The current alchemist has a number of issues which I'd like to address. Bulk is the first that comes to mind. All alchemists have to carry at least 3 bulk of gear before we even think of picking up a weapon, armor or anything else you may want to carry.
Alchemist's Kit 2 bulk
Formula Book 1 bulk
Healer's Tools 1 bulk
Yes there are ways to avoid being encumbered, such as raising str, or taking the hefty hauler feat at lv3. But I don't think getting a pack mule or handing them to someone else would solve the problem because these are things you will want with you at all times. And what other class is required to carry around 3 bulk of items just to use their basic class features? Also keep in mind this is not including any weapons or armor.
The next issue involves the different research fields. At 1st level you can choose between Bomber, Chirurgeon, and Mutagenist. They all give you 2 formula's along with some other benefit. I'll go over these one at a time.
Bomber wrote:
When you throw a a bomb with the splash trait, you can chose to deal splash damage to only your target instead of the usual splash area.
This is good because you can prevent your allies from taking splash damage. You will make use of this nearly every combat, so it's easily the best of the 3.
Chirurgeon wrote:
As long as you're trained in medicine, you can make a craft check in place of a medicine check for any of medicine's uses.
So basically this lets you use your int mod instead of your wis mod. It's a good bonus, which amounts to +2-4 on a medicine check. But you still need Healer's Tools on hand, which only worsens the bulk problem.
Mutagenist wrote:
You can benefit from any mutagen, even if it wasn't specifically brewed for you. Whenever your proficiency rank for simple weapons increases, your proficiency rank in unarmed strikes increases to the same rank unless it's better.
Okay that first part does nothing. In the playtest a character could only benefit from a mutagen that was brewed specifically for them. This was removed in the final version, and now everyone can use any mutagen without issue. Now the 2nd part does eventually grant you expert proficiency in unarmed strikes, which is useful. But this doesn't happen until 7th level. So you gain no benefit from being a mutagenist until 7th level.
Alchemical Alacrity wrote:
Your comfort in concocting items is such that you can
create three at a time. When using the Quick Alchemy action, you can spend up to three batches of infused reagents to make up to three alchemical items as described in that action. These items do not have to be the same.
First I'd like to make it clear this is an ability you get a lv15. Ok so if you use 1 action and 3 reagents, you can create any 3 alchemical items that you know the formula's for. But anything made with quick alchemy becomes inert at the start of your next turn. So after making the items, you are left with 2 actions to use 3 items.
The only ways I can see this being of use are
1. An ally moves if necessary, takes one, and uses it. This takes 2-3 of their actions, and chances are they will have something better to do on their turn.
2. You somehow gain an extra action and use all 3 items yourself.
3. You take the Enduring Alchemy feat, which gives you an extra turn before items made through quick alchemy go inert.
So 2 out of those 3 uses are situational, and the 3rd requires you to take a certain feat. This feels very underwhelming for a lv15 ability.
{quote=Bestial Mutagen]Benefit- You gain an item bonus to Athletics checks and
unarmed attack rolls. You gain a claw unarmed attack with the agile trait and a jaws unarmed attack.
Drawback- You take a –1 penalty to AC and a –2 penalty to Reflex saves.
This also feels mediocre to me. If we compare it to a weapon of equivalent level, the mutagen grants +1 to hit, -1 to AC and -2 to reflex saves. It feels like the penalties outweigh the benefit.
Here are my suggestions on how to fix these issues.
Reduce the alchemist's kit to 1 bulk, and the formula book to L bulk. This drops the total bulk from 3 to 1.1, which is a lot more managable.
Have the mutagenist research path either increase the benefits from a mutagen by 1 or reduce a mutagen's penalties by 1. I feel this would make them more useful to the alchemist.
Alchemical Alacrity, change it so you can use one of the items you just made as a free action.
Those are the biggest issues I have noticed so far with the class.
I will be playing serpents skull with 3 other players. I don't know what the others are planning, so I was thinking of going with a druid, playing as a balanced build at first, then focus more on casting later. I haven't played a druid before, so any advice would be appreciated. As for character creation, all 1st party books are allowed, 20 point buy, 2 traits (1 campaign, 1 anything), starting at lv1.
Here's what I've got so far. I was originally thinking of playing it more as a caster, but a combat build might be nice too.
After that I'm not sure what to take, maybe superior summoning, unless the situation needed something else. Maybe craft wondrous if needed. And improved inititive is always useful.
