
The Wisp's page

214 posts. Alias of CaptMadJaq.

Ladies and gentlemen!
Welcome, and thank you for perusing this meager and humble thread. As you might be aware we are in need of a GM to run this motley crew of misfit adventurers through the epic adventure path, ‘Rise of the Runelords’. So, if you are sharp of wit and humor we’re looking for you to open up your dice bag and roll with us. Below is the link.

Look here.

If interested send us some links to what you've done before or a gameplan to how you'd like to carry on this adventure.

Thank you!

THE MAP , The Wardens

Time in a desert flows differently. Perhaps the fault for this lays upon the dunes. It's a sea of sand for miles and miles with just the sky above and drifting clouds for entertainment. The man leading you, Garavel, is not much of a talker and takes things far too literal and has killed man a joke with his analytic wit and logical deductions. When accused he claimed he understood comedy and the benefit of a hardy belly laugh, but nobody would believe him. None of you five can claim to have seen him laugh. In fact, you're at a loss to count a time when he even smiled. However, he is not without morality or his humanity.

Rising over the last dune your destination is finally seen on the horizon: Sultan's Claw. It's aprtly named, With 5 immense, mostly leafless branches, the growth looks more like a giant skeletal talon than living wood. Clustered around this distinctive tree are a half-dozen wagons and one large tent. Camels in a nearby pen prance in nervous agitation and a clutch of confused goats and other livestock wander the grounds of the wagons. Suddenly, there is a whoosh and a burst of bright orange. A dozen men and women scatter, shouting. Some reach out to collect the animals while others race to fill pails of water as one of the wagons was now surrounded on fire.
Lush orange and red flames have engulfed an elaborate wooden wagon emblazoned with painted moons andstars. A gout of smoke poursfrom the open door, and as you rapidly approach an ill wind blows a number of colorful fortune-telling Harrow cards from inside. The breeze played with one card like a leaf.It rose and fell gracefully, at first rising but then diving abrutly only to be twirled onward until it planted itself in the half-elf's cleavage, in the cleft of her 'heaving' breasts. Once plucked the wind reclaims it and loses it among the others.

@Isadriewen Fage Llewellenar:

Sorry, but you used 'heaving' in your entrance in the recruitment thread and that just might be a running gag for me. So, maybe I'm not sorry. Anyway, the card you had in your cleavage, you noticed, was "THE CYCLONE". It portends war, destruction, and destructive plans/planning.

Soon the whole of Sultan's Claw erupts into brilliant blaze!

The central flap of the ornate tent flies open and a regal looking woman strides out into the firelit night.
"Douse that fire!" she commanded to the men surrounding the wagon before turning in your direction. "Ah, Garavel!" she smiled, even though her brow was creased with concern. "And just a moment later than the nick of time, as usual." Looking past her major-domo and directly at you, the woman you assume is Almah, barks a simple order before running towards the fire.
"Don't just stand there! Help!"
And there you have it, the beginning to this adventure. Now, here is where you can help, there are four options. There is a benefit to each one but there isn't doing them in turn. All four items are happening at the same time, so your choice is important.

    [1] Put out the fire
    [2] Pull the wagon out of the way
    [3] Heal the wounded firefighters
    [4] Deal with the frightened animals

If you hesitate you will get assigned!
Below I have given you some homework. As we progress I'm likely going to pass on assignments like this to keep everyone moving.


    [-]Tie in how you have met Garavel and how he recruited you. Think of him as a mixture of Saruman and Spock, logical to a fault but yet sagely and wise. He does look a lot like Christopher Lee. This was something I had planned on doing for you, and I have decided not to this time as I see it removing you from the story and the creativity. That would be sinful. And it is alright to include some unexplainable events, but don't make it too vague. For example, a friendly butcher gave you a sausage, but when you turned around the corner there was a small pack of wild dogs that chased you away into Garavel. After taking the sausage from your hand and throwing it to the dogs, he invites you to join. I'm sure what you will create will be 100% more awesome!

