
Tayse's page

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It was the Curse of Strahd adventure and the Planes Shift: Innistrad PDF that made me want to cover Carrion Crown to 5e.

I'm kinda trying to force my own little campaign world out of content given to me...

I had been working on a plan to run 4 campaigns through Ustalav, carrion crown with plugins, the society scenarios laced together with other adventure hooks, my own thing, and then finally tying all of them together for a final levels 17-20 blitz on the whispering tyrant
But as I said early 2 jobs and baby kinda put a hold on things and in my absence my play group has moved onto to 5e and they don't want to go back :( lol so I've got to update my ideas

Thanks for the feedback

I'm a huge fan of the concept of the carrion crown adventure path. (I've never actually played it).

I've kinda become obsessed with the idea of doing carrion crown on Innistrad, so if I can find the time I know I'll update from PF to 5e. That'll be the easier job.

I think the setting change might be too difficult for me to handle alone though :(

A couple years ago I decided I was gonna run Carrion Crown for my group of friends, but working 2 jobs and adding a baby to my family kinda forced me into exile from them. During my time away from playing my group has abandoned the 3x/PF rules and have moved onto 5e.
I still want to run CC with carrion hill and the 3rd party plugins but my group doesn't want to go back to the old rules.

Would it be worth my effort to convert the AP to 5e?

Does anyone think The Story could work in MtG planes shift setting of Innistrad?

Looks like the party is going to be

Ifrit Wishcrafter
Changeling Dreamweaver
Svirfneblin Deep Bomber
Half-elf Spirit Summoner leaning towards flame maybe heavens
This could get real interesting

Secret Wizard wrote:

Looks good. Burning Arc is not that hot of a spell (bddmmch), I'd much rather use Fire Snake.

Anyway, one thing I'd change is picking up Great Fortitude or Toughness at some point. If your GM likes Combat Maneuvers, Defensive Combat Training is a good option.

You're probably right. My defense strategy is currently make a cloud of smoke and hide

Eventually making eversmoking bottles and hiding in the smoke as a scorching ash cloud utilizing "wishe"s and still spells to cast

I'm completely out of my element trying to plan this character out. I always make non-mythic warriors and this is a very flavorful Mythic Wishcrafter Archmage intended for a support role

this is what i have mapped out
Wishcrafter Archemage

we have a house rule for 2 feats at level 1 and the Efreeti bloodline counts as the fire bloodline

Secret Wizard wrote:
Nah, do whatever and you'll win, that's the point of mythic. Just have fun.

Really Mythic is that simple?

my DM just informed us its going to be a Mythic campaign, 25pt buy, and we're starting at level 5 and tier 1.

i thought i had everything figured out until today. its our groups first foray into mythic rules and I dont know what I'm doing lol.

I am in great need of mythic advice now

Goth Guru wrote:
A male witch who was selling potions town to town(that were made from beetles). One town, the elders had him drawn and quartered by 4 horses. That's why he is always falling apart. That's why the name. What does revenge get him in that undead type?

that could work for an origin

Deadkitten wrote:
Someone mentioned that the Eldritch Scoundrel gets delayed class features. I Know the Rogue Talents and Sneak attack are delayed, is anything else and by how much?

half skills

half armor
half talents
half sneak attack
dangersense/trapsense gets toyed with
uncanny dodge becomes an option

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i really think they need to unchain the alternate classes.
the ninja should really be approached as a rogue/monk hybrid class
and the samurai really needs more options

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Moved and merged threads.

thank you

list of abilities. I might have to reconsider making him a witch, except I feel the hexes would make him more similar to his animated incarnation.

thegreenteagamer wrote:

This should probably be under conversions.

I wish I had something more helpful to add.

I think the Beetlejuice and Lydia team idea makes no sense if you're going off the movie. You must've been a fan of the cartoon or something IHiYC.

I've never been to the conversion forums (till about 3 minutes ago), I thought it was for updating old rules only.

while at job 2 I've decided

Demodand-Spawn tiefling because they're dirty, gross, and live to oppose the rules society. I do wish their stats were a better fit for the class though.

