DM Crispy |

It's the morning of the Autumn Equinox. The day of the Swallowtail Festival has arrived in Sandpoint, and it promises to be an exciting event. There are numerous games of chance and strength and cleverness, all the food and drink vendors will compete for a top prize at lunch (giving away their wares for free in the bargain, lunch only), and of course the Swallowtail Butterflies will be released at noon. To end the ceremony, at dusk Father Zantus will consecrate the rebuilt temple of Desna. This will end the ceremony, although the fun and boisterous laughter will proceed far into the night.
The day starts with the slightest of chills, but as the sun starts its slow climb up the eastern sky, the cold is quickly calmed and it promises to be a warm day. Perfect for a day of relaxation and entertainment.
Feel free to explore the town for an hour or two of 'game time' while the vendors get set up and final preparations get completed. Introduce yourselves or set up ways to meet each other, although this is not required. If you need an NPC to interact with, just start the conversation/encounter and I will interact with you.

Herri Olderfin |

Herri speaks randomly to some person near the temple of Desna after getting up and adventuring out into the city.
"What a wonderful day this will be as I can see the sun rising above the horizon already. Hmmm, I must read my fortune soon for today's events as I hope to honor Iomedae in the games." Herri peers down at his longsword by his side and then wanders down the road.
Herri arrived in Sandpoint from Magnimar a day or so earlier awaiting the Festival.

Nover Romux |

Having stayed in Sandpoint for a little over a year this would be Nover's second Swallowtail Festival. A spring in his step and two barrels of his melomel on his shoulders he made his way through the town. He was going to win the prize for best drink this year. Or at least he hoped to, it was only his first year entering his giant bee honey and blackberry melomel named Bear Trap. Passing by the temple a new face in town, Nover passed the man as he spoke to himself.
"'Scuse me, coming through, and good morning!"
This past year has been extremely relaxing for Nover. Almost no worries of goblin raids, a decent job at the Rusty Dragon, and a town full of good people. There was nothing more that he could ask for, he was at peace. Nothing could bring him down today.

Elaina Newberry |

Even though she had only been in Sandpoint a couple days, Elaina was already thinking coming here had been the right decision. She found out about the Swallowtail festival as soon as she got to town and, seeing her chance, immediately set to work. Well, she didn't do very much but she was pretty good at getting others to do things for her. She managed to procure permission to use a few square feet of space in the market off the docks and convinced some off-duty fishermen to build her a rudimentary stage from crates and castoff. Not the most beautiful thing in the world but it would do.
Much as she wanted to enjoy the festival and explore the town she was determined to win the hearts of the people and, hopefully, their coin for some time to come. Hopefully things would go well in the morning and she could take some time for fun later in the day.
Her dancing was an aggressive, flowing style utilizing her scimitar and martial and magical talents to impressive effect, at least that was the intention. It was as much a dance as a martial performance. She created magical lights that moved with and against her. She 'sparred' with a vertical post, infusing her blade with magic so it discharged brilliant gold and green flashes to match her outfit when she struck her wooden opponent.
Perform: Dance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Today was going to be a good day.

Herri Olderfin |

Herri watches a dwarf pass nearby with a few barrels in hand. He thinks to himself, no better way to start the day than helping others.
"Sir! Hello Sir! Would you like help with those barrels?"
Herri rushes to catch up to the dwarf that just passed. As Herri is walking along side the dwarf he begins to converse.
"Good morning. It seems you got your hands full, would you like some help?" a brief pause
"No charge, just taking in the morning."