    [-]Also, on a sheet of lined paper right down twelve details about your character. It shouldn't be outrageous or something terribly secret but fun interesting facts like what her favorite color is or if she likes chicken over fish. Perhaps even her dress size. This is going to be a chart the other PCs have learned about your PC over the course of the week of traveling. You each roll a 1d12 4 times, one for each character. Then you PM each other the results. Think of it like an itty-bitty Christmas. Please do the rolls in the discussion thread.

THE MAP , The Wardens

And so it begins....

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Legacy of Fire

At the last Paizo Golem sale I had the opportunity to get this adventure path and after seeing that there is interest in people playing in this adventure path I have decided to recruit.

What I'd be looking for are 5 players who have at least a fifteen minutes to an hour to sit at their computers and write a paragraph. It sounds like much but seeing posts comprised of a short description that might be accompanied by some dialogue makes the whole PBP thing useless and unworthy. Can you do this? Also, I tend to use for maps.

If you'd like an example of how I GM, look HERE!

The setting takes place in Katapesh. Click on the link for a good synopsis about the area. And, here is another link. HERE!

Below is what character generation is going to look for. What I am looking for are simple characters using mainly the core books. Also, I'll be choosing two women and three men, or three women and two men. Two of the characters will be human.

Character generation:

Books: Core, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, and the APG.
25 point buy ---> No stats less than 8, greater than 16 prior to any bonuses.
Classes: From only the Core book(Advanced Class Guide variants are encouraged), Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, and the APG.
Races: The Core book, but the advanced Race Guide is fine for variations.
Starting Finances: 100 Gold.
Alignments: Neutral → Any Good
4 Traits:1:Combat, 1Social, 1Faith, and the campaign trait.

Background: Using the background generator in Ultimate Campaign put together a -brief- dossier of your characters' history. Remember this story has an Arabian Night feel. It's recommended to do this before any number crunching on stats.

Reference Pictures: Why not? Even better if you created it.

Loyalties: Following the background followed list three items that are very important to the character placed in an order of importance. These are your characters' 'loyalties', things that they are tied to emotionally, spiritually, and maybe even physically. They're important. Think of them as soft spots in your characters alignment that I can poke. More about them can be found in Pathfinder Unchained, but this is just a variation of the rules. We will still be using alignments as usual. Make sure to have a account. If you want to use your phone/mobile devices you'll need a membership, otherwise, it is free.

Do not get complicated.
I am looking mainly for characters from the core book mainly. Two of the characters will be human, and I will be choosing 2 women and 3 men, or 2 men and 3 women. Also, I will try to build a typical party of various classes.Yes I am repeating myself, I know. :)

I am not looking for numbers and sheets. I'm trusting that you can do the math and I am sure other players will PM you to help clear up any mistakes you have made if there are any. I want to know your race, class, loyalties, traits, personality, appearance, and their background story.

A good way for me to see your gaming style is to make this recruitment thread IC(In-Character). This will not be cannon at all, just part of the recruitment process. Hopefully, I don't sound like a jerk.

How to make a post:

This is how to make a post for me. First, you write all the awesome text and story for your character. Then below that you add a break and lay out all the details I need to know about your action. When you write it, pretend that I have no idea what you are talking about and that I am not very good at thinking. Be blunt and precise.

The Comely Ogre:

Welcome to the Comely Ogre, a test environment for your character. Here you will get a feel for your character, build it, and show off your posting skills in the meantime.

The Comely Ogre is a normal tavern like you would see in any movie. Think of it like the Prancing pony. It's made of wood and it's bustling with people, many of them coming in from the downpour. To the west is the bar and over it is a painting of an ogre laid out in a sexy pose surrounded by lush velvet pillows. She isn't wearing much in the way of clothing but lots of jewelry. Nothing shows, but you can get the gist. What is surprising about this picture is that she isn't that bad looking. She actually is somewhat -comely-. Also, it is HUGE! You can't miss it. And even so, nobody really seems to mind it. The patrons carry on telling stories around the fire and waitstaff is pretty buxom. Gaston is tending bar while Marice is telling wild stories at the campfire, and three sexy blondes with low, bouncing necklines move around like bees delivering orders.

What you are to do is to describe your entrance and sandbox it from there. This is an IC thread while you create your character and apply. You can add to the bar however you'd like. If it needs a chandelier then put one in there. Have fun with it, because none of this counts.