Unlettered Arcanist because it gets all the witches spells, I feel they better represent all the abilities presented in the film and he doesn't seem to use any hexes
refuge, 3 words to summon him
animate object, the sculptures that hold the Deetz family hostage with
voice alteration, reciting Lydia's vows during the wedding
reduce person, anything involving the model town
monstrous extremities, kinda a stretch, but the hammer hands for the strongman bell
summon monsters, summoning the priest for the wedding
lipstitch, stopping Barbara from unsummoning him during the wedding
wreath of blades, when he turns his body into spikes

the only spell missing is something to turn into a giant snake

plus there are many other spells on the witch list that are really flavorful and match his theme

Blood (Pestilence) Arcanist entirely for Insects in his pockets and giving them a purpose. Although, I can easily see him having noxious belch

dimension slide because he steps away from the alter and back again really quick

I'm not sure what to fill the Feats and Exploits with. I'm sure Silent, Quicken, and Still spell metamagic feats, but I dont normally plan out non-battle casters

other than my numerous blanks for feats and remaining exploits I really feel this is a good character match. I should probably watch the movie again soon and find out what I'm missing.

I'm thinking Blood (Pestilence) Unlettered Arcanist with a cockroach familiar... I seem to only have time to think, research, and post about this while at work :(

I guess there are 2 ways to approach this. One could be a spiritualist or a summoner as the cartoon pair. The other options I'm thinking are Sorcerer, Oracle, Blood Arcanist, maybe bard or Mesmerist

He needs to be able to change into snake, reduce in size, summon, and animate objects

While browsing though the witches spell-list I suddenly got the idea to make a character based on the ghost with the most. After a 3 page Google search I learned that of all the pop icons turned pathfinder character nobody has ever tried tackling the challenge or at least never in a public forum.

I suck at this kind of thing and would desperately like some help trying to hash out making him as close as possible to RAW.

I've been working around the idea of him being a Demodand-Spawn tiefling

Any suggestions for me?

After a day of reading I've decided to go Wishcrafter because the Witch spell-list didn't do it for me. My DM had deemed in favor of fire affinity to include the Efreeti bloodline. I've also decided not to go vmc divination wizard.

I'm still struggling with feats should I select them for battle it down time item creation?

For my friends next campaign he's restricting classes to nothing with "formal training". If the class is focused on learning in a school, monastery, or church we can't play it without permission.

In addition to that he wants me to play something "outside my comfort zone". I usually play a guy with one big sword or two smaller swords.

I'm determined to play an Ifrit with Mostly Human (for all those nicer bonus spells) and Wildfire Heart (winning initiative)

For my classes I've narrowed it down to either a Healer as an Unlettered White Mage vmc cleric of healing or for Support as a Wishcrafter Efreeti Sorcerer vmc divination wizard

For the Healer I was considering focusing on the charisma abilities, but I've never realty looked into arcanist abilities or the witch spell list before leaving me completely lost.

I've done a little be of research into the Wishcrafter and I was gonna petition my friend to allow the Efreeti bloodline to be an extension of the elemental (fire) bloodline for the bonus charisma. The bonus spells would be buffs and the shadow conjuration/evocation spells.
I might opt for a bloodline familiar instead of vmc divination wizard, but I don't know what feats I need to be support or a sorcerer

Just for kicks I'm determined to win every initiative roll so both options were going to have reactive, Improved initiative, and green sting scorpions (possibly trading for ioun wyrds)

Which is the better path and what do I need to do to make it better? I'd hate to fail and strike out on my first try at something new

logan grayble wrote:
There's a 3rd party race from Dreamscarred Press called a Maenad that has a racial trait that lets them be Lawful Barbarians

I remember a time long ago when the Maenad weren't a 3rd party race

Chess Pwn wrote:

Horn of the Criosphinx doesn't work with ascetic style feat, ascetic style feat says things that apply to unarmed strikes apply to weapon. HofC says.

"A monk can use this feat as long as he is wielding a two-handed weapon or both his hands are empty.
A monk can take any of these feats as bonus feats at the indicated levels. To benefit from the feats, monks must have both hands free and capable of delivering an unarmed strike."
nothing about this feat working with unarmed strikes specifically. Also you'd still need your hands free.

I was hoping the unarmed strike clause in HotC created a magical loophole override for the Ascetic feat chain. *sad face* oh well I knew it was wishful thinking.

