Berserker Cannibal

Bharak Slagsun's page

543 posts. Alias of Grumbaki.


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Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Bharak raised an eyebrow. Then he remembered that humans didn’t make all of their settlements with such practicality in mind. And even stranger, they intentionally made their most valuable buildings without any defense in mind. Resisting the urge to say “Umgak” in reply, he instead nodded. ”Of course. Fortunate for us.” He said instead, feeling very diplomatic in doing so.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

”This is why any fortress worth its stone will is warded against magic. Luckily, human forts tend to be umgak.” He said, eyeing the walls. ”Teleport us in when ye be ready. I’m good to go.”

* Umgak - Shoddy, poorly made; specifically something made by Humans.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Silently making his way back, he reported what he saw. ”So, what’s the plan? Sneak in past the defenses? Or use an illusion or whatnot to make them drop whatever they’ve got early?”

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Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Glad to hear that you are recovering. Please don't injure yourself. When I had my ankle surgery, I really wanted to fast forward and do what I physically couldn't, so that feeling is well known to me.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (19) + 18 = 37

A quiet as he could possibly be, Bharak went about entering and climbing the tower. If there was to be a threat inside, he was going to find it.

Perception: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (18) + 22 = 40

From there, he used the vantage point to learn what he could, so that the group could properly make a plan.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Bharak walked with his head just that much higher, at having had the support of the group. Knowing that he was not alone, and not looked down upon, made walking their road much easier. Which was good, given that the next group of giants they were to encounter were not likely to be asleep.

"Aye. We should do so." He said, his weapon transforming back into something resembling an axe. "Go in quietly and with eyes sharp."

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Wishing you the best!

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

1d12 ⇒ 8

Every single time we level up I forget to roll...even when others do it first. My apologies.

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Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Indeed! Good Hope was a game changer. That and transformative weapon giving x4 as well as Savage Technologist with all of the investment in rage rounds paying off. Despite being asleep I think most parties could only reliably kill 1 or 2 before waking the rest.

Numbly Bharak beheld his handiwork. His people had few interactions with giants, given that their hold was in the Mana Wastes, and as such he had never been taught the traditional methods of fighting them. It had also meant that he never learned to hate giants as his northern kinsmen did. It had made the grisly task much harder. Still, he reasoned that it had to be done. From what little he knew, the vast majority of giants were evil by nature and these ones had proven themselves to be enemies. Their deaths made the world a better place, and he told himself that he should be proud. That, and he did not want to disgrace himself in front of Vhane, who represented the traditional and stoic Dwarven outlook. His tattoo was embarrassment enough already, without his actions proving it right.

Survival take 10: 10 + 23 + 2 = 35

Quietly and with trained precision he went about searching for tracks. It was not the hardest task, given the size of the giants. But it seemed important to find a trail to follow, should the group decide to follow the giants’ trail back towards whence they came.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Level 11!

+1 Barbarian (5)
BaB: +1 (second iterative)
HP: +11
Skills: +6 (Perception, Stealth, Disable Device, Survival, K Nature,
Saves: N/A
Ability: Crack Shot
Rage from level (+2) and FCB (+1)
Total Rage: +4 (lvl1) +8 (lvls2-5) +5 (FCB) +6 (Feat) +4 (Con) = 27

Feat: Dodge (AC 30, 32 when raging)

A good level!

As a question, did we sell the pistols from the last encounter? I realize now that it would have been wise to have kept one. If so then no problem, it is what it is.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

25 rounds of rage, each one gives +4 Str and Dex. I’ll use 6 of them to make it a 2+ and to help on initiative if they wake up

Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28

Damage: 4d6 + 80 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 3) + 80 = 98
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24

Damage: 4d6 + 80 ⇒ (5, 1, 5, 3) + 80 = 94
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24

Damage: 4d6 + 80 ⇒ (3, 2, 5, 4) + 80 = 94
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (14) + 21 = 35

Damage: 4d6 + 80 ⇒ (5, 3, 4, 2) + 80 = 94
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24

