Stiletto's page
Organized Play Member. 86 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 11 Organized Play characters.
When I ran this, Xanesha barely escaped the fight on top of the Shadow Clock. That was a fun and difficult fight for the party. But, the next time they ran into her, the party was 1 level higher, with more gear, and they completely wiped the walls with her at Fort Rannick; it was quite a letdown.
Like others mentioned, if there is that much time between the assault on the Shadow Clock and the takedown of the Cult/Ironbar, she should have time to really get to know the party's tactics but ultimately, she should feel she can take 'em with the right preparation. I, personally, dislike removing prepared battles, especially with the BBEG of the book, even if, logically, the party will stomp over them. It is just like PC hiring NPCs to help them with battles - the PCs are the heroes, they're the one supposed to do the hero stuff.
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Well, I just finished running this a couple of days ago. The last fight with Evandarin and Zolan was super difficult, right on the edge of a TPK. On the fly, I removed the DR from Zolan, Evandarin was pretty tough himself. I also had the bridge retracted, forcing the players to spend time (3 rounds) for it to finish extending so they could run across; I'm not sure it was a great idea, they could have just spent the time shooting until the BBEG was dead. Fortunately, one of the players had jump jets and jumped across after using his Solarian powers to pull Zolan off the bridge. I had the two Aeon Guards throw down a rope for him. The players were shocked that Zolan was deflecting their shots, calling it unfair, until after he deflected his 4th one and I explained that he was using resolve points for that; "there is a reason, but I'm not going to metagame it for you".
Also, up until then, every starship battle the whole AP was a cakewalk for the party. Being able to build whatever weapons on their ship they wanted (that works on a ship that size) when the rune drive was activated was going to make it even worse, so I told them, "Whatever big weapon you put on your ship, Zolan's will have the same one." They won by some really bad gunnery rolls from me. It was a close one, though. Linked particle beams on a turret (16d6) is just wrong.
The fight against Oliviana was super memorable. I added two jolting surges (lightning bolt) to her spells because my party was so strong. I used the scientists to block charges down the hallway where she retreated to. Just before they surrounded her, she got off her last invisibility spell, but being smart players, they surrounded her where she cast that spell ready to try their luck with a 50% miss chance. The Ghost Sound spell worked perfectly and they ran back to where they thought she had run off to; the players were confused how she could have passed them blocking the hallway, but I said there was a reason. When she cast her last lightning bolt from her original location (and becoming visible again), catching 3 of them (lightning bolt formation for the win!), was awesome to see the player's reactions! Also, I made Oliviana and the other scientist very single-minded on completing their work before Zolan returned.
I handwaved the fight in E4 - Field Stability Lab since the two battle robots there would pose no real threat to the party.
The fight against the greys in E1 - Bend Travel Lab was really great, with the greys being able to hide on the other side of the portals and be unseen - I got a couple of deep slumbers off that way that actually worked! I did have to add another grey to the fight so that the party wouldn't wipe them out before they could cast spells from their hidden location. The group didn't look into the tank to see the dead Twinsoul before they attacked the other one, so I made the live one fight while trying to open the tank to extract the body. Once the body was out, my party's mechanic realized what was going on and reactivated the portal; the twinsoul retreated into the portal. I thought that would be a neat end.
I wanted to make the Rune Drive strangely exotic so I had a great time describing strange phenomena happening around the Rune Drive harness where they were testing it. "Emanating from the harness is the color of a young girl writing into her journal" "You feel the presence of the color plum" "You can taste the mathematical equations for black hole radiation" "You see the emotions of a potted petunia and a whale falling from a great height" "You suddenly want to find out what the taste of broken glass is" "You get the feeling that The Gap is just a conspiracy theory specifically made to keep the information from you; everyone is in on it" "You realize that you left the toaster on back on your ship"
In the end, I'm very happy with the whole AP. It did seem very short. Also, with them going up a level after like two or three fights, they didn't really seem to get a chance to explore all they could do. Their reward from the Stewards (5,000 credits) was lackluster, so I bumped it up to 15,000 credits since it was the end of the adventure and they wouldn't be spending it anyway.
