
The Wisp's page

214 posts. Alias of CaptMadJaq.


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Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

And here I am!

Ladies and gentlemen!
Welcome, and thank you for perusing this meager and humble thread. As you might be aware we are in need of a GM to run this motley crew of misfit adventurers through the epic adventure path, ‘Rise of the Runelords’. So, if you are sharp of wit and humor we’re looking for you to open up your dice bag and roll with us. Below is the link.

Look here.

If interested send us some links to what you've done before or a gameplan to how you'd like to carry on this adventure.

Thank you!

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,
Selaros Teskarova wrote:
I'm not sure any of the others check in here anymore.

We can make a posting like we did before. It won't be an issue.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Mary smiled beneath her mask and stepped in Calin's way to keep the poor fellow put. No sense in letting him get away being so shy, especially when a pretty girl and a cat are about. His nervousness was quite apparent, or so she thought, and that Calin might like her. She wasn't quite sure yet but certainty never stopped her before, and if she could be part of sparking up some romance by golly she was going to be a part of it!

She turned him around, if she managed to keep Calin from running away, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah! We'd love to help!"

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

And the vigilante has his peeper's on someone's purple flower.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,
Sizma Karnovic wrote:
Thank God, me Selaros were running out of ideas to prolong an ending. XD

I was considering macking on Augustianna, with all your flirting and naughty banter. XD

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Mary leaned back in her seat with her feet kicked up on the table and enjoyed her drink as she listened to the elf discuss the issues with the five goblin tribes. It seemed neat that they were unifying themselves, but goblins and regular folk rarely mix and trouble always seems to bubble up.
"Sure. Alright. I'll join you, Calin."

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

I'm not sure how to proceed either. The game is at a dead stop and has been for weeks.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

I think Mary just might be blushing under her mask. And, I am not quite sure how to respond. XD

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Mary watched the banter between Selaros and Sizma and found her brow rising when the sorceress suddenly bent him over. She would have said something but her words failed her leaving her open-mouthed and speechless.
"Wait. What? Oh, you want me to help with the show?" She said. Her tone was uneven with uncertainty. "I guess so, but is this sleight of hand or actual magic?"

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

How's catching up rknop?

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

finding Calin; perception VS DC12: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Mary smiled. As the winner of the hide-and-go-seek contest on the day, the goblin attacked she knew when someone was trying to hide, and Calin was not doing a bad job of it. Still, the rogue had her pretty teal eyes on him just in case he wanted to make a break for it and disappear upstairs. And she could have called him out and said something but instead, she just smiled and sent a wink his direction.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

"I never took you for a cat person Selaros," she grinned.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

An innuendo? Let me get my thinking cap on, maybe i have one floating around in the ol' gray matter.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Mary blinked at Sizma and laughed. "You know how to use a chin?"

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

"Then maybe you're not using it right," she replied with a shrug. Her tone was more aligned with that of a question than a statement.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Mary loved watching them and seeing Calin nervous had her giggling. It was so cute watching him squirm with uncertainty.
"Pish! Just ask her out and don't worry about those things," She said to Calin.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

The Wisp absolutely adores that the men in the party have love interests and will gladly illuminate them on the inner workings of a woman's heart. She'll even debate them if it means helping them towards getting any ounce of romance and will gladly volunteer as a wing'man' if it were ever needed. Though, she does argue that it is a bad idea because she's a woman. Their prospective partner might find that intimidating and there is the possibility of jealousy.

"There are two ways you can do this. The first way is the best way. Women look for a man that is strong, passionate and has a heart. It doesn't even have to be in that order at any given time. It can change by the second," she drank some more and slammed her empty mug down with a happy sigh. After complimenting the beer she dared to continue. "Sure, we do look at you whether you are a hottie or not, but by the end of it all as long as you got those three things you're a winner. But, if you're an ass, which you are not, just figure out what she likes to drink and get her drunk. Got it?

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

"Not really," she replied to Selaros after a short moment. "I mean, yes and no. It should be something that tells her that he thinks about her. It should be simple and not too intimate unless Calin and this girl have some kind of relationship already."

