Dungeon Runner -- The Social Experiment to Save the World (Inactive)

Game Master Chainmail

All of the young ones had one thing in common, they were taken in by small communities of the fey. Some say their parents died of unfortunate accidents, others would say these accidents were too suspicious and coincidental to be happenstance.

Nevertheless, elevators would descend to the underground and young adults that left had no memory of anything but the happy community of small fey creatures that raised them. Pushed them to be their best, and then waking up at the bottom of the shaft.

Link to MAPS!!

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Having just seen the Maze Runner movie, I am inspired to recreate an old Homebrew adventure similar to the recent movie.

You each are captured by a sinister wizard and placed in a strange underground world created by a clan of gnomes. The elevator from the surface arrives once a month to provide you supplies and replacements. It will not return with anyone in it. The small amount of food you have requires you to hunt in the ever-shifting maze. No one wants to be in there at night.

Why are we here and how do we escape?

If there is interest:
1 -- We may use kingdom building rules as you build your home underground if there is interest.
2 -- We will use 15pt average point buy, but wealth is not an issue, you have nothing at start
3 -- I plan on taking a large party as it should be quite deadly. This is the deadly version, as the wizard is performing a Darwinian experiment. No danger = no culling of the gene pool.
4 -- No traits -- but everyone gets a campaign bonus campaign feat.
5 -- No third party.

This will be my third homebrew. Homebrews are not for everyone. Chase rules may be used to escape the maze.

I'd be interested. This seems like it could be a lot of fun. I haven't seen the movie, but I'm eager to. When you say campaign bonus feat, is this a feat we can use on anything or will you be creating a pool of feats relating to the campaign? Also, what are you thinking on restrictions to races?

Put me down as interested as well. I haven't seen the book or read it either but it sounds a little like that Sword Art Online anime, but with moving walls, or something.


Having just seen the movie myself (the ending was kinda cop-out IMO), I am colored interested.

The 15pt makes sense, since we won't be actually trained in our chosen profession. I like where you're taking this.

Sovereign Court

How does the campaign bonus feat work? Starting at 1st level?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I'd be interested in giving something like this a try. Are you open to the alternate races, classes offered on the PRD or only the core/basic ones?

I'm interested. 15point just means SAD classes are superior. Lots of dumb barbarians running around

Starting level would be 1 --only core races will be used (I have seen flying aasimars with 20' of poor flight speed somehow on the recruiting boards at level 1).
Bonus feat will be fey foundling--everyone gets it but no traits. Raised in a structured society of fey, you are part of a magic experiment.

I'm interested. What are the races available and are we allowed to use alternate race traits?

Rouge here,
*disappears and reappears a few feet distant**
When do we begin?

I am quite interested in this. I will probably play as an Urban barbarian who multiclasses into scarred witch doctor, half orc of course.

Favorting this thread so I can stay up to date.

Interesting. I've read the core trilogy and they were some of the best YA fiction I've read in a while. So, I'm interested.

One question - will characters start with their memories intact?

I could probably go with some improvised weapon brawler.

There seems some interest, so we are in official recruiting mode.
Here are the tweaks--memories will not be intact. Any knowledge skills will be suppressed except knowledge arcane. You can put skills in them, but you will not use them until later. You will be allowed to unsuppress one knowledge skill per level.

Everyone will share the feat Fey Foundling, except with a dark twist. Adopted by fey, you were sure they meant the best for you. Then you woke up at the bottom of an elevator in a hostile world of the ever-shifting maze. No traits will be used, and the additional traits feat does not exist. Alternate racial traits are fair game.

Since many think aliases are precious, putting your character concepts and crunch in a spoiler will suffice for now. Core races only -- 15 point buy. I have no problem with a 7 or 5. Dwarves with 5 charisma are always fun to roleplay. First installment will get us to level 4 for those who survive. Since I only saw the movie, I would have to read the next book for more material.

Note: backgrounds are not so important when you all share a common beginning. So INSTEAD OF A BACKGROUND, write a journal entry that describes be taken in or sent to live among powerful fey creatures, how they helped you improve your class abilities 'to survive in a hostile world' and awaking alone at the bottom of a huge elevator underground with all memories, including your name, gone.