I haven't decided on my nature bond yet, the extra body from the animal companion would be nice early on. But in the long term, how useful will it be if I'm going to summon a lot? Would an extra spell per lv be more useful?
I'm open to any suggestions, but I'll probably keep it as a half orc, unless I can find something I like even more. And I'd like to keep the ability to wildshape. Thanks for reading.
I am interested in making an EK for PFS. My original plan was fighter 1/teleportation wizard 1/EK 10 (from early entry via the aasimars daylight). But after reading about the blade adept, I'm curious how this would work out, and if it would be better than my original plan.
My plan for arcanist so far is as follows.
Perikin aasimar
str 15
dex 13
con 14
int 16
wis 12
cha 10
Traits: Blade of Mercy, Bruising Intellect. Take additional traits, get magical knack and something else.
Since the blade adept loses their first 2 exploits at lvs 1 and 3. I am not able to take extra exploit until I've become a 5th lv arcanist, correct?
Some exploits I'm interested in.
Dimensional Slide - Sounds like it could be fun and powerful.
School Understanding - To get teleportation's shift ability, then I would no longer have to worry about being grappled.
Arcane Accuracy - Would help with my lower hit bonus.
Eldritch Blade
With the retraining rules, I could later retrain power attack to get another exploit, since (as far as I'm aware) you just need to qualify for the feat at the time of retraining. Then I could choose power attack as my EK bonus feat. Or maybe go with improved initiative instead of power attack.
Haven't decided on a weapon, but it would have to be a 1 handed slashing weapon, preferably with a high crit range. So probably a scimitar or cutlass.
A few things I will not change, aasimar race, enforcer feat and the blade of mercy/bruising intellect traits. But the rest I am open to suggestions and advice on how to improve this.
For awhile now, I've been interested in making an EK. I've read the guide, but I'm still not quite sure what feats to go for and when. This will be for PFS, so I most likely won't be playing the character above 11th lv (where the EK starts to have economy issues).
Here's what I've thought of so far.
Tiefling (+Dex, +Int, -Cha)
Str 15 (raise to 16 at lv4)
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 16
Wis 12
Cha 7
lv1 Unarmed fighter, get unarmed strike and monkey style as bonus feats.
lv2 Wizard, divination/scryer sub school for early entry into EK. Still debating if I should go with the shadow caster archetype or not.
lv3-12 Eldritch Knight
Opposition schools
Enchantment and something else.
Magical Knack, and something else, maybe reactionary?
Spell Focus - Conjuration?
Power Attack
Arcane Strike
Arcane Armor Training
Improved Initiative
Combat Casting
Maybe Cornugon Smash?
For armor I'd get a mithral chain shirt. Then use spells like mirror image to stay alive.
I'm going to play a bomber alchemist in a kingmaker campaign. And I've been looking through the discoveries trying to decide which to take. But there are so many good bomb ones, that it's hard to choose what order to take them in.
The party consists of:
Melee Fighter
Melee Inquisitor
Caster Druid
Bard who I think will be in melee.
And of course myself.
Everybody is human, except the monk is a half orc.
I'm thinking of taking craft wondrous item at lv5 or 7. But otherwise, I'll probably just be taking extra discovery.
For discoveries, I'd get precise bombs as a bonus discovery at lv2. Then I was thinking of getting frost bombs, smoke/stink bombs or tanglefoot bombs, Infusion by lv4 or 5. And fast/force bombs at lv8 and 9. I haven't really thought about anything passed that.
I wrote this for a kingmaker campaign, and I was hoping I could get some feedback on it before I give it to the GM. I haven't thought of any names yet, so that will change.
Born during mid spring as the result of a tryst between a noble human and a half elf. Being an illegitimate child, she was unable to meet her father and so she was raised by her mother alone. As she got older, she started helping out around the house and even with her mothers work (who was a herbalist).
Years later, she was drafted into the regional armed forces. And with her knowledge of plants, she was assigned to help out in treating the injured. It was there that she met someone who would greatly influence her life. [Blank], one of the local physicians, was impressed at her skills at such a young age and decided to teach her more about medicine. But there was only so much he could teach her, so he suggested that once her service was done, that she should go to Lepidstadt University to further study medicine and alchemy.
