His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad

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352 posts. Alias of Joshua Hirtz.

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Will the playtest for Secrets of Magic be making it’s way to Society play?

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I rather like having the right skill at hand for the given situation and not having to rely on party members to fill those roles. This is especially true in Organized Play as you are often thrown into unknown group compositions unless you have a steady roster.

With all of that in mind, I have been working on designing an Investigator who over the course of his career will wind up being legendary in six skills and expert (with ability to make checks requiring master proficiency) in the rest.

For the legendary skills I'm envisioning taking Arcana, Crafting, Medicine, Occultism, Religion, and Society for Recall Knowledge rolls, while Lore and Nature will be left at expert.

My questions come down to:

Would you suggest a different composition of Legendary skills?

What feats should be taken?

What items should be bought?

Any other advice?

I'm not seeing the latest Pathfinder scenarios within my downloads and no order has been created for them. I have had my chose of free subscription chosen since before the release of 2E I believe and I have bought part of the scenarios and quests since I needed them for running, but I would like to start seeing the subscription fulfilled. When can I expect to see them start? I have received an item from all of my subscriptions, so I can't think of any reason why this should not be being processed.

Thank you for your time.

Please Change Address to New Shipping Address for Pending Order 7986304.

Assurance wrote:

Even in the worst circumstances, you can perform basic tasks. Choose a skill you’re trained in. You forgo rolling a skill check for that skill to instead receive a result of 10 + your proficiency bonus (do not apply any other bonuses, penalties, or modifiers).

Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, choose a different skill and gain the benefits for that skill.

If I’m reading this correctly, you no longer add your ability modifier. Is that corrrect?

Continual Recovery wrote:
You zealously monitor a patient’s progress to administer treatment faster. When you Treat Wounds, your patient becomes immune for only 10 minutes instead of 1 hour. This applies only to your Treat Wounds activities, not any other the patient receives.

Does this mean you can treat a patient right after treating them (taken as the treatment time of ten minutes is the ten minutes they are immune) or ten minutes after treating them?

With Gen Con coming up, I'm looking for a new bag to transport my gaming supplies in. In the past I've always used various bags that I thought would work well, but this time around I'm looking to invest in a good gaming bag.

With that in mind, I was curious as to what everyone else is using. Care to share what you use to treat your strength as +1 for carrying capacity?

Is it just me or is someone missing out on a great gaming backpack name by not using Masterwork Backpack?

I would like for my Campaign Setting Subscription to start with Lost Omens, not the Druma book. Unfortunately it keeps adding the Druma book. Would you be so kind as to fix this?

Also, with having subscribed for the last first edition adventure path, will my Paizo Advantage apply over to the rest of my order when it goes through?

Thank you,
The Lucky Halfling

Would there be much interest in weekly SFS games hosted via something like Roll20? I've been wanting to start running more SFS games and working on an outline for how I would set it up, but I want to know if their is enough interest in it to make it worth my while.

The concept would be that I take a count of interest for particular games the week prior to running them. The particular day of the week and time would be flexible depending on my schedule.

I'll be looking into Roll20 and Discord this weekend, but I'll consider alternatives if anyone has suggestions.


I was wondering if it is possible for a GM to earn credit for a character that has the Society Shepherd boon if they bring a new player and wind up running a game as opposed to playing in one. I know there have been some clarifications on the new player not needing to be at the same table, but I was not seeing any clarification on whether you had to play a character to get credit for the boon.

It seems like a matter of trust for a GM that is also running the game for the new player.

Male Lightfoot Halfling HP:79/79 | AC:21 | HD: 8/8 | INIT: +5 | SAVES: STR +0/ DEX +5/ CON +3/ INT +2/ WIS +2/ CHA +0

The old discussion thread was removed and this one is dedicated to the Magic Playtest. The old discussion thread is now attached to Earth's Battle Tower - Matrial Playtest - Arena 2.

Male Lightfoot Halfling HP:79/79 | AC:21 | HD: 8/8 | INIT: +5 | SAVES: STR +0/ DEX +5/ CON +3/ INT +2/ WIS +2/ CHA +0

This thread is a stage to playtest the Earth's Battle Tower's capabilities.

Arena 2

Opponent Selection: 1d15 ⇒ 12

The number was originally a 6 in the Preview and you have already faced off against number 12 so we are going to proceed with 6 once your ready.

Male Lightfoot Halfling HP:79/79 | AC:21 | HD: 8/8 | INIT: +5 | SAVES: STR +0/ DEX +5/ CON +3/ INT +2/ WIS +2/ CHA +0


"Congratulations to our second contestant chosen to participate in the special introductory event, Night. For your first opponent, you will be facing off against..."

