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G.M.E.W. |

Your party leaves Taldor with a Varisian caravan, travailing north, through the river kingdoms up to the mist shrouded lands of Ulstalav.
Feel free to introduce your characters and do a little RP. Still waiting to hear back from someone, but if they don't post today I'll grab someone else and we'll start things off on Monday.

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Hey, I´m a varisian caravan guard! I like this starting
After looking around to see if there is any old coworker in the caravan, Garret goes back with the other Pathfinders smiling.
Hi guys, so the Captains have recruited you too for this? I´m Garret, says shaken the hands of them, a Desna follower and faithful pathfinder.
And, about "this", any of you knows what are we doing in Ustalav. I´ve been recruited a little late and I´m not sure to know what we are suposed to do

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I was hardly finished with my first assignment and I was sent here. I'm certainly do like to keep busy, though, so I am looking forward to this next adventure. At least this one will take me out of Absalom. That place is so blah.
She shakes her head a second, Oh, if it matters, I follow Calistria, some people get weird if you follow their idea of the wrong diety, so if you have problems with Calistria we should get them resolved now.

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"Calistria's rites are a natural progression of a very natural function of life."" offers Orophin.
He speaks in a sing-song voice that has perhaps a hint of Elvish in the accent and is quite effeminiate. Still, during the trip he pulls his weight.
"Fabled Ulstalav.." murmurs the man. "A place where natural functions seem to take a back seat. But even there..." a sly smiles crosses his face for a moment.
"I'm here to see to your physical well-being, although if we meet some of the unliving, I may be of a little assistance there too."

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Don´t worry Zarlonna, one of the first things I learnt in the temple is that everyone wollows is own path. If Calistria enlights you in your path as Desna enlights my own path, then you are doing right following her.

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Otom stops mumbling a song under his breath and acknowledges the group with a smile. This god, that god. Which ever keeps money in my pocket and booze in my belly has my vote He offers Garret A flask to drink from as he blows a snot rocket away from the group.

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"Well met, fellow Pathfinders, I am Maximillian Arcos, paladin of the goddess Iomedae." The blond-haired, heavily armored Aasimar greets the group after giving everyone else a chance to introduce themselves, "I'm sure it will be a pleasure to work with and become acquainted with each of you. I'm afraid I have not yet been debriefed on our mission in the dark lands of Ustalav, but I am hopeful it is for a very good reason. I am very ecumenical in my approach, so I have no issues with followers of other gods as long as they are not evil."

G.M.E.W. |

Arriving at the city of Karcau, your destination in Ulstalv, you are given directions to the inn your were told to report to. The Inn Keeper is prepared for your arrival and you are given the keys to your very own suite as well as a sealed envelope. The Seal bears no mark and when the envelope is opened you find 6 tickets for box seats at the Karcau Opera House. The Opera seems to be a Cheliaxian drama opening tomorrow night.

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"Oh, an Opera! How fantastic."
says Orophin.
"But why would we be sent up here to go to an Opera?"
The man seems totally animated by the experience.
"And an opening night too. I wonder if we can go to the dress what the story is."

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Really? I was wandering if we can go with our current dresses. You now, full plate, several weapons, backpack filled, etc. Garret is really amused that a fellow pathfinder is looks more interested in fashion than in the mission, whatever the mission is.
I don´t know why we had been sent, but I really doubt the reason behind our trip is see a theatral production. But at least we have a day to prepare ourselves.
What do you think of go around the town to see what we can hear of the Opera house, and of the kind of people we will find at the opening?

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Perhaps we could grab a bite to eat and a flagon of ale or two and mingle with the locals. Otom looks particularly excited about the ale. What do ya say priest? A night on the town and maybe we will get to use those weapons and armor a little early. Baaaahahaha!

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"That sounds like a splendid idea!" enthuses Orophin.
He vanishes into his room to get changed, and ten minutes later emerges dressed for court. Fine clothing drips from his frame, as does a large amount of jewellery.
Noble's outfit with appropriate jewellery
"Or do you think this is a bit over the top for Ustalav?"

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hi all, sorry i'm joining in late, but let's assume Seijiro was with you on the caravan journey and introduced himself.... He appears as a youngish human and is quite friendly to all, especially so to Zarlonna though
"Well, we're supposed to be checking on the lodge, but I suppose one evening of enjoyment at the opera couldn't hurt before we begin our investigation."
He shows up for the performance in his normal clothing, not having any finery like Orophin's. He stops to admire the oracle's fine clothing. "Nice... I feel underdressed for this now. I'm guessing I'm not alone." he says, looking around at the others. "I hope they still let us in without fancy clothes on."

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"Lets go see what is on offer in town."
Orophin, dressed to the nines, heads out on the town. He'll check out a variety of estabilishments with an aim of finding out about the Opera and any rumours around town.
diplomacy GI: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29

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"I would venture to the guess the opera tickets are related to our purpose here. With that in mind, I will be taking my equipment with me to the performance. If I'm wrong in that assumption, I'll merely sit outside the theatre until the show is over."
"In the meantime I agree that gathering information tonight might be useful, I'll gladly provide some aid to Orophin in that endeavor."
With a +11 Diplomacy, he auto-aids for a +2 to Orophin's check.