I'm having problems with Aurelos. C10 is a 15 X 30 room and it is supposed to have 4 rune wardens and 1 AZ soldier in it awaiting the party to enter the room and are ready to fight. That just doesn't make any sense to me. I'm just going to have to spread them out throughout the upper level.
Silver Scarab wrote: Maybe they can get special longer lasting ones if they help or make friends with the residents of outpost zed I'm thinking of making 1 or 2 long-lasting holoskins available, ones that require a bigger battery ($$) and whose circuits will be fried in a day or two (so they can't keep them forever).
Sekou wrote: I'm running a party of 5, wanted to know if everyone had their party at level 3 before the Sharu fight or did you all level them up once they were completely done with book 1. I know there is normally a spike in power for the players once they hit level 3. I don't want them to die to being under leveled but I also don't want it to be a super easy fight for them also. I already increased the amount of HP Sharu has but I'm looking for some other suggestions as well. Book 2 actually says that PCs start the adventure at 3rd level.
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I must admit, I was a bit critical and leary to run the Mission E: Storehouse Ruse because I was worried that it would just be a bloodbath as my players rushed in and instantly take out Rendel Trace disguised as an Azlanti before he could do anything. I should have trusted my players.
I drew out the interior of the Storehouse and made sure to put Rendel far enough from the door that it would take a least two rounds to move up to him. None of my players had Prof: Soldier or high Sense Motive and failed the DC10 check to figure out that Rendel wasn't acting like a real Azlanti would. Still, I was also heavy on describing his lack of trigger discipline: finger on the trigger, gun muzzle sweeping the room without regards to other people, and once they got close enough, I mentioned that there was a body on the floor at his feet that seemed to have been stripped of all his clothing and Rendel's challenge of "All is in order here!" in Common (all Azlanti the PCs had met so far only spoke Azlanti) was enough. One of the players got it and called out to Rendel, "Rendel, what are you doing?" and it was enough to stand down the other PCs in time. That player realized it after his initiative and did not Metagame by telling the other players until it was his turn; we cast sideward glances at each other as I realized that he had figured it out and tired to keep a straight face while he tried to keep a straight face and not give it away to the other players.
Mr Frost wrote: Stiletto wrote: OK, what is the purpose of Mission E: Storehouse Ruse? So, the store clerk is dressed in the cadet's armor, examining his weapon and I know my PCs are going to see a lone cadet, in an enclosed space, and they're going to immediately take him out only to find out it is one of the settlers. The guy has the helmet on, so they won't be able to instantly tell that he's not a cadet, he's got a weapon and seems to have just trashed the place. Yes, there's a skill check to notice the odd behavior, but still I prefer not to force my players to roll checks like that unless they ask for it (I may have to do so this time).
On a side note, I'm going to have a little fun with my players. As soon as they land on Nakondis and exit their ship, I'm going to have two Goblins drop out of one of the landing gear bays and run off into the jungle. "Great, you guys just introduced Goblins to the Nakondis ecology!" Maybe I'll have some goblins show up later or maybe Hobgar/Goblin mixes.
A. To show that the disguises the party may have already put on can work.
B. To give them the idea that they could disguise themselves.
C. To show that enemies can surrender - you're not supposed to be able to kill him before he does so. Heck, he'll throw his weapon down the moment the players start picking up the dice to roll initiative. Good points, thank you.
OK, what is the purpose of Mission E: Storehouse Ruse? So, the store clerk is dressed in the cadet's armor, examining his weapon and I know my PCs are going to see a lone cadet, in an enclosed space, and they're going to immediately take him out only to find out it is one of the settlers. The guy has the helmet on, so they won't be able to instantly tell that he's not a cadet, he's got a weapon and seems to have just trashed the place. Yes, there's a skill check to notice the odd behavior, but still I prefer not to force my players to roll checks like that unless they ask for it (I may have to do so this time).
