
Tynat n'Tynata's page

96 posts. Organized Play character for Rick ..


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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day
Narika wrote:
and those who don't are slow to post. I think everyone is enjoying being outside too much to post as much as they were in the winter.

Yeah, guilty. Sorry my posts have been sporadic, but I think I'm up to date.

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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat fires another arrow at the owlbear

longbow: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (9) + 9 - 4 = 14
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Sorry all, got distracted with life. Thanks for keeping it going in my absence. To catch up...

When the runner alerts the party to the collapse of the northern barricade Tynat stamps a foot and pouts.

"Bloody birdbrains broke my beautiful barricade!"

Tiny Tynat jumps onto the shoulder of giant Talon and hitches a ride to the northern edge of the village, where he takes up a spot on the barricade there next to the newly made hole, before returning to normal size. As the cage containing the owlbear approaches he takes out a vial containing a thick, syrupy green liquid, and with a grimace, uncorks it and downs the contents.

"Bleh. Yuck. Uhg. Must make mutagens more palatable."

As he mumbles to himself about the foul flavor of his concoctions, his small wiry body begins to twist and alter. His already lanky limbs and digits thin and extend, his skin stretching tight over them, and his face becomes lean and drawn.

Use mutagen. Gain 4 dex, 2 natural armor, -2 wis for 10 minutes.

Tynat chucks a bomb at the beast as it approaches but his aim is off, as he's having a tough time adjusting back to being regular size, and newly mutated as well.

As it reaches the wall, he is about to hurl yet another bomb, when Talon and Ollo surround the thing. Not wanting to blast his new friends, he unslings his longbow and fires an arrow off at it instead.

Longbow: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 9 - 4 = 24
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

"Heads up!" cries Tynat as he stands on tiptoes and lobs a bomb over the edge of the barricade at the red bandit.

Bomb: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat grins as he's slightly singed by the bottle of Alchemist's Fire, and quickly returns the favor with a bomb at the blue bandit, showing them what a real alchemist can do.

Bomb: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Sorry to hear about that, but good to know she's not seriously hurt.

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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Ok, cool. Then assuming Tynat starts on top of barrier, for the first round:

Tynat's head tilts back as he gazes up in wonder at the suddenly towering figure of Talon. He grins and draws a bottle of his own, tossing back the contents, and getting exactly the opposite result. As Talon suddenly grows to gigantic proportions, Tynat's already diminutive form shrinks, until he's barely half the size he was before.

Extract of Reduce Person. Size is now tiny, +1 To hit, +2 to Dex, +1 to AC, -2 to Str)

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Since Tynat's not too great at climbing, could he (being small) just grab onto Talon as he grows, and hitch a ride to the top of the barricade as his move action?

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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Thanks GM, sorry I forgot to roll that. Didn't mean to hold things up.

Tynat spends the best part of a week overseeing the villagers' hasty construction of a barricade around their town. Although not the sturdiest wall, it should provide a fair bit of advantage to the defenders.

After the erection is finished, he spends an evening on his own walking around the barrier and installing some traps in the areas that look most easily scaled or knocked down, hoping to catch the first assailants offguard.

He returns to his companions as they rest before the assault.

"The bamboo barricade is built, and Tynat has tacked on some tricky traps for the Tengu."

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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat is going to be overseeing construction of baricades. So after 2 days, we will have the harvest done, and an estimated 7 days until the attack. That'll give me time to get the baricades built (5 more days with thirty villagers working on it.) The remaining twenty villagers who are will free to do other things having finished harvesting, can be trained as archers / soldiers, assist in building baricades faster, or be kept out scouting.

I'd propose that on day 2 we set thirty villagers to building baricades right away, rotating out groups of 10 people each day so that the ten archers can be trained, and everyone else can get militia training, (since the combat trainings only take 1 day per group of ten people) while we stay on schedule for the barricade completion.

So I'm thinking it'd look like this:

Day 1: Everyone except scouts and Ai harvesting.

Day 2: Twenty villagers finish harvest, thirty start on baricades.

Day 3: Work on baricades continues, twenty spare villagers are trained. (10 archers, 10 militiamen)

Day 4: Baricades continue, with the 20 combat trained villagers swapping in for the untrained ones, who will then get their own combat training.