Imbicatus wrote:
Falxu wrote:
If the idea behind Ki Leech is to refresh your Ki Pool, could you not do the same thing with the Warpriest (Sacred Fist) by using Channel Energy + Ki Channel?
You can, but then you are limited to worshipping irori, and you are using two uses of fervor to regain a very small number of ki. You would be better off just using fervor to swift cast buff spells.

I forget Ki channel is diety specific. Stupid nouns and intellectual property.

I feel ki leach with an keen scimitar refuels the ki pool better.

On a side note does anyone know how horn of the criosphinx and the ascetic style feats interact?
And does that weapon have to be a two handed weapon or can it be a one handed weapon held in 2 hands?

Christopher Van Horn wrote:
depending on what parts of monk you want you could also take the new aesthetic style feat chain.

Wow the ascetic feat chain has highjacked my brainstorming putting the rage monk on the back burner

Azten wrote:

Aasimar have a trait they can take(the one kind you can get from the Additional Traits feat) that lets them be Neutral Monks.

Variant Multiclassing has no alignment restrictions for barbarian, so you can be a Monk that way too. Don't play a Barbarian and variant multiclass monk. The Monk VMC is terrible.

They should completely overhaul the monk and gunslinger vmcs those are embarrassingly bad

BadBird wrote:
Tayse wrote:
BadBird wrote:

Bloodrager 1/ Sacred Fist of Sarenrae.

Fate's Favored trait + swift-action Divine Favor.

Weapon Focus Scimitar, Crusader's Flurry, Power Attack; Extra Rage, Extra Rage...

Grayflame Weapon?

I'm embarrassed to admit I hadn't considered this. It's a little more defensive than what I had in mind. It's nearly perfect except worshippers of Sarenae can't cast Ki Leach, defeating my desire to crit-fish

Besmara and rapier?

Crit-fishing for Ki is a nuisance to set up anyhow. If you start with good split abilities like 16/18, 12, 14, 10, 14/16, 8, and buy a headband, you've got at least a half-dozen ki attacks per day when you really want them. A Sacred Fist doesn't really need ki for anything else, and they spam two-handed power attack flurry strikes like mad anyways.
You can also ignore ki altogether and create a battle Cleric of Gorum or Ragathiel with the Anger Inquisition, good split abilities and a level of Unchained Monk. Full two-handed-strength and no-attack-penalty rage flurry with a greatsword or bastard sword, and pretty much full Cleric buffing, including Divine Power for another extra attack. You can even branch into things like Mirror Image with Separatist Cleric.

I can't imagine a raging pirate "monk"... Why do clerics get to be and do everything fun?

Christopher Van Horn wrote:
depending on what parts of monk you want you could also take the new aesthetic style feat chain.

What book is that in?

ericthecleric wrote:
There's an archetype for a raging monk in the Thunderscape: World of Aden book.

I think I have that book, I'll have to look it up. I liked the concept of that setting, but something about the art or the races just made me mad and I couldn't read it.

Josh-o-Lantern wrote:
Tayse wrote:
but I see the feats "meant" for the Warpriest...
What feats are you talking about?

I probably should have said sacred fist specifically

Guided hand, Crusader's flurry, and Ki channel

BadBird wrote:

Bloodrager 1/ Sacred Fist of Sarenrae.

Fate's Favored trait + swift-action Divine Favor.

Weapon Focus Scimitar, Crusader's Flurry, Power Attack; Extra Rage, Extra Rage...

Grayflame Weapon?

I'm embarrassed to admit I hadn't considered this. It's a little more defensive than what I had in mind. It's nearly perfect except worshippers of Sarenae can't cast Ki Leach, defeating my desire to crit-fish

I keep trying to escape from the idea of a rage monk, but I keep circling back to it.

I want it to be a crit-fishing scimitar flurrying monster

I know the simplest way to achieve this objective is a Weapon adept UnMonk VMC UnBarbarian, but I see the feats "meant" for the Warpriest and I want them. Bringing me to a Cleric 1/Weapon Adept UnMonk VMC UnBarbarian build (probably the best option), but it leaves a funny taste and although gets everything I want for the build it just doesn't feel right.

