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The Veteran's Vault: MAP
![]() Pathfinder Society Master of Spells Aram Zey stands impatiently in front of the Hao Jin Tapestry in the bowels of the Grand Lodge in Absalom. The extraplanar realm within the frayed cloth has been the talk of the Society since it was recovered as a prize at the Ruby Phoenix Tournament earlier in the year, and the fact that the Pathfinder leader waits here to deliver the assignment can mean only one thing; the mission will take place within the tapestry! ![]()
![]() I recently ran Into 1: In Service to Lore and changed some of the read-aloud text to reflect the new factions. I received a positive response from the players, some of whom had played this scenario before, so I figured I'd post my changes for others to look over an maybe even use.
I'm also curious if such revamp of read-aloud test is OK as long as it does not changed the "Mechanics of the encounter". ![]()
![]() Greetings all! I'm about to finish GMing my last Game Day 3 game and I'm starting to look at what I'll run next. I'd like to do a 1-1 GMing trade if anyone is interested in GMing for me. I have an number of scenarios that I would really like to play and if someone where willing to GM one or more of them for me I'm willing to GM any scenario(s) they request. Here is my list by character:
Wish List:
* means its part of a arch and I would like to play the whole series Kayluss: Level 8 The Sealed Gate (7-11) Hall of Drunken Heroes (7-11) Tey: Level 6
Awveyen: Level 10
Zamir al-Qa’im: Level 4
If I don't got get a hit on my offer by Wed of next week I'll probably just pick something and post a requirement. ![]()
![]() A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 7–11. The PCs are sent to map the Storval Stairs and ensure the stairs provide a safe route to the Storval Rise from Magnimar, but upon their arrival, they find the ancient site claimed and “ruled” by the self-proclaimed King of the Storval Stairs. Only through guile, diplomacy, or cold steel will the Pathfinders ensure access to iconic Thassilonian location. Written by Dennis Baker. Looking for 2-4 more players interested a fast-ish pace game.
The Veteran's Vault: MAP
![]() Ambrus Valsin, the venture-captain in charge of daily operations in and around the Grand Lodge, storms into the meeting room and sits down. All right, Pathfinders! Listen up. I know you are new recruits eager to make names for yourselves in the organization, but first we need to make sure you are up to snuff and won’t get yourself killed out there. I have a number of small assignments for you and your team, and it would be best if you could finish them before the day’s end.
The Veteran's Vault: MAP
![]() Ambrus Valsin, the venture-captain in charge of daily operations in and around the Grand Lodge, storms into the meeting room and sits down. All right, Pathfinders! Listen up. I know you are new recruits eager to make names for yourselves in the organization, but first we need to make sure you are up to snuff and won’t get yourself killed out there. I have a number of small assignments for you and your team, and it would be best if you could finish them before the day’s end.
The Veteran's Vault: MAP
![]() Fresh off your induction into the Society and the completion of your basic training within the organization, you find yourselves in the spartan office of Ambrus Valsin, the Venture-Captain in charge of
The Veteran's Vault: MAP
![]() 1.Your Name
In Service to Lore is a repayable 1st level scenario that introduces some of the leaders of the Factions within the society (I'll be changing the changing some of the scenario box text to represent the new factions in play. Game will start November 1st and is being run as part of the Game Day 3 event. ![]()
The Veteran's Vault: MAP
![]() Sir Dydimus' invitation was a little vague as to where to meet: “Start where it all began." A little prying, research, and luck lead you to The Pig’s Paunch, a run-down building with a faded sign of a large pig standing on its hind legs, arms folded above a corpulent belly. Inside, the air is thick with the scents of human sweat, stale tobacco, and leftover food. In the center of the room, surrounded by inebriates sleeping off their revelries, a familiar elven man stands next to a large round table.
