
Tranquilo's page

Organized Play Member. 28 posts (109 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


I have to fly out tomorrow for a business trip starting on monday. I might be missing in action for a few days. Please GMPC my character starting tomorrow. If my character dies while I'm away, I won't shed any tears. We're first level after all.

I have to fly out tomorrow for a business trip starting on monday. I might be missing in action for a few days. Please GMPC my character starting tomorrow. If my character dies while I'm away, I won't shed any tears. We're first level after all.

I have to fly out tomorrow for a business trip starting on monday. I might be missing in action for a few days. Please GMPC my character starting tomorrow. If my character dies while I'm away, I won't shed any tears. We're first level after all.

I have to fly out tomorrow for a business trip starting on monday. I might be missing in action for a few days. Please GMPC my character starting tomorrow. If my character dies while I'm away, I won't shed any tears. We're first level after all.

I have to fly out tomorrow for a business trip starting on monday. I might be missing in action for a few days. Please GMPC my character starting tomorrow. If my character dies while I'm away, I won't shed any tears. We're first level after all.

Undone wrote:

I'd just like to point out that the overwhelming majority of gameplay (85% or something according to Piazo) occurs at level 7 or less. Before level 7 casters are a LIABILITY not over powered. Less than 1% of all gameplay occurs at levels casters are truly strong (11+). The truth is that all characters have a power curve. What the OP want's is for everyone to have the same power curve except wizards should just be worse at every level.

Fighters (well ok, not fighters but fighter types like barbarians and slayers) are 10x as strong as a wizard between 1-4. They're merely 2x stronger at levels 5-6. At 7-8 they're markedly stronger especially if they are a ranger/pally/BR but not overwhelmingly so. It's not till 9th that they're equal.

I agree with you that martials and casters are much closer at low levels and that people should pay attention to levels 1-6 character strength first and foremost when building their characters.

However, it's absurd to say barbarian/slayers are 10x as strong as wizards at l1-4. Wizards have sleep and color spray at level 1-2. At level 3-4 they have glitterdust and web. All those spells single-handedly end encounters, to say nothing of their other tricks. Wizards aren't even the strongest casters at low levels. Heavens Oracles Summoners, Sylvan Sorcerers, Occultist Arcanists, Druids, Witches, Clerics, with the right domains all have serious firepower.

Brotato wrote:
If allowed, it would place them on their spell list at the appropriate level, as to do otherwise would make the perk completely useless.

As I said, this is for PFS so RAW matters, not RAI and the source is allowed by Additional Resources.

On p.123 of Inner Sea Gods under Variant Spellcasting:


Clerics and oracles who serve Pharasma may prepare

false life as a 2nd-level spell, clairaudience/clairvayance as
a 3rd-level spell, and moment of prescience as an 8th-level

Oracles can't prepare spells, so what does this section mean RAW (PFS)? Does this add these spells to the Oracle class spell list? Spells known list?

Tranquilo wrote:
Is it okay to make changes to my character since we haven't really started yet? If not, I can wait till the end of the scenario. Thanks.

Okay, I'm finished with the character--no more changes. I still have the old theologian version of this char in case it's too late to make any changes, but I thought it'd be more fun if I wasn't playing a very similar style to Sam Drakenfel.

Cleru wrote:

Someone told me that Arcane Enlightenment doesn't work with Oracle. The hex add spells to the list of spells you can prepare, but Oracle doesn't prepare any spell.

Good catch, RAW I don't think the trick works:

"The shaman can add a number of spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) to the list of shaman spells she can prepare."

Dark Immortal wrote:
I guess the problem with wizards and Sorcerors is also that they cannot wear any armor either. Funny how I don't hear anyone complain about this for them. Why does a full caster with better hit dice, saves and attack bonus than a wizard get considered bad because it can't wear armor when the wizard can't either?

Well, the Wizard has a better spell list--especially low level defensive spells like Mage Armor, Shield, Vanish, Mirror Image, etc so an ecclistheurge would seemingly make for a squishy caster.

666bender wrote:

nice one!
but why take "Intensify "? you get it for free for the 2 main spells via archtype.
i would take scribe scroll for those weird spells or cures

Oops, I meant Empower, not intensify. Scribe scroll is banned in PFS unfortunately.

Captain Zoom, that is bleeding edge technology. That probably invalidates my cleric design, but at least I can retrain before level 1. The cool thing is that you can fit any mystery with this blaster chassis of blackened curse/spirit guide. The spirit guide archetype opens up tons of build possibilities.

The problem with Ecclesitheurge is that you can't wear any armor. Unless you're going Mystic Theurge, you might as well just play an arcane caster.

I'm playing a similar character in PFS. I think heighten spell/preferred spell are invaluable for this build. If you're going to fireball all your problems, these two feats give you Schrodinger's Fireballs--every spell slot is now three spells: Cure X Wounds, Fireball or Utility Spell of your choice.

1. Spell Focus, Spell Spec (Burning Hands/Fireball)
3. Heighten Spell
5. Preferred Spell: Fireball
7. Intensify Spell
9. Dazing Spell
11. Maximize Spell

Retraining feels a bit cheesy, but it's worthwhile to retrain spell focus/spell spec to jump the curve later on.

