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![]() I feel like this thread has done a pretty good job of staying on topic and discussing a lot of well-reasoned options to avoid most of the over-the-top game breaking aspects of Blood Money. I would be interested to get an update on if this has caused further discussion inside of campaign leadership and how that is progressing, if at all. If we actually completely missed the point of the ban and should have thought about it a different way that would be interesting as well. ![]()
![]() Jayder22 wrote:
Correct. I was listing ways to have a "Theurge-esque" character. ![]()
![]() Dragios wrote: Ok. New question: anything else that allows divine and arcane casting? What specific aspects of divine casting? >Shaman's can take a spirit to give them some Arcane spells. If you can wait till higher level and use it as your wandering spirit you can swap them out every day like a wizard.
![]() I ran into just one and it was a fantastic way to "tank" without resorting to the goading feats. Left to my own devices I would have to rule that it did stack and make one of the better teamwork build concepts I have seen, especially with any sort of crit-fisher / AoO hunting feat chains. I am really glad it can't stack with Holy Tactician. ![]()
![]() GM Lamplighter wrote:
Very well put. My only remaining argument is that the way the rules are for Bloody Skeletons means that I have one less skeleton at the table. Generally speaking as a player and a GM I prefer my allies to bring the one animal companion instead of the warren of earth elementals unless they really know what they are doing. ![]()
![]() GM Lamplighter wrote:
I agree to a point that they are unrelated and I could just be getting paranoid. I feel like if campaign leadership agreed that necromancy didn't belong in PFS for all of the reasons you mention, banning necromancy and eliminating templates becomes the "pocket ban" if you will - eliminating most of the reasons people want to play Necromancers without having to do something so bold as actually banning a core school of magic. ![]()
![]() Addressing the "time consuming" of either creation or management - If well prepared, it takes the player away from the table for 5 minutes. I have a chart I reference based on the creature hit die / size to determine if I am making a fast zombie, bloody skeleton, or standard. Having played a specialist conjurer and a master summoner as well as a necromancer, the necromancer is the least time consuming from a turn perspective and is far easier / faster than my high level sacred huntsmaster archer with a velociraptor. I am in favor of allowing these templates and hadn't realized or had a GM tell me I wasn't able to use them. Between this and blood money, I am getting concerned that John just doesn't like Necromancy as a school. ![]()
![]() Lorewalker wrote:
Last I checked Bloody skeletons were completely legal but I am happy to be corrected... ![]()
![]() Wraith235 wrote:
Cherry-picking from your point a bit - outside of conjuration (healing) and spells that are intended to be game-breaking, blood money is not mechanically that impressive EXCEPT for Animate Dead - a spell that only makes sense in PFS if Blood Money is legal because undead are temporary in PFS (like BM damage). Is there a way to protect characters who animate dead while eliminating the healing shenanigans which seem to be the only concrete problem posted? ![]()
![]() Generally speaking books like MTT, RTT, and WMH have kept the classic fighter / paladin up to snuff with the new kids. With the January "spellbook based" book coming out I currently fear for sorcerers a little bit as they haven't really seen anything helpful in some time. From OP to least OP I would rank my experience as follows: Serisan wrote: The scariest tables in the 5-9 tier right now are ones where my archer and the VL's wereshark hunter are tabled together because of pheromone arrows. It's amazing how effective a 15gp "consumable" can be. My wife and I have a pair of ranged Assassin's Creed style Sacred Huntsmaster Inquisitors with Raptors and diligently worship Milani and her rebellious spirit. One of us Good Hopes while the other Battlemind Links and we both click our boots of haste together and swift into the scent ability to use such a simple consumable. The ranged teamwork feats with pouncing 6 attack flank monsters make them borderline not fun to play from spotlight hogging. I have a lvl 5 Robin Williams Genie Suli Unchained Monk who generally does too much damage at low level flurrying with a 7 branched elemental sword. I just took a Self-Perfection Psychic through BK II (Mind Thrust Build) and had a ..well...blast. My Foghorn Leghorn unchained intimidation rogue is did a pretty good job tanking / damaging / detrapping Dark Menagerie. I have a Woody Allen inspired Unchained Summoner Who has a Aphrodite style eidolon. They work well as a lightweight conjurer / archer pair and while they aren't quite the powerhouses a chained summoner would be, are still interesting. I am working on a 2 weapon fighter build to crit-fish and paired opportunist feed my wife's elven branched spear unchained rogue. ![]()