Bellamy Tharriz |

The warmth of sun showered over the town of Sandpoint, its golden hue covering everything it could reach and giving birth to shadows to watch over the places it does not. A soft, cool wind visited the town and its people as they worked on their stands, shops and wagons. The sounds hammers, saws and other tools was just as prevalent as the conversation, laughter and occasional argument. People moved from place to place, carrying goods, construction materials or dragging along livestock while others stood their ground and worked on preparing their little corner of the festival, each with a hope of enjoying themselves and raking a fair amount of gold and future customers. Amongst all this commotion were the children who were not burdened by any chores, they ran, giggled and played, the few who were close to Hannah's noticed something odd about the roof.
What they witnessed was Bellamy, who was half lying and half sitting down, way above their reach, enjoying the company of the sea breeze that visited him without being impeded by the walls and barriers of houses. While his sense of taste relished the apple he was feasting on, as his eyes enjoyed the view of endless, shapeless sapphire that lay before his eyes. It was only their talking and the mentioning of "High up there" and "That looks fun" that swiped his attention away from the serenity that had imprisoned him for a period of time he didn't bother keep.
Once he laid eyes upon the small audience he didn't intend to gather he waved to them with his free hand...and let out a small barrage of miniature explosions of arcane light that were somewhat akin to fireworks out of that very hand. He smiled at them but then noticed a guard greeting him with a less than jovial expression so he quickly made his way far from the sight of his unwanted fan and found himself witnessing what appeared to be a proper show Strange I don't remember anyone mentioning any dancing performers near the docks He finished his apple and lessened the distance between him and the stage. Once he was closer he easily noticed the small framed, golden haired dancer, who seemed to be locked in a battle that only she could perceive and then Bellamy noticed the other part of her show; the arcane lights that trailed by her, danced along her side and flared from her sword, it wasn't something he had ever saw before. His arms crossed in front of his chest as he watched with great interest as the performer continued her battle themed show.
Upon noticing the young performer stop for a short breather, he clapped in appreciation as a genuine grin dominated his face "Wonderfully done" He said in an even voice, but he doubted he would be heard or would be paid attention to with the audience that she had about her.
Bellamy used Prestidigitation in front of those kids.

Nover Romux |

Nover smiles and slows his pace so the human can catch up. Eyeing him, the dwarf smiles, his short beard a sign that this dwarf is either a laborer or soldier.
"Oh I don't need any help, but a conversation would be lovely. The name's Nover, if I had a free hand I'd offer one to shake, alas they are full. Beautiful day isn't it? Not a cloud in the sky, so the weather will hold out."

DM Crispy |

Garridan from White Deer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Lanalee from Risa's: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Cracktooth from Cracktooth's: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Argie from The Hagfish: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Ameiko from The Rusty Dragon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Gaven from Two Knight Brewery: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Gressel from Fatman's Feedbag: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

DM Crispy |

As Nover and Herri travel towards his booth set-up, a lovely young woman of Minkai descent walks up beside them and grins at Nover. "Aiming for another disappointment this year, eh, Nover? I thought ya'd learned your lesson last year!" She chuckles and claps him on the back good-naturedly, then nods respectfully to Herri. Ameiko Kaijitsu then starts to trail them, a couple of her Inn's helpers carrying her barrels of ale to her set-up area.

Herri Olderfin |

"Really? It would be no trouble at all."
Herri looks over Nover and realizes he isn't changing his mind gives him a small pat on the back.
"Good morning Nover. Nice to met you. I am Herri, Herri Olderfin. So it looks like you are one of the brewing competitors in town this year. There is a lot of competition but I bet your drinks are excellent."
He continues walking alongside Nover chatting about the festival.

DM Crispy |

As Elaina finishes her impressive magic-laced dance, she takes note of a tall, slender man in impeccable dress who has happened to stop and watch. He is quite handsome, with an outfit that cries for attention. He gives Elaina a quick clap, a quicker smile, then turns to be on his way. None other than Cyrdak Drokkus, owner of the Sandpoint Theatre had taken note, and had seemed impressed.
On a side note, she can see that she has acquired quite a crowd from the early risers in the city who, once she pauses to catch her breath, suddenly remember they have a Festival to prepare for and disperse, leaving a few children and one grinning young man in their wake.

Zelladanyia |

perform sing: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Dressed in her entertainer's outfit, Zelladanyia wanders out of the Rusty Dragon Inn and slowly makes her way down to the market square where the stalls are being set up for the festival. As she walks, her voice is raised in song in the native Varisian language, praising Desna and those who follow the winding road. Glimpses of vibrant tattoos are briefly visible as her flowing sleeves and skirts shift with her movements.
She reaches the area of the drink vendors just as she is finishing up her song and moves over to Ameiko's stall for a drink to cool her throat.
"A truly beautiful and blessed morning, isn't it Miss Ameiko? I find myself in need of a drink after my song."

DM Crispy |

The Minkai-descended woman grins at Zella, reaching for a mug of her finest to give to Zella as she approaches. "Aye, Zella, tis a beautiful morning indeed! Perfect for such festivities, and to again have my food and drink crowned best in Sandpoint!" She laughs throatily, eyes approving of Zella's outfit as she also enjoys some of her wares.