Sir Dydimus gives the assembled party a sweeping bow before hopping up from the floor, to the a chair, to the top of the table. In his most dramatic voice he address the party, “Be warned, aspiring Pathfinders! Six months ago, while I was mapping cave entrances in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, when I witnessed a lone gillman entering a concealed cave. This mysterious event happened again exactly one month later as my exploration stretched on. I was going to enter the caves myself but was summoned back to the City to complete a number of important missions for Venture Captain Ambros Valsin. The mystery of those caves haunts me to this day though. What horrible monstrosities dwell in them? what evil rituals do the Gillmen preform there? Why do they call them the Caves of Death!?!” Master Shaine hops to his feet and give the Halfling a reprimanding look. [b]No one calls them that! You just made the name up to make it sound dangerous. the elf smiles at Dydimus and then turns back to the party, Initiates, for your Confirmation, you will travel to these caves to explore and document its many passages. Additionally, and most importantly, you are to learn what the gillmen are actually doing in there. Oh, and you need to come back alive as well. He adds the last part as he gives Dydimus a wink. With the briefing over Sir Dydimus jumps off the table and dashes out the door yelling something about needing more apple biscuits for the journey. Kreighton Shaine, chuckles to himself as he watches the halfling leave. So do you have any questions? ![]()
The Veteran's Vault: MAP
![]() Who amongst you have the courage and cunning to brave The Cave or Death! Six months ago, while I was exploring the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, I witnessed a lone gillman entering a concealed cave. I thought little of it at the time, but I saw another one enter the cave again a month later as my Confirmation stretched on. A few days later, after I completed my assigned task, I entered the cave system, but was unable to find any sign of the gillmen.
Recruiting for a slightly tweaked 'Conformation' where Sir Dydimus will be taking the place of Janira Gavix (I'm using her stats just role playing it as Dydimus). Please Post: Name:
![]() On a whim I rebuilt a PFS character at 2nd level into Iron Man. I am currently at 3rd, about to hit 4th, and need to refine my concept and better plan out my level progression. This is what I have so far and cannot change: CG Human (Taldan)
Str 14 +2 (5 pts)
Traits: Magical Lineage (burning hands), Armor Training
Plan is that when I hit 8th level (Fighter 1/ Magus 7) I'll buy Mithral Full Plate, allowing me to cast without still spell. I'll probably burn the 5pp at that point to retrain still spell to intensify spell (APG) in order to keep Magical Lineage (burning hands) somewhat useful. I'm looking for feats, magus arcana, gear, and spells (beyond the obvious ones) that would fit this character concept. Obviously flavor is important but I still want to be useful (e.g. while Eschew Material woould work thematically I feel it’s a little too week to burn a feat on). Feats at 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 11th, and 12th : Thinking about the Spring Attack chain and feats that will increase the damage output with my Gauntlets (e.g. Arcane Strike, Power Attack, Weapon Specialization)
Gear: Any other “non-standard” magic items out there that would fit, like Armiger's Panoply from Knights of the Inner Sea? I’d like to get the Message enhancement on my Wayfinder but 5pp is a little steep. Any other items out there that would let cast message without UMD? ![]()
The Veteran's Vault: MAP
![]() Background:
Questions to ask while creating a character:
Keep in mind that the group you will be leading will be mostly commoners. People to play a supporting role in your adventures, if you want I can have some of your friends, family and/or enemies assigned to the support group. Feel free to tie your characters back-stories together. Character building rules:
Additional Resources that are allowed ![]()
![]() Join the NY Capital Region Pathfinder Lodge at this Council of Five Nations as we kick off
Please help support the con by GMing and working the HQ table! Volunteering 1 slot will get you a free pass to the con and special GM Con boon. Helping out for 2 or more slots and you will also receive a Council of 5 Nations t-shirt and a Pathfinder Novel! Contact capitalregionvc@gmail.com if you are interested in either GMing or working the HQ table. Sign up to play and/or GM before September 8th to receive an extra chance to win one of the Season 5 Con boons. ![]()
![]() Pathfinders,
I started this lodge two and a half years ago, after playing my first