Day 5: Baricades continue, the last 10 of the untrained villagers swap out to get combat training.

Day 6: Baricades continue. All villagers are combat ready, and the twenty not working on the baricades can begin flooding the fields (2 days.)

Day 7: Baricades are finished, as is the flooding of the fields.

Day 8: Pre-war orgy

Day 9: Estimated date of attack.

Tynat would be overseeing construction, Ai would remain scouting in case the date of attack moves up and we need to switch plans, and Talon, Ollo, and Narika would handle the training.


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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat will take 10 on knowledge Nature checks, which with his +8 bonus, will help him guide the villagers to more efficient efforts at harvesting on both days.

After that, he's actually not going to be able to train archers or militiamen since his BAB is 0 (only level 1.)

But he could oversee construction of baricades and use his disable device skill to incorporate some traps, or go scouting in place of Ai if she'd be more useful at the villages, as his Perception is +5, just 1 below hers.

Aside from that, I think Talon's plan is solid.

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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat is momentarily distracted by a neat bug crawling across the packed earth floor of the hut, but eventually notices his compatriots all stand up (except Ai) and belatedly scrambles to his feet to join them.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat (who honestly has no real idea why he's here, aside from having been sent by the Society to assist the others on their mission) flops down onto one of the indicated cushions and listens with interest to see what exactly he's supposed to be doing.

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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat grins up at Talon and tosses a bomb up and down and couple times.

"This is simple stuff; someday you'll see something really stupendous. Tynat has innumerable ideas for incredible improvments to his incendiary implements."

Then while his companions search the dead and talk to the travelers, Tynat scampers off into the trees to try to round up the remaining horses and lead them back to the wagon.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat fires off another arrow towards the fleeing bandit.

Longbow: 1d20 + 6 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 6 - 4 - 2 = 4
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5

But it falls well short of the retreating figure.

"Bye bye birdie!"

Are the bandits' mounts still around, or did they bolt off, and if they're still there, are they actually those kickass chocobo looking things on the map, or were those just convenient icons?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Can I still see him and take a shot at him with my bow, or is he flat out gone and requiring tracking down to deal with?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

"Big bad birdies are just blustery brutes. No bother for brave band of battle tested pathfinders!"

Having at first not succeeded, Tynat try, tries again. He takes a step back, and remembering to knock an arrow this time, lets fly a shot at the further bandit (pink)

Longbow: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 1 = 21
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat lifts his longbow, draws back on the string, sights in on the mounted bandit riding towards him (red) and releases.

Longbow: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

But realizes too late that he forgot to actually knock an arrow... He looks around sheepishly, hoping nobody noticed.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Bomb was at purple (pink?) with green in splash radius. Crossbow and magic missile were at blue I believe.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat follows his comrades into the confrontation. With one hand he grabs a jar of clear liquid from the bandolier slung across his chest, and uncorks it.

With the other he reaches into a pouch at his waist and withdraws a small handful of powder he tips into the jar before quickly sealing it again. He gives it a shake and it begins to glow with a violent red light.

The impish alchemist skips out merrily from behind Talon as he conjures his etheral shield and attempts to reason with the would be bandits.

"Tynat is an excellent teacher, but lacks Talon's tack. Tynat tends towards trial by fire. Bad birdies will learn, or bad birdies will burn."

He hurls his concoction at the other dismounted Tengu as his comrades fire at the nearer one.

Bomb vs Touch AC at purple: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 7 - 2 = 14

Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
splash damage: 5 = 5 reflex 14 for half damage

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

What do the F and H tiles on the map represent?

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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat nods at Ollo, smiling widely.

"Tynat is a top notch teacher!"

He is visibly excited as his group heads down the path on their way to confront the cloaked ruffians, practically bouncing up and down as he follows Ollo. He drops a handful of arrows to his quiver on his belt, and unslings his longbow from across his back.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat has a wonderful time on the trip through the idyllic countryside. He learns more about the bizarre habits of dwarves, and finds he actually quite enjoys the constant jackanapery of Ai despite the strained looks she sometimes elicits from the others.