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Stopped at mid chew to glance at Calin. Slowly a smile grew on her face.
”That depends,” she said after swallowing the morsel down. Since it wasn't thoroughly mashed it took a little bit of effort pushing it down. ”If this is someone you just met and you want to get her attention just try a drink and a conversation. However, if she is someone special and you've known each other I'd say that jewelry is nice. Not clothes. Don't do that, you'll get your butt kicked. Or, maybe soap, but be careful with that one, she might think you think that she's dirty. “ Wisp had a nice way of explaining things even if it sounded more like she was prattling on and on. ”Does that help?”

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Restraint is hard for this half-elf, but she tried her damned best not to just dive into the food and have her way with it. On the street one just doesn't keep to decorum because that could lead to your food disappearing, likely by some stray animal with sharper teeth. However, here she is amongst people above her station and she thought she'd give having a manners a try. So, when the food is ready and all the polite proceedings have been met then she'll jump in with gusto.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Let's hope Augustianna doesn't hear about this!

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

"I bet he's off with that woman, what was her name? Oh! Yes! Augustianna!" She giggled and smiled brightly and leaned into Sizma to share her joke. "He must be off with her licking her wounds."


Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

For some reason, Mary looks around and blurted out, "Hey, what's Selaros up to you? He isn't here."

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Great! We killed a boar. Now what?

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

I'll be gone tomorrow until Monday because of vacation.Where I am going there is no technology.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Mary shrugged and rolled her eyes and smiled. "I don't get philosophy either. As for my mind, I'm sure it could use a scrubbing."She winked at Sizma. Now was not a good time for an explanation.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Mary stared at Selaros for a second and then she suddenly tipped her head back and had a mighty, loud guffaw.
"Licking cats has got to be a euphemism for something," she said and covered her mouth to stifle any other giggles that threaten to escape.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,
rknop wrote:
So you guys know- I'm at an astronomy education conference for the next three days, so I may be slow to respond before Thursday. I will try to keep up though.

Get your Carl Sagan on, and I really hope to see what you've learned happen in the adventure eventually!

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Mary never thought herself as pretty, or did she ever really consider it. The whole idea of attraction was lost on her entirely. Her mind was on living and having adventures to share with other orphans. Not everyone is as crazy as she was, leaving the orphanage at her age and she wanted to be their hero. After all, she does wear a mask and a cape. The thing is, she just doesn't have a secret identity. Everyone knows who she is.
"Ah, yeah! I think I've seen your Augustianna, Selaros. Is your relationship like a brother and sister thing, or what?"

Then Mary turned her smile to Aldern Foxglove.
"It was our honor. Now, how are we killing this boar again? I think someone mentioned a spear. Maybe we can use a sleep spell?"

Mary is going to get very competitive towards cornering and catching the boar, since chasing it sounds like fun. Killing it gently is her next worry. And I am alright with the boar hunt is just written out theatrically and not done with any rolling. That's great. However, one the side do some ride checks for us before anything else.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

"You're an orphan too Selaros? That's too bad. It can be a rough life," She said, and turned to the others to give them her brightest smile. "But nobody says life is easy and that makes having friends even better. Am I right?"

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

"Well, yeah. I just glossed over that part since it's kind of violent and gross. Still delicious, though." She waved a hand dismissively at the subject and continued smiling. Nothing was going to bring her down.

Pokemon Go Pathfinder style!

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

"How do you hunt boar? Oh, that's easy! You just chase it down, catch it, and then put a stick through its butt and hover it over a fire till it's nice and crispy, not burnt. And if you're lucky there's barbecue sauce."

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Mary turned back to Aldon, her smile was huge and it showed little sign of waning. It made her teal eyes twinkle. This was so exciting! Nobody ever invited her to something like this before and she was fighting the urge to bounce as she didn't want to look foolish hopping in place like some silly little kid awaiting her favorite dessert.
"When are we going, now?"

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

I thought I got hacked.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Smurfing smurf!
How did I get a smurf avatar? I....did not change mine. Now it's smurfette?!

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Mary pushed the pouch out of sight into her neckline and shrugged as if what she had done was no big thing and that awesomeness like that came to her frequently. "That's Mr. Foxglove and I saved his life during the attack. More importantly, he invited us on a boar hunt."

How did I get a smurf pic?