The Occultist is strong at low levels, but the ability to cast Summon Monster with arcane reservoir points doesn't scale well. At higher levels, it essentially means that all Summon Monster spells are always prepared spells if you have Swift Consume exploit. However, the minutes/level duration and standard action summons never lose their usefulness.

School Savant is well worth taking. The extra spell known greatly increases versatility, especially at even levels where you're doubling the number of spells known at the highest level.

I think the White Mage archetype is underrated. Yeah spontaneous healing isn't the strongest ability, but if you're starting at level 1, it's useful and you're only giving up exploits at 1st and 9th. The only drawback is you can't take one of the stronger archetypes.

Blood Arcanist gives up too many exploits for my taste. It would be worthwhile if they received the bloodline spells.

Good luck everyone! We have a strange party composition. No tanks but we should be able to dish out a lot of damage.

Jiro Honda's introduction in the gameplay thread is inaccurate because I switched gods from Tsukiyo to Yamatsumi.

Eolowyn wrote:
Tranquilo, my preference is to bring my alchemist, but I leave the decision to you.

No problem, I'll run the Wizard.

I am interested. I have a Gnome Wizard (Illusionist) 1 and Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 1 available, but no tier 4-5 characters:

Gnome Wizard

Human Druid

My Timezone is GMT+8, can post multiple times/day.

666bender wrote:

1) cleric theologian , fire domain . Blaster that channel negetive energy. Take smite, guided hand, fates favor . A blaster that can attack , but isn't MAD.

2) Templar. Cleric of glory ( heroism,) and travel. Combing augument summoning with strong Melee, MAD ( str, wis, con) . Fates favor, summon and glory offer strong rounds. Channeling positive offer some group off combat healing .
3) feather domain, roc animal companion, with glory boosting . Mobile flyer.

I think #1 you're spreading yourself too thin feat-wise. Also, choose Ash domain over Fire.

Option #2 sounds synergistic. You could consider taking the Evangelist archetype w/ Heroism domain if you want to focus more on summoning.

Is it okay to make changes to my character since we haven't really started yet? If not, I can wait till the end of the scenario. Thanks.

Can someone look over my Unarmed Cleric build? It is for PFS, so I can rebuild before I hit XL2:


Male human (tian-min) cleric of Tsukiyo 1
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 17, Cha 10
Feats Domain Strike[UC], Improved Unarmed Strike
Traits defender of the society, seeker
Skills Heal +7, Perception +8, Sense Motive +7
Domains Madness, Repose

My basic plan: Put 3 ranks in acrobatics and take Dragon Style(3rd), Domain Strike (vision of madness) (5th). After that, I'm not sure--possibly some casting feats.

I'm sold on Madness Domain, but is Repose a good second domain choice for this build? Originally I wanted to take Darkness as a 2nd domain, but it seems like my build wouldn't hit it's stride until gaining a few levels.

Tsukiyo has favored weapon: longspear and
Domains: Darkness, Good, Law, Madness, Repose
Subdomains: Ancestors, Archon, Insanity, Moon, Night, Souls

I'm interested if it's PFS. I have two level 1 PFS characters available:

Gnome Illusionist 1

Human Druid 1

Gaius Julius wrote:
Thanks everyone for applying. Here are the five selections.

If you don't mind, please add me to the wait list. If anyone drops out later I'm happy to create a new character and play up in tiers.

Hello, can I switch Jiro Honda to this game and Edvard Ulfsson to the Slave Pits of Absalom. Is that okay? Ulfsson is a member of Liberty's Edge faction, so I'd prefer to play that scenario with him.

Tranquilo wrote:

I would dearly like to join an Emerald Spire campaign, but I have no PFS experience. If PFS experience isn't a hard qualification, I have a fully built level 1 Arcanist.

Tacitus was selected for another PBP. I do have a PFS legal Cleric 1 available:


I have no website preference for encounter management.

Gaius Julius wrote:
Now that The Emerald Spire Superdungeon has been sanctioned for PFS play, I'd like to open recruitment for five (5) experienced Pathfinder Society players to create new first-level characters designed specifically to play through the entirety of the superdungeon.

I would dearly like to join an Emerald Spire campaign, but I have no PFS experience. If PFS experience isn't a hard qualification, I have a fully built level 1 Arcanist.

GM Engleaktig wrote:

Welcome, Darien, Alek, and Van! :-)

I think we're full up. (We might have one more player join us from another PbP game we did together.)

Please place me on the wait list. If anyone drops out I'd like to join.

I'm posting here to add The Flaxseed Lodge to my campaigns tab. I'd like to play in any PFS scenarios accepting level 1 characters. In particular, I'd like to join an Emerald Spire campaign but I realize I'm late for DM Carbide's game.

I would love to play this scenario with Ruslan Volkov. He is a Human Sorcerer (Sylvan Bloodline), but he is built around tanking with his animal companion wolf.

My Timezone is GMT+8. I work at my computer, so I can post multiple times per day between GMT 2:00 AM and GMT 2:00 PM.