Thank you, all of you, for your support over the past couple years,
![]() All,
But I'm happy to work with anyone in upstate who wants to join PFS, or if you are already playing to help your area grow. --
The Veteran's Vault: MAP
![]() Pbp rules:
Map Key:
The Veteran's Vault: MAP
![]() The metallic odor of blood hangs heavy in the air mixing sickeningly with the scent of stale perfume and incense. Before you is a scene of absolute carnage, the bodies of nearly a dozen men and women lay sprawled out on the floor of the narrow hallway, their torn and bloodied robes, marking them as members of the church of Razmiri, almost unrecognizable. Looking down at your own robes you see they are just as ragged and blood soaked. Even the opulent chamber you are now in is not spared from the bloodshed. The body of one of the temple priests lays at your feet his blood glistening in a pool on the lush carpet and in drops splattered across the silk curtains and velvet pillows. Further down the hallway, past the secret door leading to this chamber, the stout wooded door leading to the acolyte’s common area has just be shut and you can hear the distant sound of running footsteps and shouted orders coming from beyond. We are out of combat but let’s keep it going in rounds for now since time is important. Do not worry about initiative just post your plans for the next round or two. You are all currently in T16, the “Chamber of Delights” and the door between T11 and T7 has just been shut so you have pretty much the entire “Restricted Section” to yourselves for now. When I drew the map for the last session I added two secret doors from T15 to the hallway leading to T16. These doors are not shown on this map but are described in the room layout so just assume there are there, we shouldn’t need to worry about placement. ![]()
![]() Pathfinders,
In addition to these scenarios, there will be a number of other special Pathfinder events being run throughout the weekend, as well as contests to win and prizes to claim, including convention boons. There are 3 full length Society sanctioned modules scheduled for the convention if you are looking for some more in-depth adventuring. Friday characters will get a chance to test themselves against the best warriors in the world in “The Ruby Phoenix Tournament”, Saturday will take Pathfinders into the “Realm of the Fellnight Queen”, and Sunday players must uncover the secrets of “The Midnight Mirror”.
For kids around 6-12 years old, we will be offering a number of great Pathfinder introductory events. Friday evening kids will get to be a little crazy with the short module “We Be Goblins!” Saturday morning and afternoon, we will be running the 4 Pathfinder Kid’s Track encounters, which were a huge hit at GenCon. After completing all 4 encounters each kid will receive a Pathfinder Diploma and can officially start their careers as Pathfinders. Sunday morning and afternoon, new Pathfinders will get a chance to show what they’re made of, as they are sent on their first official Society missions, with the intro scenarios “In Service to Lore” and “To Delve the Dungeon Deep”. Important Notice: Due to the limited seating available at this convention we will be enforcing the following seating priority:
Sign For Games Here Buy Tickets Here See you all in October!
![]() Pathfinders,
From Shore to Sea, a 6th level Lovecraftian module will be run by Ben McFarland, who actually helped work on this mod as part of an Open Design project! I will be running Crypt of the Everflame a 1st level module which the first in a three part arch, the sequels will be offering at the August and September Game-a-thons. Brett McLean is running the Season 3 Venture-Officer exclusive scenario The Cyphermage Dilemma. We also have prizes to give out from Paizo, the people who publish Pathfinder. There will be special Boon chronicle sheets to give away to players and GMs. No racial boons yet but we’ll be able to get them for Council. There will be a raffle to give away a Poster for the current Adventure Path: Shackles and Skulls, a Pathfinder Society Field Guide and a Innersea Word Guide. Every player and GM will receive a ticket for each slot they play, and players will get an extra ticket for signing up for the Con on Warhorn by Friday, July 13th. GM’s will also get a chance to win a Caverns map pack in a yet to be determined contest. Game-a-Con will also host the quarterly SWA swap-meet. I’m planning on having a couple of tables to sell my old gamming stuff, including minis. If anyone else has some stuff to sell its $2 to rent a table. If you don’t have enough for a full table let me know and we’ll set you up to share a table with someone else. Hope to see everyone there!
