male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1
![]() Sli takes in the festivities (also looking for easy marks to take a few coin from) and takes in a deep breath of the cool autumn air. A quick tuck of a loose strand of hair behind his ear and he continues to slowly walk around while whistling a familiar tune. ![]()
male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1
![]() "We could go to the wide it shouldn't be far from here. Then we could go make a visit to the Low Lantern, then try to find the dancing axe. I say the sooner the better incase these suspects get word that they are wanted." ![]()
male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1
![]() "Can you give us the locations of these suspects? I'm not too familiar with the city as of yet and knowing the residencies will help us better develop a strategy. " ![]()
male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1
![]() "I'm sure we will be compensated for our services? You seem like a man that is held in very high regards in the Gate surely some perks for serving you are instore?" ![]()
![]() I have all three. Right now my group seems to be enjoying it. It's been tricky to run just for the fact it's open to the DM to ttake it where ever. I have read through it and it seems really good. I haven't read through Scourge only glanced at it but it looks fun with all the locations to visit. Haven't heard much about dead in thay and can't seem to find much about it. ![]()
![]() I don't like damage being del by failed rolls or against no saves for any class just smells like cheese to me. You're right fighters should be tough and I may be looking at this wrong, but self healing just seems cheap and if every class can do it then why bring a cleric along? I know I know, for the buffs. I would just like the option for encounters to be potentially deadly after all you are fighting strange and magical beasts. ![]()
![]() You bring up an interesting point. I have noticed on these forums as well as others the complaint of wotc's lack of adventure material (physical copies). Do you think as you just eluded to DDI killed this? If so then the casual gamer like myself are the ones left hurting I never saw a need for a subscription. I wanted one but it wasn't a necessity for me and my group. If DnDN replays this strategy and there are a lack of physical materials being produce then I may reconsider investing in 5e. Disclaimer: I live in a small town. We have no game shops or large groups of rpgers. The only place to purchase material (not counting amazon) is Books a Million. BaM initially stocked up on material at the launch of 4e and the launch of Essentials, but any other time there were few books and adventures to choose from. As of today there maybe 1 phb and a few essentials box sets, the bulk of the books have shifted to pathfinder material and even then it's just the hardbacks ( no aps or modules). Saying all that to say I maybe looking at my areas lack of material and blaming DDI for this and that may not be true. Looking at amazon back then and I still didint see a lot of adventures. ![]()
![]() I don't like the extra damage on a failed roll either. Just seems like it will take away the challenge. So you just auto regain hp when dropped to half or above 0? I just don't like that just seems cheesy to me. That's just my opinion though. Just seems like it takes some of the element of danger away. In my packet level two was when you reach 200 xp, are the monsters worth less xp? ![]()
![]() Im guessing also if you decided to not take the maneuver you just add the d8 roll as extra damage? Or maybe add it as extra hp? Unless they changed this form the interim rules that came with Scourge of the Sword Coast adventure. The fighter I saw this on it was a d6 though. Does this seem like an option that can be removed if you didn't want the complexity and it wouldn't break the game? ![]()
![]() Time is an issue to me because I don't have the time I had when I was a teenager/early twenty something. I have a kid now and other adult responsibilities. The game I dm the players are casual gamers I literally made their characters for them with their choices for race/class etc. I know that if I presented them with a classless game we would spend hours making characters. The class pack is a solution but then I ask why not just have classes? My players aren't interested in creating some fighter/cleric/wizard hybrid that has thief abilities. That's just the angle I'm looking at it from. This all may be irrelevant to you I don't know but this is my gaming experience and groups are few and far between where I live. ![]()
![]() I don't want to spend hours of valuable gaming time creating characters. I only see a pick and choose classless system making the process even longer. The group I play with and the other group I run like to have characters ready to go before we sit down at the table. This is just me but if dnd or pf was classless I wouldn't play it. ![]()
![]() Wanted to start a thread to talk about experiences while running any of the three sundering adventures. I don't care what edition or game rules just the story and how yours turned out. Currently I'm running Murder in Baldurs Gate and my players have taken Torin Siversheilds offer. We have just started and they have just finished the stage one events. I've been pleased with the style this adventure presents, very smart and mature. I also have the other two in the series. What do you guys think and how have yours turned out? ![]()
male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1
![]() "I come from a small town south of here called Naskel and for a short time I lived in Beregost. I'm not real popular with the law in Beregost so I'm decided to head north for the Gate. It's the biggest city I have ever visited. " ![]()
![]() I don't know the classless option could lead to dead ends just as easily as a class if someone who casually plays may not know how to build their concept. I'm just old school but without classes it just wouldn't be dnd. I wished PF had a "as close to perfect" dual class system. I'm sure someone has come up with something but I like to stick as close to core rules as I can. ![]()
male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1
![]() Sli brushes a strand of golden hair out of his face and turns to the approaching elf. "Hello Calgarus, I am Slivan but my friends and enemies alike call me Sli and my ex lovers call me far worse. Well met may I ask where you hail from?" "Skoond what can you tell us more about your master?" "you wish us to work for a man most of us know little about" ![]()
![]() Yeah but what if I really really want to play said adventure or run it and it doesn't fit my play style? I think Wizards was really hitting on something with the edition neutral adventures. No it didn't include the pretty battle maps the 4e guys get excited over but chessex makes a flip mat. If that doesn't sit well you can always buy dungeon tiles. Or wizrds can offer it in the download content. ![]()
![]() As far as magic items and weapons go, do you want to be able to purchase them when ever you feel the need for them or would rather be rewarded with them and find them? I'm torn with this. I feel that lower level items and weapons should be available but not saturate the shops.
