Steelfiredragon's page
2,673 posts (2,798 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.
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you could switch to a different planet or have an ocean of stars conflict have the organization of
Alpha ding dong of planet omnicrom persia 8
having a major conflict with the organization of J Edgar Hoover of Golarion.
Ocean of water or ocean of stars
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They could still make a Goliath Species for PF2. What it can be and what it can't be is all that one would have to worry about.
For instance, the pf2 hypo one could not use the description of the one that wotc owns.
that said, an Oread born from a Half giant could work as well
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I know who killed him. IT was Seoni in the hallway with a Fireball spell
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we also could use a Cthulu touched ancestry....... no not really
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Kitsune, tengu, kobolds, Dhamphir , aasimar, that elemental touched, and that outsided down in the souther garund that was mortal man that was exposed to the chaotic energies of the Maelstrom....
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eastern casmaron, tian xia, southern avistani, kyonin
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Got Deekin???
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but what if we don't want 1 new book for Tian???
What if we really want 2 books. And here they are:
1: Northern Tian Xia
2: Southern Tian Xia
oooooo yeah and here is book 3 just incase
3: Darklands of Tian Xia
anything else like tian creatures can go into a beastiary..... unless its a player option which it can go in either book.
and look at this way
a book on northern and a book on souther tian xia gets us more info on Tian xia as it could add a few more npcs and or go into a little more detail.
and more art too.....
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hehehehe I read Goka as Goku there....
well yes I agree with that. but that was more toward DGM's Foreign Hero if that is what we are calling it line.
Adventure in Tian Xia that starts and finishes there should star pcs from Tian Xia.( even if it starts in Tian Xia and ends in the Shackles.... it should still star PCs from Tian Xia)
I also think they should start adding incentives to do so too.( of course I'd have no idea as to waht that would be)
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Treerazer wrote: HTD wrote: Do you think that you might show up soon(-ish) in Starfinder? Nope. is that because you took over your daddy's position?
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Didn't bother me much. I just ignored them. There was better things to look at in Osirion.
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Oh and I should play as a Garundi just because the game at the table is being placed there? But what if I wanted to play an obnoxious dwarf that hails from Avistan. and who says that Avistanis are backwards and savage.
And who said that the Garundis were any more or any less savage or educated.
and how many players actually even call their characters " White Saviors"
you fall into a troupe by placing characters and their players into such categories.
and I hate to tell you BUT at the time they were going at it with each other the countries of Nex and Geb were not being civilized but were busy committing acts of arcane based atrocities on each other. doesnt sound civilized to me...
now if you meant rich in history that would be one thing...
say what you want though. Paizo can do whatever they want with PAthfinder and Starfinder, they are both their IPs.
and it is however my money.. and I can spend it on whatever I want to do so with it... just as long as its legal.
edit: was planning on getting the innersea guide and jumping ship. maybe the one on Tian if they do one.... arcadia not so much.
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Forcing people to do what they don't want to do will send players away to another rule set Keftiu. Regardless of intent. Besides there is nothing wrong with wanting to play a chelish human who homeland is Andoran vacationing down in Nex that ends up being drawn into an adventure from unforeseen circumstances.
Nothing wrong with playing Locals either.
what is wrong is being forced to do so.
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speak for yourself. I'm not dying to see any of it outside the Innersea region.
In FAct I'm not dying to see anything on the Inner Sea region either. Cause if I'm dying, I wont be able to look through any of it....
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which is true. and when both can't see eye to eye enough to compromise it's time to find another table.( you do not even have to be a paladin player for this to be an issue though)
which may or may not be as easy as it seems...
which is one of those many many things why the it needs to be removed in its entirely, remove one of the two alignment axis, etc threads that came up during the pretest stuff.
its getting a side bar in pf2 and that is what it is, unless it fails to make the cut between now and release.
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alignment always a slippery slope with no real answer between players and dm/gms.....
never did like it myself... or atleast the two alignment axis. law and chaos can go away and it would settle some issues.....
and cause some more......
Edit: only staying for the campaign setting book myself....