As the group comes over the hill, he is humming contentedly to himself, and fiddling with a series of tiny glass beakers, mixing various powders and liquids, creating the occasional glow of colored light or puff of smoke.

He glances up at the commotion below, and seeming almost to not even take notice of the ominous scene he goes on humming and fiddling with his gear. He puts away his tiny chemistry set, packing it carefully into a padded leather pouch. Then he roles up his sleeves and begins toying with the small clockwork devices strapped to his wrists, lodging a small sealed glass vial into each.

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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat follows Ollo, doing his best to stick to the shadows in the corner of the room.

A tiny, twitchy, pixie like creature, Tynat has skin and hair black as night, but bone white eyes shining intently out of his oddly childlike face.

Wearing patched and tarnished chain armor, and covered head to toe in various pouches, pockets, satchels, bags, tools, and vials, he looks like a walking junk drawer, and smells faintly of sulfur, smoke and assorted solvents.

He tilts his head quizzically at the mention of Picoperi
Perception : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
but noticing the oh so slight grimace on the sorceress' face, simply says

"Tynat has heard. Yes. Definitely has heard the word."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Player info:

Tynat n'Tynata
# 143757-3
Dayjob: Craft Alchemy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Perception +5
Initiative +6

Before starting out, I'd like to make the following purchases for Tynat (already reflected in his character sheet)

983g starting
4PP starting

Wand of CLW 1PP
MW Chain Shirt 250g
5 Alchemist's Fire 100g
5 Tangleshot Arrows 100g
Dagger 2g
MW transformation for longbow 300

- 752g
- 1PP

231g remaining
3PP remaining

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat is puzzled by the dwarf's actions, but assumes they are merely the strange ways of a strange people. He also flops to the floor lays down next to Ollo, in an attempt to fit in with his new comrade.

"Tynat is Tynat. Sent via scroll by surly orc to serve in stead of departed inquisitor."

He stares at the prone dwarf with wide pure white eyes, and fidgets restlessly.

"Can Tynat get up? His pouches are packed with precious potions and powders, and he would prefer not to press them flat like pancakes. "

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Ahh, good point.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day


Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Hello all, Tynat here will be joining you for the exciting conclusion to your adventure. Thanks for having me along GM Xynen.

Tynat's character sheet is mostly accurate, just doesn't yet reflect the spoils from his previous scenario. I'll get that up to snuff asap and read through your previous threads to get up to speed. (You can of course feel free to look through Tynat's previous PbP thread to get a sense of him as a character if you'd like. Looking forward to playing with you all.

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day
Xynen wrote:

A surly half-orc wanders by reading something and frowning, ignoring the people he bumps in to. He balls up the letter and tosses it over his shoulder, then breathes deep before addressing the room, definitely not using his 'indoor' voice.

"Alright here's the deal. I've got four Pathfinders out in Tian Xia in need of some help, I've also got a single powerful teleport scroll to send some lucky chump out there with them. Who's it gonna be? Who among you wants to help activate the Braid of a Hundred Masters?"


I've been running the Quest for Perfection trilogy for a group of level 2 (classic) Pathfinders, we've recently lost our bow wielding Inquisitor and are just about to start Part III:3-13 Defenders of Nesting Swallow. If you have it available and are interested in playing, you can post here or send me a PM. I'd like to start tomorrow evening (EST), but am willing to wait until Sunday night if need be.

Since it's the final in a trilogy I don't anticipate a surge of applicants but I'll roll a lottery if I need to.

Tynat jumps up off his stool and runs to the half orc. "Tynat will take this task to travel to Tian Xia!"

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day
The Dude With No Name wrote:
"No, but if you've got a light I'd really appreciated it man."

Tynat tosses back the remainder of the drink in front of him, then reaches into one of the myriad pouches strapped to his tiny frame, and removes a glass vial. Uncorking it, he swiftly pours a few drops of Alchemist's Fire into his empty glass, and hastily restoppers the container, tucking it back into his pocket. As the volatile liquid combusts, he slides the flaming glass over to the disheveled drifter down the bar.

"Take it easy for all us sinners Dude."

Level 1 alchemist looking to hop into an available game. If anyone's planning to run Confirmation, I'd especially love to do that.