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Garret also helps Orophin, but meanwhile he checks for shops. There is an item he´s been told of witch could be useful, and if he finds an Sleeve of many garments, he wants to buy one.
Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

G.M.E.W. |

Great RP guys!
The City Karcau, also know as the "Village of Voices" is renowned as a shining light of civilization in a region of dark, dreary wilderness. Nestled on the banks of Lake Prophyria and its waters cut their way through the city, criss-crossing it in various canals. The city is most famous for the Karcau Opera and has a reputation as a place that both produces musical genius and fosters it.
Wondering the city you find that it lives up to its reputation and everwhere you go the sound of voices and singing can be hears gently floating through the air. The sounds of the city, the mist from the lake, and the moonlit night play with you senses creating a dream like landscape and spur you imagination.
down a dimly lit ally the sound of soothing music leads you to a nondescript tavern. The hauntingly beautiful voice singing an elven song of love and loss beckons you inside. Small and crowded, the tavern is filled with a wide mix of patrons from finely dress nobles to varisian wanderers. Everyone seems transfixed by the singing of young girl, accompanied a handful of musicians.
Talking to some of the patrons and serving staff in between songs you are able to find out a wealth of information, not only about the Opera but also about the Cities recently opened Pathfinder Lodge.
-The Opera is open to people of all levels of society, though box seats, which are very hard to come by, are reserved for only the most influential people. Weapons are discouraged but allowed, armor, especially loud clanky armor, is strictly forbidden. The is a lot of excitement in anticipation for tomorrow's opening night and many are obviously envious that you have tickets.
-Founded a little over a year ago, Karcau Lodge is located at Miregrold Manner, the ancestral home of Venture-Captain Skeldon Miregrold. It is rumored that the Lodge contains a network of subterranean chambers that house most of the Society’s assets at the location and provide access to even larger caverns that stretch out below Karcau. Most of the Most of the Society’s operations in Karcua were said to take place beneath the manor house proper, and that the caverns even lead all the way into the Darklands. The most interesting rumor though is that Venture-Captain Skeldon Miregrold is an accomplished inventor and that deep below the Lodge he has a secret laboratory were he worked on a massive devise with a dark and mysterious purpose.
A month or so ago the lodge fell silent and no one has seen Venture-Captain Skeldon Miregrold in quite some time.
You can roll Knowledge local to recall information on Venture-Captain Skeldon Miregrold.
-The City is big enough that you can find Sleeves of Many Garments
-The room does not come with cloths

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dammit, both items i want are over 750 gp, so can't be purchased for just pp... I'd need chronicle sheets for them... so disappointing that I don't have em, lol
"Zarlonna, will you allow me to accompany you on your shopping trip. We ARE in a strange town, and it might not be safe for any of us to be going out alone." If she agrees, while out shopping, he will pick up some generic nice clothing for himself, something finer than what he had (courtiers clothing will do, 30gp)...
When he returns, he wracks his memory for anything he can recall of the VC and his mysterious hidden lab as well.
know local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

G.M.E.W. |

Skeldon Miregrold is known throughout the Society for his many discoveries in the dangerous Darklands when he was an active pathfinder. He now operates the Karcau Lodge out of his ancestral manor house.
Within the Society, Miregrold has a reputation for sending more pathfinders to their deaths than any other venture-captain. Some rumors speak of him abusing his privileges and embezzling the Society’s wealth.

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To his companions, later (after shopping) in private, he speaks up:
"Well, friends, this may not be good news, but Venture Captain Miregrold does not have the best rep in the Society... When he was younger he did contribute a good amount of knowledge of the Darklands to the Society, which IS a good thing. However, as a venture captain, he has a reputation for sending many pathfinders to their deaths, hopefully unintentionally, but who knows... Still not a good record. And there are other stories... rumors but you never know... tales of abusing his priveleges as a venture captain and embezzling from the Society. Perhaps while we are here, we may find evidence to vindicate him? or worse, condemn him."
"Anyway, if we must go to his home and with the lodge having gone silent, it seems we will have to, this is all good information in case we run into him. Please recall that rumors are just that, and he has not been condemned for these activities, or even been charged with them officially, so I suggest we don't jump to conclusions if and when we run into him."

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Orophin has been enjoying the town emensely. From time to time be breaks into song himself, his voice carrying on the almost magical lake air.
perform: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20
"Do you think it is worth having a look at the lodge today? How far out of town is it - or is it in town?"

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Well priest the other team members have partnered up. I suppose that leaves you and me. Haha! He slaps Garret on the back, heads to the bar and grabs a drink while breaking into an ulfen drinking song.Looking about, he decides to look for info on the lodge in his subtle way. Does any one here know any news of the pathfinder lodge? he bellows.

