
She Who Always Tries's page

50 posts. Alias of Andy Brown.


Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries grins at Spiegel "No assassin in the room. Something magical happened. You would have to ask her or Alan exactly what, I've never understood that sort of thing."

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries decides to follow the others; Lt Callahan will find us if there's a problem,.
"There was a slight problem with the questioning. Miss Rolshen managed to stop Spidleshanks dying immediately though."

"Why the extra weaponry Mr Stillwater?"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

"There's probably very little we can do until the prisoners have been examined for dangerous magic, so we should plan what we're going to do next."
She Who Always Tries begins to follow Roedar then pauses. "Should we be leaving without making sure we can be contacted?"

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Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries considers Amelia's comments and Roedar's reply. "So there's a connection to another country? That could explain where the magical power is coming from."
A slight smile appears "This is certainly more complicated and confusing than we first thought."

An unexpected question and a lack of skill at dealing politely with people (8 CHA) means that the question would be a bit terser than might usually be expected, although I suspect the 'net made it even sharper than I was aiming for

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries nods in agreement with Amelia "Although Wheeler has already told us more than Spindleshanks, it's probably a good idea to get him examined before we ask for more."
Looking Roedar up and down She asks "What do banjos have to do with this?"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

"Either there is a lot more to Wheeler than we know, or Spindleshanks knows things that Wheeler doesn't and whoever has been pulling their gang's strings is more worried about these things than about what Wheeler knows.
I think we need Wheeler's information as a clue to what's going on, but what Spindleshanks knows may be more important for who or why.

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

"If it was magic, it gives us another question to answer. What sort of power is required, and who is capable of doing it? And if it wasn't magic, what was it?"

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Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

"The Palladin has better things to do with his time than come in here on the off chance you've got something important to say."
She pauses briefly before continuing. "As the one in charge of your little gang, I'm assuming you've got something to tell us that none of your associates know?"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries leads the way into the room where Spindleshanks is waiting.
"Hello Spindleshanks, my name is She Who Always Tries, you may call me Officer if that's easier. This is Miss Rolshen, you may remember her as the attorney from the party where you were arrested. You might even still have her business card."

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries suppresses a grin as she acknowledge's Callahan's order. "I'm sure we'll have Spindleshank talking quickly enough, Ma'am."
Turning to Amelia, She asks "Shall I start things off, Miss Rolshen? Then you can pick up any holes in the questioning"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries nods in agreement with Amelia and moves forward to talk to Lt Callahan.
"Ma'am, Wheeler is willing to talk in exchange for a pardon. It appears that he was the one running the Rough and Tumble gang. He says he'll explain the reason for the gang activity, and a bigger threat to the City. I'm sure it will take some time organise things, during which we can pay a visit to the tea shop."

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries waits to see whether Amelia is going to be long. Spidleshanks can wait a little longer

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Team OZ:
"Well, do you think we've made Spindleshank wait long enough? Is there anything useful he's going to be able to tell us after what we've got from Wheeler?"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Team Oz:
"I'm sure he'll attempt to negotiate from a position of strength, which we know he doesn't have"
She Who Always Tries also smiles at the guard.
"Fruit juice of some sort? That sounds wonderful"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Team Oz:
"We need to be clear that we are not jumping to answer his call. Perhaps a 15 minutes or so for us to take some refreshments while he sits and waits?"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Team Oz:
She Who Always Tries grins at Amelia "It wasn't much, I just suggested he was wasted on his current life path. I think it was the rest of the conversation that convinced him. And yes, there's some personal feeling involved, I think"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Team Oz:
In common "Well, that explains your familiarity with captivity. I'm sure the mayor will give you a just reward for your help."
And in Vanaran "And even fewer who paint as well as you. Perhaps you should consider a new career."

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Team Oz:
Replying in Common
"Then you will be looking at these walls a long time, the master considers you less than a flea on the dog. And don't try to scare me with threats of death and dismemberment; we all die, the world decays, and maybe we go round again.
Why would we offer you anything, when you were little more than muscle doing the bidding of your gang leader? Surely they know more than you, and you can just be left here, protected by walls, bars and chains.
She glances toward the door, then changes to Vanaran.

Team Oz in Vanaran:

"I thought, perhaps, I could help one of my own people. But I see you are too stuck on your path for that to mean anything."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Team Oz:
She Who Always Tries replies to Wheeler in Vanaran "Lawyers are just something you can't avoid in the Watch. There's even one outside to watch me talk to you. That's perhaps something I would be more free without."