Can you further explain what these non combat abilities would be? You have my curiosity peaked. I would like for tactical combat to be an option but for those who enjoy shouldn't have to wait 5 years, hell you shouldn't have to wait a year really, to get these options. I just favor gridless combat simply for the fact of budget and lack of minis. After playing Axis and Allies minis have a love hate relationship with random boosters. I'm not a great painter or have the time so if someone would make sets of minis where you know what you are getting i might not be opposed to it as nuch. ![]()
![]() Scott for the most part yeah (low level) that and potions and extended rests. I was the dm not a player and these guys are casual players. Diffan, guess I'm just really fond of FR for nostalgic reasons and over look some things you mentioned. I may have misread it somewhere but I thought I saw somewhere mentioned that FR would be the default setting. Speaking of the PF setting I saw somewhere that someone mentioned an area that had a crashed spaceship and would be featured in a new AP is this true? I tried to like world of warcraft because my buddy begged me to play and thats what 4e kinda reminded me of, that and guild wars. I really wanted to like 4e i mean after all i spent money on it but i just coukdnt get into it and a lot of things turned me off about it. Another friend said 4e reminded him of the dnd minis game, I never played that game so I can't say one way or another. Not that that is a bad thing just more curious if there was a similarity. ![]()
male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1
![]() "Uh...YES! Step up, any man or woman who would like to challenge the mighty Arrack! I bet two gold pieces that no man in the Gate can best the hero of the wide in arm wrestling! Ladies and gentlemen this mighty warrior felled the spawn of Bhaal! If you think you can best the mighty wolf we call Arrack step up and place your bet!" ![]()
![]() Understandable and i see what you mean. That was another thing that i didn't jive well with 4e was the balance of classes. I understand people like this but i didn't like the fact that a fighter could do as much as a wizard. To me that's what makes playing different classes unique. Fighters are tough and get in on the front lines while wizards are week and hang back. That way playing different classes presented a different feel and strategy. I also didn't like healing surges, just made it feel like the need for dedicated healer wasn't necessary. I don't know I guess I'm old school and I never got into the mmorpg games and that's what 4e felt like to me. To be fair PF has some things I don't really care for as well (gunslinger just to name one example). I am glad that Forgotten Realms is the default setting now. I never liked the vale or what ever it was called. To be fair again I don't like Golarian (spelling?) It just seems all over the place. I hope Pazio develops more settings that will be less kitchen sink ![]()
male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1
![]() Yes please! I think you mentioned before but are you planning on running the crystal shard? Also I'm not sure if I can even do this but I have Scourge of the Sword Coast downloaded and if you wanted it I could try to email it to you but I'm not sure it will allow me to share it. Scourge is a two parter with the second part not out yet. ![]()
![]() I'm sure someone may correct me or tell me I'm wrong but essentials pretty much limited your choice of powers. I think there were like two paths to a class and each one was pretty much set in stone. This is okay for someone learning I guess but it just felt like it restricted some creativity. The people I played with (close friends who I talked into playing) wasn't very invested so they had no motivation to write down their powers. I ended up having to constantly flip through the PHB to see what it did. Even then they ended up spamming one power over and over. I did get the chance to play with a more experienced group and even then combat seem to last forever (we played tomb of horrors). I ran the very first module 4e came out with, the name escapes me at the moment, but I enjoyed dming it. Once I got a chance to play PF I pretty much put my 4e books into retirement. PF just felt more like dnd. I am about to start up a group and run Murder in Baldurs Gate using PF. This adventure is very different than any I have ever ran and I'm pretty excited about it. I also have council of thieves ap but haven't ran it yet. I was planning to then I found the Baldurs Gate adventure. ![]()