On a side note, I'm going to have a little fun with my players. As soon as they land on Nakondis and exit their ship, I'm going to have two Goblins drop out of one of the landing gear bays and run off into the jungle. "Great, you guys just introduced Goblins to the Nakondis ecology!" Maybe I'll have some goblins show up later or maybe Hobgar/Goblin mixes.
What is the current date at the start of this AP?
Here's my take. Since the average adventurer can move 30 feet as a move action I would rule that a hex (standard action) or a cackle (move action) costs 30 feet of movement. The witch must stay within hex range of the target the whole 30 feet of time, whatever is left over from the mount's movement can be used before or after the player's turn.
Horse (speed 50) can move 20' to get the witch within hex range and either keep moving (within hex range) or stop (within hex range) while the witch does her hex. The witch then can cackle as a move action, but the horse needs to stay within range of the enemy for 30 feet worth of movement (while the cackle is taking place) then can move the last 20' out of hex range.
It's not perfect, and not specifically in the rules, but I like it.
About 5 years ago, I was a player in Serpent's Skull and my whole party took a dislike to Gelik. So much so, that we purposely sabotaged his faction and put him in a position to be killed (he did die). I mean, according to his background, he's supposed to run off when he gets wounded in a battle. He's also a shady guy by selling fake artifacts in Magnimar.
I am now running the AP for a new group and first thing they did was tie him up when I played him like an opportunist who's only motivation is finding the Nightvoice. Though, I do have one player who hates Aerys and her drunkenness.
I feel that, at the end of the day, evil characters will not be welcome in a world ruled by Serpentfolk and their God. It's live in the world they know or one that is altered significantly.
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Oh, one suggestion more, make several copies of the coded prayer (clues to opening the vault) so that more than 1 player can look at it at the same time. I had only made one copy, and while the one player was busy looking at it, the other players were just looking around, bored.
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I really enjoyed running this. Mostly due to the intro and the interactions with Tamrin and Zarta. There was a lot to tell the players and the bit on how to tell half-truths came in handy! I really loved the discovery of the lost claim to the Cheliax throne; mind blowing. Thanks for sizing the whole Nail map to fit a regular map-pack. The trap in the middle was exciting to figure out, half way my group ran out of extra buffs to disable and had to run them straight skill points. The chase scene was great once I figured it out (I couldn't wrap my head around the guards moving 3 each time, it seemed too fast, but then I discovered the delay portion, excellent!)
The only part lacking for me was getting rid of the guards. I wasn't too sure about how many guards and how many waves came in to try the stew with the oil of tagget in it. I pretty much brought in the whole of the guards into that room to eat at the same time and fortunately, most of them missed their save. Also, though it wasn't an issue for my group, I'm not too sure about the possibility of skipping the last fight due to rolling well in the chase; I feel a lot of people play Pathfinder for the combats and this scenario seemed pretty light fight-wise (guards, interrogator) and cutting one out entirely, IMHO, is anticlimactic. I loved the chase, though!
I ran this recently, and fortunately, my group had many people with the required Knowledge skills. The adventure went pretty well, except the fight with the snake construct was over almost before it began as the monk ran forward and grappled, pin, and tied it up pretty quickly. The last artifact needed to pass the wards safely was easily snagged with an unseen servant spell (which was very ingenious). I really enjoyed the last fight, with the multiple enemies.
I'm trying to decide which scenario I liked better, 7-14 or 7-16, both had a great and original end fight. I think the story behind 7-16 is better.
Overall, a great time was had.
Good catch. So, the reposte is definitely not allowed (because it is an immediate action). And the parry does not count as having acted in the round (RAW says specifically, before your first regular turn in the initiative order}.