The last thing you need to know is that there is a limit on posts. You can post 3 times a day. It will not disqualify you if you break this rule, but there are players that can't keep up.

Feel free to give me any questions, just put them in ooc tags. Thanks again and keep those dice hot!

Next Tuesday is the deadline for everything. Let's see how well you do over a week.

Legacy of Fire

At the last Paizo Golem sale I had the opportunity to get this adventure path and I'd like to see if there is a big enough interest for people to play it; at least 12 applicants.

What I'd be looking for is 5 players who have at least a fifteen minutes to an hour to sit at their computers and write a paragraph. It sounds like much but seeing posts comprised of a short description that might be accompanied by some dialogue makes the whole PBP thing useless and unworthy. Can you do this? Also, I tend to use for maps.

If you'd like an example of how I GM, look HERE!

The setting takes place in Katapesh. Click on the link for a good synopsis about the area. And, here is another link. HERE!

Below is what character generation is going to look for. What I am looking for are simple characters using mainly the core books. Also, I'll be choosing two women and three men, or three women and two men. Two of the characters will be human.

Character generation:

Books: Core, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, and the APG.
20 point buy ---> No stats less than 8, greater than 16 prior to any bonuses.
Classes: From only the Core book(Advanced Class Guide variants are encouraged), Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, and the APG.
Races: The Core book, but the advanced Race Guide is fine for variations.
Starting Finances: 100 Gold.
Alignments: Neutral → Any Good

Background: Using the background generator in Ultimate Campaign put together a -brief- dossier of your characters' history. Remember this story has an Arabian Night feel. It's recommended to do this before any number crunching on stats.

Reference Pictures: Why not? Even better if you created it.

Loyalties: Following the background followed list three items that are very important to the character placed in an order of importance. These are your characters' 'loyalties', things that they are tied to emotionally, spiritually, and maybe even physically. They're important. Think of them as soft spots in your characters alignment that I can poke. More about them can be found in Pathfinder Unchained, but this is just a variation of the rules. We will still be using alignments as usual. Make sure to have a account. If you want to use your phone/mobile devices you'll need a membership, otherwise it is free.

Why am I getting random avatar pictures of smurfs?

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Our GM is gone, vanished into the voids of the internet. It's been weeks so that is our, the players, fear. Are you an awesome GM who has played this before, or would like to try your hand at this adventure path? The team is good. Don't believe me? Here, have a look!

We didn't get very far in the first module, and we're currently looking for the body of a dead priest and have just stopped to deal with a dozen goblins. It's yet to be resolved.

So, if you have a witty snarky imagination and want to whip some dice our direction come and apply -HERE!

THE MAP , The Wardens

Here it is!
Everyone from the recruitment thread is welcome to post here.

And, I'll need a picture from everyone.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
THE MAP , The Wardens


You are rudely yanked back into life, sucking in air and crying out as if reliving your first moments free of your mother's womb. Yet, everything is still dark as if you were floating in a wizard's inkwell. Even with your eyes open, blackness. The squeezing tight pain at the base of your skull was actually a relief. Death had reached out to claim your souls, but when he swiped you fell from his cold grasp. You are alive! Were you then struck blind? No. With the aches slowly dissipating things were becoming clearer, but it was still too murky to know anything for certain. The air feels cool and musty in your nostrils, smelling of wet dirt and stone. Around you everything felt jagged and gritty. A rock shifted causing dust to shower over you. It mixes with the tears on your cheeks and turns to batter. What happened?

Memories flicker with each blink.

Armasse started at noon. Did it? It was supposed to begin on the hour with Lord Hullrun's blessing. As the ruler of Kenabres that was his responsibility and honor. However, after spotting a smudge on his armor he took time and had a squire polish it. Leaving Armasse to begin a couple of minutes late.