She switches to common for Amelia and Adrian's benefit, assuming that Wheeler will be understand.
"They tell me you've become helpful and docile while locked in here. Has the captivity tamed you? I'm free enough to come and look at your paintings, free enough to choose whether to do that or deal with the human gangs"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Team Oz:
"I'm sure we'll learn something from one of them. Let's go talk to Wheeler"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Team Oz:
"I wonder what brought him here. I will look more closely at his paintings this time; I'll admit to being surprised that he was painting me, and didn't take a good look at the rest."

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Team Oz:

"If Wheeler is behaving himself, and not using his strength, he might be waiting for something that will let him free soon. We should try to find out what that might be.
Oh, one last thought before we see him, he was painting pictures in his cell, including pictures of me. I wonder how he'd feel if he wasn't allowed to paint.

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Team Oz:

"Wheeler seems to put a lot of store in freedom; he told me I'm chained by rules and law, and he's not. As he's already locked up, I'm not sure how we can use that against him."

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

"Well, Miss Rolshen, let's not give our suspects a chance to get a good look at what we do, or don't have on our hands."

She thinks for a moment before continuing.
"Wheeler seemed very sure of himself, even locked up, and he is strong, so we're not likely to scare anything out of him. Maybe we need a different approach. Spindleshank seems weaker, but I don't know very much about Drow."

To Mulancy, She says "I think those may be useful when we question Spindleshanks, assuming the gang leader knows more about things going on with their gang than the gang do."

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries gives Amelia a quick, friendly smile.
"I think that is a good idea, we should present a united face to those we are questioning, so that we do not appear unsure of ourselves. Hot drinks aren't really my taste, but otherwise I agree."

"Oh, I should also ask your preferred form of address while we are working."

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

"I'll be happy to talk to the gang members again, Ma'am. It might be worth it if the cases are linked"

She glances over at Amelia before continuing
"Perhaps our consultant can give guidance on how much I'm allowed to encourage them to talk?"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries approaches Callahan.

"Ma'am, the Vanara we arrested at the party seemed to know something about trouble coming, so maybe his friend Jade would know something about it too. I'd like to see if we can get him this time."

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Welcome to the Squad

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

When She Who Always Tries gets together with the rest of the group, She will mention Wheeler's comment about the city burning.
"Maybe he knows something about what's going on with the gangs"

How many bulb bolts?

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries gives Wheeler a quick smile that displays all of her teeth.
"Perhaps being chained by their laws is better than being chained by their chains? At least I'm free to go outside, and not stuck away from the sky.
Sometimes the strong protect the weak, and don't have to watch for enemies at every turn. My father told me to help people, and that is what I am doing."

She starts to leave, then turns back.
"No matter what you've taken up to now, it does you no good while you are in here. And for both of us, this is only one part of our lives, and one life of many. Whether it is good or bad, the next will be different."

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

"I'm sure we will all learn from our mistakes. We'll get better at working together as we do it more."

She Who Always Tries looks at the crooks, then leans over and speaks quietly to Sven
"We didn't get them all though, did we? Did they take anything special?"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries will make sure all her weaponry is properly put away before entering the room, which will also give time for the grease to be dispelled.
Once in the room, she will help secure the prisoners.
"Who's going to help me move the sleeping ones?"

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Given the situation, She Who Always Tries isn't going to shoot at the bat, there's too much chance of something going wrong

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

I've moved back to standing in the doorway. Just wanted to check if it I could reach it with a 5' step or if I needed a move to get to it. Next turn is planned at being a pick up & ready, depending on what happens

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Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Changing how I worded the rest of my actions and totally failed to spot silly damage. I'm a bit surprised I hit with that attack roll, actually.

Learning moment - read everything several times and think about numbers before posting

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Sorry about the dice mess up. Total brain fade
She Who Always Tries puts her Sap away (move action) and continues to Ready to hit any crooks trying to leave by the balcony.

I think I should be standing over or next to the crossbow I dropped earlier, can GM confirm that please?

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries takes a swing at Wheeler as he moves away
AoO +1 Merciful Cutlass: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 damage: 1d20 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 2 + (5) = 26 non-lethal.

