
Steven "Troll" O'Neal's page

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"Pdf unavailable"

jreyst wrote:
I'm so tired of downloads from Paizo not working. I have to click the download link like 500 times to get it to finally work. So far I've been trying for three days to download AA4 unsuccessfully in both Chrome and Edge, and the few times something DID download it was a 0 byte file.

Clear your cookies, or try a different browser. I've had to log in for months in incognito mode just to see the website.

Zwordsman wrote:

Stargate's Jaffa Staff could be a fun design somewhere. Either a Adv Melee weapon with Charges that can fire Unwiedly blast. Or a long Arm that comes with an effective bayonet like thing for meleee attack.

Can already make something similiar with the bayonets of course (I like the "poin tand set them on fire" flaming long arm with a baton on it)

levaloch trident my friend.

AnimatedPaper wrote:
Richard Redmane wrote:

Well... definitely did not expect this. I agree with the remark that this seems a bit more niche. At least compared to the Witchwarper or the Nanocyte. But then again all we have is the name and that its a spell caster.

Curious, but I'm more curious what this means behind the scenes. This can't be for GEM, too late and doesn't feel like it fits the theme of the book. Can't be for Tech Revolution, not unless Paizo's breaking their "one class per Ultimate Sourcebook" rule. Precog doesn't sound like it fits the theme anyway.

So unless they're sick of monster manuals or plan on doing some weird for 2021, we're not going to see this again after the playtest until 2022... Or this is a really early April Fools gag.

7 months is tight, but they done it before. But no, I don't think it'll be in Tech revolution either, even if the final class abilities do end up fitting that theme. I can't think of a benefit to splitting up the playtest into two parts.

I imagine this is going to be a late 2021 release which has yet to be announced. Technically there's no reason they can't put it in an Alien Archive, but it is more likely they're skipping a bestiary next year and going with an additional rulebook.

Or, it is quite possible that Paizo will be taking the time ordinarily dedicated to analog convention season to produce an additional book for next year. Though, this is the less likely possibility.

nick pater wrote:


CorvusMask wrote:
Oki yeah last time this happened the pdf become available in same day to purchase. I'm getting feeling this is less about someone forgetting to push a button and more that there is some sort of error on website

Possibly related to the issue with folks not being able to purchase outside of incognito mode?

Well, it's almost 6 Pacific time. Seems like it'll be tomorrow.

Nyerkh wrote:

I wouldn't be surprised by a mech pilot archetype though. Depending on how the rules end up, that is.

Of course, that's also just me wanting characters options to interact with gear, vehicles and the like.

On another matter : I find it interesting how split we are. So many people all "this half excites me, this other half I really don't care about".
Can't be easy to deal with that nonsense.

I'll certainly watch how mechs look, and specifically what kind/size of mechs we're talking about, but it feels like very much like all or nothing system, the kind you build a campaign around or ignore entirely. Not my main focus, but I'm slightly curious.

But that Nanocyte class ? That I will be watching closely.

Didn't we already have a Pilot theme in the core book? We did, it's Ace Pilot, and I see no reason why it shouldn't apply.

Unavailable, again.

I feel this project may be in need of resurrecting.

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AnimatedPaper wrote:

No claws.

They're a high grav-world race, large, but with reach and automatic heavy weapon proficiency. Not really a lot to them; they don't appear to be in the adventure itself, so they're just...there. They look kind of like a Quokka with a gun.

Neat. I was thinking it'd be similar to the giant ground sloth of a very similar name.

Haven't bought physical since the core rulebook. The binding issue with the first printing turned me off of that.

CorvusMask wrote:
What is the megalonyxa?

Presumably something with big claws.

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GeneticDrift wrote:

Received shipping notification and subscriber PDF. It looks cool, wish I had time to dive in and read it. New spells defrex hardiness and personal gravity look fun.

The battle leader archetype also looks cool. Like an envoy and stackable. It uses reactions to give similar buffs. "Got 'em!" "Regroup!" "Listen up!", "Keep moving!", Etc.