The parry, though, is triggered by a melee attack against the swashbuckler. It says that the parry expends an attack of opportunity and RAW says that attacks of opportunity cannot be made while flat footed. Does that make the parry the equivalent of an attack of opportunity? And if it does, if the swashbuckler then has combat reflexes, which allows attacks of opportunity while flat-footed, can she then parry?
I'm not trying to argue, I am trying to work through the logic of Opportune Parry and Reposte.
OK, let's say the orc rolls an initiative of 18 and the swashbuckler's initiative is 12 (hey, it happens), can the swashbuckler parry and reposte the orc's first attack?
By RAW, the swashbuckler is flat footed, since she hasn't acted in the round yet. Parry can be attempted when an opponent makes a melee attack and costs 1 panache point and expends an attack of opportunity. Then, as an immediate action, which RAW say can be performed at any time, the reposte can be made. But, since the swashbuckler hasn't acted yet in the round, is the parry even possible? Also, you can't make attacks of opportunity if your flat footed (unless you have combat reflexes), so I don't think the reposte is allowed.
Any help would be great.
Ian Bell wrote: It would only stack if the triggering attack was an attack of opportunity caused by movement itself. On second look, you're absolutely right! It says it right there in the Mobility Feat "...against attacks of opportunity".
Thanks for your quick reply!
Do these two stack? The deed says "This movement is not a 5-foot step" and the feat says "...when you move out of...". A 4 + CHA to armor class would be amazing!
Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger)/Bard (Street Performer)
While some swashbucklers fight for queen and country, and others for coin, glory, or just the enhancement of their own reputations, the mysterious avenger fights directly for a cause. Instead of gaining personal glory for her heroic deeds, she keeps her identity hidden in order to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Weapon finesse with whips
Whether acrobat, troubadour, or thespian, the street performer mixes with the masses, singing for his supper. Bonuses to hiding in a crowd and such.
My Self wrote: I don't see why not. It's a melee attack, so you can parry it. Think of it like you smacking your attacker's arm away as they reach for you.
What I want to see is a pair of swashbucklers engage in a parry-duel: The first one attacks, the second parries and ripostes, the first one parries the riposte and attacks back, and the second one parries in response. Tell me if this happens in your game.
That would be pretty awesome to see, two swashbuckler's going at it back and forth. Unfortunately, the reposte part of the Opportune Parry and Reposte deed is an immediate action and you only get one swift or immediate action per round. Parries just consume an attack of opportunity.
Starglim wrote: Stiletto wrote: Where do the players meet Ambrus and get his speech? I'm totally lost. Ambrus briefs them before they get on the ship to Nirmathas, most likely in Absalom. Kerse (in Druma) also might work. Thanks, that's what I was thinking too, but there's no direct path to Tamaran from anywhere except on Lake Encarthan.
Where do the players meet Ambrus and get his speech? I'm totally lost.
If the party leaves at Section B6 do they lose the 2nd Prestige Point?
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I like and enjoy putting work into preparing scenarios that I run. But I'm a bit put off that it seems like this adventure requires way more prep than most others. Yes, Pathfinder scenarios vary between "dungeon crawls" which are easy to prep and full on "role-playing" scenarios but this one seems especially onerous. The encounters are all different with a lot of background to study, the monsters are unique. I'm having a hard time getting into this one.
I'm glad that it sounds like players are having a good time, but I'm not, preparing for it.
My players arrived at Hook Mountain and I was unsure of what they were going to do once they got to the choke point with the the two ogres and the hill giant. Looking at the map, there are four directions: south, towards the ogres at the forge (D6), west, towards the hags (D7), North and west towards Lamatar (D8), or North and east towards Barl. All of them, except towards Barl has stairs up so I totally planned for them to go the path of least resistance and follow towards Barl. But I guess I laid on the hints about ogres working away at the forge and a bit of smoke coming from there so they tackled that first, then the hags where we ended the night. They've expended most of their high level spells so I expect them to retreat and come back the next day.