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

This little rogue was not slow in picking up that pouch of gold and was already shamelessly counting it by fives.
"Thank you for this," she said with a smile. "And a boar hunt sounds like a lot of fun, and I know the guys will want in on a little sport." She said and turned to give Calin a nudge to his ribs with her elbow. "Right? You were saying that you were getting fidgety and in need of something to do." She then spun to look at Sizma. "And I bet Blake will be a big help. So, sure! We'll come. Pork's tasty!."

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

With a tiny laugh, she pressed the ladle into Calin's sternum."Then make yourself useful and buy this, please."

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Something a buzz caught her attention and her pretty, pointed ear twitched and she turned around. Clasped in both hands she held a shiny new ladle. It was not masterwork as she had wanted since coins were a little short, and she wasn't quite in the spirit to steal one, not right now at least.
"Hey Sizma, didn't Selaros come with us?" She looked around briefly and shrugged. "Guess not. Think Ameiko will like this one?" She said as she held up her find and pointed at it.

Since we're out of earshot. :D

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Then, if there is no good gossip to be had she'll have a night of food, drink, and listening to stories before she makes her way to that comfy bed and fall onto it face first.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

For a short minute she had considered robbing a shop of a possible masterwork ladle, but that's not heroic. Maybe if Ameiko was in dire straights and needed that ladle desperately and this very moment, then that's a different story altogether.
"Yeah," she agreed with Selaros and sighed. It sounded like a fun adventure, if a small one, to go on. But with all the stores closed it just was not a possibility."I guess I'll get something to drink, mingle and learn some gossip before hitting the bed. Want to stay up with me Sizma? You can too Selaros."

So, that's something to do until the morning.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Mary punched the sky and leaped, cheering. "Yes! Another week to sleep in a bed, whoo!" she giggled but straightened quickly. "Oh! Right, you want a new ladle. I am so taking up that quest! Who is with me?" Mary turned to her comrades and friends. With her hands on her hips like that and great big smile, she looked actually somewhat heroic as if she could jump the tavern in a single leap. She can't, but in her mind, the sky's the limit.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

My laptop somehow lost its ability to use the wireless modem, very frustrating.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

Me too! Everything is on my profile, with pictures.

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,

With the spoon still stuck in her mouth, she watched the ongoings of the bar. Both eyebrows were raised high with surprise and uncertainty. Normally she never got involved with family matters because, well, she had no family. Being an orphan left her inexperienced in how they squabble, but this looked mean. He actually pulled her hair, a big no-no in Mary. Originally, she got up with the intent to put the toe of her foot in his pelvic region but when he let go she had the opportunity to change her mind. So, instead of kicking some jerk in his crotch, she raced over and gave her a hug. Yes, it's a little strange, very sudden, and certainly awkward but everyone could use a little support now and then. At least, she saw it that way.

Like this?

Olaf the Holy wrote:

Hmm. I get home in two weeks, might be able to take this up then.

Which of all those aliases are actually active characters at the moment?

And what sort of gming style are you looking for?

We're looking for something beyond simple posts, I'd imagine. Personally, I like players and GMs to have a wanting to tell a story and go beyond just meager sentences like, "I hit the monster or badguy," and "A 15 just hits him."

Here is an example of something I've done for my Wrath of the Righteous game under Asmodina.

My intro for Wrath of the Righteous:


You are rudely yanked back into life, sucking in air and crying out as if reliving your first moments free of your mother's womb. Yet, everything is still dark as if you were floating in a wizard's inkwell. Even with your eyes open, blackness. The squeezing tight pain at the base of your skull was actually a relief. Death had reached out to claim your souls, but when he swiped you fell from his cold grasp. You are alive! Were you then struck blind? No. With the aches slowly dissipating things were becoming clearer, but it was still too murky to know anything for certain. The air feels cool and musty in your nostrils, smelling of wet dirt and stone. Around you everything felt jagged and gritty. A rock shifted causing dust to shower over you. It mixes with the tears on your cheeks and turns to batter. What happened?

Memories flicker with each blink.

Armasse started at noon. Did it? It was supposed to begin on the hour with Lord Hullrun's blessing. As the ruler of Kenabres that was his responsibility and honor. However, after spotting a smudge on his armor he took time and had a squire polish it. Leaving Armasse to begin a couple of minutes late.