Then She positions herself in the doorway, looking into the room and readies an action to attack any of the thieves that try to leave

just realised I said scimitar previously rather than cutlass. same stats though

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

I'm assuing that being on the balcony puts me out of range of the Bless, if not add 1 to the attack roll
She Who Always Tries draws her scimitar as she steps up to Wheeler

Feel free to give up before this gets too painful for you

+1 Merciful Scimitar: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10damage: 1d6 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 2 + (5) = 12 Non-lethal

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries makes a grab for the railing Reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 and stops herself falling.

Free action Vanaran:
Who's holding your leash, Vanara who would rather be carried than climb a simple wall?

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries had drawn her Sap, so will take the attack of opportunity.
Sap: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23, damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 non-lethal, which should get applied as a penalty to the bullrush attempt if I hit.
Not enough to make him miss, but is it enough to stop him pushing me off the balcony?

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

I'm assuming that Wheeler and Jade have dropped onto the same balcony that She is on, given that she's been shooting at them as they approached

She Who Always Tries drops her crossbow at her feet (free action), pulls out her Sap (move action) and shouts at Wheeler in Vanaran.

"Stay where you are, unwanted child of an unknown tribe. I'm with the watch, and you're being arrested. Or pulped like an over-ripe fruit"

Intimidate to demoralize: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 (standard action)

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3
Sven the Shieldbearer wrote:
I prefer GM rolls initiative and we do it in blocks. Makes the game go much faster.

This works for me

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Just noticed that changing my mind on how to word the last post resulted in me losing several words. It should have said "unslings and loads her light crossbow"

She Who Always Tries responds to Callahan's order by opening fire on the bat. Each round she can fire and reload.

Round 1:
Attack with +1 Merciful Light Crossbow: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22, +1 if within 30 feet, range penalty -2 per 80 feet, reduced by 2 by Hunter's Sight.
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 1 + (6) = 15, +1 if within 30 feet, non-lethal, cold iron.

Round 2:
Attack with +1 Merciful Light Crossbow: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12, +1 if within 30 feet, range penalty -2 per 80 feet, reduced by 2 by Hunter's Sight.
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 1 + (3) = 6, +1 if within 30 feet, non-lethal, cold iron.

Round 3:
Attack with +1 Merciful Light Crossbow: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15, +1 if within 30 feet, range penalty -2 per 80 feet, reduced by 2 by Hunter's Sight.
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 1 + (2) = 11, +1 if within 30 feet, non-lethal, cold iron.

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries comes into the room to tell Callahan that there's something suspicious approaching, then tries to warn Milo that he might want to keep an eye on the skylights.
If she can't get to Callahan within a few seconds, She will simply call out to the nearest Watchman "There's a suspicious bat approaching!"

Her reaction to the drugged guests is a quick burst of Vanaran, then She unslings and heads back to the balcony.

For anybody that speaks Vanaran:
"Oh nuts!" and a single short curse-word

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries reaches into a pouch and takes out her Hunter's Sight. Fitting it over one eye she tries to make out more detail of whatever it was that caught her eye.

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries is attempting to stay out of the way of the party, spending most of her time watching the room from the door to the balcony, and the rest on the balcony looking over the river with a bit of attention paid toward the roof in case somebody's managed to get up there from somewhere else.

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

That's quite a drop, but I bet the view is amazing

She Who Always Tries has a good look around the roof perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 and if she doesn't see anything unusual, she will climb back to the balcony with the best view of the rear of the hotel.

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

She Who Always Tries will have spent some time on the journey to the hotel trying to have a conversation with Tackleberry about weaponry, asking why he prefers the ones that make so much noise.

Once at the hotel She will begin by looking over the obvious entrances and exits, going to each of the balconies and taking a good look at the exterior walls of the hotel to see how easy she thinks they would be to climb.
How far up is the penthouse?

If things remain quiet, and the wall looks easy enough, She will climb up (20' climb speed, and a 25 climb check by taking 10) and have a look round the roof.

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Hmm, Bonded Mind would be useful if I'm on a roof and the tin cans are down in the street.
Most of the teamwork feats that include ranged attacks would be great if the focus was on killing enemies; I'm not sure they work so well for making arrests (well, there's always Merciful weaponry)

As a total aside, are the standard issue Ioun Torches blue?

Female Vanara. HP 31 / 31; AC 19 / 14 / 15 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 3

Well, if I've got everything right, this should be me.

Parkour crime spree? Sounds right up my rooftop :)