Following his advice, she did just that and enrolled. One day while reading through some books in Laurelgauge Library, she overheard a couple people talking about the legend of Yggdrasil, whose leaves are said to be capable of curing anything and everything. Curious, she scoured the library in search of even the smallest bit of information, but was unsuccessful in her efforts. Other than hearing about Yggdrasil and the Lepidstadt tradition, which involves dueling upon Fifthstones hill until you receive a small cut on your face (AKA a “Lepidstadt Scar”), school life was rather uneventful.
Upon graduation, she returned to her home town and set up a clinic. Things went well for awhile, but due to her policy where everybody is treated and nobody is turned away (even those without money), she fell into debt. After hearing about the charter to go into the stolen lands, she jumped at the chance in an attempt to get away from loan sharks. And who knows, she may even find or hear something about Yggdrasil.
I haven't decided on all the mechanics yet, but I'm thinking of a bomber alchemist with the internal and mindchemist archetypes. Probably a half elf and get proficiency with a longbow for when I'm not bombing.
I'm going to be playing kingmaker in a couple weeks and I've decided on a human ninja that focuses more on stealth and infiltration. But I haven't quite decided on how to build it. So I am here asking for your advice. We will be using a 20 point buy and any pathfinder book is ok (no 3rd party).
For stats, I haven't decided between a str/dex hybrid, or a straight dex build.
Str/dex build:
16 str
15 dex
14 con
10 int
8 wis
14 cha
I'd put the lv4 bonus into dex to make it 16. After that I'm not quite sure.
This would give me higher damage and carrying capacity overall without the feat tax. But I'd take a -1 to anything dex, int or wis based (compared to the dex build).
Dex build:
11 str
17 dex
14 con
12 int
10 wis
14 cha
I'd put all my lv bonuses into dex.
With that, I'd only have to focus on dex. But that comes with a feat (and possibly an enhancement) tax.
Some feats I was thinking about are.
Two Weapon Fighting
Combat Reflexes
Defiant Luck
Inexplicable Luck
Skill Focus x3 with focused study
Weapon Focus
The Eldritch Heritage line in the shadow bloodline.
Quick Draw
Ninja Tricks:
And some ninja tricks I am considering.
Vanishing Trick
Shadow Clone
Acrobatic Trick
High Jump
Hidden Weapon
Fast Stealth
Sudden Disguise
Hey there forum people. I'll be playing this AP soon and I was thinking of playing a ninja built towards stealth, infiltration and quick death. But I was wondering how useful a ninja would be, since I've heard rogues aren't the greatest choice for this AP.
I'm trying to come up with a backstory for a rise of the runelords campaign, but I've been drawing a blank so far.
I will be playing a male gnome wizard, conjugation/teleportation specialization and enchantment/necromancy for my opposition schools. Focusing on summoning and buffs/battlefield control spells.
I'm going to start playing this AP soon, but I'm having some trouble deciding what to play, so I came here for your opinions.
The other players are an elf ranger (archery), human or half ogre barbarian, tiefling synth summoner and a cleric. I'm not sure if the ranger will be getting an animal later on.
I've decided on either a wizard or an eldritch knight (probably a gnome), but I'm having trouble deciding between the two. For my specialized school I'm leaning towards either transmutation or conjuration, but I'm not sure what to choose for my prohibited schools.
I'm just wondering if this is legal/allowed in PFS, after reading a few threads here I was worried it might not be, so thought I would ask beforehand to avoid any future problems.
Anyways, what I wanted to do was have a tiefling using the disguise skill and a hat of disguise to appear as a human (in terms of appearances only). Reason being is that in most societies, tieflings are generally shunned/looked down on, so some tieflings may want to try and hide their fiendish heritage if possible.
I believe this should be legal because the disguise skill lists modifiers to be disguised as another age/gender/race/size, but I just wanted to make sure before I play the character.
Ok so an invisible target go visible whenever they make an attack against an enemy. I'm wondering if an invisible witch using a hex on an enemy would be considered making an attack on them, thus making the witch visible again.
1. When a lv 10+ beastmorph alchemist uses a (feral) mutagen, he can gain the trip ability. My question is, does the trip ability only apply to one natural attack or all of them?
2. With the trip ability, if you take your free trip attempt and fail, do you fall prone?
3. Would this combo be possible? Amplify Elixir -> Alchemical Allocation -> Enhance Potion -> Potion of Barkskin = +6 enhancement bonus to natural armor, assuming a caster lv of 9+.
