I needed this in my life and I thank you for it. Second edition seems to be shaping up awesomely. I really needed an update for everything, and things seem to be getting better. To my sensibilities, of course. I hope the playtest keeps giving me hope like these posts do. Gonna have to wait and hope 'til then.
I agree with Azih, and would like to add that I don't feel things have gotten out of hand. Things are going quite fluidly, actually. And don't worry about the blue text in the gameplay tab. At least not on my account. The fact that it's blue actually helps me separate it from the actual narration. I will, however, bring anything blue from there, to this discussion tab from now on.
Quig -Khaoz wrote:
Yes. What I was saying is that they were initiating another round already before we finished this one. Neither Obo nor me have had a chance to fire guns yet.
Azih Pregens wrote: Ah I see Thewissen... you just mean rolls, not rolls and actions. Yes, exactly. Poblano said wrote: I could see it working bothways really but it would take some 'maneuvering' and calling targets during the final RP. currently though as you will see it will need to be a two stage process. Indeed, it would be a Roll stage, and an RP stage, which would let us concentrate better on RP once it's our turn to narrate events. I think it could work nicely, and we would have all the information ready by the time our "turns" come up. However, I know it might be a bit too much right now. The way we're handling it right now works. So I'll understand if my suggestion never becomes a course of action :D
But that still applies even if we roll at the beginning, doesn't it? For example: Engineering Rolls
Helm Rolls
Piloting Rolls
Gunnery Rolls
In this scenario, Engineering acts get resolved, and Helm actions get resolved. When it comes time for the ships to move, two goblin ships would move first, then us, then the last goblin ship. All the rolls would be made at the beginning, and then we act them out according to the results. Since damage is also applied regardless of whether we're hit and disabled, those rolls could also be made at the beginning.
Actually, call me crazy, everyone, but wouldn't it be faster if everyone, including NPCs, rolled everything at the beginning of every round, and then we just play out the results? Before rolling we would announce if we're changing roles in the ship, of course. And if the GM doesn't mind, he could roll everything in a single post. What do you think?
Navaso the Iconic wrote: In fact I don't even think there are gunner "stations" it's more like you can choose to be a gunner and you sit at a computer which allows you control of any weapons you want to shoot. As normal, you can pick one gun to shoot a round or as a Push action you can choose to shoot 2 weapons and take a -4 on your attacks. I kind of get the same idea, but I guess the Corebook is vague on it on purpose? Some people will want to imagine their ships having stations, and others will like to have a computer terminal and control the guns. Who knows. But what is true is that you have to choose which gun to fire every round. And aiming is, unfortunately, not automatic :P
Quig -Khaoz wrote: If the rest of the crew agrees, I was planning on starting to grease the tentacles of the Warden with 500 cr. (I believe, now, this is something we could've discussed earlier =P) We could wait for the Warden to answer my question as to why his funds are dry. Perhaps a "prize" might come naturally from that conversation, and some diplomacy rolls could lower it, hopefully.
Ok, so! I thought I'd post things that stand out to me as I read the CRB so that we can all keep it in mind if it ever comes up. Mostly, I guess I'll be posting the differences I note from Pathfinder to Starfinder. And the very first that kinda screamed at me is that there are no more caster level checks if you get distracted while casting a spell. You get hit, or fail a saving throw while casting, you fail, and that's that. I like simplicity :)
GM Poblano Pepper wrote: Also thank you all for being awesome. I am enjoying this too. Sorry for the long delays in posting. We try our best :) And even though I know group activities always include an effort in coordination and adaptability, I have a good feeling about this. It's my first pbp experience, after all. I'm glad it's a good one. I wanna thank the rest of the players as well.
Navaso the Iconic wrote: I'm a communist captain, I take all input! We'll try not giving identities and see if we can come anonymously and maybe bribe our way in without having to give any info. If they demand it we'll send info and just say we are investigators and hope nothing more comes from it. Sounds good to me! And so! Our heroes await to hear the response of The Sauna comms center, hoping that Navaso's claim to be the crew of investigations they're expecting is enough to make them forget about asking for our IDs again. :P
Don't worry about it, @Navaso. Make a decision and we'll go with that :). If anything goes wrong, we can always try blackmailing. Let's give @Poblano our intention so that when he can post something, he'll have our intention to react to. If we can make it out of The Sauna without giving our identities, it would definitely be an advantage. However, I think that'll be pretty hard to manage :( But hey, that's what your high social skills are for! Give us an order, captain. :D
GM Poblano Pepper wrote: Would someone try posting on the game play thread. It's not letting me post in the forum there Hey, @Poblando. I tried posting something too. It won't show it. The same happened when I ninja dotted to get my characters in the character tab. Thought it was a feature you could turn on or off as the GM
Could you not stand up from prone with acrobatcs as a full round action, then? All the examples Khaoz enlisted let you modify the action needed to stand up from prone. But I don't see one prohibiting you from doing it as a full round action. And a question: Would it be advisable to create an alias for gameplay?
OK... well... I'm not one to force conversation. I actually find silence quite comforting. But reading those articles Poblano shared, it says that we might want to try and post something everyday. So... yeah. I'm going to bring out a subject I'd like to discuss with you guys. It's a rules "question". When I run adventures with new players, and they fall prone, they, reasonably, want to stand up. I warn them, however, that they will cause an attack of opportunity from any adjecent enemies. And once, I was asked, "Can I do it all fancy and acrobatically to NOT cause it?" I ruled he could. After all, you can roll Acrobatics to move through enemies' threatened areas. Throwing his legs up in the air to spring up and then pull them under his body to land on them with acrobatics while avoiding attacks sounds awesome and cool. And, of course, if he failed the roll, he'd still cause attacks of opportunity, and I figured I could take away half of his movement in case he wanted to move after that (which he didn't). But of course, that was my table. What do you guys think? Perhaps we could take this chance to have any table rules presented to us?