Murder in Baldur's Gate-Sundering Adventure I (Inactive)

Game Master Trailjava

Blood in the Streets!

Wealth flows into the city of Baldur’s Gate like water. Played with Pathfinder rules! Why miss out!

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male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

On the topic of Murder in Baldurs Gate, it's a unique adventure. I have never come across one set up like it. Seems like it puts a lot of control in the players hands leaving the dm to run things on the fly. I say you're doing a better job than I would Dungeon Master. If I plan to run this for my players I will need to study both books inside and out and that's a good bit of material soak up. Enjoying this game and the players so far!

I don't remeber the Everman too much for Dragon Lance. My favorite character was Tanis and Tas. On the topic of module we are running, I am enjoying it, as far my gaming style goes. I like to give my players room to role play, I have enjoyed reading some of what you guys have written. I know folks who simply run the Advenuters from combat encounter to encounter. So I hope you guys as whole are liking the story as we get warmed up to it.


Male Half Elf {HP 8/16 l AC 15 l T 10 l FF 15 l Fort 6 l Ref 1 l Will 7 l CMD 13 l Init 0 l Per 9 l Cleric 2

I like having some role play between encounters so I'm good with the way you're running it thus far.

male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

I'm enjoying it for sure. That's what I had problems with concerning a lot of the 4e modules, just seemed like a string of encounters with story sprinkled in between. This module has been refreshing just hope I can run it properly when it comes time to run it for my group. I have only played with one of them so I'm not sure which direction they will take the adventure. I hope wizards continues to support the edition neutral modules. Although the latest pdf only sundering adventure only offers next stats. Wonder how hard it will be to convert to PF until the official release of next hits shelves?

I listen to 2 podcast the 1st is the Tomes Show & the 2nd Known Direction. The tome recently did a podcast on converting older adventurers. The monsters can either be ran as 3.5 or the next monsters with a little bit of work. I try 1st to find a PF equivliant if not then I chose.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

It is different not to sit in a bar and establish a repoire, The pace adds a certain amount of tension

Male Human barbarian (savage Technologist/savage barbarian)

btw, these teiflings wouldn't happen to have red scepters would they? :3

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

I am going to blame the dukes speech for putting everyone to sleep

I will get a map up soon for you guys.

Male Half Elf {HP 8/16 l AC 15 l T 10 l FF 15 l Fort 6 l Ref 1 l Will 7 l CMD 13 l Init 0 l Per 9 l Cleric 2

I would love a nap.

... wait, a map. That would be cool too.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

+1 on the map

Male Human barbarian (savage Technologist/savage barbarian)

woo I like maps. :3 I hope we are not not supposed to kill the duke.. cuz Arrack ain't stopping character wise lol.

male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

Just signed up on Roll20. First time to use it so im not sure how to select a mini.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

Yeah me either, I can't find the map either

male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

I just clicked join game and it took me to the battle grid. looked like it had some minis already added in.

I already set up the minis. I will check when I get home, I can't access Roll20 from work. Stupid Army networks lol


Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

Bah!, Apparently the app does not play well with internet explorer, I need to have a word with the IT dept.

male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

Definitely doesn't like mobile devices but I can see it at work no problem

male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

Downloaded Scourge of the Sword Coast today. Haven't got to read through but I'm sure it's just as good as the other two sundering adventures going by reviews. It also came with dnd next basic rules. Skimmed over it and it really gives off a 2nd ed vibe. I'll give my full opinion when I read through later.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

I got the map now that I am home and have google chrome, so how do you move your figurine

Sorry for not being on more today. I took my wife on date. Single Moms Club great movie!

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

Are you planning to add another player? or stick with 4 players

male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

would anyone know where to get the maps for forgotten realms in pdf form by any chance? Was going to purchase the 3e forgotten realms setting book but it is expensive and im not sure if the maps would still be included in a used copy. I have th eold 2e grey box and all its maps but I was wanting to keep the style consistent with current maps.

