
Tumorseal's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 32 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

As someone who is running Curse of the Crimson Throne on Foundry and is having to do all the work myself, I would happily pay those prices to just be able to run it. Think about how many man hours of work it saves you.

It would be awesome if the price were lower, but that 36 bucks saves a TON of work.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So.... you didn't read the step by step guide on how to create a character and are mad that your character came out wrong?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The new site is very pretty!

But terrible to use.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was a kickstarter backer for this. It is amazing people.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I know that they technically arn't part of the core rulebook, but I really wish that the Drake and Pegasus starships had pawns in this set.

They will likely be the most flown ships for a while.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I noticed that with my solarian I could not add the feat 'Heavy Armor Proficiency'. It said I did not have light armor proficiency.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am stoked for this since hero lab has really dropped the ball with the direction they are going.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is definitely the case. But it is also a case of "Give it time"

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It is like they sent the low res pic to the printer. Looks terrible.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is great. I am running an online Kingmaker game starting in June. I am adding a bunch of things to it that I will still have to prep, but it will be about 20% of the work I was going to have to do.

Yes, if you pick up everything the cost adds up, but holy how does it save you an amazing amount of time.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is important.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So, with my group being insane, and myself not being any better, we have chosen to run this as a much more long term campaign then we have with other Adventure Paths.

First of all we are starting with the slow advancement track, but if it becomes a pain we will drop XP all together.

I have added quite a few Paizo and 3rd party modules to the map depending on what they do.

I have moved the Emerald Spire close to their Kingdom.

There is an entrance to Rappan Athuk near the Stag Lord's fort. I will make it very obvious that the enter means death.

They can also find their way into the Maze of the Blue Medusa if they play their cards right.

Basically I have put everything onto the map that was on my list of things I would love to run someday, but probably never will, and I look forward to seeing what the players do with this madhouse.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am already running a Runelords and a CT game and getting ready to start a Kingmaker. I love that list. I am hoping it comes soon, but make sure it is perfect first!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I love Syrinscape, use it for every game night we have, but I'm sad they will not be doing a Crimson Throne set.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

A question for those of you that have used either of these.

I run our home game through a projector pointing down at the tabletop.

Currently I have been using Syncrpg, a mod of Maptools to do this, but have been thinking about switching. Paying a few bucks to cut out hours of prep is worth it in my book.

So what one would work better for a projector?

What I do with Syncrpg is have a GM session on my laptop, with the projector showing a second copy of the program joined as a player.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I pre-ordered Curse some time ago, and never received an order number. It is not in my order history, but when I go to the Curse page on the website is says that I have purchased this product.

I have heard others mention an order going into limbo before on this forum and I think that happened to me.

Its all good, I just want to make sure that I get my book and pdf.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Mine still hasn't shipped. Killing me Paizo!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How long does this one take to run through?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would buy a high quality print of this.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

These are great.

For my group I have to be very careful about what rumors I throw out there though, they tend to over react.

"A random drunk guy in a tavern mentioned the hook mountains! Drop everything, off we go!"

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

We are starting Crimson Throne next week. Can I be sent an early copy of the collected edition?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
walter mcwilliams wrote:
I am disappointed that Scarwall is rumored to have received the axe. This is one of the great castle crawls of all times. My PC's loved it!

Scarwall did NOT get the axe. According to the Paizocon panel on CT if anything it was expanded. They made sure that there is some sort of description for every single room on the map.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am starting this in about two weeks. So we may be through book one by the time this comes out. Really, really looking forward to it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Seriously. You people need to calm down. Wait until the arc finishes in six months or so before you freak out.

Is there a chance this is shitting on Cap's history as you are saying? Yeah, maybe even a big chance.

But there is a chance that this will be something interesting and well thought out.

The editor saying "This is the real Steve Rogers and he has been Hydra the whole time" comes across the same as the show runners for Game of Thrones repeating over and over that Jon Snow is dead and would stay that way.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have a home group that is half way through this one, before we had to pause it because it got too late.

To be honest, if I had read the end of part two before we started part one, I would have ran the group through something else. And that is a shame, because the rest of this one, and all of part three is great.

But knowing the way my party plays, especially my parties Paladin the end of part two will force them to do things that their characters would not do.

There are two lawful characters in the party. They have no way to play within their alignment and complete the scenario. That is a fail in my book.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber



It is amazing, and free.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If there is a way down the line for us late comers to send a few bucks for a download that would be awesome!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I really hope this one gets the full mini support.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

These are amazing. I am starting prep work to run Runelords starting in March, and with these I can focus more on my terrain.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

As a GM that is just getting ready to run my first game I am amazed at your plans. Keep us updated, this sounds like it could be truly epic!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thank you everyone!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am going to start running a Pathfinder group starting in the summer. I am the most familiar with Pathfinder of the group, but everyone is well versed in tabletop RPGs, mostly old school D&D.

With this group and what I am interested in putting work into, I have narrowed it down to Runelords and Reign of Winter. Runelords sounds like it might be easier for a first time GM, but with the gaming this group has done, I thought that something a little different might impress them more.

Am I crazy? Is RoW too tough for a first timer? Any other Adventure Paths I should look at?