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Maximillian appears visibly disappointed when he discovers he will not be allowed to attend the opera in his armor. Not one to flagrantly disregard the rules and suspecting his presence will be necessary, he goes shopping for a courtier's outfit with the necessary cuff links and jewels necessary to fit in with high society.
Spending 80 gp on an appropriate courtier outfit.
After he returns, he listens to all the information gathered by his companions, "Excellent work everyone, I feel much more prepared for whatever awaits us. It's unfortunate that Venture-Captain Miregrold turned to such foul activities, but I will give him a chance to explain himself if we happen to run into him."

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What time of day is it when we finish up the activities already done? Do we have time to visit the lodge?
Orophin happily walks the streets.
"Who would have thought such a place existed in Ulstalav of all areas?"
Feeling much lighter of heart than he had any good reason to feel, Orophin will return to the inn to here how everyone got along.
"I think I might spend some time here, it is my kind of a place."

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I think we should go to the lodge.
If our mission has anything related to the Venture Captain, then we will have more information by talking to him. If they aren´t related, at least there will be news of the lodge.
And I´m intrigued in why it had remained silent for such a long time.

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"I know, it is the right thing to do. But the music here is so sweet. I'll go change into something less comfortable if we are leaving town."
Orophin vanishes and returns a few minutes later dressed once again for the road, and wearing some leathers.

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"Although we've been given very little information, I believe it would be prudent to attend the opera first to get a better sense of our mission here before potentially involving ourselves in affairs that can be dealt with later."

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"It seems we have plenty of time to check out the lodge before the opera... but perhaps we could check out a little bit in town before we go out... maybe on the way, so to speak... stop in a tavern or two on the way and just ask around about this house and the pathfinder lodge housed there. Maybe there will be rumors about the place?"

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Here's the first
Sing "hup fol-de-rol la la la la"
Here's the first
Sing "hup fol-de-rol la la"
He who doesn't drink the first
Shall never, ever quench his thirst
Here's the first
Sing "hup fol-de-rol la laaaaaaHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!There will be time for the lodge Priest. Let us take a fill of the city and gather what we can before we go

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"Calling in at a place of song on the way over sounds a good idea to me, although my own thirst is somewhat slaked by amble samplings this morning."
We were touring taverns this morning doing the gather information :-)

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While she is out shopping, Zarlonna will inquire into more details about the opera, what is the subject matter, who will we expect to see there at the opening show, and try to find out more information about that secret lab that the missing VC had.
Gather Information: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
She's not opposed to going out in her human form to make use of her employment skills to aid in her quest for information (profession courtesan) if that will help.

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just as an fyi... Seijiro is almost always in his human form when out and about

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Seijiro rolled for what he already knew about the fellow - was looking now more for info about there being no word from vc or the lodge for some time... current gossip/news

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This is getting a little messy to follow. If everyone else insists on the going to the lodge before attending the opera, Max will unhappily provide escort.

G.M.E.W. |

OK Just so eveyone in on the same page as far as time line:
You guys arrived in Karcau yesterday in the late afternoon. By the time you got settled in at your lodgings it was evening and you went out and found the small in with the girl singing. You talked to some of the patrons and found out some information about the lodge and the name of the Venture-Captain. With his name Seijiro was able to peice together some more information on Skeldon Miregrold with rumors he's heard and bits of info's picked up.
In the Morning you all went out and did some shopping and a little more information gathering. The Opera is this evening.
The city is a lot quieter in the morning, there is a slight chill in the air and a hazy fog lingers on the ground. Rumors are easy to come by as you wander the streets and canals. Unfortunately most people do not have a lot to add to what you already know about the lodge and its Venture-Captain. You do talk to some people who said they delivered large crates of strange mechanical parts to the lodge only a couple months ago. A book seller tells you that Skeldon Miregrold was a regular customer looking for book on the Darklands, alchemical processes, mechanics, and the manipulations of crystals and other minirals. He tells you that Skeldon Miregrold was a well respected scholar and that he made a name for himself in the Pathfinder Society for discovering of aureolyte, a rare crystalline mineral known to naturally emit light.
As far as the opera goes it is rumored to be about chelaxian merchant who makes a deal with a devil in order to become rich and powerful. The is a catch of course and while the man does get his wish it is at a terrible cost and he ends up killing himself. Anyone who is anyone will be at the opera on opening night, though none of the names mean anything to you.
A little before noon you head out to the Lodge. Arriving a couple hours later you find the manor set a little ways away from a busy road. The modest hillside estate overlooks Karcau’s opulent spires and vaulted roofs. A lone cobbled path traverses the property, weaving through copses of dully-colored, gangly trees and overgrown grass. Eventually, the path makes its way toward a small two-story manor house built in the classic Ustalavic style. Its steep roof is shingled with dark slate, and elaborately carved bargeboard highlights its high cross gables. Its lead framed windows rise in slender, cathedral-like arches. A pair of pointed turrets flanks the manor’s thick, iron-shod front doors. The is no activity around the main house or any of the outlying buildings.

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"It seems...quiet" says Orophin.
"Shall we try knocking first?"
Assuming there is no objection he knocks, and assuring there is no reply...
He walks around the house and tries looking through the various windows to get an idea of whether the house is occupied and what the layout of it might be.