G.M.E.W's Vengeance at Sundered Crag (Inactive)

Game Master Evan Whitefield


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The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Open for Dotting

Sovereign Court

Fizzbeard Male Gnome [11]
58/58 | AC 27 T 17 FF 20 | CMD 24 | F +8 R +12 W +6 (+4 enchant) | Perc +5 | 50' movement | DR 5/evil | Resist acid/cold/electricity 10 | SR 14
Paladin of Smiad 11 | HP 103/103 | AC 21 T 11 FF 21 | 20% miss | CMD 23 | F +15 R +8 W +12 (+2 illusions) | Init +0 | Perc +2 | SM +5 | smite: 4/4 | LoH: 9/10 | Aura of Courage/Resolve (10'): +4 morale against fear and charm | 15' movement

Dragon-slaying dot!

Silver Crusade

Male Human Ranger 13 | HP 121/121 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | Saves: F: +15 R: +19 W: +13 | CMD: 32 | Init: +8 Percep: +18 SM: +6

*Arrow appears in tree trunk*

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Sorcerer [10] : HP 62/62 | AC16 [20], 18[22] vs evil | T15 (17) | FF14 (16) | Fort+9 (+10 vs evil) | Ref+11 (+12 vs evil) | Will+13 (+14 vs evil) | CMB +1 CMD 15 | Init+6 | Perc+16 | SM+9 | Spellcraft +17

My word! That tree never had a chance! How'd that arrow get there, anyway? Was that you, Fizzy? Thinking it was made of dragonwood? Haha!

Scarab Sages

AC28(32)/Touch21(23)/Flat21(23)/CMD30(32)(34 vs bull rush and trip)||HP69[69]|Fort:+10;Ref:+15(+17);Will:+6(+5)|Percept+17(+19 stonework)|Init:+7| SR14 Dwarf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 6 Alchemist (Grenadier) 4

A swarthy looking dwarf struts into the room, a firearm on his shoulder. "Is this the right place?"

Seeing Bizzle, Ryster chuckles. "Bizzle! How are you? I see you've kept yourself alive sinve that Bloodcove mission!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Sorcerer [10] : HP 62/62 | AC16 [20], 18[22] vs evil | T15 (17) | FF14 (16) | Fort+9 (+10 vs evil) | Ref+11 (+12 vs evil) | Will+13 (+14 vs evil) | CMB +1 CMD 15 | Init+6 | Perc+16 | SM+9 | Spellcraft +17

Ryster! I knew we couldn't get on anywhere without a dwarf in our mist! Haha! Bizzle pats his rotund gnome belly and says, Oh yes, and there's more of me to keep alive as well!

Sovereign Court

Fizzbeard Male Gnome [11]
58/58 | AC 27 T 17 FF 20 | CMD 24 | F +8 R +12 W +6 (+4 enchant) | Perc +5 | 50' movement | DR 5/evil | Resist acid/cold/electricity 10 | SR 14
Paladin of Smiad 11 | HP 103/103 | AC 21 T 11 FF 21 | 20% miss | CMD 23 | F +15 R +8 W +12 (+2 illusions) | Init +0 | Perc +2 | SM +5 | smite: 4/4 | LoH: 9/10 | Aura of Courage/Resolve (10'): +4 morale against fear and charm | 15' movement

"Ho ha!" the sprightly gnome shouts as he meets up with the others. His bright red hair sticks out at all angles and his armor is exquisitely and masterfully fashioned from the hide of a blue dragon. A greatsword is slung across the gnome's back and he walks bow-legged, as if more used to riding than walking.

"Fizzbeard Dragonfiend, servant and champion of the Lord Smiad!" the gnome bows before the assembled. "May honor and glory be bestowed upon us all and may all the dragons be slain, for that is the holiest of sports!" the gnome exclaims in greeting. "So what glory awaits us today? Is there a damsel in distress? I do love a good damsel in distress! I mean I love saving them! Much honor in that, ho ho!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Sorcerer [10] : HP 62/62 | AC16 [20], 18[22] vs evil | T15 (17) | FF14 (16) | Fort+9 (+10 vs evil) | Ref+11 (+12 vs evil) | Will+13 (+14 vs evil) | CMB +1 CMD 15 | Init+6 | Perc+16 | SM+9 | Spellcraft +17

Damsel? I would have thought the Great Fizzbeard would prefer slaying the mighty dragon! Haha!