Slivan "Sli" Simmeran |

Sli takes in the festivities (also looking for easy marks to take a few coin from) and takes in a deep breath of the cool autumn air. A quick tuck of a loose strand of hair behind his ear and he continues to slowly walk around while whistling a familiar tune.

Zelladanyia |

"Well then Miss Ameiko, let me go sample the wares of all those that shall surely lose to you this year. I can't truly judge without trying everything. Plus, I always appreciate a good excuse to indulge in a bit more alcohol and good food."
Recognizing Nover from her stay at the Rusty Dragon, Zelladanyia makes his stall her next stop and favors him and the man beside him with a smile. "A mug of your ale please. I aim to taste all those competing."

DM Crispy |

Ameiko waves her hand at Zella playfully, shooing her away. "Bah, be off with ya then, ye of no sense. Ya sample the best last, to leave the best taste on your tongue, woman!" She laughs again, then starts barking orders to other subordinates, getting her tables set up for all her food and drink offerings.

Herri Olderfin |

Herri turns to Nover with a grin and says, "well well Nover it seems you have quite a few acquaintances in town."
Herri turns back to the brightly colored lady speaking to Nover, reaches for her hand as she awaits a mug of Nover's finest drink and smiles, "Good day. I am Herri Olderfin. It is a great day meeting such a lady as yourself. It seems we might have a few things in common. We are both from Varisia."
Herri peers down at his pouch and pulls out a deck of Fortune Teller Cards with his free hand. " Would you like me to read your fortune while you wait for a drink? I am very good."

Bellamy Tharriz |

As Bellamy walked through the busy streets of Sandpoint, he traded greetings and smile with those he knew and those he didn't, the gesture even got him a free loaf of bread, which graciously accepted I hope I will still be hungry by the time the inns begin this contest I've been hearing about The sorcerer took a modest bite out of his second snack of the day, and was now considering to find a place to sit down, but then his eyes recognized a person he didn't expect to meet again so soon Well it would be rude to say that I have been trying to avoid him, despite the truth of the matter Bellamy gave a smile and a wave to sheriff Hemlock and the two guards that hovered to either side of him.
"Hello good sheriff, I did not expect to see you again so soon, enjoying a peaceful walk?" And you have hopefully forgotten about the many times you've told me to stop how did you put it "bouncing around the roofs of the town" I had simply chosen a quicker and more enjoyable way of traveling Bellamy left quite a bit unsaid, and he hoped that the sheriff would do the same, but then he noticed the same guard that spotted him earlier standing next to the sheriff Far too late to run away.

DM Crispy |

The large Shoanti man scowls at Bellamy, shaking his head minutely as he approaches. He pauses for a moment, gathering his thoughts. When he speaks, he seems to rumble. "Bellamy, we have talked a many times bout your preferred methods of travel. Why don't you do me and mine a favor and stick to the streets for the Festival, hmmmm? It's such a nice day out, and plenty of entertainment for all here at ground level. I'd hate for the day to be spoilt by an early unseemly altercation." Sheriff Hemlock stares at the sorcerer, dark eyes focused and intense.

Bellamy Tharriz |

"You should know that it is never my intent to cause harm or give you more work" Bellamy's smile widens "Yet I always succeed at doing the latter" The man in the white shirt did his best to stifle the laugh that was about to escape to escape his lips.
"As you have said it is a fine day, and there are a number of interesting and intriguing events and sights on the streets, it would be a shame to simply stare at them from afar" Or from a cell Bellamy took another bite of his bread, chewed it quickly and swallowed "I would also not want to give you more work, as you should be enjoying yourself like everyone else" For the day at least Bellamy paused for a moment "But wouldn't you say that my escapades and irregular paths are a welcome distraction to the people here? Maybe even to yourself?" His smile widened even farther before he took another bite of the bread, which was now a far cry from its original size.

