' guild or cult was mentioned where the demon might be hiding out. Or am I confusing this with another game?

Thanks for any assistance.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

DM, is War with us to be NPC'd?

Have we heard from our other players?

Nice start to the game, by the way. Very nice descriptions. Gritty and dark. I like it!


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

A few questions ...

Besides the PC's, who else is with us? Scouts?

We are headed to a ruined tower. Do we know where it is located? Why are we going there? Did we find this information out at the Starving Stirge?

Does Alajos detect any evil hearts within the company he keeps?

Thanks for any assistance.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
santinj@ wrote:
Creed is updated (favored souls who only get 1 skill point a level are easy to upgrade!). Do we get additional action points? How do those accumulate again?

Action Points are on a use-or-lose basis. At third level, a pc refreshes with 6 Action Points.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
The Cursed Shulim Al'Bheddah wrote:

Sadly this is another creature type that Shulim's spells are useless against. Shulim prepares a dagger for tossing and watches the vines very carefully.

Sorry Guy. Yrar just would not allow me to leave the flower alone. He can be stubborn sometimes. :)

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Yay, XP. I will probably get to Scardd tomorrow for the update.

Good job everyone!

My Paladin, Alajos of Muir, is almost done on paper. I have to put some face time in with the wife. Will hopefully get to work on more tonight. Sorry for the delay.

After reading the background and the deities again and putting some thought into the character, I am picturing more of a holy warrior. Would it be too late to switch from Cleric to Paladin? No probs if it is, but I figure I would ask.



Thanks JD. Looking good!

By the way, just thought i'd let everyone know that this is my first time at PBP so go easy on me! Been DMing for over 20 years though so hopefully it will count for something

No probs there. I find it easier DMing a PbP. You always have time to refresh on a rule without everyone staring at you. The hardest part is combat positioning, but if you're good with some type of linkable map, it makes all the difference.


Utak. Human Cleric is good. Let me know which deity he/she folows.

I am going with Muir as the deity. I'll get some stats to you after work today.


I'll go with the Human Cleric. With a Halfling Fighter-Rogue and Dwarven Barbarian, I can see them getting into alot of trouble. I have a feeling that they will need some healing. :)

Hey Ironhard,

I have been following this thread with interest from the beginning. I have waited though, since I am in several PbP's already and wanted to give other folks time to chime in. My guess is once folks on this side of the pond get back from the weekend picnics you'll see interest spike, but incase a spot is available, I'll throw in for the fighter or cleric. I would most likely play a Human or Half-Orc.

FYI: I am not really familiar with the Necromancer setting, but I am a quick study.

I reside in Pennsylvania.



Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

But Yrar really wants to smash a flower. :)

A break is fine. Got me many a picnics to attend anyway.

So it is a strangler after all ...


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Another brilliant idea. If we really put our minds together, we could be dangerous. I guess it is good that we are on different continents.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

yeah, I really like fish and chips


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Hey FW,

Just a thought that we might be referring to the map alot. Any chance of putting the link in your DM persona. Then it won't get buried as we storm the port, lay waste to all, and eat fish and chips.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Hey TwiceBorn,

I hope that your backpacking trip went well. Sorry to hear about your relationship. I wish I could say more than that and not come off like some type of advice colomnist, but the difficulty of that is beyond my meager talents. So I'll just say that I hope for you the best in all aspects of your life. Cheesy, I know, but I like cheese, especially with crackers and grapes.

Mothman wrote:
Hey, just a check on how the game is going for everyone? Everyone enjoying themselves? Stuff you'd like to see more of, or less of? The pacing alright?

Mothman, you run a great and solid game. You are a master of mixing things up, keeping us on our toes, and keeping us thinking with intrigue, mystery, and great NPC's.

If there is one thing that I would have you change: Quit burning down libraries. :)

BTW: Just got in from about 7 hours on the road. I am caught up on the thread, but my brain needs to hit the 'Refresh' button. If not later tonight, I'll catch up with a hopefully thoughtful post tomorrow.

Cheers All

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Off for a few days. Will return on Thursday, but I leave again on Friday and return either Sunday or Monday.

If Beren is not healed, his first percentile roll is 14%.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

OK, I'm off to the mounatains for some R&R&R. Will return Thursday, then I am off to Connecticut on Friday to spend the weekend up there. Since Scardd just took a wupping, he will probably use his E-Blast from a distance.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
Sheherazade wrote:

"Here are six potions of the sea. They will allow you to swim (+5) and breathe underwater. Each is good for an hour. They should help you save Zerea."

Error or slip of the tongue?

Off to the mountains for a few days of R&R&R. Should be back Thursday, then I leave for Connecticut on Friday for the weekend.


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