![]() Pathfinders,
![]() We are bringing Pathfinder Society to Troy NY at this year's Genericon, March 2nd-5th.
The Veteran's Vault: MAP
![]() Venture-Captain Hamshanks ignores all pretenses of pleasantries as he pounds into the meeting room in the Grand Lodge in Absalom. “Boy do I have a mission for you lot!”
![]() I am GMing a PFS player who, for lack of a better term, would like to play in "Hard Mode". To facilitate this he plans on makeing a charecter that does not take PA, and so can only buy items off his Chronicle sheets. Is it legal to not have a faction or would he need to take a faction and just refuse to take the PA? ![]()
![]() All,
Is there any site out there that can help me trim the lists of sites I have to visit every day? Also any advice on how to spread the word and draw in new players would be appreciated. Thanks,
![]() Starting this November we will be running two Pathfinder Society tables at the Schenectady Wargamers Association Game-a-thon! Anyone interested please check out these sites or send me an email
![]() Meet a bunch of great people at the Council of Five Nations gaming con and it looks like there is some interest in a PFS group but no one has taken the reigns to set it up. So with the help of Art (NYC Venture-Captain) I'm going to try and get everyone together. Anyone interested send me an email at ewhitefield_82 at yahoo and we'll see about getting started. ![]()
![]() Paizo Customer Service,
Most recent volume:
Next volume:
I just wanted to make sure that I will be receiving River Run Red
![]() I’m planning to run RoRL in a couple weeks and I had a player express interest in playing a Pacifist cleric of Shelyn. She is new to role-playing (in fact my whole group is including me) and I wanted her to have something to do during combat (especially with lower level encounters) besides healing. I kind of got this idea from my wife who does Tai Chi and yoga. I would love any feed back, is it too weak, too strong, worded poorly, or just useless anything. Tumble is a class skill Pacifists are not proficient in the use of any weapons or armor. AC Bonus: As a Monk of same level Evasion & Improved Evasion: As Monk of same level Defensive Moves: Pacifist’s study a form of martial arts that uses stretching and precise choreographed steps that strives for the perfection of movement with. This is used as a meditation and for spell preparation. These exercises allow Pacifists to perform extraordinary defensive acts during combat. Reactive Defense: At 1st level when a Pacifist uses total defense for the next round all melee attacks made against the Pacifist provokes an attack of opportunity. Also a Pacifist does not provoke attacks of opportunity when using defensive moves against an armed opponent. A Pacifist looses this ability when wearing any armor. Staggering Defense: At 1st level a Pacifist gains the ability to cause an attacking foe to become unbalanced. When an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity against a Pacifist due to Reactive Defense the Pacifist can attempt to stagger the opponent. The Pacifist rolls a Defense check (d20 + Wis. mod. + BAB). If this meets or exceeds the opponents attack roll the attack misses and the opponent is considered flatfooted. Ranged Defense: At 2nd level a Pacifist is considered to have the Deflect Arrows feat when using total defense. Shrewd Defense: At 3rd level a Pacifist gains the ability to more effectively plan her responses to danger. This acts like the feat Combat reflexes except the Pacifist uses their wisdom mod to determine the number of attacks of opportunity she can make. Disarming Defense: At 7th Level a Pacifist is considered to have the Improved Disarm feat and can attempt to disarm any opponent made flatfooted with their Staggering Defense ability as a free action. Improved Staggering Defense: At 10th level a Pacifist gains the ability to avoid attacks so well her opponents have the chance to loose their balance and fall prone. This works the same as Staggering Defense but an opponent who becomes flatfooted must roll a Reflex save DC equal to the Pacifist level + wisdom modifier or fall prone. Code of Conduct: Any pacifist who willingly commits violence on another living thing be it though action or spell looses their AC bonus and the ability to perform Defensive movements. This lasts until a Pacifist atones from their transgression.