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Davido1000 wrote: 0o0o0 O 0o0o0 wrote: Yes, this. My PF1 Paladin is exactly this. Medium armour for speed. No shield, don't need it. Two-handing a longsword (for Iomedae). Fist into battle, he defended the party by discouraging others from the front line - in a party of four with him, the others would typically be a Wiz, a Rogue and a Divine of sorts, why should they risk their necks or have redundancy in more than one frontliner? PF2 appears to need more than one melee fighter in a party to make the Champion worthwhile. I dont understand why people are constantly complaining that they cant play classes the way they want to play it when you can quite easily with the multiclassing system. You wanna run head on into battle with a longsword instead of having the paladin reaction?
Take fighter with sudden charge, then take paladin multiclass at level 2, that way you can pick and choose what you want. because some of us, do not like multiclassing
and its a RP thing too....
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you see , you see you see?
there is honor among thieves ....
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well... I like the cloak. But pardon me if I liked her old look better.
just me though
oh and Kalindlara. it was said somewhere along the road to 2e, that her hair was a very light blonde.....
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glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks the champeon playtest was trash.
I wanted open ot any good. making alt alignment paladinlike classes and design them around alignment is not a good idea imo.
the pf1 paladin could have been put in and opened up to any good as nothing in its description made it sound like it couldnt gain its powers from any of the 3 celestial planes and one could have been made for pf2 in the spirit of pf1.
no matter what though Paizo would still ahve lost customers.. or atleast those who wont support pathfinder 2e ruleset.
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Fumbus is defined as : Paizo's Pathfinder version of WOTC'S Drizzt Do'urden...
love him or hate him, but there ya go
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Gorbacz wrote: Damiel insulted Alain's horse and sadly had no relatives or friends caring enough to pony up for raise dead. if this turned out to be true, I might end up liking alain just a little bit more.....
though my elven paladin still cant stand him.....
she claims he was being a peeping tom.
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adds to the list of characters that do not have any strong feelings for one way or the other.....
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anyone who ever says " its not all that bad" is asking for it... not sure waht that it is though... might be a wining lotto ticket or a free doughnut... but not a free car from the price is right.
I dont see a reason to jump on PF2 either.
( the following is not a flame or an attack)
I knew months before Hwalsh left that he was going to leave over what became of the PAladin and a few days after wards I knew that I could get what I wanted out of the paladin and still not like and that I was not going to get pf2 either.( and no that is not because he said so, I knew that because of something I was saying but not posting on both accounts say foreshadowing or something) though I think he did say he was going to look at the end product.. could be wrong though.
cant speak for anyone other than me on whether or not that if the dont purchase pf2 rulebook if they'll support PAizo on any of the pf2 series books like the pf2 setting book.
the last I forsee myself getting will be the campaign setting book and not much else.
on many game forums they say the same things
you can play in any setting with any ruleset
( kind of interesting idea to play in golarion under the dark eye ruleset...)
if PF2 floats your boat than I'm happy for you, jsut know that as it stands now it isnt floating mine. wait and see the end product.
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if you dont like the lich's paralyzation touch, well remember that the monster manua;/Beastiarys, creature codexs , etc are all guidelines.
find a different power to give it and make the lich more unique.
but dont make it under powered though as nobody likes a wimpy challenge
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neither should divine smite be reserved for LG.
paladins smite.....
oh well.....
house rule
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the 3 variant paladins in the playtest are a good start. HOWEVER, I was hoping them more to be inline of the archons,angles and azatas ....
or at the least all of them have divine smite.
just my two zhents worth
archon: smite evil without mercy
angel: smite evil with mercy and redeem if able
azata: smite evil with stuff.
but.. shall wait and see for the end product.
looks at empty seat in boat jsut in case
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Oracle is not my cup of tea..... good concept though
Witch for me
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my opinion would be to get rid of vancian spellcasting.
its a relic of a bygone era when there was not likely a whole lot of spells.
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I'd still rather have a smite evil.
too many reaction moves
I dont even like the Divine grace as a Reaction move
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with what is currently in the play test a good deal of which could be used for any good.
even if paizo put in Hwalsh's smite and my divine grace.
they still could do any good without adding too much to the word count.
all alignment divine arse kicking versions and 4 corners( which I hate) would take up more word count than it could be worth at least in the core rule book.
PF1 only had 2 main books at launch
the core rule book and the bestiary #1.
I could imagine they would do the same for pf2 unless they said otherwise
item to think about.
the wing class feature for the paladin. how much wording would it need to go with each of the alignments, how much for the 4 corners( that I hate) and for good only.
