Its a nice eighty-five degrees on the morning of the Autumnal Equinox. a light breeze hitting through the town of Sandpoint, the smell of the sea coming of the town. Markets set up to cater to the festivals needs and trying to rake in some sales of themselves, on sale food, clothes, local crafts,and souvenirs. Numbers full from the town's own citizens and the pilgrimage of travelers coming to partake of festival. It was one of the most anticipated days in the last five years of difficult times, it was a clean slate, to move on...
As the numbers filled in, everyone was directed to the front of a pristine cathedral, before it a stage for all to see and receive needed word from the speakers to start the festival. The first to the fore was the Mayor, Kendra Deverin, "Welcome all to the Sandpoint Swallowtail Festival! Thank you all for coming and its a great turn out! Look, even Larz Rovanky tore himself from his job to come!" Larz, whom is standing close to the front, makes a noise of annoyance. This brings laughs to those around him, "But nonetheless, once again welcome all, to our festival to christen our new cathedral. Buy something from the many markets here to get a necklace for the lucky lady you're with and maybe a gift for yourself (and family), or even the fun and games set up all around! Lunch will be provided freely by our lovely tavern owners, so be sure to try it all! I hope you all enjoy yourselves! And now a word from our dear Sheriff, Balor Hemlock!" She clapped and made her way to the side, motion a large Shoanti man.
The sheriff walked onto the stage, receiving welcome cheer, but as he did, he raised a hand to silence the crowd, "I wish well with the festival, but there is business to be done first... I ask you all be safe and careful around this evening's bonfire. And finally, a moment of silence for those lost in the fire five years ago" he removed his wide brimmed hat and bowed his head down. All was silent until he raised his head, returning the hat to crown of his head. "Thank you, have a wonderful day." He turned and took the left exit of the stage to get to patrolling the festival.
Without missing a beat, Cyrdak Drokkus, Sandpoint's showman slide to the front of the stage, "Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! There was to be a speaker before me, but I am sure few would be surprised with lord Kaijitsu's 'Illness'. But lets not worry about that, our main concern here is the cathedral behind me!" he turned to point to it. A large stone structure, beautiful in its design. "It was a hard job to be sure, we scrapped every penny we could, donations from fellow churches, funding from the founding families of this wondrous town, the business' doing their part for the greater good, and even picking any coin up from the ground or cracks we could find! And here it stands!" He smiled and turned back to the crowd arms wide, "And our reason of the festival today! Enjoy, relax and be merry! While your at it, come on down to the Sandpoint theater this evening! Our show is a tale written from yours truly" he placed a hand to his chest and bowed. "That's not all! For the lead role of Avisera the Harpy Queen... is Diva Allishandra all the way from Magnimar! Don't miss it! Now for a final word from our head of the cathedral, Father Zantus!" he began the applause for the cleric, backing away from the show spot of the stage for him.
Father Zantus walked up and nodded lightly, looking a bit nervous from all the attention, he waved his hand to ask for calm, "Thank you... thank you for the warm greeting. I will not make this long, I am not a man able to give large speeches. All I will say is welcome, and please enjoy your time here... and let the festival begin." He nodded to the people to the side of the stage, they removed a tarp and the children of Lady Desna, swallowtail butterflies took to the sky. Children around ran after any that were close to the ground that they could try for, but never quite able to get them. With that, the festival had begun!
Welcome to the game! You haven't met yet, but you can go ahead and introduce yourselves to the game at least! Play a game, eat some food, what have you!
Welcome friends! Introduce yourselves, share experiences, what have you.
As soon as I have a full team of four, open up the gameplay thread.
For everyone's benefit, please read through the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide. If you want to go with a campaign trait, please let me know.
Again, as soon as we have a full team, we'll get you guys started!
One question I have for everyone, will you be ok with having a 5th NPC joining you? I've actually not played this adventure path myself, and I'd love to join you guys!
Again, as soon as we have a full team, we'll get you guys started!
One question I have for everyone, will you be ok with having a 5th NPC joining you? I've actually not played this adventure path myself, and I'd love to join you guys!
Your mercy has incredible recuperative properties.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, lay on hands class feature, mercy class feature.
Benefit: When you use your lay on hands ability and the target of that ability does not have any conditions your mercies can remove, it instead heals an additional +1d6 points of damage.
This raises a couple of questions to me regarding the effects of Greater Mercy upon Undead.
Does the extra d6 of healing come into effect if Lay On Hands is used as a Melee Touch Attack?