Silver Crusade

Male Human Ranger 13 | HP 121/121 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | Saves: F: +15 R: +19 W: +13 | CMD: 32 | Init: +8 Percep: +18 SM: +6

Osric stews by himself. Never an outspoken man, his brooding is not typical for him. He appears to be talking to himself, repeating a word or phrase...

-Posted with Wayfinder

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Sorcerer [10] : HP 62/62 | AC16 [20], 18[22] vs evil | T15 (17) | FF14 (16) | Fort+9 (+10 vs evil) | Ref+11 (+12 vs evil) | Will+13 (+14 vs evil) | CMB +1 CMD 15 | Init+6 | Perc+16 | SM+9 | Spellcraft +17

What's wrong with the human? Bizzle says in a voice more like a stage whisper. I mean, other than "he's human" of course.

Scarab Sages

AC28(32)/Touch21(23)/Flat21(23)/CMD30(32)(34 vs bull rush and trip)||HP69[69]|Fort:+10;Ref:+15(+17);Will:+6(+5)|Percept+17(+19 stonework)|Init:+7| SR14 Dwarf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 6 Alchemist (Grenadier) 4

Ryster nudges Bizzle. "What were we all called together fer? You got any idea?"

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Sorry for the delay, I've been trying to find a couple more players but not luck. 4 is good though so we'll get started.

Seated in the Army of Exploration command tent, Master of Swords Marcus Farabellus looks up from a pile of reports. He squints, indicates a few chairs, and launches immediately into his brief. We have little time. I’ll be as quick and clear as I can. Tancred Desimire and that traitorous dwarf, Thurl, are on their way to Jormurdun as we speak.

By now, every Society member knows about Thurl’s betrayal in Nerosyan. His alliance with that disgraced Chelaxian noble isn’t surprising. But the confirmation that they are grabbing for the Society’s prize charges the air with tension.

I knew something was wrong when our spies told us the villains weren’t leading their troops, but it took time to learn the truth. Those worms are using this battle as cover.

The Master of Blades points to one of the maps on the table.

The enemy’s forces are lined up here, blocking our advance. We’re making a direct assault to dislodge them, but we don’t have time to wait. I need you to go after them. Our forces have punched a hole in their line, giving you the opening you’ll need to slip through, track them down, and stop them.

Farabellus fixes each agent with a hard stare.

In the case of Thurl, that means permanently. He has destroyed countless lives and has put even more at grave risk. Don’t waste any energy trying to bring him back alive—not that he’ll likely give you the chance.
Desimire is more of a problem. The Society doesn’t need him back alive, either, but Paracountess Dralneen personally requested that we turn him over to Cheliax for trial. She has a personal stake in this. You may recall the mess surrounding her disappearance last year—including Tancred’s involvement. Take him alive, if you can. If not, bring back his body, but make sure his head and jaw are intact.

He steps back from the desk and takes a deep breath.

So, that’s it. Catch up to these treasonous villains and don’t let them get a foothold in Jormurdun. They’ve got a head start so they might take you right to the Sky Citadel’s entrance. That’ll at least save us the work of searching for it, but they must not be allowed to hold that site. And one more thing. If you do manage to get inside, try not to break anything. High King Borogrim is allowing the Society to explore the Citadel first, but we must turn it over in good condition.

The Master of Blades leans on the table again.

This mission is critical. Those two must not get their hands on any of Jormurdun’s treasures. The loss of historical knowledge is nothing compared to the damage they could do if those relics fell into the hands of those controlling the Worldwound. The quartermasters can outfit you with supplies once you’ve gotten yourselves together. I’ll have escorts take you through the battle lines. If you’ve got any questions, ask now. Otherwise, get going.