@Alexa Dorne: Miles stood by your side, excited and brimming with curiosity and hormones. He did his best to do you proud and stay put, but puberty is like a bad joke for a young man. Despite his interests, his mind wandered to the bright aasimars, the lithe elven beauties, and the sultry looking tieflings. Realizing his subconscious had him ogling down the decolletage of a well-endowed dwarven woman, he gasped and snapped his attention forward before she noticed. ”Yes. Of course!” He said to you, pretending to pay attention to your questions. However, you're observant. And, the pink on his cheeks only confirmed your suspicions. ….but where is he now? Sitting straight up you cry and reach out for him. Your shoulder hurts!
”MIles?!”The only answer you get is your own voice echoing into the blackness. Then out of nowhere a pair of hands grabs you.

The crowd gathered in the Clydwell Plaza, and as the aged inquisitor made his way up the wooden stairs to the stage a calm came over the people. It was a strange kind of quiet, like the calm before the coming of a storm. Smiling, he looked over the audience before clearing his throat.

@Telerin Quenya: Armasse was quite the spectacle. There were so many people! All races, large and small, gathered here at Clydwell Plaza. Originally, you wanted stay huddled in the 'Librarium of the Broken Black Wing', but the library was closed, shut down for the festivities. Plus, the other wizards insisted that missing Armasse would be a shame. Aravashniel, an elf and wizard, like yourself, called it, “an insult to Kenabres and its history.” And not long since your arrival, and to your (possible) amusement, a young human male examined you. At first his eyes were on your ears but eventually drifted down to your other attributes: your chin, neck, shoulders, his eyes lingered on your breasts, then down to your hips, and finally down your legs to your feet and then back up again. At the first sign of you taking notice he straightened, blushed pink, and ran away pulling a dark haired woman with a ponytail by the wrist......What happened after that? That feels important..........It's all blurry. Then you remember a bright light.
You wake up face down in some dust. Lifting up your gaze you see a man holding the dark-haired woman. One hand is on her breast while the other has a weapon held out in front of her.

Hulrun cleared his throat, and just as he opened his mouth to speak a bright light erupted from the West. It looked like a second sun setting on the horizon, white and pristine. Hulrun's figure was rendered to a silhouette, a shadow on the stage. The people of the crowed moaned and raised their hands to shield their eyes. A second later the earth shook and the sound of the explosion followed, roaring like angry thunder. People cried out in shock as a forceful gust of air blew sand hard and stinging against their skin.

@Baleon the Bloodhound: Your heart was a flutter. In all your time on this planet were you this proud! Escorting Lady Terendelev, albeit with five other paladins, was just a tremendous honor. She just wasn't the city's matron and saint but something more spectacular: an ancient silver dragon! Of course, you never really saw her as a dragon before, nor did she look ancient. In fact, she looked like a youthful, gorgeous woman, with noble appeal radiating from every atom of her being. Despite all your oaths and pledges it was difficult not to notice her beauty. Her dress was elegant in it's design, shimmery and, of course, very very silver. The sunlight sparkled off it. Once Hulrun had taken to the stage she raised her chin, turned to you six and smiled. Then, as if sensing your awe, she patted you shoulder before turning her attention back to the stage. In that second the world was bleached away, engulfed by an incredible white light. Then, once you blinked the purple spots from your vision a wall of metal pushed over, and then there was falling.
In the darkness you hear a woman's voice cry out, ”Miles!”, and it pulls you back to consciousness.
”My lady!” you shout and reach out in hopes of catching Terendelev. Finding a figure your hands tell you is female, you yank her close and bring your weapon across her torso to bar her from any danger just as you were trained. However, something was peculiar and not quite right. Terendelev had white hair, not black. And, uh, was this person's ponytail twitching? Also, to add to the awkwardness your left , even though it keeps her close and protected, its hand presses into this stranger's right bosom.

The fortress known as The Kite, the location of Kenabres' wardstone, was now a spinning pillar of smoke and deep red fire. A moment later, Terendelev roars at the sky. But it's not the shout of any woman but that of a dragon! Her body began to grow, changing into the shape she was born with, that of an ancient silver dragon! Spreading her wings wide she brushed the people back, shielding them from what was coming.

