
Tupp Thistledown's page

199 posts. Organized Play character for ShieldBug.

Organized Play Characters

Silver Crusade Kronas Kronglic

-/0/0/0/0/0 | arcane mark 1/1 | comprehend languages 1/1 | message 0/1 | read magic 1/1 | wand CLW 5/5, wand CLW 50/50
Male Gnome Bard (arcane duelist) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | CMD 13 | F +2 R +6 W +2 | Spd 20' | Perc +5 (low-light) | Init +5 | Performance 1/9 | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Conditions: (410 posts)
Sovereign Court Lord Braggett Fizzlebotham IV

Sir Kibble:
HP: 29/32 | AC: 19/13/16 | CMD: 18 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +2; +4 vs. fear and emotion effects | Speed: 50' (35' when mounted) | Perception: +1; +2 when carrying Braggett, Low-light vision, Scent | Init: +3
Male Gnome cavalier (Emissary) 5 | HP: 38/39 | AC: 20/12/19 22/12/21 | CMD: 18 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +5; +2 vs. illusions/fear/despair | Spd: 20' | Per: +10; +2 when riding Kibble, Low-light vision | Init :+1 | Challenge: 1/2 | Eternal Hope: 0/1 | Wand CLW 29/50 | Conditions: (507 posts)
Grand Lodge Eadric Brightcoat

Male Human Brawler (SC) 3 | HP: 28/28
AC: 17/13/15 | CMB: +7, CMD: 19 | F: +5, R: +5, W: +2 (+2 trait bonus against charm, compulsion, and emotion effects) | Spd: 30' | Per: +7 | Init :+2 | Martial Flexibility: 4/4 | Active effects:
(469 posts)
Silver Crusade Neela Henar
(2 posts)
Liberty's Edge Daaro Meadowtide
(0 posts)
Rogeif Yharloc
The Exchange Uther Blackwater

Male Human Warpriest 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 18 (19*) T 14 (15*) FF 14 | CMD 16 (18*) | F +3 R +4 (+5*) W +4 | Spd 30' | Perc +7; SM +6; Aura of Good | Init +4 (+5*) | Blessings 0/3 | Conditions: *Mist-tainted (132 posts)
Silver Crusade Tupp Thistledown

Male Halfling Paladin (Chosen One) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 17 T 12 FF 16 | CMD 14 | F +3 R +1 W +1; +2 bonus vs. Fear | Spd 20' | Perc +0; SM +3; Aura of Good | Init +1 | Adaptable Luck 3/3 | Wand CLW 48/50 | Conditions: (199 posts)
Liberty's Edge Juicy Green Grapes

Vine Leshy Hunter (Plant Master) 1 | HP 6/9 | AC 16 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 14 | F +3 R +3 W +2 | Spd 20' | Perc +6, SM +2; Low-light Vision, Darkvision (60') | Init +2 | Plant Aspect 1/1 | Spells: 1st 0/2 | Conditions: (37 posts)
Wayfinders Pew
(1 post)
Horizon Hunters Noggin NineToes

Male Goblin Champion (Liberator) 1 HP: 17/17 | AC: 19 (21 with Shield) | F: +6, R: +5, W: +4 | Perc: +2 | Stealth: +2 Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Darkvision | Resistances: Cold 1 | Active Conditions: (155 posts)
Envoy's Alliance Dibble Shortcoat

Male Gnome Champion (Paladin) 1 HP: 21/21 | AC: 18 (20 with shield) | F: +6, R: +5, W: +4 | Perc: +2 | Stealth: +2| Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Darkvision | Active Conditions: (32 posts)

Horizon Hunters Grubb the Great
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Hawthorn Rainrunner
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Renzin Rix
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Opa Bogwynne
(0 posts)


Bot Buddy SH-13LD

GM Construct - Botting Guide (14 posts)
Daka Makoa

Half Orc, Cleric 1 | HP 10/10
AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 13 | F: +3, R: +1, W: +5 | Speed: 20' | Sense Motive: +7; Perception +3 (dark vision, 60') | Initiative +1 | Firebolt (5/6) | Blinding Flash (6/6) | Channel Energy (2/6) | Effects: None
(216 posts)
Dark Archive Dresden Tindermane

Male Elf Alchemist 1; HP: 10/10 INIT: +5 AC: 17 T: 13 FF: 14 CMD: 15(F: 12) F: +3 R:+5 W: +1 (+2 vs. enchantment effects) Perception: +7, Bombs: 2/5 day, Extracts: 2/2 day, Mutagen: 1/1 day, Wand CLW 46/50 (101 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak
Ebon Pennyfeather

Male Tengu | HP 69/69 | AC: 22/15/17 | CMD: 26 | F: +9, R: +11, W: +3 | Speed: 40' | Sense Motive: -1; Perception +11 (low-light vision) | Initiative +4 | Martial Flexibility (5/6) | Knockout (1/1) | Stamina Pool (9/9) | Active Effects: War Mind Blessing | Brawler (Shield Champion) 7 (24 posts)
GM ShieldBug

Year of the Skykey (783 posts)
Pirate Queen
Luna Kronglic
(17 posts)
Mr Slithers

Slithering Sundew 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 14 T 14 FF 11 | CMD 16 (Cannot be tripped) | F +4 R +6 W +1; plant immunities | Spd 20' | Perc +5; low-light vision | Init +3 | Conditions: Assassin Vine Aspect (+2 to grapple checks) (8 posts)
PFS Pregen #1 - ShieldBug

”Poog of Zarongel” Male NE goblin cleric 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 T 13 FF 16 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | F +6, R +6, W +8 | Init +6 | Perc +3, darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | fire bolt 5/6 channel negative energy 4/4 | Active conditions: None (139 posts)
Kobold Master Trapper
PFS Pregen #2 - ShieldBug

”Fazgyn”| Male LE Small Kobold Unchained Rogue 4 | HP 29/29 | AC 20, T 15, FF 16 | CMD 15 | F +2 R +8 W +1 | Init +5 | Perc +9, Darkvision, Trapfinding | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: Light sensitivity, Haste, Heroism. (52 posts)
Liberty's Edge PFS Pregen #3 - ShieldBug

”Jirelle” | Female CG Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4 | HP 40/40 | AC 22, T 16, FF 16 | CMD 19 | F +4 R +9 W +5 (+2 vs. enchantments, charms, compulsions) | Init +6 (+4 without panache) | Perc +10 | Speed 30ft | panache 2/2; charmed life 3/3 | Active Conditions: None (2 posts)
Thuvian Alchemist
SFS Pregen #1 - ShieldBug

"Raia Danviri" Female LG damaya lashunta xenoseeker technomancer 4 | SP 20/20 HP 24/24 | RP 6/6 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Spell Cache 1/1 | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spells: 1st 3/4; 2nd 3/3 | Active conditions: None. (108 posts)
Sir Kibble

Male Animal Companion (Bodyguard) Wolf animal 5 | HP: 29/32 | AC: 19/13/16 | CMD: 18 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +2; +4 vs. fear and emotion effects | Speed: 50' | Perception: +1 (+2 when carrying Braggett, Low-light vision; Scent) | Init: +3 (16 posts)
Sori, Tupp's Guide

Female Chicken Familiar 1 | HP 7/7 | AC 17 T 16 FF 15 | CMD 5 | F +2 R +3 W +3 | Spd 30 ft., fly 20 ft. (clumsy); drift | Perc +5; SM +5 | Init +4 | Conditions: (34 posts)