Wyrm Sniper

Uranda's page

14 posts. Alias of Grandlounge.

About Uranda

Neutral Good Medium Human Alchemist 1;

Init +3; Senses: Perception: +5

AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13
HP 11

Fort 4, Ref 5, Will 1

Speed 30 ft.

Ranged Pistol +3 (1d8/x4),
Alchemist spells prepared (CL 1; concentration +5)
1st (2/day)- Longshot (DC 15); Shield (DC 15);

Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 7

Base Atk +0; CMB 0; CMD 13

Feats Gunsmithing; Point-Blank Shot; Precise Shot;
SQ Alchemical Ordnance; Alchemy; Bomb +1d6+4; Gunsmith; Toxic Secretion;

Skills: Craft Alchemy +9 (BG); Heal +5; Diplomacy +8; Knowledge (arcana) +8; Knowledge (geography) +8; Knowledge (local) +5; Knowledge (nature) +8; Knowledge (planes) +5; Perception +5; Spellcraft +8;

Traits: Student of Philosophy, Ship's Surgeon,

Equipment: studded leather armor, battered pistol,torch, oil, 1 pint flask, fuel pellet (10); Other Gear: sling, oil, 1 pint flask, underwater goggles, pirate clothes (basic), bullet (firearm/pitted) (2), bullet (firearm) (3), earplugs, dart, blowgun, darts, blowgun (10), powder horn, waterproof bag, candlestick, twine (50 ft.) (2), flask (2), coffee beans (per lb.), iron spike, rice paper, sheet (10), chalkboard, rope (50 ft.), formula book, alchemy crafting kit, healer's kit, gunsmith's kit, flotation device, bullets, sling (10) (2), bandolier, waterskin (2)

Mawagi Gun Chemist Toxicant Alchemist, you know you, classic shaman or tribal advisor, who is expected to travel and bring his experience back to the group.

Backstory for Uranda the Mawangi pirate alchemsit:

Uranda is a Mawangi man. Tall and lean with a confident bearing. Since he was a child, he trained under Haktu, who took on three apprentices. This practice is standard, one apprentice is to become the herbalist, the second is to become the shaman (spiritual leader of the tribe), and the third is chief and leader of the tribe. It is the sacred duty of the shaman to train these three crucial future leaders of each generation. The three candidates are trained generally in all aspects of healing (Ship's Surgeon), morality (student of philosophy) and leadership and only in their mid-twenties are their aptitudes assessed and their future role assigned.

Uranda did not want to be the chief. The chief was tied down to their homeland permanently; they managed the military, governance, and taxes. They worked firmly in the realm of the practical and Uranda thrived in the theoretical, potions, munitions, healing, and tactics were things he had passion for. Five days before the group was to be assigned their future roles Uranda started to dig through the tribal history to find a way to choose his position. In ancient times there was a rite of passage for next shaman, the 'da maté.' The young future shaman was expected to travel the world and bring back knowledge and wealth to improve the lives of their people. Because it is such a time-consuming process, the disciple and would-be shaman would typically leave in their teens, forcing the decision to be made early. It seemed that by invoking this rite and go in the subsequent fives day could ensure his position as the shaman and avoid the chance to the chief. So, Uranda wrote a note invoking the da maté and left for Bloodcove. There was no place he could think of more different than his ancestral homeland and more accessible to the world than a port town run by pirates.

With little money, he quickly found that people who deal in illegal trades often need someone who understands the properties of chemicals. He started to see how dangerous the world was and how necessity can supersede morality if one lacked conviction, so he committed to limit his work to what was needed for his protection, a simple form of utilitarianism (student of philosophy). In all instances, he kept his tribe's most deadly techniques to himself (toxicant). To his good fortune, he did not stay here long, one of his early clients left three broken firearms with him and mysteriously disappeared, which was surprisingly common in this region. Even in this state, these weapons were precious. Though loathed to profit from death, this was the quickest way out of the hellhole that Uranda found himself in, so he found a buyer for two of the guns kept the third for himself (class's starting weapon) and booked passage on a ship to the Shackles. The shackles were not much better than Bloodcove. Still, here, there was a sense of liberty, freedom, and independence that was vastly different from the filial piety, appeal to authority, and tribal unity he was used to.

Previous post about myself as a player Here

Little about yourself:

I'm an active player I like to move a story along. There is a PBP guide on the boards that talks about posts that 'push' to move the action along, and that idea is pretty central to how I play. I post with suggestion movement and questions to the story. I try to convey as much through dialogue and action as possible, so I don't write a lot of internal monologues or thought processes, instead, of saying he 'thinks that this is a bad idea but says nothing' I would have the character hum and haw about the plan. Finally, I like the story and mechanics of my characters to be harmonious. A fletcher druid who was a raptor-kin druid archer with the eagle domain, or a failed wizard who is a fighter the can make potions, summon a familiar use wands without check. These are a couple of examples of race traits, class skill, build style and archetypes all flavouring a concept so that the mechanics and RP live together.

Your gaming history:

Started playing tabletop RPGs late in life I have been active for the last seven years. I have played with may GMs and GMed for many players. I like adapting to new groups and play styles. As such, I don't have a lot of hangups about how a game is run RAW, RAI, Rule of cool I can make it work can have fun.

Your time zone and when you usually post:

MST I post morning and night for long posts and one coffee breaks or at lunch for short posts to keep things moving.

What role do you see them filling in the group?:

Knowledge and magic-related skills, artillery, and ranged damage as well as some utility casting. Ranged damage and skills would be starting roles. Control as more bomb options become available, buffer as he is able to pick up and use more infusions.

On the ship?:

Medic, ammunition and black powder maker. I'm flexible.

I love personal growth in characters. So along those lines, how do you see this character changing over the next 15-16 levels?:

I think he would have the ambition of becoming a first mate or and principal advisor as that will be his role when he gets back home. He would want to be more decisive but will need the confidence to know he can make the right decision. I think he will be consistently tested as to whether he wants to bring back knowledge, which he knows is the most valuable asset to his people, or bring back a pile of gold. The second option would likely devastate the local economy, though he does not understand that yet (i.e. teach a mand to fish). But, it seems like the faster, easier solution to their problems. I also see his view of 'his people' changing expanding far beyond his tribe may be trying to make connections between distant cultures.

Optionally, if there's a particular post (or posts) you've made in another game that you're proud of, put a link to it in your application.:

This is a long thread where an academically inclined former Nobel fights about what it means to take away free will and what is the nature of evil and how this impacts the law. The context is this is a Kingmaker game, and we are deciding on the way a kingdom should be run (my characters don't act like this in every game, and I cleared continuing with the other PCs).

Here is one that because of a chase scene, I had to solo an encounter or die. It was a PFS scenario where you are mythic for a short time. I'm not showing this to say, look how good my characters are. What I hope it shows is that I'm fully committed to the character, as this PC does not kill people even faced with life or death maintained this poured all his magic and mythic abilities into maintaining this trait. Then due to a misunderstanding, the GM said one of the characters die, which we remedied through roleplay in a way the group and I really liked.

Both are long; don't feel like you have to read them.