4. If an alchemist is grappled, would he need to make a concentration check to use an extract?
I'm looking for advice on creating a wizard for pfs play. More specifically a void wizard who focuses on illusions more than anything else.
Wizard Build Info
Level 1 Elf Wizard
Specialized School: Void
Opposition School: Fire
Arcane Bond: Ring
Traits: Reactionary (+2 init), Tomb Raider (+1 to perception and know:dungeon, also one becomes a class skill)
Spell Focus: Illusion (pfs wizards get spell focus instead of scribe scroll)
Improved Initiative
Heighten Spell (bonus feat)
Preferred Spell: Emergency Force Sphere
I'm not sure what to take for the rest of my feats. I was thinking of taking Breadth of Experience for a +2 to all knowledge and profession skills. But beyond that I'm at a loss on what to take.
A paladins oath against fiends states that they cannot allow a evil outsider to live if they are able to stop it. But what if another player has an evil outsider as a familiar or pet (such as an imp)? The paladins code says they must kill it, but the pfs rules say you can't do any pvp combat such as attacking another player or their pet/familiar. Is the paladin just screwed in this case? And they would therefore lose their paladin powers due to not being able to follow their code, correct?
If a 7th lv paladin took eldritch heritage: arcane bloodline and chose a bonded object, would that allow the paladin to cast any 1st or 2nd lv spell on the paladin spell list? Or would it just do nothing?
Quick question, does a spell (or any ability) with a swift/immediate action casting time provoke? I know a quickened spell doesn't provoke, but I'm unsure about a normal swift spell/ability.
In the latest guide to organized play under death it says
PCs who die during a scenario and are raised receive full XP for that scenario, so long as they completed at least three encounters.
The bolded part use to say "As long as you have participated in three encounters". So I'm wondering why was it changed? Were people abusing this or taking advantage of it somehow? Because if you happen to die during the 3rd encounter it's like too bad for you, you get nothing.
I;m working on a blaster sorcerer with some support spells for PFS play, but I'm a bit unsure what spells I should take. The concept I had for this character is that his offensive spells are dual elemental (frost and fire) hence the dual bloodline and elemental spell, I know this isn't exactly optimal but I like it. I also like the idea of entangling several enemies with magic missile or fireball using elemental spell frost and rime spell. I'm thinking of going straight sorcerer otherwise that would delay my spell progression even more than it already is.
Crossblooded Primal Fire Elemental/White(Frost) Draconic
Devotee of the Green (+1 know:nature +class skill), Magical Lineage:Fireball
I'm unsure about my lv5 feat, but the rest I like.
Bloodline Arcanas
Elemental - Whenever you cast a spell with an energy descriptor that matches your elemental bloodline's energy type, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.
Draconic - Whenever you cast a spell with an energy descriptor that matches your draconic bloodline's energy type, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.
Bloodline Powers
Lv1(Elemental) - Elemental Ray, as a ranged touch attack shoot a ray of energy causing 1d6+1 energy of your type.
lv3(Elemental) - Elemental Resistance, gain resistance 10 to your energy type. Resistance becomes 20 at lv 9.
lv9(Draconic) - Dragon Resistances, gain resistance 5 to your energy type and +1 natural armor. At lv9 becomes resistance 10 and +2 natural armor.
Spells Known
For a blaster I would like least 1 spell per lv to be offensive and the rest for defense/support.
lv 1 (up to 7 at lv 7)
Mage Armor OR Burning Hands (Bloodline Spells)
Magic Missile
Protection from Evil
Silent Image
lv 2 (up to 7 at lv 11)
Scorching Ray OR Resist energy (Bloodline Spells)
Mirror Image
lv 3 (up to 6 at lv 11)
Fly OR Protection from Energy (Bloodline Spells)
Sleet Storm
Dispel Magic
lv 4 (up to 5 at lv 11)
Elemental Body 1 OR Fear (Bloodline Spells)
Volcanic Storm OR Ice Storm
Fire Wall
Dimension Door
Black Tentacles
My main question is what are some good support/defensive spells I should take? What spells should I not take? What would be a good feat to get?
I'll keep this short, is it possible for a lv 1 alchemist to do 9 splash damage (per square) with a throwing weapon (bombs/alchemist fire/acid)? And if so how?
The energy descriptor of a spell such as burning hands would be "School: Evocation [Fire]" correct?
Would elemental spell (frost) change the energy descriptor of a fire spell? Or would it still be a fire spell but just do frost damage?