So, GMs, which way did your players head to first?
My group cut the ropes to Thistletop and came back a few days later. I had them arrive to find a group of goblins protecting the warchanters (bards) while they cast Mending (10 minute cast time) on the ropes. Bruthazumus waited for them on the other side of the bridge with his bow out.
I had Grayst Sevilla, the sellsword that contracts ghoul fever and points the path to the Sanitarium, be a bodyguard for Aldern shortly after the attack on the Swallowtail Festival, and after Aldern left, Brodert Quink hired him when he goes to examine the runewell after the party deals with Elyrium.
I just want to vent and have a pity party. Over the last two months (four sessions) I've been running my group through the Assault on Fort Rannick. In that time, I've lost two players, their reasons are that it just seems like this point of the game, it's all just one fight after another. And I can't seem to disagree with them. They really loved Sandpoint and they asked if something like that was in the future of the Adventure Path. Sure, they go back to Sandpoint, twice, but real civilization, and NPCs to talk to, are few and far between.
Maybe I can flesh out Turtleback Ferry a bit more, but I don't see them returning.
One also said that another reason was that he really dislikes high level play (he's a rogue) and the other players have really min/maxed their characters and have many more options during their turn. It's just going to get worse unless he makes a new character.
OK, thanks for listening.
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Actually, I've given Grayst Sevilla, the sellsword in Sandpoint, more of a role than just being under ghoul fever in the second book. At first, I had him as a bodyguard that Aldern hired after the initial raid on Sanpoint. Then I had him as a bodyguard for Brodert Quink when he decided to go down into the catacombs after the party cleared out Elysium and the runewell. He was also hanging out in the Fatman's Feedbag, sometimes causing trouble.
I'm with you, Athos710, I don't know how many times that I've prepared a whole speech which will give extra clues about what's happening then just having to crumple it up because the one time they finally decide to coup de grace someone, it's him. Or, every door that they've come across in Thistletop, they've stopped and listened at it, but the door where they could have overheard people conspiring they decide to bust down.
Location: Turtleback Ferry outskirts on road to Fort Rannick. I had dropped a rumor around town that some cat-creature had been trying to lure hunters deeper into the Kreegswood (Kibb - animal companion of Jakardros captured by the Grauls). The party is supposed to notice his cries for help after they've crossed the bridge on their way to the fort. The player that rolls the highest is supposed to hear it. My player, of course, says, "eh.." and refuses to tell the rest of the party what she hears. They continue onto Fort Rannick and barely escape with their lives as a patrol of xxxxx comes out of the fort to confront them. Of course, I had prepared only the Rukus encounter for that night so I had to scramble with what would happen at the fort.
Location: Sandpoint. Exclamation: "Does anyone PROOF read these things?!" My group of 30 and 40 year olds fell into a laughter for 30 plus minutes when I read to them about Nualia and her "celestial taint". It still brings us chuckles a year later.
I had the stalkers use the wrong name on different players a time or two all the while acting like it was actually Aldern. I figured that Aldern had time to debrief the stalkers for Xanesha once he got to Magnimar after Sandpoint; the stalkers were just not listening close enough. My players were flabbergasted! They tried to lead the stalkers on, like everything was OK, until I finally decided that ambush time was upon them! Good tight quarters in the upstairs dining room for lots of backstabbing, plus the barbarian was outside scouting the grounds where he found the decomposing bodies of the butler and maid that I added as extra stalkers.