@Alexa Dorne: Miles stood by your side, excited and brimming with curiosity and hormones. He did his best to do you proud and stay put, but puberty is like a bad joke for a young man. Despite his interests, his mind wandered to the bright aasimars, the lithe elven beauties, and the sultry looking tieflings. Realizing his subconscious had him ogling down the decolletage of a well-endowed dwarven woman, he gasped and snapped his attention forward before she noticed. ”Yes. Of course!” He said to you, pretending to pay attention to your questions. However, you're observant. And, the pink on his cheeks only confirmed your suspicions. ….but where is he now? Sitting straight up you cry and reach out for him. Your shoulder hurts!
”MIles?!”The only answer you get is your own voice echoing into the blackness. Then out of nowhere a pair of hands grabs you.

The crowd gathered in the Clydwell Plaza, and as the aged inquisitor made his way up the wooden stairs to the stage a calm came over the people. It was a strange kind of quiet, like the calm before the coming of a storm. Smiling, he looked over the audience before clearing his throat.

@Telerin Quenya: Armasse was quite the spectacle. There were so many people! All races, large and small, gathered here at Clydwell Plaza. Originally, you wanted stay huddled in the 'Librarium of the Broken Black Wing', but the library was closed, shut down for the festivities. Plus, the other wizards insisted that missing Armasse would be a shame. Aravashniel, an elf and wizard, like yourself, called it, “an insult to Kenabres and its history.” And not long since your arrival, and to your (possible) amusement, a young human male examined you. At first his eyes were on your ears but eventually drifted down to your other attributes: your chin, neck, shoulders, his eyes lingered on your breasts, then down to your hips, and finally down your legs to your feet and then back up again. At the first sign of you taking notice he straightened, blushed pink, and ran away pulling a dark haired woman with a ponytail by the wrist......What happened after that? That feels important..........It's all blurry. Then you remember a bright light.
You wake up face down in some dust. Lifting up your gaze you see a man holding the dark-haired woman. One hand is on her breast while the other has a weapon held out in front of her.

Hulrun cleared his throat, and just as he opened his mouth to speak a bright light erupted from the West. It looked like a second sun setting on the horizon, white and pristine. Hulrun's figure was rendered to a silhouette, a shadow on the stage. The people of the crowed moaned and raised their hands to shield their eyes. A second later the earth shook and the sound of the explosion followed, roaring like angry thunder. People cried out in shock as a forceful gust of air blew sand hard and stinging against their skin.

@Baleon the Bloodhound: Your heart was a flutter. In all your time on this planet were you this proud! Escorting Lady Terendelev, albeit with five other paladins, was just a tremendous honor. She just wasn't the city's matron and saint but something more spectacular: an ancient silver dragon! Of course, you never really saw her as a dragon before, nor did she look ancient. In fact, she looked like a youthful, gorgeous woman, with noble appeal radiating from every atom of her being. Despite all your oaths and pledges it was difficult not to notice her beauty. Her dress was elegant in it's design, shimmery and, of course, very very silver. The sunlight sparkled off it. Once Hulrun had taken to the stage she raised her chin, turned to you six and smiled. Then, as if sensing your awe, she patted you shoulder before turning her attention back to the stage. In that second the world was bleached away, engulfed by an incredible white light. Then, once you blinked the purple spots from your vision a wall of metal pushed over, and then there was falling.
In the darkness you hear a woman's voice cry out, ”Miles!”, and it pulls you back to consciousness.
”My lady!” you shout and reach out in hopes of catching Terendelev. Finding a figure your hands tell you is female, you yank her close and bring your weapon across her torso to bar her from any danger just as you were trained. However, something was peculiar and not quite right. Terendelev had white hair, not black. And, uh, was this person's ponytail twitching? Also, to add to the awkwardness your left , even though it keeps her close and protected, its hand presses into this stranger's right bosom.

The fortress known as The Kite, the location of Kenabres' wardstone, was now a spinning pillar of smoke and deep red fire. A moment later, Terendelev roars at the sky. But it's not the shout of any woman but that of a dragon! Her body began to grow, changing into the shape she was born with, that of an ancient silver dragon! Spreading her wings wide she brushed the people back, shielding them from what was coming.