Deities and alignments: All characters may worship ideals highly tied to your alignment. PCs may be any alignment without a vowel in it. Clerics must choose the war domain as their primary domain, but their second domain is up to them.

Finally, some classes will be tweaked and good things will be added because IMHO they are underpowered. If you make one, and are given extra good things, you may turn them down if you want to play the class as written. One hint: the alchemist and bard class are not on the list.

I recommend not relying on the movie as a substitute to book 1. The series is very complex - many important characters; all loose ends are tried up. I am sure there is stuff the movie left out that is critical to fully understanding what's going on in the rest of the trilogy.

I'm potentially interested in this. I looked over your Mummy's Mask thread a bit and looks like your GMing style is something I could have fun with. I do have a few questions though.

So, to be clear, the only races available are Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, and Human?

Are all Paizo published classes available? Archetypes?

GM Tribute wrote:
4 -- No traits -- but everyone gets a campaign bonus campaign feat.

Everyone gets Fey Foundling as a bonus feat, do we get an additional bonus feat?

Should we expect traps to be frequent? Magical traps?

Finally, a comment. I'd recommend against going with more than 5-6 players. It tends to slow things down dramatically in PBP in my experience. If you're worried about the party being too weak, you could give a slightly higher point buy or maximize HP for levels 1,2 (and even 3 if you want). Thanks ahead of time for the clarification.


Male Half Orc Barbarian



Racial Features:
Sacred Tattoo
Shamans Apprentice
Orc Blood
Chain Fighter

Class Features:
Controlled Rage: When an urban barbarian rages, instead of making a normal rage she may apply a +4 morale bonus to her Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.

This bonus increases to +6 when she gains greater rage and +8 when she gains mighty rage. She may apply the full bonus to one ability score or may split the bonus between several scores in increments of +2.

When using a controlled rage, an urban barbarian gains no bonus on Will saves, takes no penalties to AC, and can still use Intelligence-, Dexterity-, and Charisma-based skills. This ability otherwise follows the normal rules for rage.

Crowd Control:At 1st level, an urban barbarian gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC when adjacent to two or more enemies. In addition, her movement is not impeded by crowds, and she gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her barbarian level on Intimidate checks to influence crowds.

Endurance(From Shamans Apprentice)
Fey Foundling


Entry 1:What strange creatures these fey are. I wandered throughout the wilderness of this area for years without bumping into them once. Or was it only minutes? Can't seem to recall. My sense of time is going.

The gnomes are nice enough. My already potent survival skills have increased under their tutelage. Who would of thought Gnomes of all people new so much about increasing physical strength.

Entry 2:The Gnomes were acting a bit odd today. Said I had reached perfect testing size, whatever that means. The constantly due measurements to see how strong I am. At night, when I rest, I hear other races outside. Elves, Humans, Dwarves, but when I awake, nothing. Am I dreaming.

Entry 3:I am not sticking around here anymore. I snuck out to use the restroom at night and caught them hauling some poor human off to an elevator. I felt suddenly sick looking at the doors, like it was some gaping maw coming to swallow me. Must try to get out tomorrow.

Entry 4:Oh holy Torglarok they are coming for me. There going to shove me down that elevator, after doing who knows what to me. I saw what happened to one of the Elves, they did something to him and he forgot everything, even his own name. Is that my fate. No! They are at the door. Must stash this journal somewhere on me so I have some small chance at remembrance.

I hope it meets your satisfaction.

DM Jelani wrote:
I'd recommend against going with more than 5-6 players. It tends to slow things down dramatically in PBP in my experience.

I agree. Many players = SLOOOOOOOOOW games, especially with pbp.

I suggest that every player control multiple PCs - one primary and several secondary. The primary would function as a "main character" and the one the player will use exclusively, or most often. The secondary PCs would be quasi-NPCs; an NPC under the players' control but absolutely considered a "background character". This will allow for a few things:

1 - fewer players will yield faster games. Controlling many PCs wont be much of an issue because in PbP, we can post multiple rolls at a time. It would be the same as if we were posting rolls for our summoned creatures or followers. Though, most of the time, our secondary PCs probably won't be in combat.