Capital ships can get ramming weapons. Hahahahahahaha. Get out of their way.

Even supercolossal? Imma ram'em with the Deathstar!

John Mangrum wrote:
I confess that sometimes, in the wee hours, I wonder about shirren physiology. Particularly hosts.

I imagine a brood pouch, a bit like a fusion of marsupials and the surinam toads. Better not to google that, as it's on the unsettling side.

Nah, eventually any stimuli loses potency. I'd imagine shirren witchwarpers are fairly dour.

Tell me of the Varkulak, please.

I have drooled on my shirt. Is it November yet?

My interpretation is this. If it's missing, for the most part, an augmentation replaces it.

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Well, if I recall correctly, the manasaputras also harken from a previous universe.

The Ragi wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
Portable Grinder tech item - level 3, feed it old equipment to always get 10% value in polyfluid (works just like UPBs) back, ends all arguments and GM discretion about scavenging equipment for new crafting

Oh, I expected we would need to wait for a Armory 2 to finally see this. It's probably the most homebrewed item in the whole Starfinder system. Frankly, this should be available in all starships as a factory setting.

What's the new race?

While on this subject, the Archives of Nethys got a update this month, adding content from all the AP books up to Dawn of Flame #2 and a bunch of Starfinder Society scenarios. Pretty good stuff.

No new race in this one. There were two in the last one.

More feats, archetypes, and themes. Can never have enough.

There's also the option of giving them a language name. If you've ever learned another language you may have learned what the equivalent of your name is in that language. For example, John, Juan, and Jean. You could do something similar. Let's say you have a Pahtra who goes by "Ace" in common. It's doubtful that's their true name, but it may be one with a similar meaning.

A good way to come up with names is take an existing word or name and scramble the letters. For example, Laeno Nevets. It's just my name backwards but it works.

Ascalaphus wrote:
Uchuujin wrote:
In my game, well, Abadar's symbol is the key, and these are like his black ops, so I called them the Black Keys. XD
Sounds like a good vernacular name. Not precisely what you see printed on someone's office door, more how people call it. Variants: skeleton keys or master keys. Or locksmiths.

Or, pickers.

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Captain J.T. Kirk wrote:

Was trying to make the Star Fox Crew but I couldn't find a frog :(

Fox McCloud: Male Vlaka Mercenary Soldier
Krystal: Female Vlaka Priest Mystic
Falco Lombardi: Male Strix Ace Pilot Soldier
Peppy Hare: Male Ysoki Icon Envoy
Slippy Toad: Male (Grippli?) Scholar Technomancer
ROB 64: SROS Spacefarer Mechanic

Guess someone now has to make a Starfinder frog alien.

I believe someone converted grippli to Starfinder specifically for that purpose (they also updated kitsune to Starfinder since at the time vlakas had not been invented). You can find them at

Or here on the Paizo store.

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I'd imagine they'd call them Maintenance. They have keys to everything, and handle the dirty business.

thecursor wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Have to admit that if they did release much more books, I would be unable to buy starfinder books at all since I run and play pathfinder :P If Starfinder books were more common, I would have to choose between two
I may be in the minority but since i was looking for a science fantasy setting that wasn't Star Wars for so long, I happily left everything but the Pathfinder Hardcovers behind.

I've essentially stopped altogether. The only things I buy anymore are Bestiaries, race support, and deities.

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EltonJ wrote:

Cowboy Bebop

Spike Speagle -- Male Human Ace Pilot Operative
Jet Black -- Male Human Scholar Exocortex Mechanic
Faye Valentine -- Female Human Bounty Hunter Operative
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV -- Male Human Xenoseeker Envoy

Ed is a girl.

I'd personally like a quarterly softcover, small in size, that's just ship info.

New premade ships, expansion bays, weapons, etc.

We already get 1 new ship every month, but I'd like more.

Claxon wrote:

Two or three books are year aren't a big deal.

I just don't want to see Starfinder get bloated like Pathfinder with dozens of books being released in a year.

I don't think that'll happen anytime soon. What with P2 coming out in a few months.