Random Opponent: 1d15 ⇒ 12


Cutpurse's Initiative Roll:
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Night may take up to three rounds worth of actions for preparation before the match. Please roll Night's initiative and if you win, you may proceed with the match. Assume that Night starts 60 ft from his opponent and that the arena is a 120 ft. diameter circle. I will provide a map shortly.

Male Lightfoot Halfling HP:79/79 | AC:21 | HD: 8/8 | INIT: +5 | SAVES: STR +0/ DEX +5/ CON +3/ INT +2/ WIS +2/ CHA +0


"Congratulations to our first contestant chosen to participate in the special introductory event, Qroowk. For your first opponent, you will be facing off against..."

Random Opponent: 1d15 ⇒ 9

"Callous Rake!"

Callous Rake's Initiative Roll:
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Qroowk may take up to three rounds worth of actions for preparation before the match. Please roll Qroowk's initiative and if you win, you may proceed with the match. Assume that Qroowk starts 60 ft from his opponent and that the arena is a 120 ft. diameter circle. I will provide a map shortly.

Seemingly over night, a mysterious tower arose from the Arcadian Ocean to reach up to the heavens. It's greater heights lost to sight because of the clouds that perpetually swirl around them.

It was upon that first day that the construct attendants appeared in all majors cities of the world offering not only fame and glory to those that were brave enough to accept the tower's challenge, but wealth. To those less strong of heart, the attendants offered the chance to attend the spectacle at more than fair prices.

It has been three months since the tower's initial appearance and it has been proven to have much to offer by those that were brave, or perhaps desperate, enough to face it's mysterious nature.

Those that have returned have often brought back great wealth, but always stories of the gladiatorial like arena each floor holds. While many have died, none have been left so.

Hundreds of thousands now flock to the tower to take part in it's games, whether as a spectator or contestant. Which will you be?

This game is meant to be a simple gladiatorial like game where player characters test their strength against a randomly chosen NPC on each floor. When they win, they progress to the next floor to face their next challenge with prize in hand. Losers would be left at their current floor to face another challenger. Upon losing five times, the contestant would retire from the battle arena and their character would be added to the NPC pool for other players to potentially face in the future.

To start, the initial tower offers sixty floors. Each floor defeated would grant the player character about a third of the wealth they would garner by their next level based on the "Table: Character Wealth by Level" chart in the "Gamemastering" section of the core book. As one might assume, each third floor defeated would also grant the player character a level on top of the wealth gained. This would remain true until the player character either retired or defeated the sixtieth floor, upon which a different prize would be earned.

I've been working on designing the game, but I wanted to throw out a general idea to see how many would be interested in such a game.

Thank you for your time,
"The Lucky Halfling"


I attended Gen Con this past August and managed to get in one of the five quests for the Into the Unkonwn Quest Arc. At the end of the session I was presented with a Chronicle and told that I can finish the other quests wherever I choose.

Recently I found myself running some local Starfinders through the entirety of the Quest Arc. I would like to finish the quest arc on my first character, but how do you go about reporting a quest arc when different GMs ran different parts of the arc?

I would appreciate any insight into how to handle this situation.


18 people marked this as a favorite.

I've been working on Starfinder Society boon cards and I've managed to find myself at a place where I am comfortable sharing the current iteration of them. Currently I've made cards for the various faction boons listed in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide, promotional boons based on the recent thread, and "Into the Unknown" Quest boons based on the rewards from that questline.

These cards are designed to fit into card sleeves and make it easy to see what any character currently has slotted along with knowing what they have used, dictated by flipping the card over or on it's side.

I am working on sprucing up the faction cards with their respective emblems and perhaps an indicator of what tier you need to be with the faction to acquire the boon.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Enjoy and I hope they work well for you,
The Lucky Halfling

“We must strive to move forward, for not only do they look down upon us, but the world stands still for no man. We have been born of mixed heritage, but moved beyond the capabilities of both our parent races. Let us show them that adaptability flows through our veins and that no one can come as close to perfection as we can.”

This build, while incomplete, is based around the concept of doing everything well with a focus upon skills. While I will do a quick detail of the options I have used up to this point, the part that I find really interesting is the breakdown of the skill progression which has been based upon a 20 level progression with 10 mythic tiers (a tier being gained after every even level).

