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![]() While browsing though the witches spell-list I suddenly got the idea to make a character based on the ghost with the most. After a 3 page Google search I learned that of all the pop icons turned pathfinder character nobody has ever tried tackling the challenge or at least never in a public forum. I suck at this kind of thing and would desperately like some help trying to hash out making him as close as possible to RAW. I've been working around the idea of him being a Demodand-Spawn tiefling Any suggestions for me? ![]()
![]() For my friends next campaign he's restricting classes to nothing with "formal training". If the class is focused on learning in a school, monastery, or church we can't play it without permission. In addition to that he wants me to play something "outside my comfort zone". I usually play a guy with one big sword or two smaller swords. I'm determined to play an Ifrit with Mostly Human (for all those nicer bonus spells) and Wildfire Heart (winning initiative) For my classes I've narrowed it down to either a Healer as an Unlettered White Mage vmc cleric of healing or for Support as a Wishcrafter Efreeti Sorcerer vmc divination wizard For the Healer I was considering focusing on the charisma abilities, but I've never realty looked into arcanist abilities or the witch spell list before leaving me completely lost. I've done a little be of research into the Wishcrafter and I was gonna petition my friend to allow the Efreeti bloodline to be an extension of the elemental (fire) bloodline for the bonus charisma. The bonus spells would be buffs and the shadow conjuration/evocation spells.
Just for kicks I'm determined to win every initiative roll so both options were going to have reactive, Improved initiative, and green sting scorpions (possibly trading for ioun wyrds) Which is the better path and what do I need to do to make it better? I'd hate to fail and strike out on my first try at something new ![]()
![]() I keep trying to escape from the idea of a rage monk, but I keep circling back to it. I want it to be a crit-fishing scimitar flurrying monster I know the simplest way to achieve this objective is a Weapon adept UnMonk VMC UnBarbarian, but I see the feats "meant" for the Warpriest and I want them. Bringing me to a Cleric 1/Weapon Adept UnMonk VMC UnBarbarian build (probably the best option), but it leaves a funny taste and although gets everything I want for the build it just doesn't feel right. Another idea I've been looking at is a Weapon Adept UnMonk VMC Cleric with the Rage Domain or Anger Inquisition except it doesn't get everything I want until level 17. Built off similar concepts a more obscure option I've been toying with is a Sanctified Slayer VMC Cleric with the Anger Inquisition and the Rage Domains. "Holy man" = Monk, Two-weapon Fighting = Flurry of Blows, Sneak Attack = crit-fishing, and lots of Rage. Does anyone have better suggestions or a convincing argument why I should concede and give up on this endeavor? ![]()
![]() Not long ago I joked with a friend about running a campaign and only allowing the players to be small races Today I thought about that joke and thought it would be funny to make the players be "pokèmon" So now I'm trying to figure out how to merge a fantasy setting and pokèmon I want the players to still be a fantasy adventure party, but their primary objective is escorting and protecting a human (nobody understands) during his/her travels. I'm not going to be forcing the players to emulate any pokèmon and I'm ignoring the use of poké balls and the catch'em all aspect of pokèmon. First classes I'm limiting it to no pets and no non-casters Where I come to a huge design flaw is why would sentient creatures come together to serve as guardians/attack dogs to human overlords that don't speak any "known" languages? ![]()
![]() After I told one of my friends/Dms about this it kinda turned into a theory-craft design challenge to build a party of genies and/or genie-binders.
1.) Had to cover the party roles; Face, tank, skills, buffs, and heals
This is truly a challenge for me because I always play the guy with the sword and I either charge in screaming or I sneak around the back. We do have a couple design houserules, all races start with an extra bonus feat and archetypes that alter an ability but don't fully replace the ability are stackable. First I went for (1)Buffs with an (2)Ifrit (3)Wishcrafter Sorcerer
I havent selected spells for the build yet, but the "bloodline spells" will be devoted to buff spells for the bonus to caster level. For Feats/traits/VMC I havent gone beyond improved intiative, reactionary, +4 initiative familiar (eventually an ioun wyrd), diviner's fortune and idealize. My intentions are to go first and buff the party before battles go down. I'm not sure if the feats should be item creation feats or metamagic to improve Buffs. (4)The Orc Bloodline powers are meant to help exploit Blood Money and Permanency. My second build for the party is a (2)Oread (3)Shaitan Binder for the (1)tank.