I just ran this twice last Saturday for two wholey different groups and both had a great time! I love to over prep so I spent the last two weeks getting to know the NPCs and such. The first group of players were more mature and were really into the role playing and talking to all the NPCs in depth. I made the mistake of pointing out Umut to the first group more than I should have and they spent a great amount of time interviewing her looking for discrepancies; the younger group almost ignored her. It's really not that hard to figure out she's a bad guy, even with her alignment masked by magic, but they rolled with it. My second group were all 17 - 18 year old players, and they got into the role playing with the NPCs to, but in more of a slapstick way, but they did well. Like Doug Miles commented above, it was 3.5 hours of talking right at the beginning before the first initiative roll is required, which may turn some casual players off, but it is an excellent example of getting into character that I enjoy more now that I'm in my 40's.
My suggestions:
1) Be very brief in your description of Umut.
2) When the chase scene comes up, explain to the players that it is an abstract chase and not to over think it. Give them their two options and let them choose
3) Give the players more time to influence the NPCs. Neither group got the second prestige point, they were close, but it didn't happen, even with some good speeches from the players.
4) IMHO Instead of just leaving a note from the Venture Captain, just make it a brief interview, let them select the items, and send them to the Bahjari manor.
5) Let the undead in the tomb wait for the party to enter all the way before rushing forward to attack; this gives Umut time to get her spells off and bar the stairs back up to keep them from escaping.
6) Explain the influence mechanic and tell them at what time it is possible to do so (as they come up).
The one CON in this whole adventure, I think, is that it is somewhat obvious that Umut is the bad guy. Both groups wanted to immediately rush to the tombs to confront her after killing the first mummy. I had Aquir step forward each time to try and give the players a mission that does not send them to the tombs (check the manor grounds, check on the guests, talk to the NPCs, those kind of things).
Everything aside, I loved this adventure.
Thanks so much, xebeche, I was just about to do the same thing. You've saved me at least an hour of prep!
I get to run this in a few weeks. I've been taking careful notes from all of you. What a great resource!
I gave Caizarlu, the necromancer in Habe's Sanitorium, a potion of delay poison so he could walk around through his Stinking Cloud without getting affected by it. He could retreat into it to heal himself or channel to heal the zombies that were standing in the cloud but on the edges.
About the Swashbuckler:
Swashbuckler Finesse says: light or one-handed piercing melee weapons.
Weapon Training Ability says: one-handed or light piercing melee weapons.
Weapon Mastery Ability says: light or one-handed piercing weapons.
Why the differences? Also, does this mean all light piercing melee weapons and all one-handed piercing weapons? Or just all light weapons and all one-handed piercing melee weapons?
Oh, I'm looking at the Advanced Class Guide Swashbuckler playtest. It must be different.
I think I am overthinking this.
The Weapon Finesse feat says:
...light or one-handed piercing melee weapons...
Does this mean:
light piercing melee weapons and one-handed piercing melee weapons?
all light weapons and all one-handed piercing melee weapons?
Please Help.
I'm going to change a fight in The Skinsaw Murders, I'm changing how the fight versus Ghoulish Foxglove is going to work. I don't like the small room that the party is supposed to find him in (I can see it will be just my player's barbarian running up and cornering him, just a one on one fight). I've decided to change The Vent room to be mostly flat with the pool near the center and several natural columns from floor to ceiling, maybe a wet spot or two (Grease spell effects). That way, the whole party can get a whack at Foxglove and he can go after his obsession much easier with his incredible Acrobatics to get avoid the other party members. I may add a ghoul or two with him. Maybe a bullrush or two into the pool... hmmmm. :)
el cuervo wrote: Of course, they ended up not exploring any of the basement or the rest of the attic, went down the hole, down the stairs, and straight into the caverns. I was thinking of just hand waving some magic that allows Iesha to move through the "stain" and into the cavern without making a hole that the party can go through and making the ghouls just avoid her. They give us so much cool background for what happens in the Adventure Path that I hate to have the players not experience it. They would miss the whole basement reveal. As a matter of fact, I did away with the way the haunts worked and just had them happen to the chosen player when they entered the room instead of waiting until Initiative 10 for the haunt to go off.
Slow clap. Bravo! These are amazing, IxionZero. Thank you so much! Now I'm sad that my group is already past this.