![]() Having read through the thread I see 2 camps and I am personally in both: 1) It nerfs my Necromancer / Buff Wizard / Gish to the point of not being playable 2) It makes high level divine spells way overpowered. I suggest the following for Campaign and Developer consideration: Campaign - If Blood Money couldn't be made into a wand and everyone gets back 2pp, issue solved and can be done inside of PFS. Developer - If Blood Money gets flavorfully errata'd that it can't be used on healing subschool spells, this keeps both with the spirit of the spell and eradicates virtually all of the second camp while preserving the first camp. Campaign - Let necromancers track undead like other inventory. Then I don't mind paying for every Tom, Dick, and Sally I bring forth to destroy the ancient texts that killed my ancestors. ![]()
![]() pauljathome wrote:
As someone who has a 11.15 MT, The issue would be the rush of Evangelists, not MT's. I actually blame Inner Sea Gods's power creep as the reason I won't be able to play the MT's and AT's without pulling down the party. ![]()
![]() I have a retirement waiting Fey Sorcerer / Dual Cursed Wood Oracle MT who leveraged warp wood and glitterdust SLA. It benefits from being SAD as well as also having good flavor (He was a hero in a war in the feywild before taking up treeherding, forgetting everything he knew, and talking like Deckard Cain). I built the character to try to show that the SLA ruling was all kinds of broken. I determined at the end it was no more broken than a straight level 11 diviner wizard with persistent spell and staff of the master (ahem DHaller). At high levels I think it plays out about right. Having 63 spells per day has it's advantages with things like Divine Interference. I am missing out on some power (contingency, G Heroism, Heal ) but that is offset by being able to keep the party buffed with FoM, Haste, Magic Circle:Evil and GMW and still having slots to ruin the days of my GM. For Save-or-Suck casters like enchanters, the single stat is key and the MT gives you more tricks against mindless enemies. When I compare it to a straight kitsune sorcerer the versatility and dual-cursed I will stick to the MT every day. Spells like Charitable Impulse and Terrible Remorse cover up some of the lost power (side note: Ever made a Xill turn over all it's weapons or made Glabrezu punch itself to death? Hilarious). I was also a pretty outstanding face character as well so I wasn't all combat based even though my skills were limited. I would say 3-4 was the hardest part as I hadn't really come online and was a one trick pony with a misfortuned command to provoke attacks of opp at a DC 20 or so. 5 got me Calm Emotions and 6 got me Command Undead so I could start controlling the battlefield a bit. At level 8 Haste came online I felt a lot more useful but that's when casters generally start tearing stuff up. Magical Knack was pretty key for SR. For MT's, You are trading a trait for a feat. ![]()
![]() TimD wrote:
I got to the 6 boon but ran into the issues Tim mentioned between the very strange multiclass restriction (I didn't really follow as not working out dip impacts of new classes is perhaps more damaging then straight classes (see MoMS)) and just the amount of scenarios available. I even went to try and find online games but it was just hard to come by. I also realized that burning that many scenarios on a character I may not want to play to seeker was not a great tradeoff. I was essentially trying to get people round up for things I didn't want to play on my more preferred characters. Lastly, trying to play a single character with no room for GM breaks or other flavors of character inside of a single month was starting to burn me out. ![]()
![]() Game Master wrote:
Also in David's group. Carlos got dice fubar'd when he rolled 1's on our Inquisitor's Variant channeling save vs. Daze so he couldn't get the wish cast to get rid of the bottle. Even still I believe we got him with an Anchor (we had 3 or 4 at the table) and I had Bit the Hand on his Bebilith who was blocking his escape. Once the archer with adamantine arrows started firing away, it didn't take long. ![]()
![]() I have a playtest gnome mesmer running for PFS and I went ahead and abandoned attacking outright and it has worked out okay and let me be CHA Dependent (at level 5 now). DC 20 Loathsome Veil as a level 2 breaks any large mook based battle. I have bailed out our tank with my +12 will save (note: you get CHA to will) and made a hunter pretty terrifying with the flank trick. Glitterdust and silent walls let you carve up the battlefield pretty well. Important things to remember is that if you get another controller wizard (or anyone that preys on will saves) you are essentially giving spell focus to him for free with that stare. Only a couple of issues so far: If I compare tricks to say hexes in terms of power level then they could use some love. I would love a misfortune trick. Level 3 is the first spell list that doesn't have more illusions than I want for offensive casting. I would love to see a couple of the Lvl 4 Wizard illusions added to the Level 3 list. Also if I wasn't going for the boon I would have dipped into Oracle for Awesome Display and burning hands to really balance out. ![]()
![]() Here was my level 1 last night: Favored weapon of Shurikens with weapon focus kukri's. Tack on 2 weapon fighting and double slice and we start getting silly. I am doing Monk damage with 18-20 Crit in Fighter armor (19 AC with trait and 4-Mirror Mail) and am still able to go ranged if needed for the SAME DAMAGE. I can't imagine what happens at 2 when I can actually draw as part of a move AND Divine Favor or Cure Light AND attack. Anyone know which Chronicle Sheet has a Belt of Might Hurling on it? Granted the season 0 had us fighting rogues with 14 AC and I was playing with a party of Druid's, the damage / flexibility seemed intense for a 2 save class. |