Basic Building Blocks:

  • Race: Half-elf
  • Alternate Racial Trait: Reflexive Improvisation
  • Class: Bard
  • Archetype: Archaeologist
  • Prestige Class: Evangelist of Irori
  • Feats: Fast Learner, Improvisation, Deific Obedience (Irori), Improved Improvisation
  • Mythic Path: Trickster
  • Mythic Ability: Master Dilettante
  • Mythic Feat: Mythic Paragon

Skill Progression:

Trained Skills:
  • Disable Device
  • Knowledge (Religion)
  • Perception


  • RI - Reflexive Improvisation (Half-Elf Alternate Racial Trait)
  • BK - Bardic Knowledge (Bard [Class])
  • Ra - Ranks
  • CS - Class Skill
  • CE - Clever Explorer (Archaeologist [Bard Archtype])
  • MD - Master Dilettante (Trickster Path Ability) modified by Mythic Paragon (Mythic Feat)
  • Im - Improvisation (Feat)
  • DO - Deific Obedience (Feat)
  • II - Improved Improvisation (Feat)
  • MoT - Multitude of Talents (Evangelist [Prestige Class])

1st Level: Archaeologist (Bard) 1

  • Untrained Skills: 2 (2 RI) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 3 (2 RI + 1 BK) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 4 (1 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 5 (1 Ra + 3 CS + 1 BK) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 4 (1 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers

2nd Level: Archaeologist (Bard) 2

  • Untrained Skills: 2 (2 RI) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 3 (2 RI + 1 BK) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 5 (2 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 6 (2 Ra + 3 CS + 1 BK) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 6 (2 Ra + 3 CS + 1 CE) + Modifiers

1st Tier: Trickster

  • Untrained Skills: 35 (2 RI + 3 MD) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 6 (2 RI + 3 BK + 1 MD) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 5 (2 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 6 (2 Ra + 3 CS + 1 BK) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 6 (2 Ra + 3 CS + 1 CE) + Modifiers

3rd Level: Archaeologist (Bard) 3

  • Untrained Skills: 7 (2 RI + 3 MD + 2 Im) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 8 (2 RI + 1 BK + 3 MD + 2 Im) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 6 (3 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 7 (3 Ra + 3 CS + 1 BK) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 7 (3 Ra + 3 CS + 1 CE) + Modifiers

4th Level: Archaeologist (Bard) 4

  • Untrained Skills: 7 (2 RI + 3 MD + 2 Im) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 9 (2 RI + 2 BK + 3 MD + 2 Im) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 7 (4 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 9 (4 Ra + 3 CS + 2 BK) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 9 (4 Ra + 3 CS + 2 CE) + Modifiers

2nd Tier: Trickster

  • Untrained Skills: 8 (2 RI + 4 MD + 2 Im) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 10 (2 RI + 2 BK + 4 MD + 2 Im) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 7 (4 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 9 (4 Ra + 3 CS + 2 BK) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 9 (4 Ra + 3 CS + 2 CE) + Modifiers

5th Level: Archaeologist (Bard) 5

  • Untrained Skills: 8 (2 RI + 4 MD + 2 Im) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 14 (2 RI + 2 BK + 4 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 8 (5 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 14 (5 Ra + 3 CS + 2 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 10 (5 Ra + 3 CS + 2 CE) + Modifiers

6th Level: Evangelist 1

  • Untrained Skills: 8 (2 RI + 4 MD + 2 Im) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 14 (2 RI + 2 BK + 4 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 9 (6 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 15 (6 Ra + 3 CS + 2 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 11 (6 Ra + 3 CS + 2 CE) + Modifiers

3rd Tier: Trickster

  • Untrained Skills: 9 (2 RI + 5 MD + 2 Im) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 15 (2 RI + 2 BK + 5 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 9 (6 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 15 (6 Ra + 3 CS + 2 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 11 (6 Ra + 3 CS + 2 CE) + Modifiers

7th Level: Evangelist 2

  • Untrained Skills: 11 (2 RI + 5 MD + 2 Im + 2 II) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 18 (2 RI + 3 BK + 5 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 10 (7 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 17 (7 Ra + 3 CS + 3 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 13 (7 Ra + 3 CS + 3 CE) + Modifiers

8th Level: Evangelist 3

  • Untrained Skills: 11 (2 RI + 5 MD + 2 Im + 2 II) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 18 (2 RI + 3 BK + 5 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 11 (8 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 18 (8 Ra + 3 CS + 3 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 14 (8 Ra + 3 CS + 3 CE) + Modifiers

4th Tier: Trickster

  • Untrained Skills: 12 (2 RI + 6 MD + 2 Im + 2 II) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 19 (2 RI + 3 BK + 6 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 11 (8 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 18 (8 Ra + 3 CS + 3 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 14 (8 Ra + 3 CS + 3 CE) + Modifiers

9th Level: Evangelist 4

  • Untrained Skills: 12 (2 RI + 6 MD + 2 Im + 2 II) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 20 (2 RI + 4 BK + 6 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 12 (9 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 20 (9 Ra + 3 CS + 4 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 16 (9 Ra + 3 CS + 4 CE) + Modifiers

10th Level: Evangelist 5

  • Untrained Skills: 16 (2 RI + 6 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 24 (2 RI + 4 BK + 6 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 13 (10 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 21 (10 Ra + 3 CS + 4 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 17 (10 Ra + 3 CS + 4 CE) + Modifiers