the eidolon is meant to be the tank and I plan on using a constitution/hit point focus for the summoner I'm trying to maximize evolution points with Half-Elf Favored Class Bonus and the Half-Elf racial archtype, but I havent a clue when I can take Extra Evolution Its exploiting the Shaitan magic being forced onto the Eidolon not violating the stipulations in place by the wild caller the rest of the party I'm considering an Undine Bard, a Sylph Wizard and a Suli Shi'ar Occultist... I'm trying to get some help filling in the blanks for the sorcerer and the summoner. I don't know where to start on a Bard or an Occultist I'm not set on the Sylph Wizard I'm Open to Ideas so please help. ![]()
![]() I really wanna make a Ratfolk Blood Blade Chaokinectist (Water/Void), but I run into too many conflicting ideas to tackle the planning process alone. We have a houserule that allows non-humans to take an extra bonus feat at 1st level. This is what I have so far: 01 sharp claw, weapon finesse
Another idea I have relies on an unknown synergy between cornered fury and burn ![]()
![]() I'm trying to mimic the old 3ed Oriental Adventures Sohei class using some of the latest pathfinder rules. To anyone that doesn't know the class it was a beautiful blend of Paladin/Ranger, Monk, and Barbarian In my mind this class is either a Weapon Adept Unchained Monk with VMC Barbarian or a Sacred Fist Warpriest with VMC Barbarian. which better captures the concept? are there better combos I'm missing? And Which is "better" overall? ![]()
![]() I want to make a switch hitter ranger using the Beastmaster, Hooded Champion, and Skirmisher archetypes. Following Treantmonk's guide I've got a good floor plan laid out. I'm just not sure what traits to pick or what my pets should be. For the animal companions I'm leaning heavily towards two animals of the same type and using the bodyguard archetype for both of them. I've never planned a pet build are there any special considerations I should be concerned about? ![]()
![]() I need to know for a ridiculous bloodrager build I'm working on.
Do you gain full benefits of the life saving tumor? ![]()
![]() During the end times of DnD 3.5 I had a niche amongst my play group as the guy you can't kill with hit point damage. I haven't been able to emulate either of my favorite characters under the pathfinder banner until recently, but now I fear I might be striving to hard to make it work. If I could get some advice I'd be a happy lad. I'm looking at a Human Bloodrager using the bloodline familiar, crossblooded, primalist, and spelleater archetypes Using an adapted trick I learned with psionics. I'll use the protector archetype for my familiar and shield other for a hit point buff and kinda negate 1/2 the damage he takes. False life and Improved share spell for another hit point boost With the aberrant bloodline I'll grab a Aberrant tumor familiar with fast healing 5 With the destined bloodline I was gonna grab up the bloodline feats endurance and diehard to qualify for faster healing to boost the spelleaters fast healing The rest of my bloodline abilities I was gonna trade away in favor of a barbarian build.. i don't remember what the particular build was at this moment For offence I figure using a 2HW using power attack and blooded arcane strike should be adequate. Am I too focused on flavor or would this actually be viable during combat? ![]()
![]() I've been working on a race of haunted/possessed humanoids for a few years drawing from a maelstrom of published ideas and influences. My current incarnation of this race has become a conglomerate of Elan, Android and Raijin, with a dash of Tiefling and Kalashtar. They are outsider (native, augmented)
The part I need help with is the rules wording for their vulnerabilities (-4RP??) Vulnerability to Negative Energy and necromancy spells (Su): the haunted take half again as much damage (+50%) from negative energy, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed or if the save is a success or failure. the haunted also take a –4 penalty on saves against necromancy spells and effects. If the haunted takes negative energy damage or fails his save against a necromancy spell or effect the link binding the host body and the spirit is temporarily suppressed making the haunted a humanoid and can no use any of his racial extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural abilities for the duration of the spell or effect (minimum 1 round.) Do I have this worded properly?