@Arloric: It was just a little, innocent nap against the wall. Snorting away you look around and find something dangling from your broad antlers. Ahead of you are three giggling girls, pointing at your head. Looks like these munchkins have decorated your head while you were sleeping with streamers, ribbons, and many colorful strings. And, it looked like they didn't skimp on the beads either. Then there was a sudden flash of white, the Kite had exploded, and those three girls ran screaming to their moms.
Suddenly, you find yourself waking up again. Your' covered in soot and dust. The pounding in your head feels as it could be almost permanent. From the shadows you hear Alexa cry out for her brother. It was followed by a man shouting,”My Lady!” followed by the sound of a weapon leaving its sheathe.

Khorramzadeh laughed and leaped at Terendelev from the direction of the explosion. His crimson skin was engulfed in clouds, flames and lightning. Gripped in his thick hands he held a sword covered in fire and a whip. The impossible had happened, the Worldwould had come to Kenabres!

@Uriel Aurelius: King of the log sounded like fun, and you proved really good at it. Who knew that paladins were proficient with pillows, right? You had even given it a proper name: Smite. All noteworthy swords had names, why not a worthy pillow? Nobody would dare challenge a man whose pillow was named that. Unfortunately, your next opponent was a woman. And not just any woman but a dark elf. Well, a half-drow at least.
The fight was short. Worldwould had finally invaded and duty called. With a yell you grab your sword(and Smite) and turn any demon into ribbons. How dare they defile this city with their presence! You just slid your blade from the mouth of a thorny demon when the ground below you gave way. Waking up, you back creaked with pain. Smite is beside you, and standing over you, looking down, is your opponent.

As the ground continued to shake it disgorged demons into the streets. Above the dragon and the balor fought, Khorramzadeh's haughty chuckling echoed through the sky. Terendelev stopped his laughing with a buffet of her wing, turning his chin suddenly skyward. Slowly, he brought it back down and he glared at her, his stern frown oozing into a triumphant grin. Electricity arced across his many horns.

@Ithilwen:The game is called 'King of the Log.' The premise of it is easy. Two competitors armed with pillows stand on a narrow log and hit each other. The one who falls off first loses and is then the King until he, or she, is knocked off and is replaced.
”Careful,” said the vendor with an amused smirk, “this fellow's a paladin. You're pretty but good looks won't save you. He's been king now for a while. Six people tried and all of them went crashing.” Smiling, you reassure him that you'll be fine and step onto the log. He didn't look too scary. Shiny, and maybe a little smug but not overly frightening. He looked you over as well, and winked. Then the vendor whistled.
He was the one to swing first, and it was just a feint to test your reflexes. After that was just a blur. The earth shook, and suddenly you were left blind by this incredible white light. That hurt, and it took you a moment to regain your sight. Once you had blinked the purple splotches away there was a silver dragon in the air fighting a balor demon and Kenabres was in pandemonium. Turning to your opponent to ask him WTF was going on you see that he's gone. Vanished.
”Oh. Right. He's a paladin,” you say to yourself, chuckling. That's when a goat-headed demon barreled into you flipping your slim body end over end. Thankfully, you landed on your drow tush. Then the ground gave way. Yes, you went crashing but not because you lost at King of the Log.”
With a groan you peel yourself off a large chunk of road and look around. It feels a little like home. And, lying beside you is your opponent, the aasimar paladin. He still has his pillow.

”Is that all you have Terendelev?” The balor cackled and brought his wings tight to his back and dived at her. Terendelev roared and spiraled down, crashing into the facade of the Cathedral of Satin Clydwell. Bricks and mortar fell onto the floor scattering those below. One woman was not so lucky as one of the statues tilted and fell on top of her smashing her like a bug, rendering her nothing more than a messy red stain on the cobble stones. Pressing his hoof into her abdomen, he took hold of her neck and gave it a hard shake snapping her head into the apex of the building. She groaned.

Teredelev bared her sharp shiny fangs at the Storm King. ”You cannot win Khorramzadeh,” she said. At that moment a titanic demon erupted at the far end of the plaza, reducing several buildings to gravel as it smashed into this world swinging its tremendous fists back and forth. The rift it created shot across the plaza, and this time there was no escape. The ground underneath tore open angling into darkness.