5th Tier: Trickster

  • Untrained Skills: 17 (2 RI + 7 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 25 (2 RI + 4 BK + 7 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 13 (10 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 21 (10 Ra + 3 CS + 4 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 17 (10 Ra + 3 CS + 4 CE) + Modifiers

11th Level: Evangelist 6

  • Untrained Skills: 17 (2 RI + 7 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 26 (2 RI + 5 BK + 7 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 14 (11 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 23 (11 Ra + 3 CS + 5 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 19 (11 Ra + 3 CS + 5 CE) + Modifiers

12th Level: Evangelist 7

  • Untrained Skills: 17 (2 RI + 7 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 26 (2 RI + 5 BK + 7 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 15 (12 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 24 (12 Ra + 3 CS + 5 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 20 (12 Ra + 3 CS + 5 CE) + Modifiers

6th Tier: Trickster

  • Untrained Skills: 18 (2 RI + 8 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 27 (2 RI + 5 BK + 8 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 15 (12 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 24 (12 Ra + 3 CS + 5 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 20 (12 Ra + 3 CS + 5 CE) + Modifiers

13th Level: Evangelist 8

  • Untrained Skills: 18 (2 RI + 8 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 28 (2 RI + 6 BK + 8 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 16 (13 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 26 (13 Ra + 3 CS + 6 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 22 (13 Ra + 3 CS + 6 CE) + Modifiers

14th Level: Evangelist 9

  • Untrained Skills: 18 (2 RI + 8 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 28 (2 RI + 6 BK + 8 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 17 (14 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 27 (14 Ra + 3 CS + 6 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 23 (14 Ra + 3 CS + 6 CE) + Modifiers

7th Tier: Trickster

  • Untrained Skills: 19 (2 RI + 9 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 29 (2 RI + 6 BK + 9 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 17 (14 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 27 (14 Ra + 3 CS + 6 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 23 (14 Ra + 3 CS + 6 CE) + Modifiers

15th Level: Evangelist 10

  • Untrained Skills: 19 (2 RI + 9 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 30 (2 RI + 7 BK + 9 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 18 (15 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 29 (15 Ra + 3 CS + 7 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 25 (15 Ra + 3 CS + 7 CE) + Modifiers

16th Level: Archaeologist (Bard) 6

  • Untrained Skills: 19 (2 RI + 9 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 30 (2 RI + 7 BK + 9 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 19 (16 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 30 (16 Ra + 3 CS + 7 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 26 (16 Ra + 3 CS + 7 CE) + Modifiers

8th Tier: Trickster

  • Untrained Skills: 20 (2 RI + 10 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 31 (2 RI + 7 BK + 10 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 19 (16 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 30 (16 Ra + 3 CS + 7 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 26 (16 Ra + 3 CS + 7 CE) + Modifiers

17th Level: Archaeologist (Bard) 7

  • Untrained Skills: 20 (2 RI + 10 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 32 (2 RI + 8 BK + 10 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 20 (17 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 32 (17 Ra + 3 CS + 8 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 28 (17 Ra + 3 CS + 8 CE) + Modifiers

18th Level: Archaeologist (Bard) 8

  • Untrained Skills: 20 (2 RI + 10 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 32 (2 RI + 8 BK + 10 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 21 (18 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 33 (18 Ra + 3 CS + 8 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 29 (18 Ra + 3 CS + 8 CE) + Modifiers

9th Tier: Trickster

  • Untrained Skills: 21 (2 RI + 11 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 33 (2 RI + 8 BK + 11 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 21 (18 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 33 (18 Ra + 3 CS + 8 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 29 (18 Ra + 3 CS + 8 CE) + Modifiers

19th Level: Archaeologist (Bard) 9

  • Untrained Skills: 21 (2 RI + 11 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 34 (2 RI + 9 BK + 11 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 22 (19 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 35 (19 Ra + 3 CS + 9 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 31 (19 Ra + 3 CS + 9 CE) + Modifiers

20th Level: Archaeologist (Bard) 10

  • Untrained Skills: 21 (2 RI + 11 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 34 (2 RI + 9 BK + 11 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 23 (20 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 36 (20 Ra + 3 CS + 9 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 32 (20 Ra + 3 CS + 9 CE) + Modifiers

10th Tier: Trickster

  • Untrained Skills: 22 (2 RI + 12 MD + 2 Im + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Untrained Knowledge Skills: 35 (2 RI + 9 BK + 12 MD + 2 Im + 4 DO + 2 II + 4 MoT) + Modifiers
  • Trained Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 23 (20 Ra + 3 CS) + Modifiers
  • Trained Knowledge Skills [Full Rank Progression]: 36 (20 Ra + 3 CS + 9 BK + 4 DO) + Modifiers
  • Trained Disable Device and Perception [Full Rank Progression]: 32 (20 Ra + 3 CS + 9 CE) + Modifiers

For the sake of getting the most out of the untrained skills, I would use the favored class bonus for extra rounds of Archaeologist's Luck (replaces Bardic Performance) which you get rather limited rounds of as it is.