2 - if the primary dies, then the player can move to one of their secondary characters with seamless integration. No need to stretch plot to introduce new PCs, which, will become a big problem, if this game follows the books at all (looking at you Scorch Trials).

3 - Having multiple characters will give players a sense of responsibility of the 'greater good'. Random death of those secondary characters would further encourage that the players find a way out of the maze with everyone. After all, fewer secondary characters means fewer backups and that the player is closer to being out of the game. Also, 'loyalty to the group' is a BIG theme in the books.

Well, I have found that drops and lack of posting leads to SLOOW games. More players give you more chances to have a slow poster, but the consequences of missed posts are more severe for small groups. I had started a four player Mummy's Mask game and after a competitive recruitment I have had at least four drops before they made second level. I had to go back and recruit twice.

In my Keep on the Borderlands, the cleric posted slow a few times and almost caused TPKs.

So, we will be moving combat along and not waiting for everyone to post. If you don't post, you don't go. I expect there to be over half the players dropping in the first few months, that is just how it is. There is little investment in the social contract of a PbP compared to a FtF game.

I have noticed Homebrews aren't for everyone. Drops should be higher than in the APs, APs are the known quantity of a Kingmaker Sandbox or a Carrion Crown gothic horror. That is why the size of the party will have built into it a 75% posting rate.

The positive is I have yet to drop a game with four regular players. So I will not disappear from the boards and strand a game with no notice as is common on the boards.

So, the social contract is a post a day for weekdays. This is five posts a week. Unfortunately no game I have run has maintained a five post a week rate per player.

The Patriot has what I want. He has the honor of being the first PC shoved in the elevator. That will give him some seniority and a free magic tiny fey loadstone--Know Direction Spell 1x/day

GM Tribute wrote:

Well, I have found that drops and lack of posting leads to SLOOW games. More players give you more chances to have a slow poster, but the consequences of missed posts are more severe for small groups. I had started a four player Mummy's Mask game and after a competitive recruitment I have had at least four drops before they made second level. I had to go back and recruit twice.

In my Keep on the Borderlands, the cleric posted slow a few times and almost caused TPKs.

So, we will be moving combat along and not waiting for everyone to post. If you don't post, you don't go. I expect there to be over half the players dropping in the first few months, that is just how it is. There is little investment in the social contract of a PbP compared to a FtF game.

I have noticed Homebrews aren't for everyone. Drops should be higher than in the APs, APs are the known quantity of a Kingmaker Sandbox or a Carrion Crown gothic horror. That is why the size of the party will have built into it a 75% posting rate.

The positive is I have yet to drop a game with four regular players. So I will not disappear from the boards and strand a game with no notice as is common on the boards.

So, the social contract is a post a day for weekdays. This is five posts a week. Unfortunately no game I have run has maintained a five post a week rate per player.

The Patriot has what I want. He has the honor of being the first PC shoved in the elevator. That will give him some seniority and a free magic tiny fey loadstone--Know Direction Spell 1x/day

Okay. It's true that people usually drop, and if you're moving combat along whether or not people post then it doesn't matter how many players there are. I'd still like answers to the questions about character creation that I posed here though. Thanks.

Thank you GM Tribute. I will monitor daily to see when we start playing.

So, to be clear, the only races available are Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, and Human? YES

Are all Paizo published classes available? Archetypes? Yes. All non 3 Party allowed. Guns may be hard to find.

GM Tribute wrote:

4 -- No traits -- but everyone gets a campaign bonus campaign feat.

Everyone gets Fey Foundling as a bonus feat, do we get an additional bonus feat? You get a campaign feat as the early APs did--just not any choice to make things simple. You get your bonus feat at level 1. (Before traits there were campaign feats--I am going back to those days)

Should we expect traps to be frequent? Magical traps?
Traps should be frequent. Many should be magical.

Magic users will not start with a spell book, but will find a way to relearn spells in camp.

Okay, thank you for the answers to the questions. I will begin thinking of which character would be best suited for this challenge. Knowing that there's already a barbarian in the mix makes that a little easier.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Interested in playing a halfling swashbuckler. Do we start with any gear?

