Half-Orc Warrior

Utak's page

734 posts (2,235 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 aliases.

Hi Paizo,

Word around the office is that lay-offs are coming. I feel relatively safe, but who can tell?

To play it safe, I would like to have my Subscriptions cancelled. I would also like to have Order #956038 and, if it is not too late, Order #986040 cancelled as well.

Sorry for this, hopefully I can get back on the train at a later date.

Will this Companion be similar to the 'Second Darkness Player's Guide' Companion, where it is free for subscribers and shipped with the first installment of the AP?

Thanks for any info.


Hey Cosmo,

It looks like my PF #10 was shipped by itself, instead of with the company of a Module and a Planet Stories.

No big deal, but I do like to minimize my shipping cost. My hope is to have my 'Side Cart' fixed for when PF #11 ships and everything available in the 'Side Cart' ships with it. No need to create a second order for the available items.

Please note that I have my shipping preference set to Pathfinder.

Thank you for your time.


Hey Cos,

Hope this catches you in time. I just got an e-mail that my Player's Guide will be shipping by itself. It will most likely be cheaper for Paizo if you move it to my side-cart and ship it with #7 since I am getting the Player's Guide for free.


Hi Paizo CS:

Upon reviewing my 'Side Cart' under 'My Account' then looking at the 'My Subscriptions' page, I am not sure if there might be a coding error. If there is an error, I just want to bring it to your attention before any orders are sent.

Some items show 'pending' on the 'My Subscriptions' page but do not show up in my 'Side Cart'. I could be incorrect on how your system works though.

Thank you for any assistance and wisdom that you may offer.



I want to start out by saying 'Thank You' to all the fine people that work at Paizo. Here is why:

A few weeks ago I was injured at work. During this period, I was running a Play-By-Post on the Paizo Messageboards. I posted a quick message to my fellow players mentioning that my posts would be inconsistent for a time and please bear with me.

The staff at Paizo found out of my ordeal while monitoring the messageboards and were amazingly supportive. Today I received a 'Getwell Card' signed by many of Paizo's personnel. I am just one little customer 3000 miles away, but Paizo took the time recognize that we are all important to them. Now that is Customer Service!

So to end, if you have not subscribed to Paizo's excellent products, please reconsider. Together let's keep Paizo strong and thriving so they can continue to deliver excellent products with amazing Customer Service.


Since most of you will be staying at Erian's Rest, here is a general post to introduce the inn. There will be more coming for individual characters. Thanks for your patience.

As you step on the first stone step leading up to the porch, you can almost feel this building’s history. The smooth, worn-down stones that make up the steps and porch of Erian’s Rest provide a solid foundation that tell a story of community. The top of the steps place you on the center of the porch. Many of the patrons sitting at the game tables and settled in wooden rocking chairs turn a casual glance and extend a warm smile and nod as you approach the large wooden double doors that allow entrance into the large inn. To both your left and right are long windows allowing a view into the establishment.

The doors open into a foyer. The fifteen foot ceiling is aided by the dark wood floors contrasted with the light stone walls to give the room an airy feel. To both the left and right of the doors, on the outside wall, are small fireplaces sending light and warmth into the room. Straight ahead is an upward staircase leading to a hallway extending left and right. There are several chairs and couches placed around the fireplaces for guests’ comfort and leisure. To your right is a chest high (by medium standards) welcome desk. Currently there is a human female standing behind it ready to greet you. There are two more exits in the room. On either side of the staircase and five feet away from the opposing walls are two open doorways. Each doorway is labeled with a red wooded sign painted in with blue coloring. One reads TAVERN and the other reads DINING ROOM.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

To Start, a Brief History:

The Country of Rutania is fairly young and unspoiled by outsiders. To the north is Kagen’s Range. To the west is the Skyward Mountains. To the south is a dense, unexplored and unnamed jungle currently labeled “The Vines”. Finally, to the east is Voyager’s Ocean. The whole ‘known world’ excluding the Camdara Islands is about 500 square miles.

Prehistory dates back only about 1300 years. Until 1200 years ago, even history was handed down by stories.

So starts the first story: (please keep in mind, this only applies to the ‘known world’ it could be completely different outside of these borders, also by stating the ‘world‘ I mean ‘known world‘)

- Prior to 1200 years ago the lands were uncivilized. The different peoples were tribal nomads and barbarians.

- There was no known magic active in the world.

- Mortality rates were high and birth rates were low. This was mainly caused by disease & famine. This kept populations low. Also, this prevented any real skills from being mastered. If an individual lived long enough to master a skill, that same individual did not live long enough to truly pass down the information to the next generation.

- The deities that these people followed were unforgiving and answered no prayers.

Then 1200 years ago:

Kagen Ru (Kagen’s Range, Rutania) was a traveler from the north on a mission from his deity. He used his powers on the first tribe he met, curing their diseases and providing them food. He was able to wave his arms and speak their language. This tribe followed him until they came upon another tribe which resulted in that tribes salvation. This kept occurring until he amassed a huge following and he saved many lives.

He stated that he was here on a mission. He was told to travel through the mountains and follow the holy river until he arrived at the holy lake. He was then ordered to say a prayer and the great Holy City of Cein (pronounced Kane) would appear.

The city did appear and he walked to the Great Temple in its center. He said another prayer and the giant doors of the Great Temple opened. There was a huge rush of air that blew in from the plains and entered the giant doors of the Great Temple. This wind was so strong that it knocked down all of the followers behind Kagen Ru when it entered the Great Temple. Kagen Ru did not budge though. He stood there, his arms held high, in glorious triumph.

When these doors opened, the deities of good and neutrality were revealed to these peoples. The Great Temple houses many shrines and inscriptions. Kagen Ru only got to explain a few things about the deities because shortly after he opened the doors, he passed away.

His followers realized that he brought them salvation. For years to follow, plagues were almost non-existent. Divine and arcane magics were learned while studying the inscriptions inside the Great Temple.

This was the first step to civilization. With healing magics, mortality rates decreased and birth rates increased. Skills were mastered and passed down through generations. Eventually these peoples created towns and cities.

There were great pilgrimages across northern Rutania (what they decided to call their country). These pilgrimages spread the word of the new pantheon bringing hope to the other nomads and barbarians. Races from across the plains and mountains came together in unity, peace, and health. Even the Elves came out of their protected forest and down from their walled plateau to congregate with the other races, for they too felt the plagues of the past.

Currently, it is the start of the Age of Exploration, and the characters will be a part of it, if they choose.

More to come. This was just a brief history of how things came to be.

Any questions, please throw them at me.



Ok, to get things started, feel free to ask me questions or post among yourselves to get character concepts down. No rush in actually making characters yet. I want to get a feel on what people want to play (ie classes, races) before I establish character generation rules.

Just some general info. so far. To keep it simple, this is a generic D&D world using the D&D pantheon of dieties. We will be starting out in a somewhat rustic outpost turning large town setting called, you guessed it, Erian's Glen. The major industries are logging for ship building and mining.

Your character can be in town for many reasons:

Maybe they live there - baker's boy, innkeepers daughter.
They can be part of the guard detail.
They can be a guard just arrived with a merchant caravan.
They can be a lumberjack or miner.

You get the idea, anything will probably work. Any questions, just throw my way until I get some concrete details typed out. I really want this to be your game so please throw your ideas and character goals my way. I have plenty of ideas and hooks, but depending on your character concepts they just may not fit.

Let's have fun