”Yes. Yes I have!” He roared in triumphant laughter and raised his blazing misshapen sword. The demon had finally left himself open and Terendelev could have saved herself. Instead of twisting her body to whip him back with her tail she raised her bloody claw to save some Kenabres souls. After she uttered a few arcane words she reached out a bleeding talon. Your plummeting suddenly slowed as if you were an autumn leaf. And as you drifted downward into the depths, the last thing you saw was the Storm King standing before the ancient silver dragon, his sword cleaving though her neck. As her head dropped the rift above you slammed shut!

@Aberus Ocellio: Oh the poor poor girl! 'Drench the Wench' was a mean game -sort of. A woman is stands on a red dot painted on the ground. Behind her is a contraption with a bucket of water at the top. Each patron who paid his three coppers can throw bean bags at a target fixed on this machine. If it moves the bucket of water falls on the woman. Which is alright since she's shouting horrible insults and is wearing horns and a tail –wait. No. She's a tiefling. She really does have horns and a tail.
Giving them your pennies you get your three bean bags. The tiefling woman then shouts at you, calling you girly and that your chin looks like a butt. And for your first two tosses you hit the target but nothing happened. Then she said something horrible.
”Your momma is so fat -” and she didn't get to finish. There was some anger in that throw and the bucket turned. It wasn't a small bucket either. The water quickly filled the neckline of her blouse and pushed it all the way down. She howled in embarrassment and folded her arms to hid her bosom. Before any apology could be given a shadow loomed over you. At first you imagined it was a cloud drifting over the sun, but it wasn't. The people scattered as the Storm King stepped over you're in what you think is a cave and you're not alone.

You are rudely yanked back into life, sucking in air and crying out as if reliving your first moments free of your mother's womb. Yet, everything is still dark as if you were floating in a wizard's inkwell. Even with your eyes open, blackness. The squeezing tight pain at the base of your skull was actually a relief. Death had reached out to claim your souls, but when he swiped you fell from his cold grasp. You are alive! Were you then struck blind? No. With the aches slowly dissipating things were becoming clearer, but it was still too murky to know anything for certain. The air feels cool and musty in your nostrils, smelling of wet dirt and stone. Around you everything felt jagged and gritty. A rock shifted causing dust to shower over you. It mixes with the tears on your cheeks and turns to batter. What happened?


Sorry about that. I promise you will not see many posts like this from me. Sure it's easier to just copy text out of the module, but I didn't want to do that. I wanted to connect you together somehow, even if it's a little corny. Also, felt I should give you some fluff to work with. It might seem a little out of character for your PCs and I do apologize. I just wanted to give you seven a meaningful start. Also, yes, I did copy the first paragraph and stuck it on the end. I am hoping it brings thing together, full circle. Plus, it's the most important paragraph describing your position.
Here is a short list.

    [1]You seven are stuck in what appears to be a cave. It's cold and smelly.
    [2]You all have headaches but they are ebbing away quickly as you regain your memories to what happened in Armasse.

    [3] The module doesn't speak much about Terendelev but I treat her as if she were very important, something of a Mother Theresa; a saint. She's beloved by the people of Kenabres. She likes to call those drow and tiefling that fight against Worldwound for the betterment of Golarion 'Risen'. On account they've risen above all their struggles to strive towards becoming better.

For the next few posts all you need to do is examine your situation and let your group meet. Make sure to describe yourself in someway and do one action that is a character quirk / tell we'll see often. For example, eye rolling sarcastically when someone makes a suggestion you disagree with. Or, tapping your chin while thinking. I hum and sing to myself when I'm mad. It keeps me from making stupid outbursts. See what I mean?

Once you've met I'll introduce to you three NPCs, and then we'll continue on from there.

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It's Armasse eve!
Armasse is a city-wide celebration was traditionally when priests and scholars would study history. However, over time, however, it has taken a new role focused on training the men and women of Kenabres to fight and defend themselves. Knights take on the roles of mentoring new squires, and those called to the priesthood graduate and are ordained. In-between all that is a plethora of competitions! There is jousting, Crusade reenactments, and even mock duels! Defender's Heart, the largest tavern in Kenabres, is in an excited buzz about tomorrow. The festivities begin at noon and even though the patrons appear calm, and perhaps even stoic, there is a charge of excitement hanging in the air. This is the one day where the masses forget the woes of war and finally let loose! Even the three blonde, bouncy waitresses flitting about the floor like hummingbirds have gotten into it and have deepened their necklines in hopes of larger tips. While the muscular Gaston is on a ladder getting the decorations in order. Crazy ol' Maurice is seen mingling busily, collecting bets for the games and players for his Fantasy Crusade league.