If someone used a heightened spell burning hands and made it a 2nd lv spell, it would take a 2nd lv slot and have an increased dc. But would there be any other effect to the heightened spell?
EDIT: One more slightly unrelated question, What type of action would it be to pull a metamagic rod from a efficient quiver? A move action?
First I would like to state this is for PFS organized play so please keep that in mind.
Human lv 6 (Alchemist 5/Barbarian 1)
Reactionary, Indomitable Faith (traits)
Heart of the Wilderness (alternate human racial)
Str 19 (16+racial+lv4 boost)
Con 14
Dex 12
Int 14
Wis 12
Cha -7
AC 21 (+3 mithral breastplate, +1 ring of protection)
lv 1 - Iron will
lv 1 - Toughness
lv 3 - Power Attack
lv 5 - Extra Discovery
lv 7 - Extra Discovery
The 2nd lv in barbarian would be to get the lesser fiend totem rage power (gain a gore attack while raging) and 1 lv in master chymist to gain 2 uses of mutate a day.
Should I get a +1 amulet of mighty fists or eldritch claws (feat at lv 9)? If I have another weapon to bypass silver then I guess I could do without the feat.
The idea for the character was to become a monster and to be hard to actually die. I'm a bit unsure what to take after lv 7, feat/discovery wise, I was thinking preserve organs to possibly negate crits/sneak attack. Any suggestions on feats/discoveries to survivability or damage?
Some things I'm thinking of buying are a +2 belt of physical might (str/con), +2 headband of vast int (fly), +3 cloak of resistance, +2 ring of protection, boots of speed. Is there anything else I should look into?
I've been wondering, when someone takes the wings discovery would the wings always be there and you just need to use a move action to fly? Or would you need to use a standard action to make the wings appear then a move to fly?
The sorcerer's celestial bloodline power "Wings of Heaven (su)" says:
At 9th level, you can sprout feathery wings and fly for a number of minutes per day equal to your sorcerer level.
The alchemist's "Wings (ex)" discovery says:
The alchemist gains bat-like, bird-like, or insect-like functional wings, allowing him to fly as the fly spell.
The sorcerer's wings sound optional (you can sprout) while the alchemists don't sound optional to me (you gain).
I've been wondering, if a caster can't use lv 2 spells yet (not high enough lv), would they be able to learn any lv 2 spells from scrolls/spellbooks? Or would they have to wait until they can cast lv 2 spells before they can learn any from scrolls? I understand you would be unable to use any higher lv spells until you reach the appropriate lv. But I don't think the core rule book said anything about being unable to learn higher lv spells early on.
Awhile ago I saw someone had posted a list of what a character should be capable of doing at certain lvs. I'm having trouble finding it now, could someone please post a link to it?
Does the wild ragers wild fighting and/or the spell haste affect the amount of natural attacks you can do in a full round action? For example, if you have 3 natural attacks, and both wild fighting and haste grant an extra attack, would you then have 5 attacks? I don't think they affect natural attacks, but I just want to make sure before I make a decision.
Also can you attack with a bite and a gore in the same round? Assuming both are primary natural attacks.
Wild Fighting
At 2nd level, even when not raging, wild ragers often fight with reckless, savage abandon. A wild rager using the full-attack action can make one extra attack per round at her highest base attack bonus. Until the beginning of her next turn, however, she takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and –4 penalty to AC.
I've been reading about the magus recently and have some questions about it.
1.) Would casting a spell with spellstrike trigger an attack of opportunity, in the same way as normally casting a spell would?
2.) If a spell you cast that does 5d6 damage crits, what would the total damage be? 6d6 or 10d6?
3.) What would be the earliest lv you could get weapon specialization (assuming straight magus)? Would that be lv 5 or 7?
4.) To apply a special ability such as flaming burst to a weapon. Would the weapon need to be +2 before you can add the ability? Or is it when you get a +2 weapon you can pick abilities that would equal +2 (such as flaming and keen)?
5.) This may be a rhetorical question but why does dervish dance require a scimitar? Why not just a 1 handed sword?
Thinking of making a bladebound kensai magus and I'm not too sure which stat build I want to go for. This is for organized PFS play, so doubtful to get any house rules.