Sorry, I'm not clear on campaign feats. Is there a list of them somewhere?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Won't have time to tidy this up until Sunday (going on a trip) but here is most of a stat sheet.


Halfling swashbuckler (mouser)
st 3-/11
dx 5+/16
co 2/12
in 2/12
wi -4/7
ch 7+/17

Bonus Feat: Fey Foundling
Benefit: Whenever you receive magical healing, you heal an additional 2 points per die rolled. You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against death effects. Unfortunately, you also suffer +1 point of damage from cold iron weapons (although you can wield cold iron weapons without significant discomfort).

Feat: Two-weapon fighting
Campaign feat: Well-prepared?

Skills (6)
Sleight of Hand
Escape Artist
(stealth +4)

weapon: rapier (d4 dmg) and dagger (d3 dmg)
attack: 1 BAB +3 Dex +1 size = +5
CMB: 1 BAB -1 size +0 Str=0
CMD: 1 BAB -1 size +0 Str +3 Dex=+3
AC: 10 + 3 Dex +1 size+3 armor =17 (studded leather armor)

Halfling abilities:
Slow (20')
Languages: Common, Halfling, +1
Fearless: +2 racial bonus save vs. fear
Hafling luck: +1 racial bonus all saves (stacks with fearless)
Sure Footed: +2 acrobatics/climb
Weapons: slings, "halfling" weapons
Low Blow: +1 confirm crits vs. larger creatures (replaces Keen Senses)
Underfoot: +1 dodge AC vs. larger foes, +1 Reflex vs. trample (replaces Halfling Luck)

Swashbuckler class features:

Swashbuckler Finesse:
At 1st level, a swashbuckler gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and she can use her Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a prerequisite for combat feats. This ability counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites.

starts at 3/3 (=Cha)
regained by crits or kills with light/1-handed piercing weapon


Derring-Do (Ex): At 1st level, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point when she makes an Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check to roll 1d6 and add the result to the check. She can do this after she makes the check but before the result is revealed. If the result of the d6 roll is a natural 6, she rolls another 1d6 and adds it to the check. She can continue to do this as long as she rolls natural 6s, up to a number of times equal to her Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).

Dodging Panache (Ex): At 1st level, when an opponent attempts a melee attack against the swashbuckler, the swashbuckler can as an immediate action spend 1 panache point to move 5 feet; doing so grants the swashbuckler a dodge bonus to AC equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 0) against the triggering attack. This movement doesn't negate the attack, which is still resolved as if the swashbuckler had not moved from the original square. This movement is not a 5-foot step; it provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures other than the one who triggered this deed. The swashbuckler can only perform this deed while wearing light or no armor, and while carrying no heavier than a light load.

Underfoot Assault (Ex): At 1st level, if a foe whose size is larger than the mouser's is adjacent to her and misses her with a melee attack, the mouser can as an immediate action spend 1 panache point to move 5 feet into an area of the attacker's space. This movement does not count against the mouser's movement the next round, and it doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. While the mouser is within a foe's space, she is considered to occupy her square within that foe's space.

While the mouser is within her foe's space, the foe takes a –4 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks not made against the mouser, and all of the mouser's allies that are adjacent to both the foe and the mouser are considered to be flanking the foe. The mouser is considered to be flanking the foe whose space she is within if she is adjacent to an ally who is also adjacent to the foe. The mouser can move within her foe's space and leave the foe's space unhindered and without provoking attacks of opportunity, but if the foe attempts to move to a position where the mouser is no longer in its space, the movement provokes an attack of opportunity from the mouser. This deed replaces opportune parry and riposte.

No gear. You add the feat fey foundling to your character instead of two traits in addition to what a level 1 character typically has. A human could conceivably start with four feats including this one.

I just wanted to say that i am still interested. But i won't be able to work on anything for a day or two.

Working on a slayer. Should have him finished tonight.

Edit:Realized that starting with no gear AND a survival type scenario AND a 15 point buy aren't going to be fun for me. Not enough viable builds for that situation. Sorry for the lead on, but I'm going to withdraw my interest.