And that raises a question regarding the Mercies themselves.
Say your Paladin choses the condition Staggered. What if the creature you are going to use your Lay On Hands ability on has the Staggered condition, like if it was a zombie? Does the Zombie no longer have the staggered condition? Does it take extra damage? Or does it revert to the standard damage of the Lay On Hands for that level?
And what about other conditions? Nothing says that when you use your Lay on Hands ability the Mercy is suppressed. What if you use Lay on Hands and you relieve an enemy of a condition instilled by an ally or something? IT would be funny to see in character, but the question still stands.
Does your Mercy and/or Greater Mercy have any extra effects when used offensively instead of defensively?
The Paladin is one of those classes that makes you feel nearly invincible with all it's immunities and bonuses. As such, I do have a question regarding the Paladin's immunities.
The long and short of the scenario I have is that a creature successfully Demoralized my party, causing them to be Shaken (-2 to d20 rolls).
The Paladin in the group has Aura of Courage, granting him immunity to Fear effects and granting his allies a +4 bonus to saves vs Fear effects.
According to the conditions, Shaken is a less severe form of fear than Frightened or Panicked.
Does this mean that the Paladin is immune to the Shaken condition along with other Fear effects? Or is the Paladin only immune to Fear effects brought on by a magical cause, and since Demoralize is a natural act instead of magical, would the Paladin be Shaken?
This would cause some fairly funny RP issues where the Paladin is naturally Panicked and flees the scene instead of standing his ground like a good Paladin should :D
So this question has been plaguing me since I first started playing, and I'd like some clarification.
I was told that if your Dex modifier is greater than your armor allows, not only does your AC not go up due to the max dex limit, but your ranged attacks with your Dex modifier also are limited by that same number, the max dex mod.
I'm asking this because a respecable GM and player told me this within my first week of playing, but he has also been known to joke around.
So to narrow it down, does the Max Dex bonus on your armor also limit your To Hit roll with a ranged attack?
It's night in the Port City in the Gray Kingdom. The ships have stopped selling their goods, the shops are closed, and anyone with half a mind have either gone home or gone to somewhere safe.
But not these three.
This night, their lives would change forever. Or, you know, just until the adventure's over.
The world is on the brink of going boom boom. This is our darkest hour. The eternal night doesn't help either. It is a time for heros to arise. Now...Roll for initiative!!
Wait, I forgot. You guys don't know anything yet. I mean uh...
You find yourselves on the ship over to the land shrouded in darkness. The captain will be leaving the moment you depart, so the instant you get ashore, he's gone. According the captain, the land has been in shadows ever since the Handsome Sorcerer set up in the old castle north of the city of Flamerock Refuge.
Greetings friends and comrades! Nameless GM here with a concept that I know I'm not the first to think of.
If you're a fan of Borderlands 2, you couldn't wait for the 4th DLC, Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, to come out. Well it's been a year since Borderlands 2 came out, and to celebrate I thought I'd start and run a game based on Tiny Tina's Bunkers and Bad@$$es game!
If you have played though Borderlands 2/Tiny Tina's game, please no spoilers! There may be a few of you who don't know the game or the twists presented by it!
Characters will start at 5th lvl because I hate starting at 1st and this game just fits better that high up. Build specs are as follows:
Point Buy: 20 point High Fantasy
Core Races only. ARG races with GM (that's me) approval.
No Class restriction except no Gunslinger. They can get pretty OP at this point, but other gun based Archtypes are allowed. 3rd party classes with GM approval.
Health will be like PFS: Full HD 1st, 1/2+1HD after (so if your HD is a d10, 1st lvl is 10, 2nd lvl is 1/2+1 so 5+1=6+10=16 and so on)
Standard Start Gold for 5th lvl characters: 10,500gp. As a side note, you may not spend more than half of it (5,250) on any one item.
Other questions and/or requests are to be submitted here or in a Private Message.
We will be starting the same place Tina started, the Unassuming Docks of Potentially Little Importance.
As this is absolutely made up, if you want to make yourself a background or character bio, go for it!
I will request that character sheets are completed on the alias, but that doesn't matter until the game is ready to play.
I have already spoken with a few friends of mine and we currently have one character, an Elf Rogue going Shadowdancer.
Fair warning, YOU WILL LEVEL UP! I would like to see a few prestige classes, but that is up to you guys!
Get those character sheets coming! I can't wait to get started!