Damage: 4d6 + 80 ⇒ (1, 3, 6, 3) + 80 = 93
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28

Damage: 4d6 + 80 ⇒ (3, 1, 3, 3) + 80 = 90
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 3

It was a grim task, but Bharak set about doing it. A pained look crossed his face, for there was a difference in fighting with one’s life on the line and executing a helpless foe. He fell into his battle trance, in large part to escape the horror of ending one life after another. He moved mechanically, his pick rising and falling with precision time and time again.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Damage: 4d6 + 68 ⇒ (3, 1, 1, 6) + 68 = 79
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Damage: 4d6 + 68 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 2) + 68 = 85
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Damage: 4d6 + 68 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 2) + 68 = 79
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Damage: 4d6 + 68 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 3) + 68 = 87
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Invisibility to sneak up. Transformative turns weapon into a heavy pick. Requested access to see the map. Someone else can pick the numbers for me at this time

Damage: 4d6 + 68 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 6) + 68 = 84
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 1

DC 96 fort save

Assuming it dies, stealth check: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33

Damage: 4d6 + 68 ⇒ (1, 5, 2, 5) + 68 = 81
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 2

DC 95 fort save

Assuming it dies, stealth check: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33

Bharak's weapon transformed, changing into a heavy mining pick. With Axton's spell making him invisible, he silently moved forward. Coming to the first of the giants, the dwarf raised his pick and carefully chose his target. Swinging it with all of his might, he went for an immediate death. Slitting throats was an option, of course. But that could wake the giant, and cause it to run around, bleeding out and waking everyone. He thought it better to kill it with one hit. Aiming for the pterion, the weakest part of the skull, he aimed to destroy the brain. One good hit, one dead giant, and then move on to the next. At least, that was the plan.

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Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

"Aye. Let's do this. I might get one or two this way, but eventually the sound is going to wake the rest. So everyone should be ready to get the fook in there once they stir." The dwarf said.

GM, what rules should we follow for this? Stealth rolls to not wake the other giants when doing a coup de grace? I'm more than happy to have you make as many rolls as is needed as Bharak works his way from giant to giant, to see how many go down before the others wake

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

There were many things that Bharak thought they might face, but giants was not one of them. Seeing absolutely no humor in the situation, he nodded grimly. "I'll move up ahead to scout it out but will stay as close as I can. If I come across any of the fookers, there is no way I'm outrunning them." He added "We'll likely do a direct assault regardless. But not if their numbers are too great."

Stealth: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25
Perception: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (8) + 21 = 29

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

"Heh." The dwarf chuckled. "To keep up with me? Aye, I've got a long stride." He said with a slight smile as he walked ahead. He was feeling good, having gotten plenty of food and rest, before what he assumed would be another inevitable slaughter of someone deserving it.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Nursing his drink, the dwarf sat back and watched the show. It was hands down the best he had ever seen performed at a tavern or an inn. Or anywhere, if he was being honest with himself. As much as he knew that he should have been keeping an eye and ear out, it was hard to do so when the show was so captivating.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Quite glad to find himself in a dry and well stocked tavern, Bharak took a seat and ignored the bustling people around him. Still, he half-heartedly listened in as his fellows questioned Pilla. Too many hands ruined a soup, or so they said. He would be there if he was needed. Otherwise, he'd just be enjoying a drink.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Agreed, wishing you a speedy recovery. That sounds miserable

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

* Property: Artisan Shop 'Locks for Every Occassion' (5% discount mundane items, +1 craft for income) and seneschal (Haldimar)
* Fame: 32
* Prestige Points: 18

prestige rules

Not sure if I’m going to spend it. On one hand, I like the idea of a townhouse in the city for the dwarf. That way he won’t have to live out of his shop. On the other hand? He doesn’t need it *right now.* And raise dead is 16pp. It would be nice to have that in the bag…so I suppose I’ll bank the points for now.