I was thinking about keeping it at 4. I have no problem adding another person or so, but for now I like 4.

So I hope everyone had a great weekend. I am looking forward to this week because I start the process of leaving WA state! It will take a while but I will be moving. I still plan on running the module, and when I hit the road in about 2-3 weeks I will continue to post. So at this point we are waiting on Sil to attack lol.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

Where are you heading to?

male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

Ah man I hate moving haha. You don't realize just how much crap you have until you move. Sorry for the delay Sli should change his name to Slo haha...lame joke. Anyway yeah I had an okay weekend. The campaign supplement to Murder in Baldurs Gate is pretty awesome and very detailed. I think I know more about this city than any real U.S. city now.

I am moving to Fort Campbell KY.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

I spent a week at fort campbell, playing OPFOR against the 101st

Good times I am sure. I will be deploying sometime in the Fall. At least that is the truth for today.

Hey on a quick note about xp and leveling. I will have you guys level at certain points in the story. This makes for life being easier etc. Also don't be afraid to explore things in the area. Like a shop or inn etc, I am ok with going off the agenda a little bit.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

Oh good, I have not played with XP in a long time. I think once this situation is a little more under control. I will certainly be off shopping

Male Half Elf {HP 8/16 l AC 15 l T 10 l FF 15 l Fort 6 l Ref 1 l Will 7 l CMD 13 l Init 0 l Per 9 l Cleric 2

Sorry for the delay, I'll have some actions up this afternoon/evening.

Orlpar it's fine take your time.

Sorry for the break. RL got in the way. How was everyone weekend?

Male Human barbarian (savage Technologist/savage barbarian)

been busy, also, april 6-16th I will possibly not be able to post, taking a trip to europe and may not have access to Internet, will be visiting Madrid, Paris, and london. I will post if possible, but I am unsure of anything at the moment.

male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

I love that the BG games are cannon. Anyone play those games?

I have not played those games but I will get them before I deploy. I am also going open up the recruitment thread again to get us one to two more players.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

Besides that grumpy dwarf 8>), who else did we lose?

male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

I didn't even realize we lost anyone other than the grumpy dwarf lol. I had a feeling he was going to drop out though.

Ash you can get them cheap at Good old games ( or you can get he enhanced editions which have more content but I haven't played those.

We did not lose anyone else I just thought a party of 5 to 6 maybe helpful. If no one submits by Sunday I will close down againg.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

Hey I apologize for not purchasing this item beforehand and delaying the quest.

No problem btw folks feel free to shop and explore the city..that why i spent money on it..if you guys want I start working this module into a campaign if you all want.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

I for one would love to have a long campaign as this character is so completely different from what i usually play and am curious to see how she turns out.

male Half-Elf /HP 9 (1d8+1)/Init +3/ AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ Fort 1/ Ref 5/ Will 1/ BAB 0/ CMB 1/ CMD 14/ Rapier 1d6-1/ Bow 1d6+4/Percep +3/ Rouge/1

Yes please! I think you mentioned before but are you planning on running the crystal shard? Also I'm not sure if I can even do this but I have Scourge of the Sword Coast downloaded and if you wanted it I could try to email it to you but I'm not sure it will allow me to share it. Scourge is a two parter with the second part not out yet.

My birthday is the week & the legacy of the shard is on my list.

So Silverleaf is in and I will be posting more soon. The packers for the house we are it will be here tommorrow and the movers on Wen. So if my posting is not on those days, I thank you for your understanding.

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

No worries, have a good move

Male Elf Staff Magus 2

Thanks for including me in the game, good luck with the move

Silver Crusade

Female Human {HP 8/8 l AC 14 l T 1 l FF 10 l Fort 1 l Ref 3 l Will 3|Per 0 l CMD 12 l Init 5 l Per 0 l Fey Blooded Sorceress/1

Ash, Have you made it to kentucky?

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