EDIT: Please also post your experience with Borderlands 2 as well. Just for kicks.
This is the Discussion Thread. If you wanna comment on the action, ask a question out of character, or start a conversation that may last the whole game, this is where you do it!
By the way, I'll be asking questions on occasion just to keep you guys on your toes, so keep an eye out!
It is unlikely that alliances are forged on a road and a mischance of meeting, but this one did. You can recall heading down a long and winding road through some mountains to a small town known as Duvik's Pass. The town itself is very small, but home to one of the richest silver minds in the world. Recently, however, the silver has stopped coming in and tales of an outbreak spread through taverns.
The Gods must have had a hand in your meeting.
This is the part where you put an intro for your character. How they look, what they're wearing or doing, basicly whatever your character is doing when they meet the other characters. Don't be afraid to go nuts with it. Your fellow players will get a kick out of it!
It has been nearly 120 years since the discovery of the lost city of Ifrinterra, the city of fire buried in ice.
The city of Shearpoint has flourished. Trade between the Grey Kingdom and the Golden Rule has increased 100 fold. Without a doubt, there is an age of peace among the kingdoms.
The deaths of Deep Thought, Alure, and Acumen brought near destruction to the Golden Rule. However, a Savior appeared to the people, showing the way to keep the chaos at bay and lead the nations to peace and prosperity.
Among the ones saved were a group of strangers that knew nothing of each other, yet found themselves all in the same bar at the same time.
In this bar, their lives would be changed forever...
Do some character introductions. How you enter the bar, what you do, and why you're in the Golden Rule.
Greetings recruits and veterans alike! I am the Nameless GM, and I'm looking to host a short game for new players and forum newbs alike. The campaign is called the Burning Plague, a simple beginner campaign for DnD 3.5, and with a little creative license, I can make it Pathfinder Compatible.
For those interested, I'll be accepting the newest players. Veterans can enter if they want, but if a newer player wants to join, please step down and offer your seat!
Character Build Requirements:
Classes: To keep things simple, only the Core Rule Book (CRB) classes will be allowed. Veterans who know what they're doing can play the Base classes and alternate classes (minus the Anit-Paladin), but again, I request that the newest players take precedent.
Races: Again, to avoid confusion, only the (CRB) races will be allowed. These races are:
Halfling (sometimes known as Hobbit)
All other races are not allowed.
Ability Score: We will be using a system called a Point Buy system. The system is explained here along with everything else we'll be using to make characters.
Alignment: Alignment restrictions will be so there are no Evil Alignments (Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil). You can make a character that has evil tendencies, but nothing worse than the occasional pickpocket.
Starting Level: We will be starting at 1st lvl. Where better to start than the beginning?
Starting Gold: Because we are building at 1st lvl, you will be using the Class Average for starting gold. This changes depending on your class, so choose wisely.
Item and Other Misc Restrictions: There are no current item restrictions as we are starting at level 1 and you can't even afford most of the restricted stuff. Again, if Veterans want in, they can apply. If a newer player does show interest, I do ask that the veteran step down and allow the new player to join in.
If you have any questions, ANY at all, don't be afraid to PM me or my colleges in mischief:
So I was watching The Gamers: Dorkness Rising the other day (if you haven't seen it, you can find it on YouTube).
Along came the idea that Paladins can't stand by while dishonorable and evil acts happened.
And my mind started churning: If you use Holy Water to slowly destroy a demon, wouldn't you be doing your Paladinian duty? If the demon just so happened to say something useful, it wouldn't be considered torture, would it?
I could use some help. Not because I have a Paladin in the party, but because I want this question answered.
He brought up the idea of having the Skeletal Template on a summoned Elemental creature. After looking through the feat and the template, there seems to be a set of loop holes that go around each other on both.
The following are quotes from the same two sites I got the links to above. The loops are bolded.
Quoted from the PFSRD for Skeletal Summoner: Once per day, when you cast "summon monster," you may summon a skeletal version of one of the creatures on that spell's summoning list (apply the skeleton template to that creature to create this monster).
Quoted from the PFSRD for Skeleton Template: “Skeleton” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead) that has a skeletal system (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
Therein lies my problem.
An Elemental is a corporeal creature, but does not have a skeletal system. But according to the feat, you apply the template to "create" the creature. Does this mean the creature never existed before and therefore doesn't follow the rules that we know of?
I could use a little assistance from some experienced players and GMs. Sorry about the big post, but I needed to get the problem out there.