DM Crispy |

Sheriff Hemlock breaks out in the first smile Bellamy has seen on the man, his perfect white teeth an odd contrast to his dark skin. The smile makes the man look menacing, his two guard companions taking a couple steps to either side of him. "I enjoy my work, Bellamy. Very much so. I just will have none of your shenanigans this day. Things will be already hectic, and I don't want to have to worry with you on top of all. I will have your word, here and now, that your activities will cease for this one day, or I will see that you enjoy the festivities in the barracks! I will not trade candied words with you any longer." The Sheriff's Shoanti accent starts to creep in by the end of his speech. One look at Hemlock's face is enough to convince Bellamy that this would actually be the Sheriff's preferred method of handling things.

Bellamy Tharriz |

"I thought we had already agreed on that...but if its my word you want" Bellamy gave a quiet and almost an audible sigh "Then you have my word that I will not take to the roofs on this day, unless my life dependent on it" The sorcerer extended his now empty right hand towards the sheriff, further stressing that he means what he had just said "Now let us both enjoy this day, with the knowledge that I will not be part of the work you love so much, but truthfully sheriff, you must admit you will miss me"
Diplomacy to improve the sheriff's attitude towards Bellamy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Nover Romux |

Eyeing the man who seems willing to help he gets his reply ready and is surprised by Ameiko.
"Magrim's word! Don't jump me like that Ameiko, you'll give a man a heart attack. Plus you know as well as everybody else here the I only made a cheap ale last year. I've had an entire year to get my brew together to beat you."
Nover tosses the woman a wink and a smile along with a paper cup full of his ale, then returns to other human.
"Aye, that I do my friend. There are good people here, I'm glad I wandered in to a good place. I have a decent job at the Rusty Dragon, a small house but it suits me just fine, and good people around me. This is a literal paradise compared to the Five Kings Mountains. How would you fancy yourself a drink, it is early and if you don't want a drink perhaps I can interest you in some plain old juice. But before you read my fortune I'll need a name."

DM Crispy |

"I thought we had already agreed on that...but if its my word you want" Bellamy gave a quiet and almost an audible sigh "Then you have my word that I will not take to the roofs on this day, unless my life dependent on it" The sorcerer extended his now empty right hand towards the sheriff, further stressing that he means what he had just said "Now let us both enjoy this day, with the knowledge that I will not be part of the work you love so much, but truthfully sheriff, you must admit you will miss me"
[dice=Diplomacy to improve the sheriff's attitude towards Bellamy]1d20+7
The Sheriff takes Bellamy's hand in a crushing grip, pulling him a bit closer, "Then have a good time, sir, and remember your word." Seemingly mollified, Hemlock wanders off with his cronies.

Zelladanyia |

Zellla can't help but let out a little laugh at Herri's offer. "I could make you the same offer good sir. I've certainly told a few fortunes in my time on the road. My name is Zelladanyia" *insert curtsey* "and I am a traveling entertainer. Nover here can vouch for that, he's caught a couple of my performances at the Rusty Dragon."

Herri Olderfin |

"Nover, you can call me Herri." Herri looks confused as he had thought he told Nover his name but continued. "It looks like I should try some of your finest drink sir as you have many takers including this lovely lady."
Herri then lets go of her hand to accept the drink from Nover. Once everyone has a drink Herri concludes,
"What a great day to have a festival. Great company and great drink to celebrate the occasion." Herri raises his drink in toast to all the people around Nover's stand.

Nover Romux |

Sorry, I've been awake for about 2 hours and it's already been a long day.
"Ah, my apologies Herri, I'm just worried about this years contest is all. This is my homemade melomel, I call it Bear Trap, originally it was going to be Honey Pot but that probably wasn't the best of names."
He laughs a deep hearty laugh at his own bad joke before returning to Zelladanyia.
"Aye that I can, I've had to crack a few skulls because of patrons trying to get too chummy with the fair lady. And she can vouch for that."
He chuckles again, and pours some of the juice into his waterskin before taking a sip then raising his eyebrow while staring at the barrel of juice.
"I fear I may have submitted the wrong drink this year. Ah, too late now, why fret on the past, what's done is done and I'm confident in my ale.

Elaina Newberry |

From the crowds reaction, Elaina knows her performance was nothing short of perfect. The crowd disperses earlier than she hoped but she knows she left an impression and isn't too upset about. She notices the well dressed, tall man. Oh, he looks important. I should talk to him...
She sheathes her scimitar, conjures up some dancing lights among the remaining children and sends the lights bouncing away, then follows the tall man for a bit. After a bit she finds an opportunity to 'accidentally' run in to him.
"Oph! Sorry sir!" She has to tilt her head quite a ways back to see his face under the large brim of her hat. "I can't see anything with this hat on." She gives him her most innocent grin.