Please feel free to take a gander and let me know what you think. I’m definitely open to comments, critiques, and suggestions on how to improve and/or further the build.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm creating this thread as a place for me to record what my character has learned and to allow me to make rolls for my DM while I am away from the table.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This thread is being made to allow me, and my fellow players, the ability to roll our stats online for our up and coming Way of the Wicked game, so please feel free to stop in and share in our victory, and/or grief, as we find out just how capable our villainous characters are.

To get things started, I'll throw down some rolls to see just how likely it was my character got caught in the act of trying to murder someone.

Without further ado, here are my rolls:

Strength: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Dexterity (Focus): 18 = 18
Constitution: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Intelligence: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Wisdom: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Charisma (Foible): 8 = 8

To throw your own dice, please use the following code. Remember to remove the asterick from the closing tag to make your rolls work. wrote:
[dice=Ability Score Name Here]1d10+7[/dice*]

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

As the title suggests, I am trying to figure out whether a grappler is still considered to threaten whomever/whatever he is grappling. I ask this so I can find out whether he can benefit/provide flanking bonuses with a legal flanking ally.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

For various reasons, I am replacing my current 5th level character in a Reign of Winter campaign with a Primal Companion Hunter and I was hoping to pick the hive mind of the Paizo messageboards to make sure that I am not missing anything important in my build.

Human Primal Companion Hunter:

Race: Human
Class: Hunter
Archetype: Primal Companion Hunter
Level: 5th

Ability Scores:
-Str: 16
-Dex: 21
-Con: 16
-Int: 15
-Wis: 17
-Cha: 16

-Bonus: Alertness
-Bonus: Athletic
-Bonus: Combat Reflexes
-Bonus: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
-Human: Point Blank Shot
-1st: Enforcer
-Hunter: Precise Shot
-Hunter (Teamwork): Ferocious Loyalty
-3rd: Bludgeoner
-5th: Weapon Focus (Longbow)

-Mithral Chain Shirt
-Longbow, +1 Darkwood Composite (Str +3)
-Boots of the Winterlands
-Efficient Quiver
-Buckler, Darkwood
-Bastard Sword, Masterwork Cold Iron
-Blunt Arrows
-Cold Iron Arrows
-Pheromone Arrows
-Slow Burn Arrows


Race: Badger
Class: Animal Companion
Archetype: Bodyguard
Level: 5th

Ability Scores:
-Str: 15
-Dex: 16
-Con: 18
-Int: 2
-Wis: 12
-Cha: 10

-1st: Armor Proficiency (Light)
-2nd: Improved Natural Armor
-5th: Weapon Focus (Bite)

Equipment: M. Lamellar (Leather)

The concept is based around having the Badger rush in, while the Hunter himself offers ranged support through various means. Some examples of this would be boosting the badger's attack and damage through the use of pheromone arrows and debuffing their enemies through the use of blunt arrows/initmidation checks.

As they progress, the badger will gain a poison bite that will deal constitution damage as well which will make the hunter's ability to intimidate their foes all the more useful.

As I get some more time, I'll continue to fill in a few more ideas I have for their progression, but otherwise, I look forward to seeing what people bring to my attention.

Joshua Hirtz


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I admit that my understanding of Society Rules might be a little dated at this point in time considering my leap of absence from my local gaming store. With that thought in mind, I consult the boards in hopes that I might be able to find an answer to my current question.

My question is as follows:

Inquiry wrote:
What occurs when a player applies an Adventure Path Chronicle to a player currently sitting at 2.5 XP and having chosen the Slow Advancement track for their current level? I understand that they gain 1.5 XP and that this in turn grants them a level, but are they allowed to switch over from the Slow Advancement track to the Regular Advancement track at this point in time

I get the feeling that the answer is yes, but I just wanted to make sure. I hate assuming things and then having it come back to bite me in the end.

Thank you for your time,
Joshua Hirtz

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So I've been contemplating the benefits of creating a Magus that focuses on Sundering, but what I'm trying to figure out is if there are any good spells to go with such a concept. For the most part I would be looking at half damage because of how items interact with elemental attacks. Are there any good force spells that one could use with Spellstrike?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Rovagug's Obedience is stated as follows:

Archives of Nethys wrote:
Smash an assortment of items worth at least 10 gp, preferably something fragile, aesthetically beautiful, or with significance to a good-aligned deity (particularly Sarenrae). The more devout servants of Rovagug seek out and hoard particularly expensive, artistic, or rare items, such as fine bottles of wine or delicate curios, to smash during their obedience. Roll in the shards of the destroyed items, howling and shouting praises and curses invoking the Rough Beast, until the shards draw blood and your lungs ache. Gain a +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls against objects.