Sovereign Court

Fizzbeard Male Gnome [11]
58/58 | AC 27 T 17 FF 20 | CMD 24 | F +8 R +12 W +6 (+4 enchant) | Perc +5 | 50' movement | DR 5/evil | Resist acid/cold/electricity 10 | SR 14
Paladin of Smiad 11 | HP 103/103 | AC 21 T 11 FF 21 | 20% miss | CMD 23 | F +15 R +8 W +12 (+2 illusions) | Init +0 | Perc +2 | SM +5 | smite: 4/4 | LoH: 9/10 | Aura of Courage/Resolve (10'): +4 morale against fear and charm | 15' movement

"So," Fizzbeard asks as his face falls slightly, "what you're say is. . . there's no damsel this time."

"Ah well, good Fizzbeard here is glad to take on evil wherever it lies! The Lord Smiad finds such things honorable and worthy of renown! But, please, could you tell us more about what Thurl and Tancred have done? I'm afraid I don't know them too well."

Silver Crusade

Male Human Ranger 13 | HP 121/121 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | Saves: F: +15 R: +19 W: +13 | CMD: 32 | Init: +8 Percep: +18 SM: +6

"I don't know about Thurl personally, only reports of his treachery. Rumors of diabolical experiments. Worse... But Desimire...he was connected to the Blackros family somehow. At least, he was a guest at the big wedding I attended. Demonologist. Real troublemaker, as it turned out."

"I guess it's just my lucky day. The Decemvirate was gonna let me retire. Just one more mission they said. And here I am...well, those two won't get to Jormurdun. Not if I have anything to say about it!"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Sorcerer [10] : HP 62/62 | AC16 [20], 18[22] vs evil | T15 (17) | FF14 (16) | Fort+9 (+10 vs evil) | Ref+11 (+12 vs evil) | Will+13 (+14 vs evil) | CMB +1 CMD 15 | Init+6 | Perc+16 | SM+9 | Spellcraft +17

Retire? You don't look THAT old... for a human. Haha!

Silver Crusade

Male Human Ranger 13 | HP 121/121 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | Saves: F: +15 R: +19 W: +13 | CMD: 32 | Init: +8 Percep: +18 SM: +6

Osric manages to crack a grin at the feisty gnome.

"You gnomes just don't know how to slow down! 'Course, they say that's why you live so long. No, I may not be old, but I sure feel it. After this, I plan to let someone else do the Seeking. I'll just watch over my homeland from the little Keep I've got back there."

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Osric's got most of it. The Master of swords says, Thurl was one of us, a Venture-Captain in Mendev. That bastard betrayed us though and actually helped bring Demon's in over the Wardstones and sac the city.
Desimire is a chelaxian Demon worshiper who is responsible Summoning the Shadow Demon ARASTRAX to attack the Blackros Wedding, he also freed a bunch of notorious criminals and used them to build an army. The Paracountess is particulary interested in him since he framed her for treason against Cheliax and had her thrown into a prison in Hell.
These two scum have joined forces in order to get to Jormurdun before us. We have an army fighting their murderers and summoned demons right now.

Sovereign Court

Fizzbeard Male Gnome [11]
58/58 | AC 27 T 17 FF 20 | CMD 24 | F +8 R +12 W +6 (+4 enchant) | Perc +5 | 50' movement | DR 5/evil | Resist acid/cold/electricity 10 | SR 14
Paladin of Smiad 11 | HP 103/103 | AC 21 T 11 FF 21 | 20% miss | CMD 23 | F +15 R +8 W +12 (+2 illusions) | Init +0 | Perc +2 | SM +5 | smite: 4/4 | LoH: 9/10 | Aura of Courage/Resolve (10'): +4 morale against fear and charm | 15' movement

"Got it!" Fizz says with a nod. "All-out evil, these ones. Perfect! I'm ready to go!" Fizz prepares the stirrups on his axebeak and readies to mount and ride once everyone is ready to go.

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Sorcerer [10] : HP 62/62 | AC16 [20], 18[22] vs evil | T15 (17) | FF14 (16) | Fort+9 (+10 vs evil) | Ref+11 (+12 vs evil) | Will+13 (+14 vs evil) | CMB +1 CMD 15 | Init+6 | Perc+16 | SM+9 | Spellcraft +17

This sounds... serious! Haha! Oughta be fun! What an adventure! We'll surely go down in the Chronicles after this one, right Fizz ol' boy? You got room for another on that critter?