DM Crispy |

From the crowds reaction, Elaina knows her performance was nothing short of perfect. The crowd disperses earlier than she hoped but she knows she left an impression and isn't too upset about. She notices the well dressed, tall man. Oh, he looks important. I should talk to him...
She sheathes her scimitar, conjures up some dancing lights among the remaining children and sends the lights bouncing away, then follows the tall man for a bit. After a bit she finds an opportunity to 'accidentally' run in to him.
"Oph! Sorry sir!" She has to tilt her head quite a ways back to see his face under the large brim of her hat. "I can't see anything with this hat on." She gives him her most innocent grin.
The tall, handsome man backs up a step so Elaina can lower the angle of her gaze. The right side of his lips curls up in amusement, and it is plain he is not deceived by the 'accident'. He keeps his good cheer, however, and nods. "Quite all right, my dear. I saw your performance over there, and am quite impressed, quite impressed! I am Cyrdak Drokkus, proprietor, owner, manager, and director of the Sandpoint Theater." He pauses a moment, giving her what appears to be a cursory inspection. "Yes, yes, a little more meat and maybe a different color for the bodice and I'd say you'd be a sight to see! Why don't you come see me on the morrow and we'll talk a bit about what productions I have coming up?"

Elaina Newberry |

She takes his hand in both of hers and jumps in glee. "Yes yes! I would LOVE to!" She takes a moment to compose herself. Everything was falling in to place. "Ahem. I'm sure we can do business together, I will find your theater early tomorrow morning." She looks around herself at the festivities. She had never seen anything like this before. "You've been to this celebration before, huh? What would you recommend doing first?"
I added a 'currently wearing' tab in the profile so you peeps know what Elaina has on her in city situations.

DM Crispy |

The tall man smiles patronizingly down at Elaina, patting the back of one of her hands for a moment. He is seemingly quite used to this reaction. "Yes, my dear, that would be very nice," he replies absently, his gaze already lingering. Her follow-up question gathers his attention for another moment. He backs away, striking a momentary pensive pose before nodding with a friendly smile, "The theater is closed today, so since you must play seconds, Ms. Ameiko Kaijitsu always has a fine spread to offer. I would visit her area first. There is plenty to see over there, as well. Twas nice to meet you, young woman, I hope to - ah, Mayor Deverin, have I told you about my latest idea for a comedy?" The man switches mid-sentence, addressing a handsome early middle-aged woman with short dark hair as she is passing by. She gives him an easy smile, but her eyes look for escape as he wanders over to her, Elaina already forgotten.

Elaina Newberry |

A strange fellow, but at least he noticed me! Kaijitsu. That's the popular inn.
She slowly picks her way towards the inn, taking time to play games and sample any free anything that she's offered. Nearer the inn she's attracted to a booth mostly by the pretty bard-looking woman talking to the proprietor. Hmm, maybe competition. I hope she doesn't work at the theater. She addresses Nover. "Hello sir. What is it you have here?

Nover Romux |

Seeing the next potential customer Nover stands up straight from leaning on his table to make an introduction.
Another attractive looking female human. Either my stall is incredibly popular or I am blessed by the Drunken Hero today.
"Ah welcome young lass, here I have a brew of my own making. I call it bear trap, made from the honey of giant bees and blackberries it is my finest creation yet. For those not old enough to enjoy a stiff drink I have a juice of blackberry and mint. It will by pleasure to retrieve a sample of either, do you have a preference fair lady?"
He finishes his small pitch with an awkward bow. Nover was not used to being formal with people, but it couldn't hurt.

Bellamy Tharriz |

Well his grip did not disappoint Bellamy walked through the busy streets once more. Enjoying the sights and sounds around him, despite being chained to the ground For today... A grin appeared on his face as he considered how busy the sheriff would be after the festival, but before he could sink into that line of thinking any further he saw the familiar faces of Nover, Zelladanyia and Ameiko, stand and chatting about with two others he did not know, but as he got closer he recognized the blond as the performer by the docks.
"I would be wary of accepting his brews, Ameiko slept for three days and nights after but a sip" He commented just loud enough for them to hear him, a slightly mischievous smile decorating his facade.