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Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

"Look. Lass." Bharak said. "There's nay need for us to actually put the bloody thing back together. That...and I'm still not convinced that this entire prophecy business be real. It's more like, ah fook, how do I put it?" Running his finger through his beard he continued "Remember the writings ye gave us in that last hell-hole we trekked through? Technically, we were working on prophecy as to where things were and the like. But even so, just because it was seen, doesn't mean that everything had to stay the same, aye? Actions have consequences, and they ripple. If ye ask me, any time we find a prophecy, it really is just a best guess as towards what will happen if nothing changes. But by making the prophecy, it changes things, ye follow? So, we have an idea of what may happen, but no guarantee that it will. That..." he chuckled "And if this was such a big deal, then some right proper heroes would be involved, aye? Torag and Iomodae and the like would be sending visions and people of actual importance would be on the job. So really, how big of a deal could it actually be? So, I say that we just focus on what we can do, and right now that be our job."

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Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Sorry for my relative silence. Work has been…very busy and stressful (attorney). I’ll be getting a post in as soon as my brain isn’t melted.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Finding himself in possession of a weapon which felt cursed, or at the very least looked it, Bharak went in search of a solution. A veritable river of gold was spent on ‘fixing’ the issue. Taking the services of the best mages and priests he could find, the flail soon took on a new form.

Where once his flail appeared to be made out of a spine, it now took the form similar to that of a dorn dergar. The weapon now ended with an axe head, complete with handle. Only it was attached to a chain that seemed to be made from bone. Shorter than the traditional weapon of his people, the edge of the blade was supernaturally sharp. Pleased with his new weapon, he felt more confident than ever in hunting down the last of the shards.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Gold: 22190 + 2693 = 24883
Now to figure out how much transformative + keen will cost….

Is it 10k for keen (+2 weapon currently) and 10k for transformative?

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

"Little hike never hurt anyone." The dwarf said. Then, eyeing his companions, especially Axton who was looking sickly, he added "After the lad recovers, of course Or we could just hire a carriage to take us there."

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Great point. And with 2 players who want a shared, handing her one over works perfectly.

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Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

<checks inventory and pulls out the Shard of Greed. With shifty eyes he puts it back in and rolls a 1 on a bluff check to not look sketchy while doing so>

I’m more than happy to see *anyone* take loot they can use, and do not want Bharak to end up too wealthy compared to his companions.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Rage Hit Yellow: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (7) + 19 = 26
Damage: 1d8 + 20 ⇒ (7) + 20 = 27
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Betrayal. It sickened him. Weapon held up high, Bharak rushed straight at their foes.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Fort: 1d20 + 16 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 16 + 4 = 35

Bharak shuddered as the wave of death rolled over him. Luckily the effects likewise did not stick. Rather it felt more like a cold wind than anything else. He raised an eyebrow though, at the call to not be corrupted. While it was certainly ominous, he hadn’t felt anything especially curse worthy, despite the shuddering of the fortress. He trusted her enough, though, to not question her. If she thought something was wrong then he took it seriously. ”Aye? Then let’s get the fook out of here.”

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

I enjoyed the prayer. It makes her really feel like a cleric, well done. :)

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Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Bharak shifted uncomfortably. It wasn't the first time that he got the impression that there were powers at play which they really shouldn't be messing with, and seeing the desiccated husks of angels just reaffirmed that. Once they had the shard he breathed a sigh of relief. Waiting for Elena to finish her prayer, he muttered "We should get out of here." He almost added before we end up like them but felt that it wouldn't be appropriate.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Aid another check for traps: 1d20 + 21 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 21 + 1 + 2 = 28

Disable Device: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25
Disable Device: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27
Disable Device: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30

”Aye, no rush.” The dwarf said as he methodically checked the door. ”Well made lock it is. Stand back, aye? I’ll get it open right quick.”

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

”Unless there is concrete profit to be made, then there is no point risking our lives.” Bharak replied to Elathras.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

As we know that there is a trap, and as we aren't in a rush, could Bharak take 10 on both perception and disable device?

