Wyrm Sniper

Uranda's page

14 posts. Alias of Grandlounge.


I have put all parts of my application in Uganda's profile. I hope that makes things the tiniest bit easier. Also he gear has been finalized. Good luck all.

I'm happy to match whatever the group's pace of play is.

"Great thanks to the ancestors, that there is still time to negotiate the captain position. 'One can not be a begging chooser' as they say but I'm happy the decision has not yet been made."

Uranda slides back with a look of relief.

"Wait I can try naming. Adjective, synonym for woman and something racy... Good Glutreal Gals." he says proud to participate.

Watch out the gm has a ship and likely some dragons.

"Does anyone here actually have command of a ship?"

Uranda realizes his mistake thinking, 'I guess I should not have given her more alcohol. Pirates behave so wildly still can read them.'

Uranda pulls his collar up on this trying to hid his face due to all the private chambers talk and walks over and trades out his glass for Tessa's now empty one.

"If you are a capable captain I'm happy to work under you, should I be chosen. Have my drink I think it's going to my head."

Thanks. Silver linings!

I'm excited for the challange, should I be chosen.

Gun wielding alchemist with trait the gives a healer kit. No gun, no gun smithing kit, no alchemsit's crafting kit, no healer's kit. What an awesome starting challenge.

Tessa Steele wrote:

... turns around shows off her perfectly proportioned princess posterior ...[/b]

Uranda blushes and shrinks under the table and ceases role-playing until the crew has been chosen. He keeps on hand up in the air, past the top of the table so he is not forgotten.

I will hit pause on the RP and give GM Itzi some space to enable reading. See you all at the finsh line. I may have accidental pick comedy straightman as my real class.

Dispite being around pirates for a while now Uranda tries to maintain a level of politeness similar to that with which he was raised.

"By the breath of the ancestors, Ma'am I am very sorry. I did not know you were speaking in bawdy jest. Please accept my apologies."

Uranda bows his head and avoid eye contact.

"Thank you Taicho."

Tessa Steele wrote:

Oh most glorious and omnipotent GM Itzi,

”I speak for Harmony (Just nod and smile girl, I got this) and we both have both agreed that we wish to lobby for another classification other than “Legacies”. We will accept any of the following: Bold and Beautiful Buccaneers, Perfect Presumptuous Picaroons, Bodacious Booties, Taldor’s Tremendous Tit—, What’s that Harm? Okay, erm scratch that one, Preordained Protectors of Piracy, or my favorite, Defenders of the Cookies. Not really relevant, but I love cookies.“



With a heavy accent, Uganda tries to make sense of all of the names.

Bold and Beautiful Boo-kan-eers, Perfect Pre-stump-to-ohs Pic-roons, Bod-a-cee-ous Boo-ty, Taldor’s Tremendous..."

Uranda thinks about what sounds make the most interesting and pleasing phonetic combination give no thought to the meaning of the new words.

"There are many words that are new to me, but I like 'Bodacious Booties'."

"It is very nice to meet you both. I am Uranda of the Thirty Trees. It is a pleasure to meet you, Harmony, whose parents are unmentionables. As you as well, Sir. May I have your name?"