Nover Romux |

Ah, another familiar face.
"Bellamy, you know as well as I do that the "One shot of everything in a glass of juice" was her and your own crooked idea. I warned her when I pulled down the ogrebrew, and I warned her again when I added the juice to the alcohol and it didn't change colors. You also know that I don't drink anything too strong, it messes with your judgement."

Bellamy Tharriz |

"Guilty as charged" Bellamy raises his arms partially in a mock surrender, his words fined by his usually calm way of speech, and his grin only growing bigger "You seem to be doing well my friends, who is the fine gentleman and charming lady you have yet to introduce me to?" The sorcerer drew closer to the group, his eyes hovering towards Herri and Elaina.

Herri Olderfin |

Herri downed the drink passed to him by his new acquaintance, Nover. The drink is excellent Nover. He then put the cup down.
Herri as had often in his life decided to see the fate of the day in his cards. No, not the ones he showed everyone else. He put away those poorly crafted fortune teller cards that he used on travelers and unknowns.
He paused in the early morning sunlight to get a feel for his surroundings. He looked about the stand and all the new faces and people he just met. He then walked a little bit out of the way to truly get a clear reading from the gift given to him and passed down through generations of Varisians and of course his own family the Olderfin. From his belt pouch he pulled out the family heirloom, a set of 54 cards, a harrow deck. The deck although several generations old was still in remarkable condition.
Herri shuffles the deck then begins to lay them out in the traditional sense of three rows of three cards. Just as he begins the final row a strong wind blows and forces Herri to reevaluate his location and the reading. Herri quickly gathers the cards back up and puts them away.
He whispers to himself as he puts them away, Hmm, my first three cards were quite interesting... The Dance, The Cricket, and The Publican. The future seems to be aligning for some specific event...

Nover Romux |

A harrow deck? To each their own, I will not let a few cards decide my future. That is for me to decide
"Bellamy, surely you jest. These fine folk are here for the festival and can tell you their names if they please. It is not my place to speak for others. Here, try this and cool off a bit."
Nover fills a paper cup with the blackberry and mint juice and places it on his little table.
Thank you for the compliment Herri, I hope it does well in the competition. It is one years worth of sweat and determination. Patience is the key to anything, believe it or not the brew taught me that. You can't rush things that you want done well.
Once again turning to the second attractive human female at his stand he pours two cups, one with the alcoholic drink, one with the non alcoholic and offers them to her.
"Ms. Zell, would you like me to top off your waterskin before you go dancing?"

Zelladanyia |

"That would be wonderful Nover, thank you." Zella hands out her waterskin for Nover to top off. "Dancing and singing can both really build up a mighty thirst."
Zella accepts the non alcoholic version, not wishing to impair her performance later on.
"With any luck, all those who are sampling brews heavily now, will be tipping heavily later on during my performances."

DM Crispy |

The square starts to fill up as people begin to first trickle, and then flood in. The cacophony of vendors' yelling, people shouting, children laughing, and some dogs barking creates quite a din. Final decorations are being put on a stage at the Northern Center of the square, and the town's distinguished citizens (Mayor, Sheriff, Cyrdak, and Father Zantus) have gathered in front and are awaiting the completed stage. The crowd reluctantly starts to quiet in anticipation of the opening speeches.

Elaina Newberry |

"Hmm. I'll try...both!" Elaina helps herself to a cup of each. She indicates the melomel."I would rate this one fifteen out of twenty and the other one twenty-two out of twenty!"

Bellamy Tharriz |

"Have you ever known me to need cooling off my friend?" Bellamy looked to Nover, with pointing finger extended near the sorcerer's face, a small flame rose from it and flickered and danced in the soft breeze that was about them "You play with fire and everyone thinks you impetuous" A feigned sigh escaped Bellamy, before a smile returned to his face and he picked up the juice that was offered to him.
Taking a sip at first, Bellamy concentrated on the taste "Hmmm, you may just win this year my friend" He commented before finishing the cup and turning to Zelladanyia "Even if they were sober, most couldn't hold a candle to you" It was then that he blew on the flame that sprouted above his finger, extinguishing the tiny blaze.
"But you may find some competition in our young friend here" The sorcerer gracefully motioned towards Elaina with his free hand.