If not, perception to find the trap: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (2) + 23 = 25

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Glancing at his flail, Bharak shrugged. ”Powerful magic. Worth gold at least, and so long as it isn’t cursed who cares if it morbid?” Falling back to being practical, he just didn’t see a point letting it go to waste.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

It is! Thanks to all of you for all of the thought going into it. I’m actually debating on whether improved critical should be taken instead due to the cost…but my feats are all currently planned for.

How much would keen cost? It would naturally come after transformative.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

This is what I envision

And @Elena: the 15-20 sounds nice! But that leaves a question…can I add keen onto the weapon as well or do I need to take improved critical?

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Bharak stopped swinging his new, rather morbid, flail, just long enough to look upon Eox. For some time he watched the dead world with its Bone Sages, only to shrug and look away. Knowing nothing of the dead planet’s history, the tragedy was lost on him.

”It would be foolish to leave a powerful artifact behind. Aye, let go collect yon instrument.”

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Light Flail: 1d8 damage x2 crit
Heavy Flail: 1d10 damage 19-20x2 crit

d8-d10 is negligible, but this weapon does better with more crits (I want to see it’s special effect go off). I suppose that the Transformative enchantment could be used. Reduce the damage die to d6 but make it 18-20 crit range for 10k gold.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

If everyone else doesn’t object then please add my +1 Earthbreaker to the loot pile.

Also is the flail light or heavy? And if it is light is there a way to pay to make it heavy?

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

The spine flail seems great! +2, reach and can work against adjacent? Amazing. Would anyone mind if Bharak uses it?

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Hit: 1d20 + 18 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 18 + 2 + 2 = 37
Damage: 2d6 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (6, 6) + 19 + 2 = 33
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Precise Strike: 1d6 ⇒ 3

BoF: 1d20 + 15 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 15 + 2 + 2 = 30
Damage: 2d6 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (2, 2) + 19 + 2 = 25
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Precise Strike: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Iterative: 1d20 + 10 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 10 + 2 + 2 = 15
Damage: 2d6 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (2, 4) + 19 + 2 = 27
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Precise Strike: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Bharak’s hammer did the talking for him. If the rider wanted a fight then he would have one. He was more than happy to oblige.

AC29 +1 Outsiders/Aberrations

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

If possible, Bharak will move in once he sees that Elena has surrounded the enemy and thus movement towards him is unlikely. But if his turn was already spent on the readied action, that is fine.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Readied Action: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24
BoL still?: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 32
Damage: 2d6 + 19 ⇒ (4, 6) + 19 = 29
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 5


Expecting the rider to charge in, Bharak took his place by Elathras‘ side. He was confident the rider wouldn’t get past the two of them.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Will: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 9 + 2 = 30
BoL: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31


Hit: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 18 + 2 = 24
BoL: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32
Damage: 2d6 + 19 ⇒ (3, 6) + 19 = 28
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Iterative: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 2 = 29
BoL: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Damage: 2d6 + 19 ⇒ (4, 2) + 19 = 25
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 5

If Bharak had any fear towards the hounds he didn’t show it. Just as one raised it’s head to howl, the dwarf’s weapon impacted with it, sending the beast flying backwards.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Standing beside Elathras, Bharak raised his weapon. Any hound that got past the man would have to face the dwarf.

Readied Action: 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 16 + 2 = 19
Roll Twice: 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 16 + 2 = 37
Damage: 2d6 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (2, 4) + 16 + 2 = 24
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Precise Strike: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Blood and glory! We cut through! And…don’t use that many casting of dimension door.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Bharak nodded, telling himself that Axton was either in control, or was still in there, and as such he deserved some trust. With that in mind, he proceeded...

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

I'll take it then, and we can move his +1 amulet into the loot pile.

Level (11) Wounds (0) HP (141) AC (28/16/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (29, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (22/28) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

If Elathras wants the amulet then go for it. I can upgrade later.

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