Another idea I've been looking at is a Weapon Adept UnMonk VMC Cleric with the Rage Domain or Anger Inquisition except it doesn't get everything I want until level 17.

Built off similar concepts a more obscure option I've been toying with is a Sanctified Slayer VMC Cleric with the Anger Inquisition and the Rage Domains. "Holy man" = Monk, Two-weapon Fighting = Flurry of Blows, Sneak Attack = crit-fishing, and lots of Rage.

Does anyone have better suggestions or a convincing argument why I should concede and give up on this endeavor?

Kaisoku wrote:
Goth Guru wrote:

Communication. The trainers all have handle animal as a class skill. A glass or metal craftsman who has a baby dragon partner will have handle animal as a class skill. Everyone does. A mini monster as a class skill can use perception to get another roll to succeed at picking up on the handler's intent.

If you *really* want to push the idea of this non-normal communication between Handler and Players (ie language barrier, trained tricks), you can have a Handler bonus similar to an Aid Another bonus that only applies if the player does the action that the Handler wanted them to make.

As the players level, so do their Handlers, gaining more "tricks" they "teach you", which are basically the player being given the command word in english so they know what the Handler wants. Otherwise, come up with pantomime or things like "It seems like he wants you to be aggressive towards the one that's hurt."

The game would start off with the players guessing a bit to gain that extra bonus, but in later games as they get more powerful and have more "trained commands", it will be less about that.
That's when the players may decide to do something *different* from what the Handler said, because the Player can see a tactical advantage the Handler didn't.

This is all assuming the Handlers are being played by the GM.

i hadnt considered a using mechanical advantage to understanding the handler.

just another bump i've discovered. how would i stop the players from just attacking rival handler/summoners/trainer instead of his pets?

going with the summoner/eidolon route each player gets to represent a manifested fragment of the summoners personality. this creates the "6 ball limit" and eliminates the gotta catch 'em all. this also lets the DM "cheat" with some summoners stretching their "safe" limits and manifesting more (weaker) eidolons than their mind can support or allowing other summoners to manifest fewer (stronger) eidolons.

i'll probably end up using some variation of "life link" to keep the players loyal to the summoner because if the summoner dies the players cease to exist and put travel limits on the player's movements they would gain 1 negative level for every 40ft they stray from their summoner. when they reach 0 they'll either pop back to their summoner or disappear until they're resummoned

i think this lets me run an otherwise "typical adventure", except the loot is divided out by the summoner after making stops at shops to buy equipment for his "eidolons"

zza ni wrote:
as a side note. an elf with the "Lightbringer" alt racial trait (Replaces Elven Immunities, Elven Magic). can just pick this adopted racial trait straight up. no fussy half demon-human mess.

skinwalkers with beast talker work as well

you could make a pretty diverse party of foster kids raised by genies

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Probably an atrocity of an idea for a player character, but for a trick encounter using a Small band of elven eldritch archer/spell dancers with dimensional assault you could convince the party they're surrounded.

Kaisoku wrote:

Maybe just use the concept of the summoner & eidolon dynamic, but keep the character creation rules based on normal classes.

Alternative "how we got together" concepts:

- 'Island of Dr Moreau': everyone is playing a "half-animal" race, and have shock collars that control them (or not). They are a science experiment of 'elevated' animals, the party being the 'best of the experiments', currently being used for protection while the Humans do... whatever.
Lots of acceptable races: catfolk, kobolds, ratfolk, tengus, gripplis, kitsune, nagaji, strix, and vanaras.

- 'Permanent Summons': Conscripted by a once powerful wizard, who is now weakening with age (possibly losing his mind, senility). The party is there to do his bidding and protect him, but their view of the world is a bit skewed since they only know what he's told them of it. As his mind loses control, they may find his grip on them loosening. But what will these radically disparate planar beings do once no longer forced to work together?
Best if people only pick one of each race in this group: aasimar, fetchling, ifrit, oread, sylph, tiefling, and undine. (allows for a group up to 7 players)

- 'P.T. Barnum's Captured Monsters of Myth!': The players are sort of a "last of their kind" or otherwise one-offs of 'Greek Myth' style of creatures. But instead of being killed off by some hero-in-training, they were captured by an enterprising Human who's given them a safe home to live in, and accepted by society... well, at least as something to be jeered and gawked at.
Security and shelter, as long as they put on a show and protect the camp as it travels from town to town. How long can a group of proud player characters stand this?
Pretty much anything, as long as it's sufficiently "out there" in appearance and ability. Strongman Minotaur kind of stuff.