![]() My GM started a sandbox evil campaign. In this homebrew house-ruled world I've made a ratfolk ninja. Unchained Ninja MCV Magus 01 two-weapon fighting, improve initiative*, reactionary, carefully hidden
I need help with are filling in the blanks And I need how some abilities stack together. ki pool + signature skill (acrobatics) = vanish/invisible blade + signature skill (stealth) + no trace = I can see the dots but I can't seem to put them together for the big picture. Please point me in the right direction. ![]()
![]() Hello everybody, Later this year I'm planning on running this adventure path with carrion hill and the plugins from gothic campaign compendium and I'm seeking helpful advice to add a steampunk flavor without distracting from its gothic horror theme. Some of the optional rules I want to use are; 25 point ability buy
I'll be allowing my players to use Paizo and Pure Steam books and a relatively limited group of races; including the core, changelings, dhampirs, skinwalkers, a homebrew flesh golem race, and a homebrew haunted race. Are there any special considerations I should be concerned about and what are some easy ways to explain the lowered power caps on spells? ![]()
![]() I want to trade away the ninja's no trace, uncanny dodge, light steps and improved uncanny dodge for the hungry ghost monks steal ki, life funnel, life from stone, and sipping demon abilities. It would look something like this. I'd appreciate any feedback. hungry ghost ninja
Another idea I've been tossing around was allowing Qinggong Monk Ki Powers to be picked up as Ninja Tricks. In both cases replacing uses of wisdom with charisma. ![]()
![]() So for the last year or so in my spare time I've been trying to convert the World of Darkness games into very generalized playable pathfinder character races. Paizo did a great deal of the work for me; humans (mage and hunter), dhampirs (vampire), and skinwalkers (werewolves); With a little tweaking tieflings (demon) and Androids (promethean); and I'm not bothering with changeling or mummy. I got hung up on using the Elan with the reconstruction alternate racial trait for Geist, at first I thought i had to create an entire complex rules sub system to make it work. Then just the other day I was hit by a great breakthrough using K.I.S.S. philosophy and this is what I came up with. I'm mostly looking for feedback on balance, but if you're familiar with the source material of geist I want to know if these mechanics match the basic fluff of that game. Any help is appreciated though. ![]()
![]() For the next campaign I run I want to do it with a gestalt or dual-class style rules but with an experience flavor similar to the older game editions, where rogues left wizards and priest in their dust leveling. This might be a little difficult for me to explain, but I was thinking about dividing the classes into their training categories; intuitive, self-taught, and trained, then assigning a leveling experience progressing to each group. Intuitive classes get the fastest, self-taught get the medium, and trained classes get the slowest. With each character starting as level one of both classes and each class leveling with the appropriate experience. After looking at the class and experience breakdown though I couldn't figure why anyone would consider playing a cleric/wizard when an Oracle/sorcerer would quickly out level and overpower To balance this I'm considering flooding the trained classes with more feats while leveling, granting additional favored class bonuses to the slower progressing classes, and removing favored class options from the intuitive classes If I could get some help and suggestions to balance and still let players feel trained classes would be a viable option I would be very grateful. ![]()
![]() i need help equipping a level 8ish Half-drow Daring Champion. half-elf (darkborn); drow-blooded, drow magic, and thinblood resilience
traits armor expert and ??? 1 weapon finesse, combat reflexes, shake it off
for equipment all that i know for sure i want is are keen scimitar
the party consist of a
![]() I'm back. a few weeks ago i was here looking for help with some ideas for a ratfolk sohei and a sanctified slayer. I've since scrapped those ideas and have moved on to a Vanguard (Slayer) and a Kensai (magus). I'm looking at maybe a 25pt build and maybe a house rule allowing an additional 1st level feat, but those details havent been decided yet. a little bit of the character fluff is that the 2 ratfolk brothers (not yet named) were the only children on a trade caravan that had just pulled one over on an evil lord and he dispatched a squad of his best samurai to eradicate the vermin. one of the samurai was a tiefling that instead of killing the children adopted them, raised them and trained them. (havent decided if it was for personal gain or a change of heart). after leaving their adopted home they were all each other had and would give their lives to save the other one. Kensai 18/Lore Warden 2 Traits Adopted (tiefling [suicidal]), Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp)
i need to sneak arcane strike in here somewhere Vanguard 18/Lore Warden 2
a lot of the vanguard hinges on what weapons I can afford. if I can manage to swing Agile Keen Kukris life will be perfect and i can start grabbing the TWF feats earlier * = bonus feat
the set up is the vanguard to be critfishing for butterfly's sting and outflank giving that auto crit AoO to the kensai to spend 2 arcane points and smack the enemy with a charged x5 impact tetsubo ![]()
![]() my DM has allowed to make two Ratfolk characters for the same campaign. I want one to be a sanctified slayer with the chivalry inquisition and the other to be a sohei.
In early levels I plan on making the Sohei ride the Slayer's mount in combat and the Slayer to stand back and be support and range. In later levels I want to be utilizing teamwork feats and their swarm flanking. If someone could help point me in the right direction I'd be very graceful And no I don't want to scrap this idea and play two rogues or rogue-like classes ![]()
![]() like many before me i am attempting create my own playable race of flesh golems... my base for these creatures are created half-undead humanoids. What i really want to know is how many RP i would get back if i made them susceptible to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions,
![]() im looking for some balancing advice for an alteration i made to the Gifted Blade (soulknife with manifesting levels).
i removed the ability to throw the mind blade, the lvl 1 bonus feat, the blade skills gained at lvl 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and finally reduced the mind blade enhancement bonus by 1.
i've also been considering limiting their powers known list to only 7 and not have the option of changing the known powers everyday. |