Benefit: You gain +3 hit points. For every Hit Die you possess beyond 3, you gain an additional +1 hit point. If you have more than 3 Hit Dice, you gain +1 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die (such as when you gain a level).
If I receive Toughness at 6th level, do I gain 6 hit points, 3 hit points and then 1 for each level thereafter or none until I level up again?
If you get toughness at 6th lv, you get 6 hp, plus 1 more for every lv you gain afterwards. At lv20, the feat will give you 20hp, regardless of when you take it.
You gain 6 hit points. 3 for the initial part, and 3 for being above 3 Hit Die, as you are level 6, plus 1 extra every time you level from now on.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just think of it as 1 hp per level with a minimum of 3 hps.
Simply look at it from another angle.
If you have Toughness, you'll either get +1hp per HD, or a grand total of 3hp, whichever higher.
Midnight Angel, it'd be nice if you did a search for toughness first if you have a question. Two of the first three results are asking this exact question.
Midnight Angel was not asking a question. She was answering the question.
oops, my bad haha, I meant Mercurial
Well, I'm glad it was posted again. I get the desire to avoid clutter, but I saw this randomly because it was recent and learned something. I always thought that you got 2hp per level above 3 and then only 1 per level after you take it. I never really questioned it. Now I know better ;-)
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