Excellent concerns. Will we be able to bring in secondary characters if ours die?

I am guessing the no gear thing is a misconception. I think we will have gear...daily shipments from the elevator...or, that's how it was in the book.

Either that or we will be crafting everything

Either or, 15pts is an uphill climb for a survival game. Especially without traits.

Your character has no gear at first--yes. That is true to the story.

No problem-- I know many think gear is an important part of your 'build' I like Falcatas as much as the next guy.

I think I am putting us back at interest check level. I will not get ahead of myself and finish the maze maps.

Well with the inability to build for a specific weapon (ie most dex based melee builds), it’s pretty dicey. I’d like to ply a swashbucklery guy with a dueling sword, but I have no garauntee of ever seeing a dueling sword. Without access to thieves’ tools disable device/trapfinding is fairly useless. I’m sure tools will come along but exotic weapons seem unlikely in this case.

Edit:Ninja’d. Exactly, GM Tribute.

There are still a few options for not being able to rely on gear.

1- craft stuff. One skill point and s check will allow you to malt that sword.

2- improvised weapons. Use whatever is available

3- simple weapons- sticks and clubs aare everywhere

4- spells- who needs a sword when you have magic?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Sounds really interesting to me. This has got me thinking about running a maze based on the Ravnica world from Magic: the Gathering.

Still interested thinking about a human monk will try to get him made sometime in the next few days.

You will be using improvised thieves tools (-2) at first.

How important is increased movement speed (i.e. running) to this game? To chase rules in general?

Here's the monk. Think I got everything. let me know if I missed anything.


Male Human Monk
LN Medium humanoid (Human)
Init: 2, Senses Perception: 6
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 13
hp 10
Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1
Unarmed +2
Flurry of blows +1/+1
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 7
Base Atk 0 ; CMB +1 , CMD 16
Feats: Weapon focus (unarmed), Fey Foundling, Catch off guard, Bleeding attack,
Skills: Acrobatics:5 Climb:4 Craft:1 Escape Artist:5 Intimidate:-2 Knowledge (history):1 Knowledge (Religion):1 Perception:6 Perform:-2 Profession:3 Ride:2 Sense Motive: 6 Stealth:2 Swim:1
Languages: Common, Sylvan
Special Abilities: Flurry of blows, Stunning fist, Unarmed Strike, Heart of the Wilderness

OK, with two characters made, we will start them out in the elevator on Monday--I connected the game/discussion thread. Lilwily and the Patriot move over to the discussion thread--only post in gameplay when you have our aliases made. If others like what you see, you may be asked to join them. They will be the guinea pigs. The monk and the barbarian are niners, they show up in the ninth elevator. I will be starting the maze on Monday for them. If other characters are made, they will be in the next elevator arriving a week from Monday in real time.

I am drawing inspiration from 1--Maze Runner 2--Terra Nova (Steven Spielburg's amazing but shortlived sci fi series and 3--Frank Herbert's the Jesus Incident blatantly copied in the computer game Alpha Centauri and the movie Avatar.

Being a human monk should grant four feats -- bonus campaign, bonus human, starting feat and bonus monk--right.

I request those interested review the chase rules linked here
LINK to CHase rules

Wolfwaker here. This guy is ready to go.


I don't know how I got here, but I do know one thing. I WILL return to my home. Wherever that is. I write this journal in the halfling tongue in the hopes that my captors will not be able to read it. They don't show much interest in my personal belongings.

These strange beings--some grotesque, some impossibly beautiful, some cruel, some indifferent--seem to be using us as some kind of game. They feed us well and do not harm us, but they refuse to answer questions about why we are here. Some days they let us fight for sport. They tell us we need to sharpen our skills so I do my best to learn. I will take any skills they can teach me. The others are mostly human, they are big and slow, so I can hold my own by dodging and getting in little cuts. At first they underestimated me but I think I am earning their respect.