![]() Will do, I have some abstract concepts in my head but I plan to write them out. I guess I will make a list of different positions and moves and try to relate it to strength or dex or some skill. Maybe you could play test them and we can try to iron it out from there. Im just trying to figure out how to implement the guard positions (enemy on top of the PC) I like the idea of fighting off your back. Example; Orc trips and grapples PC. Orc is on top of PC. Athletics check? or Dex check, to see if the PC successfully pulls orc into his/her guard. Athletics or dex check to set up a triangle? Should the orc make a save vs this check to successfully block the attempt? I guess the CMB could be used over the checks? I figure after 1 full round the orc would be choked out (not dead). In the real world it doesn't take long to cut off the blood flow to the brain if the choke is in deep and correct. Or should it be 2 rounds? Should a save be made by the orc to try and fight through the choke and possibly reverse it? Some chokes and arm locks will compromise your position so I try to keep this in mind. ![]()
![]() Yeah it doesn't take as long as one might think to choke someone out esp if you have the choke in deep and correct. Also a choke doesn't restrict airflow just blood flow to the brain. How would you handle a player attempting a triangle choke? Example, An orc trips and grapples a PC. The orc is on top of the PC but the PC is trained in jiu jitsu so he has the ability to fight off his back and wants to set up a triangle choke. ![]()
![]() I think that's why I got duped into buying the essential stuff. I saw the red box and got excited and I was under the impression it would be a bit simpler than the first 4e (I was also trying to convince my gf at the time to give it a shot). Now I could be wrong in thinking this but essentials seem to restrict the player even more with character creation. I get that it was geared for first time players though. I see your point none the less. Youre right it was different than any past edition and that maybe is why I didn't like it as much. I may be the odd man out but I hope 5e is simple. Where im from its hard to find players and I think the rule books scare some folks away. I always end up rolling characters for people. I just hope Next opens the door to these people who are casual gamers so to speak. Sorry if I got off topic. Back on 4e, I will admit I do like how you build encounters and how easy it is to build an adventure. I just didn't like the powers, it just congested my gameplay or no one would use them in combat. That just goes back to my casual players who didn't want to record or look up their powers. I never tried to play a game where we just did away with them and im not sure if this would break the game or not. ![]()
![]() I can house rule it but given the nature of Jiu Jitsu im not sure what would better suite a check. Jiu Jitsu by design is meant to use your challengers strength against him. My time training in the sport I have come across people who relied exclusively on strength and others including myself rely on dex or being flexible. Another road block is how would you determine position (advantage/disadvantage) by its nature, just because youre on the bottom doesn't mean youre in danger. You can threaten the enemy from your back with him on top. Just would make a really cool Monk build that was trained in Jiu Jitsu or wrestling. I agree a suplex would be awesome to pull off, or a flying elbow from a bar stool lol. ![]()
![]() Sorry if this is already a topic, I searched and could not find what I was looking for. Has anyone made rules for jiu jitsu? I mean you can grapple but what about joint locks, arm bars etc? Or chokes? How could you determine if a PC successfully lands a submission or a joint lock? Would this be a skill check or a roll against an ability? ![]()
![]() Don't mean this in any disrespectful way but why clone 4e? Seems to be the general feeling that it wasn't very popular. I don't think we would all be in the pathfinder forums if it had been (I might be wrong on this thinking). Just personal experience and opinion but everyone I know who has played it has ditched it for pathfinder or glad that 5e is a depature from it. I have several books that are just collecting dust and for whatever reason i have several essential books right next to them. Combat took forever and I never really liked the whole powers concept, it just felt juvenile. I really hope gridless combat works well with 5e. Minis, though they are cool and all, annoyed me. I just hate random boosters This is just my opinion and I know it stinks just like the rest of them so please take no offense. Saying that why not just continue to support 4e with modules and source material? Or does the license not allow this? Any way I wish you great success with your clone.