Dan Tharp wrote:
I'm thinking that they're pushing the Archipelago and surrounding areas because of Dawn of Flame.

It is mere days away.

Dracala wrote:
Can a calecor restore the atmosphere? If Not, then yeah it probably deemed the planet beyond saving, seeing how as the atmosphere was Burned Away.

Not all of it, but what's left is thin and toxic.

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Justin Norveg wrote:
AtlasSniperman wrote:
My Ace Pilot Android Operative would beg to differ with you that the ships computer would be faster than he is.
The difference between an android pilot and a ships computer being...?


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Borthos Brewhammer wrote:
BretI wrote:

Magical bullets (caster rounds)

There's another thread on the boards about shellguns not being useful. This could be a cool use for it, caster shells like in Outlaw Star. They'd have to be fairly expensive or rarely in-stock to deter people from loading up scatterguns with them and just firing off spell after spell after spell. Like a spell amp but anyone can use it, it's just dumb expensive.

There is literally already a fusion that lets you do this.

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I dropped my subscription. There were just too few sci-fi releases to make it worth it to me.

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Not sure why you'd need planes when spaceships can fly through planetary atmospheres and there's hover vehicles and recreational hang gliders and stuff. :P

It is a science fantasy rpg, ignoring the fantasy part would be suboptimal.

Zwordsman wrote:

I mean there are already two types of shells at least.

Standard and explosive.
Explosive giving half fire damage and aknock down crit effect.

Sooo kind of nothing for this weapon, except for the crit effect,

unless you also use explosive shells. Burn and knockdown. Though it is more of a flavor choice.

Bought mine last night.

David knott 242 wrote:

Since they are playtesting material from the Character Operations Manual, I would assume that nothing coming out before that book requires a public playtest. In addition to the Beginner's box, another Armory or Alien Archive would seem to be possible.

An Alien Archive is almost certain.

Wait, the bodyguard feat.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

the lack of a non level 1 needle rifle is whats bothering me about this class. As it is I can use my signature weapon on allies OR enemies but i need to switch between them if i want to do any actual damage.

Like the envoy, this classes buffs are good but not so good that standing in the back and doing nothing else makes you a functional character. You're going to have to hit someone. That means longarms.

They're likely to publish some in the finished book.

The Ragi wrote:
Steven "Troll" O'Neal wrote:
Victor Frankenstein is a Biohacker.
The biohacker is not a pet class, I'm afraid.

His creation was a sapient, autonomous being, and trying to murder him. Hardly a pet. But that's neither here nor there.

Well, there are always the Starfinder Society Scenarios. They're self contained and offer various levels of play.

Victor Frankenstein is a Biohacker.
Darn near every shounen anime hero is a Vanguard.
Doctor Strange is a Witchwarper.

Well, I see two optimal builds. A defensive build based on strength, heavy armor, and the riot shield. And an offensive build based on dexterity, light armor, and the tactical shield (which has no maximum DEX bonus). For the defensive build go boundary aspect, offensive go with momentum aspect.

TheLoneCleric wrote:
I wonder if Vanguards would have very scary reputations. Like people expect a Solarian but then notice they keep running down attackers and hazards laughing. The general reaction being "Oh sh** a Vanguard" run!

I imagine that is highly dependent upon the species of said Vanguard. Muscle-clad Vesk or nihilistic Draelik, sure, but say disembodied nose Bantrids or potbellied Brakim, not so muck.

Well, I was more meaning they're interplanar galactic magic-using merchants with a bonus to Charisma.

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The Drunken Dragon wrote:

Yeah I have an idea for a gladiator brakim that seeks to Continue the war his people abandoned long ago (or, really, any war: he’s an Alucard from the Hellsing anime levels of bloodthirsty) that I’d originally stated as a soldier that’d be perfect for a Vanguard. As to Biohackers, I know it doesn’t quite work stat-wise, but a drow biohacker sounds pretty menacing.

Also grays. Never forget grays

definitely grays.

Additionally, I really feel witchweird witchwarpers.

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