Friendly Fighter

Theodoric Maximus's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Michael Hershiser.

Grand Lodge

My group just finished CoCT two months ago and after voting choose to do this one. I can tell from discussions they like the feel of Gangs of Riddleport idea.

I have a lot of partial ideas at this point. Bringing in a "Skullport" like city underneath Riddleport that is ran by Duegar. One of the PCs is playing this race so I am going to substitute them for some of the elves I think.

My main idea is to have Elias Tammerhawk be one of the antagonists through out the storyline. His obsession with the gate has lead him into an alliance with the drow. The drow are of course using him, but he wants what he wants...knowledge and power.

Book 1 and 2 look good as is...its three on that I will have to well tweak seems like an understatement. I am thinking the battle will take place in the darklands outside of the Duegar city. The Duegar will be battling with the drow and this will draw in the PCs due to their fellow Duegar PCs plight. Also I was thinking the Overlord and Avery have some connections to the place.

Looking for some help to flush this out more. Really want to give my players what they want and not railroad them into a story line they wont like. I know this might leave me with a lot of work, but that is okay. Its for the love of the game. So give me some ideas/ advice.

Also I am looking for write ups of Elias Tammerhawk and the other crimelords. Does anyone know if these are anywhere? Or if I will have to create them?

Thanks for the help

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 ****

Okay I am trying to create an event for a home game later this week. It will be a module but I can't seem to find the modules on the create a scenario page. I can only find a listing of scenarios for seasons 0-5. Can someone give me some advice please.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 ****

Quick question I can use this item to keep an extract from one scenario to another? Or can I use it only on scenarios that take more than one day?

Thanks for the answers ahead of time.

Preserving Flask
Ultimate Equipment
Price: 1st-level 1,000 gp 2nd-level 4,000 gp 3rd-level 9,000 gp 4th-level 16,000 gp 5th-level 25,000 gp 6th-level 36,000 gp
Aura: Strong abjuration
Caster Level: 17th
Weight: —

This small, durable flask is designed to preserve alchemical extracts indefinitely. An extract stored in a preserving flask remains potent until it is consumed or otherwise removed from the flask. Preserved extracts count against an alchemist's extracts per day on the day they are prepared, but not on subsequent days. Each flask is capable of preserving an extract of a particular level. An extract stored in the flask retains duration, caster level, and other properties it had when it was created. The flask works on extracts and infusions, but not mutagens.

Sczarni 4/5 5/5 ****

Bestow Curse says:

You place a curse on the subject. Choose one of the following.

–6 decrease to an ability score (minimum 1).
–4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks.
Each turn, the target has a 50% chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no action.
You may also invent your own curse, but it should be no more powerful than those described above.

The part I am interested in is the invent your own curse part of the spell. Has anyone used this part during a scenario and what have you chosen?

I am trying to figure out what is possible? I know that there may be table variability with GM's. Do people think it would be good for my character to have a list of choices and then have the GM peruse them before the game?


Grand Lodge

I run an afterschool PfS club and have a student who wants to create a summoner whose Eidolon is basically a reflection of Shiva. So basically he wants a four armed warrior who can hold four weapons.

I am unfamiliar with summoner builds and exactly how to create this. I would love for some help on how to create this.

So please help away...