Scarab Sages

AC28(32)/Touch21(23)/Flat21(23)/CMD30(32)(34 vs bull rush and trip)||HP69[69]|Fort:+10;Ref:+15(+17);Will:+6(+5)|Percept+17(+19 stonework)|Init:+7| SR14 Dwarf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 6 Alchemist (Grenadier) 4

"Demons, eh? Guess I better get some cold iron bullets. Other than that, I'm ready to go."

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

See the quartermaster, he should have anything you need And here take this Map it will help you track down those bastards. With that Farabellus goes back to reports from the front line.
The Quartermaster supplies you with enough food and water to survive 6 days in the Worldwound and he can sell you any items you might need.

After leaving the Quartermast's tent a young looking pathfinder approaches. Names Kayluss, Marcus said my team was leading you to Thurl and Desimire’s last known location. We'll need to head out now. Our troups have been able to punch a hole in the enemies lines but I'm not sure how long it will last.

The barren, wartorn, lands of the Worldwound are eerily quiet with the wind bringing the occasional sounds of battle and death. After an hour of travel, the squad points out the direction Tancred Desimire and Thurl were last seen heading, then departs to join in the final assault on the
demonic army.

Your map and Kayluss's directions lead you to a stony outcropping with a decent view of the battle field. There are lots of signs of activity around the outcropping and it is fairly easy to find a trail where at least a dozen or so creatures head off deeper into the Wound.

As you head out the wind begins to howl and and a blood red snow starts to fall softly.

The journey is going to be long and hard.
Day 1:
I'm going to need:
Survival check to follow the trail
Survival and/or knowledge Planes check to avoid the hazards of the Worldwound.

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Sorcerer [10] : HP 62/62 | AC16 [20], 18[22] vs evil | T15 (17) | FF14 (16) | Fort+9 (+10 vs evil) | Ref+11 (+12 vs evil) | Will+13 (+14 vs evil) | CMB +1 CMD 15 | Init+6 | Perc+16 | SM+9 | Spellcraft +17

Survival: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Know Planes: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

This snow is a bit on the eerie side, eh Fizzy?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Ranger 13 | HP 121/121 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | Saves: F: +15 R: +19 W: +13 | CMD: 32 | Init: +8 Percep: +18 SM: +6

Survival, +2 if mountains another +5 if there are tracks: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Survival to avoid hazards. +2 if mountains: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

"This place gets mighty strange, Bizzle. Good thing I brought along Grimtooth. He'll give us a bit more beef up front if need be. I think I can make out their trail..."

Animal Companion 12 | HP 92/105 | AC 29 T 13 FF 25 | Saves: F: +12 R: +7 W: +4 | CMD: 28 | Init: +3 Percep: +10

A huge wolf pads silently alongside Osric.

Will purchase him an amulet of mighty fists +1 (4,000 GP) as a between adventures thing.

Sovereign Court

Fizzbeard Male Gnome [11]
58/58 | AC 27 T 17 FF 20 | CMD 24 | F +8 R +12 W +6 (+4 enchant) | Perc +5 | 50' movement | DR 5/evil | Resist acid/cold/electricity 10 | SR 14
Paladin of Smiad 11 | HP 103/103 | AC 21 T 11 FF 21 | 20% miss | CMD 23 | F +15 R +8 W +12 (+2 illusions) | Init +0 | Perc +2 | SM +5 | smite: 4/4 | LoH: 9/10 | Aura of Courage/Resolve (10'): +4 morale against fear and charm | 15' movement

Survival: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
Survival: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (15) + 0 = 15

"Indeed! Quite the nasty place! Not exactly what I'm used to hunting dragons and their kin. . . ."

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Would you like to aid or roll your own checks>

Scarab Sages

AC28(32)/Touch21(23)/Flat21(23)/CMD30(32)(34 vs bull rush and trip)||HP69[69]|Fort:+10;Ref:+15(+17);Will:+6(+5)|Percept+17(+19 stonework)|Init:+7| SR14 Dwarf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 6 Alchemist (Grenadier) 4

Sorry about that.