It seems clear that the damage would apply while sundering, but my question is in regards to the bonus to attack. Would you get a +4 to your Sunder from this ability?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So I've been taking a look at the new Story Summoner Archetype from "The Harrow Handbook" and found I have a question about it's Summon Arcana ability.

Does this ability allow you to apply multiple templates to the same summon? Say, you choose to summon a Celestial Dire Rat. Will the template from the card be applied on top of that? Giving you the chance of summoning a Celestial Fiendish Dire Rat. Or does it replace it?

The Exchange

So I'm wanting to make a Warpriest that uses the Equipment Trick (Rope) - Knotted Weapon to wield, well a rope as his Blessed Weapon.

Equipment Trick (Rope) states the following:

Knotted Weapon (Weapon Proficiency {spiked chain}) wrote:
You can use a knotted length of rope as a spiked chain that inf licts bludgeoning damage instead of piercing damage.

My questions are as follows:

  • If I have Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain), would this apply over to the Knotted Weapon as well since he wields it as a spiked chain?
  • In turn, would that mean the knotted rope works as his Blessed Weapon?

I realize that this might seem like common sense, but I always like to get second opinions when it comes to things for Society play.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I want to get some rolls out of the way and I don't currently have access to the my dice so please disregard this thread as I'm rolling some dice for a game that will be held in person.

Birthright Table: 1d100 ⇒ 38

Str or Int: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 5) = 13 - Str or Wis: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 3, 2) = 10 - Str or Cha: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 3, 1) = 11
Dex or Int: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 6) = 15 - Dex or Wis: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 2) = 10 - Dex or Cha: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 4) = 12
Con or Int: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 4) = 13 - Con or Wis: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 6) = 17 - 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 3) = 7

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I recently started taking a closer look at the Warpriest and came across the Darkness Blessing's Enshrouding Darkness ability.

Darkness Blessing wrote:
Enshrouding Darkness (minor): At 1st level, as a standard action you can touch an ally to bestow a darkness blessing. For 1 minute, the ally becomes enshrouded in shadows while in combat, granting it concealment. Creatures normally able to see in supernatural darkness ignore this concealment.

Would the character be considered capable fo creating magical darkness with this?

Would the character effected be considered in magical darkness?

So does it actually take a standard action to activate the Oracle of Ancestor's Spirt of the Warrior Ability?

PRD wrote:
Spirit of the Warrior (Su): You can summon the spirit of a great warrior ancestor and allow it to possess you, becoming a mighty warrior yourself. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, and a +4 natural armor bonus to AC. Your base attack bonus while possessed equals your oracle level (which may give you additional attacks), and you gain the Improved Critical feat with a weapon of your choice. You can use this ability for 1 round for every 2 oracle levels you possess. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-round increments. You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation.

Goblin Squad Member

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It recently hit me that I've yet to finish spending my initial pledge from the Kickstarter on what add-ons me and my friend want. We both put more money towards the initial pledge so that we would be able to get the different add-ons we wanted, but how will this work exactly?

Should I purchase all the different add-ons that we both wanted from my account? Will I be allowed to transfer those add-ons over to him at some point in time if I do?

If not, will he be given the option to choose from all of the Kickstarter add-ons when the shop opens or will he restricted to add-ons that everyone (Despite whether you have a previous pledge or not) gets to choose from?

Will previous pledgers still be allowed to buy any of the add-ons that were open during the Kickstarter for their characters through the store?

Thanks for your time and I look forward to getting to play the game.

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So to my dismay I'm playing the healer for my home group once again, but despite my feelings I'm trying to make my character the best healer possible. The character creation rules we used in character creation were as follows:

  • 30 Race Point Creature
  • Ability Scores used a grid format where you roll 4d6 and total them for each grid space.
  • Gestalt

My character consists of the following:

  • An advanced Aasimar, so I have access to my favored class bonus for Oracle.
  • Good rolls
  • Paladin of Iomadae/Purifier (Oracle) of Life

I have been spending my favored class bonus to up my Oracle Level for my Channel Revelation and was wondering if this bonus would stack with the benefits of the Mythic Domain Heirophant ability.