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and the paladin's so called smite is tied up in trash that is Ret STrike.
my version of DG
and a good smite evil...
time for bed..... gnight
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and no its not overpowered either.
a paladin in pf1/dnd 3.x gets CHA to throws. so a paladin ( outside of talking with DM/GM about unique paladins with interesting bloodlines in its Backstory) with an average CHA of 16 or 18 at lvl 2. so that is a + 3 or +4 to saves both in the now and the later career of said paladin. In both cases said PF1/DnD 3.x paladins would more often than not make their throws without much fear of failing.
a constant half paladin lvls to saving throws over the career still offered the chance of failing a throw.
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Snickersnax wrote: I feel like I've entered the twilight zone on this thread. I don't understand anything anyone is saying.
Steelfiredragon wrote: Divine Grace should be constant yes and so it doesnt become to overpowered have it gotten at lvl 2 and do half paladin's class level ( min 1) to saves.. Quandary wrote: Agreed, except there is need to shift it to Level 2 IMHO, given changes to multi-classing Divine Grace is already level 2. Level 1 and level 2 feats are equally accessible from the 4th level paladin archetype feat Basic Benediction. I'm not sure how the change to multi-classing has any effect here.
@Steelfiredragon Are you suggesting that level 20 Paladins get +10 to saves from this feat???
yes. but mind you that you have to be lvl 20 for it and by then most classes should be potent enough both what they can do both defensively and offensively, and if most modules dont go to lvl 20 anyway the +10 divine bonus to saves wont matter much. Not too mention at lvl 20 your character should be facing threats on both planar and planetary scale. Not too mention off world
even more so IF and only IF PF2 gets a book for lvls 21 up.
so yes constant half paladin lvls min 1 and cap it at 10.
and should we see said aforementioned book, we'll burn that bridge when we are standing on it.
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Divine Grace should be constant yes and so it doesnt become to overpowered have it gotten at lvl 2 and do half paladin's class level ( min 1) to saves.
its either that or go back to constant cha to throws ( and a paladin of mine's back story could put her saves to overpoweredness)
but atleast the former as the chance to fail throws...
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Wolventad wrote: Cernunnos? yep thats the one
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Yqatuba wrote: What animal would make sense if you want to make another good aligned lycanthrope? I was thinking maybe werepeacock? and give them the ability to make people fascinated by displaying their tail feathers. Also for a good entomothrope I would go werebutterfly (they would follow Desna obviously). there is a LG wereboar paladin.....
well as for other animals
Wereraptors ( IE Eagle and Hawk)
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not interested in a glorified baby sitter///
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Smite evil and Dive Grace, and auras should be base class features and not reactionary...
unless you can get say Hwalsh's version to force a free reactionary move...
but I hate having to many reactionary abilities.
whether or not DG is restored to CHA to saves or not is irrelevent. I'd like it to be, but if it has to be stopped at +3 or +4 so be it
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Smite evil and Dive Grace, and auras should be base class features and not reactionary...
unless you can get say Hwalsh's version to force a free reactionary move...
but I hate having to many reactionary abilities.
whether or not DG is restored to CHA to saves or not is irrelevent
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Id get rid of Divine Grace as a reaction and have it constant
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Hwalsh and I dont agree with mostly anything.
however there have been some things he's said that I agree with.
what he said in the locked thread some something is for everyone thread, I Agree with.
I also agree that Smite evil needs to return.
Ret strike is a joke as a main ability.
a lot of paladin players dont like to play baby sitter, which how your paladin is now in pf2pt is.
as I said else where, the paladin's auras were better at protecting both the paladin and the party members.
it is a shame to see the class as it is now....
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restoration of the pf1 paladin abilities or restoration of the paladin class.....
ok someone had to say it
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I suffer from Asperger's syndrome.... it is a form of autism...
seeing me here behind my screen name is one thing.
meeting me in person.. well I try to hide it well enough even though I fail at times with it.
and because I do prefer my privacy , Im not likely to tell you face to face either.
and this itself may come from I Was placed into a mental hospital when I Was young and they made us all there tell why were there to people nightly when they had a new in house patient, and while it might help with some on that, it only lead to me getting madder at having to do it....
so yeah, you can claim safe space all you want, but what it cant do is take into consideration those who cant or wont tell you that you or a fellow gamer offended them or take into consideration those who get offended having to come out about it...
safe space..... it should have said friendly environment and leave it at that