Ryster does his best to aid in navigating the wilds.

Survival Aid: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 +2 to avoid getting lost.

Survival Aid: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Despite the best efforts of the gnomes Osric is able to follow the trail across the broken terrain. You are making good time, even managing to bypass a small putrid bog full of oozing organs, which seemed to have held up your quarry.
As night quickly approaches the sharp peaks of the Wolfscrag mountains cut a jagged silhouette across the evening sky. The blood snow that has been falling all day begins to get worse and the temperature starts to drop significantly.

What are your plans?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Ranger 13 | HP 121/121 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | Saves: F: +15 R: +19 W: +13 | CMD: 32 | Init: +8 Percep: +18 SM: +6

I thought I had cold weather gear with me from my Frostfur captives game, but it's not on my sheet. And I didn't prepare any kind of endure elements or similar. I will cast Darkvision on myself before resting (8 hour duration).

Osric sizes up the situation.

"It looks like we'll need to rest for the night. I've just cast a spell so that I can see in the dark. I will take the first watch with Grimtooth, but then I'll need to rest to regain my magic. Does anyone see a way for making a fire? Or perhaps have some shelter or magic to help us?"

Do we see any source of firewood? Any type of cave or outcropping we could shelter in/under?

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

You all would have gotten cold weather gear form the quarter master. Please make another survival roll

Scarab Sages

AC28(32)/Touch21(23)/Flat21(23)/CMD30(32)(34 vs bull rush and trip)||HP69[69]|Fort:+10;Ref:+15(+17);Will:+6(+5)|Percept+17(+19 stonework)|Init:+7| SR14 Dwarf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 6 Alchemist (Grenadier) 4

Ryster nods at Osric. "Seems like a sound plan. I can take a late watch, my eyes are able to penetrate the darkness, ya know?"

Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Liberty's Edge

Half Elf Ranger (Urban) [15.0] HP 124/124 | AC 36 T 23 FF 28 | CMB +18 CMD 40 (FF 32) | F +15 R +22 W +13 (+2 vs enchant) | Init +10 | Perc +28 (low-light vision) | SM +1 | Stealth +24 | DD +25 | Acro/EA +21 | Climb/Swim +7 | Surv +20

I'll take late watch with Ryster.

Survival: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18 Is this for the severe weather? I can grant bonuses to another if I make the DC by certain amounts and such.

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

You are able to spend the night in relative comfort, finding a rocky outcropping to shield you form the worst of the snow and wind. A small fire provides you with some warmth, though it smells like burnt hair and rotting flesh.

A fiery red sun greets you in the morning. The snow, which had reached almost a foot when you made camp is completely gone. All that remains are small quick moving rivers of blood and large puddles that seem to be quickly congealing. The temperature is bitterly cold and it seems to grow colder as the day goes on. After a quick search you are able to find the trail again.
OK two more survival checks please and two perception checks as well.

Scarab Sages

AC28(32)/Touch21(23)/Flat21(23)/CMD30(32)(34 vs bull rush and trip)||HP69[69]|Fort:+10;Ref:+15(+17);Will:+6(+5)|Percept+17(+19 stonework)|Init:+7| SR14 Dwarf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 6 Alchemist (Grenadier) 4

Ryster wake sin the morning, his joints cracking and popping loudly as he stands and stretches. Looking around, he grabs his musket and begins wiping it down with an oily rag. "Rise an' shine boys!"

Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32

Liberty's Edge

Half Elf Ranger (Urban) [15.0] HP 124/124 | AC 36 T 23 FF 28 | CMB +18 CMD 40 (FF 32) | F +15 R +22 W +13 (+2 vs enchant) | Init +10 | Perc +28 (low-light vision) | SM +1 | Stealth +24 | DD +25 | Acro/EA +21 | Climb/Swim +7 | Surv +20

Survival: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34
Survival: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33
Perception: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (7) + 23 = 30
Perception: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (15) + 23 = 38

Sovereign Court

Fizzbeard Male Gnome [11]
58/58 | AC 27 T 17 FF 20 | CMD 24 | F +8 R +12 W +6 (+4 enchant) | Perc +5 | 50' movement | DR 5/evil | Resist acid/cold/electricity 10 | SR 14
Paladin of Smiad 11 | HP 103/103 | AC 21 T 11 FF 21 | 20% miss | CMD 23 | F +15 R +8 W +12 (+2 illusions) | Init +0 | Perc +2 | SM +5 | smite: 4/4 | LoH: 9/10 | Aura of Courage/Resolve (10'): +4 morale against fear and charm | 15' movement

"I will not be sorry to leave this place, that is for sure! Quite unsettling, to say the least!"

aiding someone else on Survival if I can
Survival: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11
Survival: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Sorry guys. Post is coming. Really busy day at work.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Ranger 13 | HP 121/121 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | Saves: F: +15 R: +19 W: +13 | CMD: 32 | Init: +8 Percep: +18 SM: +6

Sorry for the confusion, but is Bizzle or Faldoc in this game? I thought Faldoc was in my Hall of Drunken Heroes game?

Sovereign Court

Fizzbeard Male Gnome [11]
58/58 | AC 27 T 17 FF 20 | CMD 24 | F +8 R +12 W +6 (+4 enchant) | Perc +5 | 50' movement | DR 5/evil | Resist acid/cold/electricity 10 | SR 14
Paladin of Smiad 11 | HP 103/103 | AC 21 T 11 FF 21 | 20% miss | CMD 23 | F +15 R +8 W +12 (+2 illusions) | Init +0 | Perc +2 | SM +5 | smite: 4/4 | LoH: 9/10 | Aura of Courage/Resolve (10'): +4 morale against fear and charm | 15' movement

It should be Bizzle. We've got the gnome duo going on. I'm sure he just got confused.

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Sorcerer [10] : HP 62/62 | AC16 [20], 18[22] vs evil | T15 (17) | FF14 (16) | Fort+9 (+10 vs evil) | Ref+11 (+12 vs evil) | Will+13 (+14 vs evil) | CMB +1 CMD 15 | Init+6 | Perc+16 | SM+9 | Spellcraft +17

Yeah, it should be Bizzle. Not sure how that happened. My apologies for the mixup. Please take Faldoc out of this thread if you can.

So those skill checks should be Survival 21 and 20, Perception is 19 and 27. If it helps, Bizzle does have Endure Elements vs cold above freezing for a chronicle way back.

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Sorcerer [10] : HP 62/62 | AC16 [20], 18[22] vs evil | T15 (17) | FF14 (16) | Fort+9 (+10 vs evil) | Ref+11 (+12 vs evil) | Will+13 (+14 vs evil) | CMB +1 CMD 15 | Init+6 | Perc+16 | SM+9 | Spellcraft +17

Also, Bizzle will start keeping his Mage Armor active via his wand as we travel now.

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

Sorry, between work and homework my weekend was crazy.
Getting back into it:
I don't see another set of survival checks or a set of perception checks. I'm going to assume you took 10.

Osric, with the aid of the party is able to pick up the trail again and follow it a a very good pace. After only a few hours you come across an abandoned campsite with the fire pit still warm.

After another hour or so traveling you reach a small ridge with a decent view of the steep rocky terrain up ahead. Osric is able to see movement on the trail ahead. About 5 miles in the distance you can see a group of figures and you are pretty sure this is you quarry. There are about a dozen different shapes, most of them are the same size and shape but one is larger and is being used as a mount. You don't have a lot of time to study them before they move deeper into the mountains and disappear from site.

Plotting you course Orsric is confident that you can cut some time from you travel by following the rise north and then cutting into the mountains, thus avoiding some of the steeper terrain. This path takes another hour or so and you can see the location where you spotted the other group getting closer and closer. As you approach the end of the rise and start to head back towards the path Ryster stops the party. Up ahead he can see that there are small mounds of earth up-ahead, and they are starting to tremble.