This is the discussion thread for Conquest of Darkness. This is mostly for spectators, as the actual players will most likely talk with the Skype group we have set up.
On the road returning to the town, Taldra and her new friend Crystal are becoming acquainted after the death of Taldra's two previous team members, Vi and Gordon. Needless to say, their affects brought a pretty penny. Taldra kept Vi's prized possession, a pistol, as a trophy of a friend lost.
At this point, you may start or continue a conversation. Salazar and Ybewyr may post whenever to let themselves be known.
Please imagine Ron Perlman reading this. Fits the setting better.
War never changes. In the year 2077, the world was plunged into chaos, followed by nuclear fire and radiation. It was the apocalypse as many had thought. The world was uninhabitable. But not all of it...
The year is 2177, one hundred years since the war. Humanity has not been lost, but thrived. Deep in the irradiated marshes of Louisiana, the city of New Orleans has been repopulated and renamed Old Orleans in memory of what the city once was.
Humans, Super Mutants, and Ghouls all live under the rule of the Brotherhood of Steel, each keeping to a section of the city, but trade and connections are abundant.
The marshes outside the city are largely unexplored, and filled with mutated horrors and creatures that keep to themselves, unless some unfortunate soul tries to venture into the Marshes.
Outside the city, a Vault from before the war lets out a screeching sound as the giant steel door opens, and the Vault residents are introduced to what was once a thriving country, now almost entirely gone.
This is your story. This is where you will change the fate of a small group of people, the fate of a city, and possibly, the world...
I need to know what everyone will be doing when the Vault opens. Where you are, what you're doing, and why you're doing it. Here we go guys...
*Paladins can only be Human, and they will have special connections with the Brotherhood of Steel.
The reason the Arcane classes aren't in this list is because there is really no way for them to work, as most of their usefulness comes from having plenty of supplies. This is obviously a problem in the Fallout Universe. The Alchemist is the exception, as he can make potions and bombs from just about anything, which fits perfectly in this campaign.
The only Divine casters are the Inquisitor and the Cleric, as we'd need a healer. Blamo Mac & Cheese can only do so much against a bullet wound.
The Human and Elf are available as races, as well as the Super Mutant and Ghoul (special thanks to pscionichamster for making these)
Baseball Bat-Louisville Slugger
Brass Knuckles-Brass Knuckles
Chinese Officer's Sword-Officer's Sword
Combat Knife-Combat Knife
Nail board-Nail board
Police Baton-Club
Pool cue-Pool Cue
Rolling Pin-MW Club
Super Sledge-Super sledge
All characters are proficient with Pistols, Explosives (grenades and mines) and melee weapons, as they are considered Simple Weapons (I know pistols are far from it, but just roll with it).
Rifles, SMGs, and Shotguns are considered Martial weapons, since you have to know what does what on a gun like those.
Energy Weapons and Big Guns are considered Exotic, and only the Paladin is proficient with all of them.
I'll make an exception to the rule of having to take a Feat to use a weapon, as that just seems silly and a waste of a Feat to learn how to use a Plasma Pistol in combat.
Teaching Someone to Use a Weapon:
If you have someone in your party who knows how to use the weapon, IE a Paladin with a Combat Shotgun, he can teach you how to use the weapon and you will be considered proficient with that weapon for one day.
In order to be taught how to use a weapon, the teacher must make an INT roll of a DC 12 for Martial, DC 14 for an Exotic. The student must make an INT roll of the same DCs to be taught.
In order to teach you must be outside of combat in an area with no distractions. After the lessons, 1d6 of ammunition is used to get used to the kick of the weapon. The exceptions are the Fat Man and the Flamer. The Flamer uses 1d20 of ammo, and the Fat Man doesn't use ammo when being taught. Mini Nukes are too valuable for something so trivial, so a large rock is used instead.
After the day has passed, if the student uses the weapon successfully in combat that day, they can make a DC 15 INT check to be considered proficient with the weapon permanently.
Armor is considered DR Alternative, as per Unearthed Arcana. Light Armor is anything with a DR of less than 5, Medium is everything else except Power Armor. Power Armor is considered Heavy, and the only way to become proficient is to be trained. Sadly, the Paladin can't teach someone to use Power Armor. Only the Brotherhood Faction of the region can teach someone to use Power Armor, and only if they chose the Feat while in the company of the Brotherhood.
I hope this answers any questions anyone would have. If you have more or would like to submit a character, do post!!