PRD: Alternate Aasimar Oracle Favored Class Bonus wrote:
Add +1/2 to the oracle's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation.
PRD: Mythic Domain (Su) wrote:
When determining the effects of your domain's granted powers, you're considered 4 levels higher. This increases the effects of powers you have access to, but doesn't grant you powers at a lower level than normal. Once per day, you can expend one use of mythic power as a standard action to regain the use of all your domain granted powers as if you had rested for 8 hours. If you're an oracle, all aspects of this ability apply to your revelations instead of to domain granted powers. You must have the domain class feature or mystery class feature to select this ability.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

So I was taking a look at the Trickster Mythic Path and came across the Unending Performance 6th-Tier Ability that states the following:

PRD wrote Unending Performance wrote:
Unending Performance (Su): You can imbue an ally with power that lingers for a full day. Whenever you use a spell, bardic performance, or another class feature to grant a morale or competence bonus, you can designate any one creature affected by this bonus. The designated creature keeps this bonus for up to 24 hours. You can have only one creature designated in this way at a time. If you designate a new creature, the bonus immediately ends for the previous target. The creature you designate must be one of the targets when you cast the spell, start the performance, or use the class feature.

So when this is mixed with something that gives you multiple bonuses and a penalty, like the Rage spell:

PRD wrote Rage wrote:
Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a –2 penalty to AC. The effect is otherwise identical with a barbarian's rage except that the subjects aren't fatigued at the end of the rage.

Does Unending Performance a) Extend the duration of all the benefits? b) Extend the duration of the penalty as well?

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So I've been scouring these here boards over the past few years, hopping from game to game in search of adventure and intrigue. And while I do enjoy a good backstory, I find that the mechanics of the game tend to be more muse more than anything else. With this in mind, someone brought up a game not so long ago where they were planning on using not only the Hero Point system, but the Reputation and Fame system as well.

Needless to say, I became rather intrigued with the mechanics of these systems and started working on a character. Unfortunately, I dropped out of the game since it was to be based around using a virtual tabletop program and held as a Monday night game that didn't quite mesh with my schedule. None the less, the concept of using these mechanics together have haunted me.

So with that said, I was wondering if anyone had any interest in running/playing in such a game? I know my character concept and I think that such systems could thrive in a game based around trying to make it in a big city, like Absalom. Perhaps were a group of close friends pooling our money to try and set up a shop or tavern. Or maybe we're a troupe of performers hoping to make our way into the spotlight of the greatest city in Golarion.

I was skimming over the document and happened to notice that every target for the Swashbuckler's Targeted Strike ability lists whether it does damage or not except for the Torso or Wings option. I was assuming that this was something that might have been overlooked so I thought I would bring it to your attention.

I've known that the messageboards, and site in general, offers RSS Feeds for many things. However, I've just recently started to try and make real use of them. Seeing as I have an iPhone 5, I was hoping to make to set up the feeds on it so that I might be able to use the iPhone's push notification system to inform me of when a thread or blog has updated.

Unfortunately, the current application I am trying to use, Simple RSS Push+, is not doing the trick at this point in time. It will allow me to set up the feed and quickly pull up most of the latest posts, however that is about as far as it gets. From that point on it refuses to find updates of its own accord or even when I tell it to refresh them.

So in turn, I turn to you the masses. Do any of you have an application that you find fits the bill and works well?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So I'm working on making a Dwarven Inquisitor of Gorum who weilds a greatsword and I'm trying to plan for the future. My current focus is on his weapon.

After some questioning and such I have come to realize that Bane and Furious will not stack based off this informative post by James Jacobs.

Now my question is how either of these abilities would work with Courageous. My understanding is that they both increase the enhancement bonus of the weapon under certian circumstances and thusly I infer that they would increase the Morale increase Courageous gives when in one of these specific situations.

Would this assumption be correct?


So from what I've seen, we are allowed to take the feat Human Heritage, which states the following (For those not familiar with it.):

Racial Heritage wrote:

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1

The blood of a non-human ancestor flows in your veins.

Prerequisites: Human.

Benefit: Choose another humanoid race. You count as both human and that race for any effects related to race. For example, if you choose dwarf, you are considered both a human and a dwarf for the purpose of taking traits, feats, how spells and magic items affect you, and so on.

From what I've seen in the FAQ and through various posts, it would appear that you no longer use a good portion of this feat.

First off, you can not take recial archetypes based on this post from Michael Brock.

Secondly, you can not take any type of racial trait or racial feat through this feat based of the Additional Resources stating the following:

Additional Resources wrote:

Note: Alternate racial traits, racial archetypes, racial evolutions, racial feats, and racial spells are only available for characters of the associated race. Racial equipment and magic items can be purchased and used by any race as long as the specific item permits it (for example, only halflings can purchase and use solidsmoke pipeweed).

The new alchemist discovery on page 44 is legal for play for characters of all races.

So basically the only benefits/penalties you gain from this feat is that you're now considered a member of the human race and whatever other race you chose when determining the effects of anything that is race related.

Am I interrupting this correctly?

