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![]() Mergy wrote:
I missed that...well, that's fine. Still allows for three bomb attacks with penalties. Thanks for finding that guys! ![]()
![]() Mergy wrote:
I wanted to show that the Quick Draw has no attack trait and uses the interact action, which surpasses the multiple attack penalty and can therefore be abused by thrown weapon users, especially for thrown weapons that you can stock up on like bombs, shuriken, or daggers. ![]()
![]() I made a build that exploits this with the alchemist, because the alchemist needs all the love it can get right now. ![]()
![]() The Quick Draw class feat of the Rogue says: "You draw a weapon with the Interact action, then Strike with the weapon you just drew." The feat has the rogue descriptor and nothing else.
With Quick Draw then does it have the attack quality because it mentions strike? ![]()
![]() Goblin Alchemist level 6 Str14, Dex18, Con16, Int18, Wis10, Cha14
Class Feats: Far Lobber (1), Rogue Dedication (2), Rogue Feat - Quick Draw (4), Calculated Splash (6) General Feat: Remarkable Resonance 3 attacks, Alchemist Fire 2d8+1+3persistent+4 splash(from Int)
The quick draw feat allows a strike on my interact action to draw a weapon (bomb). Because the multiple attack penalty occurs only on attack actions, and this feat uses an interact action to strike, then you can draw three bombs and attack with them at your highest attack. Here's the reference:
Also the alchemist class states alchemist's fire is 1d6, but the item entry says 1d8... ![]()
![]() Choosing half-elf ancestry equates to being just that, gaining only half of everything the elf ancestry gets. There are no benefits. The half- ancestries are supposed to be versatile, but how can they be versatile when there's nothing to work with at level one? Also doesn't making the half-elf and half-orc available only through the 1st level human ancestry make them not actual ancestries? Just ancestry feats of human? Yeah, I get they're trying represent their mixed parents, but now it shows the half- ancestries as lackluster. In 1e, their diverse parenthood was celebrated by giving the half- races with abilities that rivaled the other races. I suggest that the half-elf and half-orc automatically gain the benefits of the half-elf ancestry feat or the half-orc ancestry feat and still get a 1st level ancestry feat. ![]()
![]() Not going to disguise my intention: I want to use the Halfling Opportunist's Exploitive Maneuver: in conjunction with the Exploitive Maneuver (Ex): A halfling opportunist can use an enemy’s actions in combat for her own gain, as if the opponent were using aid another to assist the opportunist, giving her a bonus on her next skill check, attack roll, or to AC against the next attack (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 86 and 197). The enemy must be able to reach the opportunist, and the opportunist must activate this ability as an immediate action and succeed at a combat maneuver check against the enemy’s CMD; at the GM’s discretion, the opportunist can substitute another ability score modifier for her Strength modifier when making her combat maneuver check (such as using Dexterity for an agility-related action or Charisma for a social-related action). If the halfling succeeds at this combat maneuver check, she adds the aid another bonus to her action on her next turn and subtracts that bonus from the enemy’s roll for that action. Note that if the combat maneuver check is successful, the outcome of the enemy’s roll is irrelevant to this ability—a halfling opportunist can use a giant’s swinging club to jump farther whether the giant hits or misses with its attack roll.
The GM decides whether the enemy’s action can benefit the opportunist in the desired manner. Circumstances occurring between the enemy’s turn and the halfling’s turn may prevent her from following through with the desired action); if this occurs, she loses the bonus from aid another but can take her turn normally. Inquisitor's Solo Tactics ability: The goal being to pick up the Solo Tactics (Ex): At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus. Harrying Partners teamwork feat: and, if not in PFS, to get also the Prerequisites: Any teamwork feat, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When you successfully use the aid another action to improve the Armor Class or attack roll of an ally who also has this feat, the benefit from aid another lasts until the beginning of your next turn. Normal: The bonus granted by aid another either grants your ally a +2 bonus on her next attack roll against an opponent or grants your ally a +2 bonus to AC against that opponent’s next attack made before the beginning of your next turn. Exceptional Aid teamwork feat:
Prerequisites: Bonded Mind.
Benefit: When you successfully use the Aid Another action to assist an ally’s skill check, and the ally also has this feat, the bonus is +4 instead of +2.
This would allow the bonus from aid another to be instead +4 and would apply constantly until next turn. Then Exploitive Maneuver increases the aid another bonus to you to +7 total.
Precedent comes from Unwitting Ally: This makes the opponent an ally for purposes of flanking.
A rogue with this talent can spend a swift action to attempt to make an opponent act like an ally for purposes of providing a flank until the beginning of the rogue’s next turn. The opponent must be able to hear and see the rogue, and the rogue must succeed at a Bluff check opposed by the opponent’s Sense Motive. If the check succeeds, the opponent acts as an ally for the purpose of providing a flank. Whether or not the check succeeds, the rogue cannot use this trick again on the same opponent for the next 24 hours. If the rogue fails the check by 5 or more, she cannot use the unwitting ally ability on any opponent within line of sight of the failed attempt for 24 hours. Does the Exploitive Maneuver make an opponent an ally for the purposes of aid another? ![]()
![]() Except if you're a kinetic knight, in which you lose metakinesis to get all the blade infusions. See, I would rule since the kinetic knight MUST use kinetic blade or an infusion that requires k blade as a prerequisite, and since all of them are supernatural form infusions, and since the elemental blade class feature of kinetic knight alters the kinetic blast, and since a form infusion causes a blast to "manifest in a different way" but does not describe the extent or how, I rule rage/raging song can work at least with the kinetic Knight's blasts. They just can't gather power. ![]()
![]() The Aides-de-camp ability of the Daring General cavalier archetype gives me a "modified version of the Leadership feat at 6th level."
Could I take Vile Leadership instead? If it's a modified version of a feat, does that mean it is still subject to traits that change the cohort level requirement of the Leadership feat, such as Wicked Leader? What about interacting with the prestige class Noble Scion? ![]()
![]() From the Bolt Ace archetype :
The description for the ballista is as follows: A ballista is essentially a Huge heavy crossbow fixed in place. Given this description, can the Inexplicable Reload affect light ballistas? Can other abilities of the Bolt Ace affect light ballistas? Would the only obstacle one would have to worry about is the size of the PC wielding said ballista? |