Tonight the special today is breaded halos, better known to us in the real world as onion rings. It's an appetizer the Defender's Heart is known for, not because of the rings themselves but because of the dipping sauce it comes with. It's like a honey dijon, a sweet mustard flavor with the zing of horseradish hiding in the aftertaste. Priests belonging to orders that are used to bland foods have dunked their heads in barrels of water to clean the heat off their tongues. It's a funny thing to watch.

Welcome to the recruitment thread! It is an IC, in-character, thread where you play as your character, mingle and get a feel for how your character operates. That's one of the reasons why I use IC recruitment options. It's nice just in case players need to make tweaks and concept changes. Also, IC threads allow me to see how characters interact and what playing styles click. Feel free to interact with the environment, especially within that 5 foot square your PC operates in.

Lastly, you'll see me use a lot of OOC tags like this. Above will be the fluff and action text while below in the OOC tags will be the main points players should take note, rolls, and other miscellaneous things I will want you to know. In fact, this is how I want players to write as well, just so I don't misunderstand intentions, actions, and can answer your questions.

That's about it. Take charge! And, have fun!

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Just to save time and hassle I'm putting character generation info out. Then,if I have enough interested I will then create or flip this thread to an IC thread, and make decisions then.

Wrath of The Righteous is an adventure path where playing characters, imbued with holy mythic power, march into the Worldwound spanking demons along the way. It's a fun adventure, one that I am running for my table-top group. And, it does favor lawful good paladins heavily. It also has a lot of NPCs that will either betray you or become a strange ally. It very important to learn about who you are traveling with because your NPCs' lives just might depend on it.

I am looking for four players who care about their characters and wish to add their story to the adventure.

-Character Creation-:

Read the Player's Guide! Also, keep it on hand. There's history and information there you will need for at least the first module mainly.

Please use the background generator in Ultimate Campaign. It could be fun! Or, you can do the ten-minute background, but that's more than what is needed.

Starting Level: 1

1-3 sentences describing why your PCs are in Kenabres, and their motivation for being there. I am partial to the idea of a female darkborne half-elf playing under the rules for redemption. Her goal is to heal her soul by healing Golarion while ridding the world of the Worldwound.

15 point buy (it's enough.)

3 or 4 Traits: Campaign, Combat, Social, and Faith (which is optional).

Average finances. This adventure, like 'The Dude', does abide.

Races allowed: Core, tiefling, aasimar, and darkborn(drow half-elves).

Starting Classes: Core, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, and the APG

Alignment: Good! However, read the player's guide. In it are rules for redemption which might be something to consider.

Pick 3 Loyalties.(Pathfinder Unchained) This might be strange to have alignments with loyalties, and I can agree. It's just that having three loyalties can flesh out a character more. It helps provide notes to the GM and the player what matters to that character. it

I recommend getting some skills in soldiering.


Medium Experience points track.

Stamina point pool feats are allowed just not at character generation. They'll be a bit overkill, but why not, right?

Atheism is a faith. Personally, I find it boring but it counts. The gods don't judge. The primary gods are Torag, Iomedae, Desna and Saranae.

You might be familiar with the quote above the gates of Hell, “Abandon all hope ye who enters here”. During combat, this is how the demons will behave; trying their damned best trying to demoralize NPCs and PCs. To illustrate this try imagining how sharks behave once they smell blood. An injured character might just find himself suddenly overwhelmed.

Aside from attacking to lower HP, my goals are more interested in hurting resources. If I can damage your equipment and potions, I will. Let's hope that the alchemists are not too flammable.