I know this doesn't answer your whole questions but I would like to tell you what my character does. I bought several smoke arrows Smoke Arrow and shoot it at my feet to create a 5' square of smokey concealment for myself. Costs less than a smokestick (20gp vs 10gp) and is only a 5' square, but it makes it one standard action. Now that my rogue has two attacks per round, I shoot my first arrow at my foe (with full attack bonus) and then my second arrow goes into the ground (my weaker attack bonus) so that at the start of my next turn I will be in concealment.
In a Pathfinder society game I played, the DM made me use a move action to get the smokestick, another move action to get a tindertwig (a full round action to make both moves) then a standard action to light the smokestick with the tindertwig. Two rounds of almost doing nothing.
Katie Sommer wrote: Might I suggest adding, for a mere 1000GP, adaptive to your bow as well? This way if you lose str (say from str damage or drain) you don't take the penalty to hit that you normally would. Also if you happen to increase your strength temporarily (say from bulls strength) you get additional damage. Of course that does require the Ultimate Equipment, so ignore me if you don't have that source... Great suggestion!
Blackbot wrote: So...your character is at least level 7 (6 PP per level) and you never bought anything? This is confusing.
Or did you always buy stuff available on your chronicle sheets?
Also keep in mind: If you've already got your composite bow enchanted with the +1, you can put the Bane on top of that and don't need to buy a new bow.
Thanks, Blackbot, I really just needed confirmation that I was doing it right. I've only played at one PFS game store and once at last year's con, but I wanted to make double sure that when I show up at this year's con in a few weeks I won't be turned away because of an illegal item.
Jeff Merola wrote: It's actually based on Fame, not Prestige. Those values are only the same if you've never spent any prestige, as Fame is the total prestige you've ever earned, while Prestige is, well, your current prestige.
Anyway, a +1 Evil Outsider Bane Composite Shortbow (str +2) does cost 8525 (Base cost of 75 + 150 (Str) + 300 (Masterwork) + 2000 (+1 enchant) + 6000 (Evil Outsider bane)), and thus would be legal for your character to purchase.
You're right, Fame not Prestige. Thanks!
With Orccon 2014 (in Los Angeles) just around the corner and plenty of chances to play Pathfinder Society that weekend, I want to make sure that my character items are legal. Can I please get some assistance?
First thing is, I know that you can only purchase an item depending on what your prestige is. At the moment, my character has 37 prestige and according to the Pathfinder Society After Scenario Reference Sheet I can purchase items which cost 23,000 gold pieces or less. Also, I know that I can purchase any item that is listed on any of my chronicle sheets. Lastly, you can purchase only certain priced item when you are in a certain sized metropolis/city/town/village (but this only applies when you are already playing a scenario, right?).
What I would really like to buy is a +1 composite short bow with a strength rating of 2 and with the special ability of Bane (evil outsiders). It is Year of the Demon for a reason, right? By my calculations, OK PCGen 6.00's calculations, the bow will cost 8,525, which is definitely within my prestige limit. Is this a legal item to purchase in between scenarios?
Thanks for your assistance.
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I see that the link to my Cathedral of Wrath PDF map is broken, it can now be found at:
Cathedral of Wrath
Do we need to add the penalties to Nualia's attacks when she attacks with her bastard sword (one handed) and her claw? She does not have two-weapon fighting feat, so it is -4 bastard sword and -8 claw?
Here is the situation. My fighter has a rapier and the Vital Strike feat. Let's say he rolls a 20 and confirms the critical hit. For a usual critical hit, I roll 2d6 (plus strength bonus x2) for damage. If using Vital Strike in this situation, how many dice do I roll? Is it 3d6 (plus strength bonus x2) or 4d6 (plus strength bonus x2)?
RAW is
Benefit: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon’s damage dice for the attack twice and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total.
Thanks for all your work, James!