Planes or Nature 20:

These are some sort of geyser, most likely abyssal in natures so its impossible to know exactly when it will erupt or what will come out.

Planes or Nature 30:

Based on the size of the geyser you think it will have a 45ft radius spray. If you had to guess, you think the energy involved in this particular geyser is cold.[/dice]

GM Rolls:

Osric: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Ryster: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Fizz: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
Bizz: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
1: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18
2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
4d4 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 3) = 10
Osric: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22
Ryster: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19
Fizz: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Bizz: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28

OK, I'm working on a map but it probably won't be up until 12ish EST. You are all currently 50ft away from the main geyser. It is situated directly in the middle of a narrowing in the path, flanked on either sides by 10ft high cliffs. The objective is to make it through the narrow pass without dying.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Ranger 13 | HP 121/121 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | Saves: F: +15 R: +19 W: +13 | CMD: 32 | Init: +8 Percep: +18 SM: +6

Know Nature: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28

"Watch out, these are some kind of abyssal geyser. Not sure what might pop out..."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sovereign Court

Fizzbeard Male Gnome [11]
58/58 | AC 27 T 17 FF 20 | CMD 24 | F +8 R +12 W +6 (+4 enchant) | Perc +5 | 50' movement | DR 5/evil | Resist acid/cold/electricity 10 | SR 14
Paladin of Smiad 11 | HP 103/103 | AC 21 T 11 FF 21 | 20% miss | CMD 23 | F +15 R +8 W +12 (+2 illusions) | Init +0 | Perc +2 | SM +5 | smite: 4/4 | LoH: 9/10 | Aura of Courage/Resolve (10'): +4 morale against fear and charm | 15' movement

"Sounds nasty. Beaky here can run pretty fast if we want to make a break for it but I won't leave the rest of you behind!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Sorcerer [10] : HP 62/62 | AC16 [20], 18[22] vs evil | T15 (17) | FF14 (16) | Fort+9 (+10 vs evil) | Ref+11 (+12 vs evil) | Will+13 (+14 vs evil) | CMB +1 CMD 15 | Init+6 | Perc+16 | SM+9 | Spellcraft +17

I can't run that fast, however I could give us Haste.

Scarab Sages

AC28(32)/Touch21(23)/Flat21(23)/CMD30(32)(34 vs bull rush and trip)||HP69[69]|Fort:+10;Ref:+15(+17);Will:+6(+5)|Percept+17(+19 stonework)|Init:+7| SR14 Dwarf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 6 Alchemist (Grenadier) 4

Ryster glances down at his legs. "Weren't never made to run fast...."

Sovereign Court

Fizzbeard Male Gnome [11]
58/58 | AC 27 T 17 FF 20 | CMD 24 | F +8 R +12 W +6 (+4 enchant) | Perc +5 | 50' movement | DR 5/evil | Resist acid/cold/electricity 10 | SR 14
Paladin of Smiad 11 | HP 103/103 | AC 21 T 11 FF 21 | 20% miss | CMD 23 | F +15 R +8 W +12 (+2 illusions) | Init +0 | Perc +2 | SM +5 | smite: 4/4 | LoH: 9/10 | Aura of Courage/Resolve (10'): +4 morale against fear and charm | 15' movement

"Hmph! And here I thought dwarves were natural sprinters!"

The Veteran's Vault: MAP

having trouble with the map. it will be up soon.

Scarab Sages

AC28(32)/Touch21(23)/Flat21(23)/CMD30(32)(34 vs bull rush and trip)||HP69[69]|Fort:+10;Ref:+15(+17);Will:+6(+5)|Percept+17(+19 stonework)|Init:+7| SR14 Dwarf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 6 Alchemist (Grenadier) 4

Rysters peers at the small mounds. "Gives me the shivers! Anyone know what those things are?"

Silver Crusade

Male Human Ranger 13 | HP 121/121 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | Saves: F: +15 R: +19 W: +13 | CMD: 32 | Init: +8 Percep: +18 SM: +6

"Those are the geysers. Grimtooth is pretty fast, he could carry one or two of.us. And my armor will let me fly once each day. What do you say, should we try it?"

-Posted with Wayfinder

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