During leveling when it is time to roll HP, we'll use the rule of average! Meaning, if you don't roll better than the average on your die roll, then you take the average of the die you are rolling. This is how it works. Let's say I have a fighter and I roll 1d10 for my HP, and I get a 2 on my roll. The average of a ten-sided die is half + 1, or 6. Half of 10 is 5. Add 1, and you'll get 6! I am so glad I listened to my first-grade teacher. Anyway, instead of taking a 2 I take the 6. Now, if I roll a seven or higher then that is what I would keep.

And before I need to ask this tremendous favor. I'm not the brightest bulb out there, so what I will need is for an OOC posting under your IC one. This post is to give me a synopsis of what your character is doing and any other information that's needed to make the game flow faster and more smoothly. So, pretend that I know nothing and need to know everything. Make it simple is possible.

No swearing, please. Make up your own, if you can. It works for Thundercats, Transformers, and the new Voltron on Netflix.

That should do it. Feel free to prod me with any questions.

We just tried the M<ass Combat rules in the Ultimate Campaign book for the first time and a couple of questions came up.

1. How does the damage modifier work? With an army going reckless for -4Dv and a +4 OM, damage would be (New OM + 1d20 roll)) - opponent's DV = Damage. Do we add the damage modifier at the end? What is it?

2. Which phases can armies use their boons, and special abilities?


Any ideas for giant pieces of armor, or heroes piloting giant golems? Was just teasing with an idea for a mythic game. I'm sure someone has asked this before.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Our gaming group is considering creating PFS characters for Dragon's Demand module. It isn't a brand new module, so I'm wondering which version of the PFS should be used. As I go over 6, the Sky Key, the factions were changed along with allowed races.

Do I use current PFS 6 or an earlier version for Dragons Demand?
(And are the earlier versions available?)

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Hello adventurers! Thanks for checking out this thread.

This thread is for the recruitment of a 'Wrath of the Righteous' game to be played on The game will be played on Tuesday evenings from 8-8:30 to around midnight CST. We are looking for 4-5 more players.

Point Buy:

Starting Level: 1

Allowed Races:
-The Core Races(Even half-elf: Drow)
-Aasimars and tieflings: I would like a percentile roll. There's a chart in the 'blood' books for some additional fluff I'd like to use for fun.

Disallowed Classes:
-I hate saying no to any class, but whatever you build will need to pose a fighting chance. This adventure path does focus on paladins.

Traits: 4 - 5
-1 Race Trait
-1 Social Trait
-1 Religious or Faith Trait (optional)
-1 Your choice
-1 Campaign Trait

Starting Wealth:
-Starts at first level.

-If you want to play an evil character that's fine as long as long as your PC strives to switch to from the dark side and become good. Rules for redemption are in the Wrath of the Righteous players guide.
-Basically, the hero.

A brief history and background is appreciated, and reading the player's guide is important. Also, picking out what mythic

Interest in this game started here: knight

Also, just so you know, my resume of running Pathfinder is very short. It begins and ends with one module: The Worldwound Incursion. I ran this for my group and it went well. I'm looking for players that are not serious, enjoy goofing off and don't mind their adventuring party acting a touch more like Monty Python than the Fellowship of the Ring. You know, for those situations when running away is more than necessary.

What would be a fair and balanced way to transform adult heroes back into tween kids. Meaning, it would be preposterous for a grown man and a 10 - 12 year old to have the same strength and speed. I appreciate the help!


It's always good to have a spot for OOC discussion, questions, concerns, and ideas.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's time to make camp. The sun is down and the world cools with the darkening sky. To the North, by six hours, is the great River Foam, with a ferry that will take you to the port town of Falcon's Hollow. From the West, dark on the horizon, a storm front looms like a mountain range, high and awesome. Lightning flickers and decorates the thunderheads with multitudes of color, and thunder rumbles steadily like drums.

Survival Check please. A storm is coming...


You've been traveling together, and feel free to enter however you'd like. Be descriptive and creative. Also, in a spoiler tag, feel free to describe your characters' appearance.

I'll admit it.
I'm somewhat new to the D20 system. I've been playing now for 2, nearly 3, years and just acquired my own Pathfinder core book and I am looking to get some practice in here on the forums by joining a game. Eventually i do want to run, but first I'll need the walk feat before the run feat. Right? :)

Probably a bad joke.

Anyway, If you're looking for a fun, creative player let me know!