@Arloric: It was just a little, innocent nap against the wall. Snorting away you look around and find something dangling from your broad antlers. Ahead of you are three giggling girls, pointing at your head. Looks like these munchkins have decorated your head while you were sleeping with streamers, ribbons, and many colorful strings. And, it looked like they didn't skimp on the beads either. Then there was a sudden flash of white, the Kite had exploded, and those three girls ran screaming to their moms.
Suddenly, you find yourself waking up again. Your' covered in soot and dust. The pounding in your head feels as it could be almost permanent. From the shadows you hear Alexa cry out for her brother. It was followed by a man shouting,”My Lady!” followed by the sound of a weapon leaving its sheathe.

Khorramzadeh laughed and leaped at Terendelev from the direction of the explosion. His crimson skin was engulfed in clouds, flames and lightning. Gripped in his thick hands he held a sword covered in fire and a whip. The impossible had happened, the Worldwould had come to Kenabres!

@Uriel Aurelius: King of the log sounded like fun, and you proved really good at it. Who knew that paladins were proficient with pillows, right? You had even given it a proper name: Smite. All noteworthy swords had names, why not a worthy pillow? Nobody would dare challenge a man whose pillow was named that. Unfortunately, your next opponent was a woman. And not just any woman but a dark elf. Well, a half-drow at least.
The fight was short. Worldwould had finally invaded and duty called. With a yell you grab your sword(and Smite) and turn any demon into ribbons. How dare they defile this city with their presence! You just slid your blade from the mouth of a thorny demon when the ground below you gave way. Waking up, you back creaked with pain. Smite is beside you, and standing over you, looking down, is your opponent.

As the ground continued to shake it disgorged demons into the streets. Above the dragon and the balor fought, Khorramzadeh's haughty chuckling echoed through the sky. Terendelev stopped his laughing with a buffet of her wing, turning his chin suddenly skyward. Slowly, he brought it back down and he glared at her, his stern frown oozing into a triumphant grin. Electricity arced across his many horns.

@Ithilwen:The game is called 'King of the Log.' The premise of it is easy. Two competitors armed with pillows stand on a narrow log and hit each other. The one who falls off first loses and is then the King until he, or she, is knocked off and is replaced.
”Careful,” said the vendor with an amused smirk, “this fellow's a paladin. You're pretty but good looks won't save you. He's been king now for a while. Six people tried and all of them went crashing.” Smiling, you reassure him that you'll be fine and step onto the log. He didn't look too scary. Shiny, and maybe a little smug but not overly frightening. He looked you over as well, and winked. Then the vendor whistled.
He was the one to swing first, and it was just a feint to test your reflexes. After that was just a blur. The earth shook, and suddenly you were left blind by this incredible white light. That hurt, and it took you a moment to regain your sight. Once you had blinked the purple splotches away there was a silver dragon in the air fighting a balor demon and Kenabres was in pandemonium. Turning to your opponent to ask him WTF was going on you see that he's gone. Vanished.
”Oh. Right. He's a paladin,” you say to yourself, chuckling. That's when a goat-headed demon barreled into you flipping your slim body end over end. Thankfully, you landed on your drow tush. Then the ground gave way. Yes, you went crashing but not because you lost at King of the Log.”
With a groan you peel yourself off a large chunk of road and look around. It feels a little like home. And, lying beside you is your opponent, the aasimar paladin. He still has his pillow.

”Is that all you have Terendelev?” The balor cackled and brought his wings tight to his back and dived at her. Terendelev roared and spiraled down, crashing into the facade of the Cathedral of Satin Clydwell. Bricks and mortar fell onto the floor scattering those below. One woman was not so lucky as one of the statues tilted and fell on top of her smashing her like a bug, rendering her nothing more than a messy red stain on the cobble stones. Pressing his hoof into her abdomen, he took hold of her neck and gave it a hard shake snapping her head into the apex of the building. She groaned.

Teredelev bared her sharp shiny fangs at the Storm King. ”You cannot win Khorramzadeh,” she said. At that moment a titanic demon erupted at the far end of the plaza, reducing several buildings to gravel as it smashed into this world swinging its tremendous fists back and forth. The rift it created shot across the plaza, and this time there was no escape. The ground underneath tore open angling into darkness.