I like you, You're a creative thinker. I'll probably use these ideas but, not for this project because they're not pokèmony enough.

My current brainstorming has brought me to a world where everyone summons an "eidolon" to serve them when they've come of age, but there are some that are destined for a more adventurous life and are granted multiple "Eidolons" to keep them safe on their journeys... Probably the plot to an anime I've never heard of. I'll also need to make the destined ones sound a little more common.

Through the early levels I've thought it would be funny to make the players struggle with understanding their masters commands. later I could make gym battles into dungeons with mazes and puzzles during team gladiatorial combat

With the players not able to communicate or understand their master I thought it would be funny if they were on a massive trip to save the world but to them it's nearly no different than a trip to the local market. lol

I'm just stumbling with some moral and ethical issues using gnomes and other small sentient creatures as battle pets lol

I'm limiting the race selection to only small character races paizo has 12 and willing to reduce any character race down to size but no human
I'm restricting the classes to no non-casters, no pet classes, and no summon spells or spells with similar themes and probably no language Spells

My Self wrote:
The players don't have to be a level-appropriate Eidolon/Summoner team. They just need to be a level-appropriate character built off of an Eidolon's statistics. Granted, they'll be a bit weaker than an actual player character class, but not much.

From your suggestion I was just going to call the player characters eidolons and their human a summoner because it creates the master/guardian dynamic keeping the players loyal to that human. I was also going to use the connection summoners have with their eidolons, link and share spells. It would also let me "dismiss" an absent player for the session and "resummon" them the next time we play.

If I let them level as eidolons I'm afraid of the messes I could get even using unchained rules.

My Self wrote:
Why not have everyone play a level-appropriate Eidolon?

This would eliminate a great deal of my issues with character loyalty, player absence, it gives me an already established lexicon of terms, and defines the difference between summoners and everyday people

But it doesn't have the feel I want.
The players wouldn't be the adventure party and it removes the humor of sense motive rolls top figure out what the summoner is commanding the player to do during battles.

Otherwise it's an idea I can build from and work with for the overall concept

In no way is this a world that the cliché find a party at the pub will work

Not long ago I joked with a friend about running a campaign and only allowing the players to be small races

Today I thought about that joke and thought it would be funny to make the players be "pokèmon"

So now I'm trying to figure out how to merge a fantasy setting and pokèmon

I want the players to still be a fantasy adventure party, but their primary objective is escorting and protecting a human (nobody understands) during his/her travels.

I'm not going to be forcing the players to emulate any pokèmon and I'm ignoring the use of poké balls and the catch'em all aspect of pokèmon.

First classes I'm limiting it to no pets and no non-casters

Where I come to a huge design flaw is why would sentient creatures come together to serve as guardians/attack dogs to human overlords that don't speak any "known" languages?

After I told one of my friends/Dms about this it kinda turned into a theory-craft design challenge to build a party of genies and/or genie-binders.
the ground rules were pretty simple.

1.) Had to cover the party roles; Face, tank, skills, buffs, and heals
2.) Races had to be the geniekin races; Ifrit, Oread, Suli, Sylph, and Undine.
3.) The classes had to be the Racial archetypes and the Sha'ir occultist archetype.
4.) Each member of the party had to have "Cosmic Power." Meaning it has to "break" or exploit the rules.

This is truly a challenge for me because I always play the guy with the sword and I either charge in screaming or I sneak around the back.

We do have a couple design houserules, all races start with an extra bonus feat and archetypes that alter an ability but don't fully replace the ability are stackable.

First I went for (1)Buffs with an (2)Ifrit (3)Wishcrafter Sorcerer
Racial Traits
Efreeti Magic (it's a buff)
Fire insight (Orc Bloodline makes fire affinity useless)
Mostly Human (Human FCB)
Wildfire Heart (I think party buffs need to go first)
Wishcraft Sorcerer Orc Bloodline VMC Wizard (divination)

I havent selected spells for the build yet, but the "bloodline spells" will be devoted to buff spells for the bonus to caster level.