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Spellcraft identify: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Seeing the dwarf preparing to blast the party with negative energy, Tynat taps into his racial connection with the shadow plane, and laughs some more as the soothing energies of the dwarf's spell flow through him.

Use racial ability

Light and Dark (Su): Once per day as an immediate action, a wayang can treat positive and negative energy effects as if she were an undead creature, taking damage from positive energy and healing damage from negative energy. This ability lasts for 1 minute once activated.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat laughs excitedly as the noises of various gun shots, missiles, and bombs explode around him, filling the cavern with a thunderous cacophony.

"Boom Boom BOOM!"

He takes a step to the west, pulls yet another vial of liquid from his bandolier, fills it with strange powder, then seals and shakes it as it starts to glow with an ominous light. He continues laughing and smiling gleefully as he hurls it at the remaining Aspis.

Bomb vs Touch AC: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 Fire damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Zandu's spell is going to inform my turn, so I'll post after that resolves

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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Also, remember I actually did 5 damage to E with the splash from my first bomb, not 2.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Cesare is down. You did 20 damage to him in the first round. He's at -3. Does need to make a stablize roll I guess.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Nice! I knew you could do it buddy.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Sorry Ebon!

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Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat mutters angrily as he takes a step back to the SW and prepares another bomb.

"Brainless blackbird can't bother to bounce his body out of breadth of bomb's blast zone."

He weighs the risks and decides Ebonfeather can survive being a bit singed and is just going to have to take one for the team.

He hurls the bomb at S, with the blast potentially catching both Ebonfeather and B.

Bomb vs Touch AC: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Fire damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Splash damage = 5. Reflex dc 14* to halve

*I was mistaken in my last attack, it's dc 14, not dc 15 for my bomb's reflex save, but the guy failed either way so it doesn't matter.

Oh, and I checked just to be sure, unconscious creatures do still get a reflex save. Guess it's meant to account for dumb luck.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

I don't think he meant mixed tables. I believe he meant one of each, classic and core, if enough people interested in each signed up.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

On a side note Panic, I'll be willing to do silverhex. I'll sign up later tonight. Can't access sheet from phone.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Just incase it was a typo or oversight, my bombs do splash damage of 5, so that should be 5 damage to E from me. Unless he has some DR or resistance, in which case ignore this.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat steps forward to the space vacated by Ebonfeather.

"Aspis will pay for rejecting Tynat's applicati- err... Tynat means for daring to interfere with Pathfinders on a mission.!"

Tynat quickly mixes up a vial of hissing chemicals and hurls it at B.

Bomb vs Touch AC: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Fire Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Splash Damage =5, reflex DC 15 to halve.

As it explodes in a burst of flame and smoke, he draws his longspear.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat scowls at Zandu's retreating back, disgusted at his lack of intellectual curiosity. Having stuffed the papers into his pack, he decides he does like the shiny gem after all, abs grabs that too.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 Perception : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Tynat, unimpressed by the glowing gem, instead shuffles through the collected papers on the desk.

"Tynat thinks he has found the lost chronicles of note - gnome's friend. Tynat thinks THIS is what Dreng was up to all along."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Perception : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Unable to use his crafting expertise to figure out what the first potion is, Tynat tries tasting an single drop to see if he can perceive its properties. Perception : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Remembering the trap he just barely avoided thanks to Ebon's warning at the gnome's house, Tynat restrains his natural impulse to run straight to the altar.

He proceeds cautiously forward instead, keeping a wary eye out as he goes.

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Also, what are these potions?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

Tynat does the same, dashing to and fro around the memorial with a frantic energy.

Perception : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Wayang Alchemist (Grenadier) Lvl 2 HP 17, AC: 19 (FF: 15, Tch: 15), Perception + 6, Initiative +6, F+4, R+7, W+0 Bombs 6/day Extracts (Lvl 1) 3/day

"Not go to wall. Read note. Read note close. "Password is whiffle should you learn where to use it." Not use it at wall. Too simple. Simple not for Pathfinders! Simple not for secrets! We go to Shrine of the Failed! The names of the not-pathfinders on the wall point us there."

-Posted with Wayfinder

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