”Yes. Yes I have!” He roared in triumphant laughter and raised his blazing misshapen sword. The demon had finally left himself open and Terendelev could have saved herself. Instead of twisting her body to whip him back with her tail she raised her bloody claw to save some Kenabres souls. After she uttered a few arcane words she reached out a bleeding talon. Your plummeting suddenly slowed as if you were an autumn leaf. And as you drifted downward into the depths, the last thing you saw was the Storm King standing before the ancient silver dragon, his sword cleaving though her neck. As her head dropped the rift above you slammed shut!

@Aberus Ocellio: Oh the poor poor girl! 'Drench the Wench' was a mean game -sort of. A woman is stands on a red dot painted on the ground. Behind her is a contraption with a bucket of water at the top. Each patron who paid his three coppers can throw bean bags at a target fixed on this machine. If it moves the bucket of water falls on the woman. Which is alright since she's shouting horrible insults and is wearing horns and a tail –wait. No. She's a tiefling. She really does have horns and a tail.
Giving them your pennies you get your three bean bags. The tiefling woman then shouts at you, calling you girly and that your chin looks like a butt. And for your first two tosses you hit the target but nothing happened. Then she said something horrible.
”Your momma is so fat -” and she didn't get to finish. There was some anger in that throw and the bucket turned. It wasn't a small bucket either. The water quickly filled the neckline of her blouse and pushed it all the way down. She howled in embarrassment and folded her arms to hid her bosom. Before any apology could be given a shadow loomed over you. At first you imagined it was a cloud drifting over the sun, but it wasn't. The people scattered as the Storm King stepped over you're in what you think is a cave and you're not alone.

You are rudely yanked back into life, sucking in air and crying out as if reliving your first moments free of your mother's womb. Yet, everything is still dark as if you were floating in a wizard's inkwell. Even with your eyes open, blackness. The squeezing tight pain at the base of your skull was actually a relief. Death had reached out to claim your souls, but when he swiped you fell from his cold grasp. You are alive! Were you then struck blind? No. With the aches slowly dissipating things were becoming clearer, but it was still too murky to know anything for certain. The air feels cool and musty in your nostrils, smelling of wet dirt and stone. Around you everything felt jagged and gritty. A rock shifted causing dust to shower over you. It mixes with the tears on your cheeks and turns to batter. What happened?


Sorry about that. I promise you will not see many posts like this from me. Sure it's easier to just copy text out of the module, but I didn't want to do that. I wanted to connect you together somehow, even if it's a little corny. Also, felt I should give you some fluff to work with. It might seem a little out of character for your PCs and I do apologize. I just wanted to give you seven a meaningful start. Also, yes, I did copy the first paragraph and stuck it on the end. I am hoping it brings thing together, full circle. Plus, it's the most important paragraph describing your position.
Here is a short list.

[1]You seven are stuck in what appears to be a cave. It's cold and smelly.
[2]You all have headaches but they are ebbing away quickly as you regain your memories to what happened in Armasse.
[3] The module doesn't speak much about Terendelev but I treat her as if she were very important, something of a Mother Theresa; a saint. She's beloved by the people of Kenabres. She likes to call those drow and tiefling that fight against Worldwound for the betterment of Golarion 'Risen'. On account they've risen above all their struggles to strive towards becoming better.
For the next few posts all you need to do is examine your situation and let your group meet. Make sure to describe yourself in someway and do one action that is a character quirk / tell we'll see often. For example, eye rolling sarcastically when someone makes a suggestion you disagree with. Or, tapping your chin while thinking. I hum and sing to myself when I'm mad. It keeps me from making stupid outbursts. See what I mean?

Once you've met I'll introduce to you three NPCs, and then we'll continue on from there.

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Our GM is gone, vanished into the voids of the internet. It's been weeks so that is our, the players, fear. Are you an awesome GM who has played this before, or would like to try your hand at this adventure path? The team is good. Don't believe me? Here, have a look!

We didn't get very far in the first module, and we're currently looking for the body of a dead priest and have just stopped to deal with a dozen goblins. It's yet to be resolved.

So, if you have a witty snarky imagination and want to whip some dice our direction come and apply -HERE!

Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,
Sizma Karnovic wrote:
Let's get it rolling then.

Totally doing it now!


Female Half-Elf Rogue, HP 10/10, AC:18, T:15, FF:14/ +4 init / CMD 17
Acrobatics 7, Appraise 5, Climb 5, Disable Device 8, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 3, Stealth 10,
Sizma Karnovic wrote:
Want to start a recruitment for a GM?