For Feats/traits/VMC I havent gone beyond improved intiative, reactionary, +4 initiative familiar (eventually an ioun wyrd), diviner's fortune and idealize. My intentions are to go first and buff the party before battles go down. I'm not sure if the feats should be item creation feats or metamagic to improve Buffs.

(4)The Orc Bloodline powers are meant to help exploit Blood Money and Permanency.

My second build for the party is a (2)Oread (3)Shaitan Binder for the (1)tank.
Racial Traits
Mostly Human (Human [racial heritage{half-elf FCB}])
Oread Gem Magic
Treacherous earth
Shaitan Binder/(4)Wild Caller/Unchained Summoner
this guy probably exploits the rules the most for abusing the houserules.

the eidolon is meant to be the tank and I plan on using a constitution/hit point focus for the summoner

I'm trying to maximize evolution points with Half-Elf Favored Class Bonus and the Half-Elf racial archtype, but I havent a clue when I can take Extra Evolution

Its exploiting the Shaitan magic being forced onto the Eidolon not violating the stipulations in place by the wild caller

the rest of the party I'm considering an Undine Bard, a Sylph Wizard and a Suli Shi'ar Occultist...

I'm trying to get some help filling in the blanks for the sorcerer and the summoner.

I don't know where to start on a Bard or an Occultist

I'm not set on the Sylph Wizard

I'm Open to Ideas so please help.

Gisher wrote:
Taku Ooka Nin wrote:

I'd personally probably correct the interpretation to say it is intended for (and therefore only works with) things with charges per day, and unless the local venture captain sends me an e-mail stating otherwise, it wouldn't work mainly because it feels like an exploit instead of an intended feature.

Some may disagree.

I don't think he is trying to use this in PFS. Don't they prohibit Tieflings and Geniekin?

No, I'm not trying to use this in PFS.

It was honestly an accident that I stumbled onto this. I found the trait and really wanted to use it for a blood kineticist, but I thought all the genie people sucked.
I was just going to ask my GM of he'd hand wave a Tiefling sub-race descended from evil genies when I remembered the adopted trait and from there it fell together.

lemeres wrote:

Oh, and I thought this was going to be a thread about all those catfolk barbarians raised by half orcs in the art of having 6 inch tusks.

Edit- and yes, since we are talking about adopted, it is most likely a mistake with race/racial traits. Still not sure what option gives all cantrips.

The intent of my OP was to read about anything unexpected with tusk or anything adopted by humans for the bonus to will saves and divination magic, or suicidal bodyguards

Instead I just get people telling me I'm crazy and don't know the rules

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Tiefling with soul seer and pass for human + adopted (any geniekin) minor wishcraft it's in inner sea races page 197

Pass for human let's you count as a humanoid (this is important for wording)

Soul seer replaces your racial 1/day darkness spell-like ability for deathwatch at will

Adopted let's you take race traits that aren't yours like balloon headed or the cure to pirate Prate Rob's confusion

Any—Minor Wishcraft: You gained some power of wishcraft from a genie ancestor. You can spend a use of a racial spell-like ability or your elemental assault racial trait for the day to instead use any 0-level spell as a spell-like ability. The spell must be used to produce an effect requested aloud by a humanoid within 30 feet since the end of your last turn.

D20srd is lacking the traits from inner sea races, so you'll need the book or PDF to read it.

The other day while planning out a character I stumbled upon a pretty crazy exploit of the adopted trait that granted access to all 0 level spells at will.

This has peaked my curiosity and I just wanna know what others have done to abuse the adopted trait.

I need help filling in the blanks and understanding the class.
I love the concept of the kineticist but the class sorta causes me to open mouth drool when trying to understand it and plan it out. I've read all the guides I could find and I've looked at a few builds, but none of it triggers my lightbulb.

@someweirdguy, @Torbyne, & @CalethosVB thanks for clarifying my misunderstandings about the cornered fury and burn combo. I knew it had to be too good to not have already seen somebody else post about it.

CalethosVB wrote:
...Extra Wild Talent at 9th level gives you an Infusion or Utility Wild Talent as if you were a level 5 Kineticist. You have access to 2nd level Talents at level 5,meaning no Kinetic Whip from that feat.