Str build
Can use a katana
2-3 more feats than a dervish build
Higher weight limit, HP
Lower AC, initiative, reflex save
Dex Dervish Build
Higher AC, initiative, reflex save
Scimitar required
2-3 less feats than str build
Lower weight limit, HP
The thing I like least about str build is the lower ac, while the thing about dex build is that it forces using a scimitar and less feats.
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13. . (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 13 (1d8)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3
Stats Str 18, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Iron Will, Toughness
Traits Reactionary, Indomitable Faith
Skills Craft:Alchemy, Disable Device, Knowledge:Dungeoneering, Knowledge:Nature, Perception, Spellcraft
Racial Replaced Skilled with Heart of the Wilderness
Languages Common, not sure about the other 2.
I will be gong the feral mutagen route, now onto my questions.
I was thinking going 2 alchemist, 1 barbarian, 6 alchemist, 3 chymist. Or should I drop barbarian and get another lv of chymist?
Benefits of taking 1 in barbarian - +10ft speed, Rage, Medium Armor, Martial Weapons (when not in mutagen form), Shields (when not in mutagen form?), +1 fort save.
Benefits of gaining 1 more in chymist - Brutality, +1 to extracts a day, +1 fort save, +1 reflex save.
I'm counting the 3rd lv in chymist instead of the 4th because the character seems to be over once you get to lv 12.
Some feats I was thinking of getting are Power Attack, Master Alchemist, Bloody Assault, Extra Discovery, and Extra Rage (if I get 1 in barbarian). Are there any other feats I should look into? I'm not sure how much crafting I would be doing to get use out of Master Alchemist.
Some discoveries I was thinking of taking are Feral Mutagen, Infuse Mutagen, Spontaneous Healing, Combine Extracts, Lingering Spirit. Not sure if spontaneous healing would be good since at alchemist lv8 you can only use it 4 times a day. But the above discoveries would make the alchemist hard to kill. Are there any others you recommend?
I'm working on making an alchemist and have some questions about it. I'm not sure which place would have been better to post this, rules questions or advice?
1.) Would there be any negative effects if an alchemist below lv 10 tries to apply poison to their claws (feral mutagen)? Would poison be worth using if you don't get to lv 10 alchemist (poison immunity)?
2.) What is the duration of mutagen/mutate for lv 8 alchemist/2 chymist? Would it be 80 min/100 min?
3.) With Extracts per day, does that mean as a lv 8 alchemist/2 chymist you would get the extracts of a lv 9 alchemist?
4.) If I use a shield while in feral mutagen form, could I still use the 3 natural attacks (claw/claw/bite)?
5.) I was thinking of taking 1 lv in barbarian early on so I could rage for the extra str/con, would this be wise to do? Or would it be better to go lv 10 alchemist/2 chymist?
6.) What are some good feats for an alchemist/chymist? I was thinking of taking Iron Will, Toughness, Power Attack and Master Alchemist but not too sure what else would be good.
7.) About sticky poison, the apg says when it's applied to your weapon, the weapon stays poisoned for a number of strikes equal to your int mod. So if you have an int mod of +3, the weapon would stay poisoned until you hit 3 times with that weapon, correct?
I found someone had asked this before but it got no answer and I'm curious about it myself.
The Advanced Player's Guide page states on page 27 that the Alchemist Mutagen is a transformative elixir.
So my question is.. is it possible to use "Amplify Elixer" to enhance the duration of the Mutagen by 50%
Use "Alchemical allocation" to "drink" the Mutagen without drinking it.. thereby making it possible to keep the Mutagen for as long as one has a Alchemical allocation to use instead.
Both spell states that they effect potion and elixirs.
Sorry if this is the wrong place. I started playing Pathfinder Society a few weeks ago and have a lv 2 sorcerer with a tiny lizard familiar. I'm working on my lizard character sheet now (didn't know I had a familiar until yesterday), I'm trying to figure out it's attack, but it doesn't seem right.
From what I understand it goes like this
Melee Bite
attack bonus + (1d3 + (dex mod x 1.5 for only having 1 attack))
attack bonus = base attack bonus + dex mod + size mod
Now my lizards stats are
str 3 (-4)
dex 15 (+2)
con 8 (-1)
int 6 (-2)
wis 12 (+1)
cha 2 (-4)
So it's attack bonus would be
+1(base attack bonus from being a lv2 sorcerer) +2(dex mod) +2(tiny size mod) = 5(attack bonus)
Then +5(attack bonus) + (1d3 + (2 x 1.5)) = 8 + 1d3 damage? That seems rather high to me.