Today they turned us loose in the woods and let us find our way back. I was paired with a big human--strong but clumsy. We fashioned weapons--a pair of spears for me and a massive club for the human. We got attacked by a wolf and I climbed a vine. The human was just holding him off when he tripped over a root so I had to jump down and poke the wolf before he went down. I could not have held him off, but I distracted him just long enough for my companion to club him in the head. We are learning we have to stick together to survive.

Is fey foundling counted in that? I got the feats like so.
Starting: Weapon focus(unarmed)
Bonus (human):Bleeding attack
Monk Feat:Catch off-guard
Bonus(campaign):Fey foundling

The Patriot wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

Patriot, I think your speed should be 40ft. Barbarians get fast movement 10ft at 1st level, unless you substituted that through some archetype...

LibraryRPGamer wrote:
The Patriot wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...
Patriot, I think your speed should be 40ft. Barbarians get fast movement 10ft at 1st level, unless you substituted that through some archetype...

Urban barbarian replaces it with crowd control.

Gundza wrote:
LibraryRPGamer wrote:
The Patriot wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...
Patriot, I think your speed should be 40ft. Barbarians get fast movement 10ft at 1st level, unless you substituted that through some archetype...
Urban barbarian replaces it with crowd control.

Ahh...didn't see the archetype.

Sorry it took so long to get a character ready. I have never worked with 15pt buy before. I hope it is acceptable.

Character Submission:

Bjorn Icerunner
Subject 10A, named Bjorn Incerunner, was found traveling the tundra within the Land of the Linnorm Kings. When under duress, subject 10A "summons" a covering of unknown properties that appear to protect subject from harsh environments. This covering can only be described as a "Yeti". Solitary conditions do not appear to affect subject 10A.

LN Male Human Synthesist Summoner (medium biped eidolon)
STR 7 (16), DEX 7 (12), CON 18 (13), +2, INT 13, WIS 14, CHA 14

AC: 15 (19 w/ mage armor); HP: 22/11
Saves +1/+1/+4, CMD: 15
Resistances: Fire 5, Cold 5

Seed 30ft, BAB +1, CMB +4
Full Attack: Claws x2= +4, 1d4+3

Feat: Tribal Scars (night watch), Toughness, Fey Foundling (cb)
Favored Class: extra HP
Evolutions: Imp. Natural Armor, Resistance (fire), Resistance (cold)
Trained Skills: Knowledge (Arcane) +6, Perception +5, Survival +5, Spellcraft +6

0 - Know 4; infinite= detect magic, guidance, mage hand, open/close
1 - Know 2; 2/day = mage armor, rejuvenate eidolon (lesser)


Subject 10A, Entry 1-
I arrived in Trollhelm today and I already feel the anxiety I get whenever I am in the city to deliver some message to one of the many peons of a Linnorm King. Like always, I am a "respected guest" but I know that they fear me because I can survive in the taundra while they wither and die. I will be leaving Trollhelm tomorrow and I will again be free to run.

Subject 10A, Entry 2-
I believe that I may be lost. I've done the run from Trollhelm to Halgrim a dozen times. I was in full sprint and the river was on my right when I saw these pack of...of creatures off in the distance. I stopped to look for a moment, and when I looked back, the river was no longer there. Tomorrow, I will circle back and find that river.

Subject 10A, Entry 3-
Wherever I am, the terrain is strange. it's warm and there are plants I've never seen before. Wait...I think I see those creatures again...

Subject 10A, Entry 4-
The creatures have me captive here. I know I have been here for some time because the undergrowth is much different than it was when I arrived. I see the creatures talk together but I do not understand their language. I think they are studying me...their tone sounds "approving". I'm not sure if that is good or bad.

Bjorn and Taren look good. They are being drugged by fey and being prepped for the next elevator as we speak. Room for two more before Monday.

Thanks Tribute. I'm excited to start this game of mazes. Taren and I start next Monday - Oct 20th, correct?

Yes--should give me time to work you in. Already designed the first encounters for the first two.

OK. Sounds good. I will read the gameplay posts until then to keep myself updated.

EDIT: Sounds like Acrobatics is going to be important. Is it ok if I switch out Resistance (cold) for the Skilled (Acrobatics) evolution?

Excellent, thanks!

That is an awesome avatar, Bjorn. Can't wait to meet him.

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