Sadness. i thought the math was 9-2=7 & 7/2=3 not 9/2=4 4-2=2. I've been reading the extra wild talent feat wrong.

Torbyne wrote:

I'd suggest you pick up kinetic whip before combat reflexes since you still have one AoO to use with the whip before reflexes while before whip you cant use the extra AoOs for much of anything.

I dont have the resources here to look it up but the water talent to drop temperatures around you is beautiful to combine with a blade/whip build since it hits opponents DEX/AC...

...Is there a story reason for you to take Sharp Claw? You are likely to have an abysmal strength score due to racial penalties and the class pushing stats elsewhere so attacks from those claws are likely to be at -1 - 0 for 1D4-2 or -3. You could go with Toughness instead to pick up a few extra HP or an armor proficiency and use your elemental defense as a shield.

looks like I'm not able to get Kinetic Whip and combat reflexes before 13 unless I stall grabbing negative energy until 15. I wanted Void powers early just for the double carrying capacity and energy damage.

cold snap would effect my party too though, but it would be wonderful for the build

the claws were just so i wouldnt be unarmed between kinetic blade and kinetic whip because i knew there was going to be a weapons gap

with your people's help I think I've managed to get this worked out, but i'm still left scratching my head a little

01 Wrack*, Toughness, Weapon finesse
02 Cold adaptation
03 Kinetic blade, Scurrying swarmer
04 Kinetic healer
05 Bleeding infusion*, Weapon focus (kinetic blast)
06 Blood tell*
07 Expanded element (blood), Kinetic whip, Combat reflexes
08 Blood throw*
09 Gut-wrenching infusion*, Outflank
10 Cold snap
11 Vampiric infusion*, Stick together
12 Spark of life
13 Infusion, Paired opportunist
14 Shimmering mirage
15 Expanded element (void), Basic chaokinesis`, Negative admixture`, Negative blast`, Coordinated charge
16 UWT
17 Infusion, Ally shield
18 Tidal Wave
19 Infusion, Escape route
20 Blood mastery*, UWT

thanks to scurrying swarmer He benefits most when underfoot and occupying allies squares, so i tried keeping him in those squares all the time. I probably need to swap stick together and escape route and i still have a few blanks to fill in.

I really wanna make a Ratfolk Blood Blade Chaokinectist (Water/Void), but I run into too many conflicting ideas to tackle the planning process alone.

We have a houserule that allows non-humans to take an extra bonus feat at 1st level.

This is what I have so far:

01 sharp claw, weapon finesse
02 slick
03 kinetic blade, scurrying swarmer
04 kinetic healer
05 weapon focus (kinetic)
07 void (negative energy), combat reflexes
09 extra wild talent (kinetic whip)
10 spark of life

Another idea I have relies on an unknown synergy between cornered fury and burn

I guess I'm in some sort of understanding minority. I thought whatever weapon you chose for weapon focus became your dedicated weapon.

Gestalt sanctified slayer/sanctified rogue sure there is unreasonable overlap but flavor is there

A friend of mine and myself got throwing ideas at each other and that got me asking around about a Magus using the Kensai and Eldritch Archer archetypes.

Would the pairing be glorious or would it just fizzle out?

I'm feeling dumb because I don't think i understand what it works for and what it doesn't
If I'm getting right idea, it works for feat chains built off improved maneuvers?

I really liked the crusader from the tomb of battle.

In concept I guess the samurai was suppose to fill the niche, but it just doesn't do it right for me.

Imbicatus wrote:
You could play a Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor with Anger Inquisition. You gain Studied Target, Bane, Divine Spells, Ranger Combat Style, and Rage based on Wisdom.

You're kinda a genius. I'll have to look into doing this.

I wish I had the creative capacity to world build and story write. I'd be all over stealing the purgatory idea and the splintered mirror.

I want to do a Wizard of Oz/Alice in Wonderland mash-up. Starting the players off in a real world and unexpectedly drop them in a dream world without knowing

I've been working on what I'm sure is a horrible idea for a whip Blood Kineticist VMC rogue, because I like the way it looks in my imagination.

The rogue VMC abilities seem too good to skip out on

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Badger Badger Gristlebits

