Murder in Baldur's Gate-Sundering Adventure I (Inactive)

Game Master Trailjava

Blood in the Streets!

Wealth flows into the city of Baldur’s Gate like water. Played with Pathfinder rules! Why miss out!

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Nope I am traveling this month seeing family etc. I am posting from iPhone!

Hey guys I am still traveling and am updating as much a I can. I know that Arrack is traveling as well so I will just bot him along.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

Now is my chance to hypnotize him without getting cut in half, come on Arrack cluck like a chicken 8>)

Hey guys I hope all is well enjoy your Easter Holiday! I will be posting a little more regular now, I am still traveling but now I am done visiting family.

Hope everyone had fun!

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

The mrs and I went wine tasting on saturday and then went to my sister in laws house for easter brunch. Hope everyone elses was awesome

male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

Sorrow i haven't been posting as much. In the process of changing jobs but i should be able to get back into the swing in a few days.

Glad everyone had fun. Except the job change for Sil, anyway we are leaving CA now. The rest of the trip god willing will be just drive and get us there.

Silver Crusade

Male Human 10 Manager/20 BBQer

Hello is there anybody in there[/pink floyd]

Yes I will get the game going again in 4 days sorry real life took over

Hey guys is everyone back yet or still wanting to play?

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

I want to,but I will be on vacation from tonight till the 17th.

Ok np

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

I am still interested if anyone else is.

Roll call ...
Got so far

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

Not looking very promising, too bad. Do you want to try and recuit more players or shut it down?

I am going to shut it down. If you want Willow you can join my Eberron game.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

What is eberron? is it pathfinder rules?

Eberron is a noir setting with magic being used as tech. It has a flavor of Indianna Jones to it. We use the 3.5 ruleset for it.

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