Goblin Squad Member

So with the clock running down in these final hours a question struck me and some friends. Would it be possible to have the boon turned into an add-on? I know that there are quite a few that would be interested in this for various reasons. A few I can think of:

  • Have one for multiple characters
  • Something to give to friends
  • A cool prize item for local PFS events

Goblin Squad Member

So I know that the Add-Ons have plagued my mind with a few questions that have kept me from immediately going out and purchasing them.

First and foremost, are they exclusive to the Kickstarter? I would assume a few of them are for sure, such as the ones for any kind of discounted game time, but what about some of the others? Like I could easily see some of these showing up again in the future as Skymetal purchases or achievements in the game. Add-ons like the Regional Trait Pack and Twice-Marked of Pharasma seem rather likely to follow that course to me.

Second, I've been wondering about some of the mechanics involved with
a few of the Add-Ons. We know that The Memorial of Honor will help ease the side effects of battle for your character, but will it be worth taking a hike to that specific location every time you get into combat? Will this possible mark that location as an easy target for people looking to kill and rob others?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It was brought to my attention today that these two Archetypes might not stack and I was wondering if I might get an official ruling.

My understanding was that they both effect different Bardic Performances with Dervish Dancer changing the way that some Bardic Performances and thusly changing how Bardic Performance works.

This post by James Jacob makes me think that it may be possible as Dawnflower Dervish does not swap out Bardic Performance completely, though at the same time it does change the core of Bardic Performance.


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

While playing around with some ideas for a paladin I came across the following written in the FAQ section of Pathfinder Society.

FAQ wrote:

As a paladin or cavalier, what mount can I have?

As a paladin, your divine bond mount must be at least one size category larger than you starting at 1st level. If you’re a Medium PC, your mount must be Large. If you’re a Small PC, your mount must be at least Medium. You may only select a mount from the listed mounts on page 63 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook unless another source grants access to additional creature choices. As a cavalier, you may select a mount from those listed on page 33 of the Advanced Player's Guide. No additional mounts are legal in Pathfinder Society Organized Play except when granted from another legal source.

The way this is written makes me think that even some of the creatures specifically listed on page 63 are ineligible. For example, both a dog and boar start off as small creatures at level 1 and by the first line, that makes them ineligible to all core races.

Having looked around a little I get the feeling this might not have been what was intended.

The thread PALADIN MOUNT OPTIONS brought up a discussion some time back about Paladins and their mounts. A bit into the thread you come across a post from Joshua J. Frost stating that a paladin should make their choice based off a druid companion having already advanced to level 5 as this is the point in time where the Paladin gains access to a mount.

While I'm not trying to step on any toes, it is possible this problem perhaps just got overlooked?

Finally, I was wondering if there was anything else people were finding a little unclear in the FAQ.

None the less, I thank you all for all of your hard work and making this game such a blast to play.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This class ability comes from the Prestige Class Pathfinder Savant from the Pathfinder Chronicles: Seekers of Secrets book. I was wondering how it works exactly.

This makes the chosen spell considered a class spell for you for all intensive purposes? Or is there something it doesn't do for you?

Mainly, will this work with Share Spell?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Does Kirin Strike work with Touch Attacks?

PRD wrote:

Kirin Strike (Combat)

You have read the texts of the perfect way, and know how identify to your enemies' weak spot.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Kirin Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, Knowledge (dungeoneering, local, nature, planes, or religion) 3 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a +2 insight bonus on Knowledge checks made to identify creatures, including the one Kirin Style allows. While using Kirin Style against a creature you have identified using that feat, as a swift action after you have hit a creature with a melee or ranged attack, you can add twice your Intelligence modifier in damage (minimum 2).

Also, would you multiply this damage on a critical hit?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A few questions concerning grapple.

1. I've read over the raw for moving while grappled and it seems to me that if a creature is capable of flying, it could move into the air and free action drop its prey to the ground. The creature would likely get a chance to break the grapple before the creature could attempt to fly up the next round. However, my question pertains to the ruling that a creature gets a save to avoid being placed in a dangerous square. So would this mean that if they do not escape your grapple you can just drop them as their only save in turn leaves them falling?

2. If one possesses Ride-By Attack and grab through a bite, could you move in bite, grab, and then continue on with the now grappled enemy?


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Alright, so I've currently been working on a fun little paladin build concerning a gnome, some mighty fine lance and shield work, and a mighty white tiger steed through the Empyreal Knight. As the title suggests, this thread has to do with some rules questions pertaining to the steed.

1st, are animal companions incapable of taking improved unarmed strike? If so, that is unfortunate since it prevents the use of Improved and Greater Grapple.

2nd, with the rules on only having one combat effective animal companion, does this prevent one from using summoned creatures along with an animal companion?

3rd, if your combat effective animal companion goes down and you have another capable animal companion ready to go, can you make it your new combat effective animal companion or do you have to wait till the next scenario?

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