Bone Devil

Sgtdrill's page

Organized Play Member. 60 posts (270 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


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Xenocrat wrote:
Sgtdrill wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:

Give me $1000 today and I'll give you $2000 in 30 years, it's a strict financial upgrade.

And the Half-Elf feat is not more powerful than other feats the same category. That feat buys 2 out of 4 options. Elves get three of those for free, plus a whole other feat.

That's absolutely correct. $2000 is greater than $1000.

And you don't even have to wait 30 years. You get a better feat than elves at 1st level - and it gets better from there in 4 more levels.

You do realize that the feat's abilities are tacked on to what humans (or dwarves, or whatever you want to crossbreed with) already get, right?

Man, I really want to sell you a financed used car. Time value of money (and feats) is a very important concept to understand.

It's not clear that Humans get anything other than +2 HP, a feat that the Half-Elf traded away, and access to the Human ancestry feat list that you can't touch until level 5.

There's no compound interest on feats. In fact, as higher level feats are (generally) better, one could argue its the opposite.

And half-elves would also get the flexible stat boosts.

Xenocrat wrote:

Wow, it's become clear why there is so much spam in this forum on the weekends, those guys must clean up around here before the moderators save you guys from yourselves.

Yes, the immediate benefit of giving up your human feat is to become an elf without all of the base elf abilities and without their elf feat. Quite the benefit.

Given that we're all extrapolating from incomplete data - as in, none of us have played it yet - maybe one should keep an open mind.

And yes, I include myself in that. Maybe, despite what I think, it really will suck.

Xenocrat wrote:
Sgtdrill wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
Sgtdrill wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:

If I'm not mistaken elves get low light vision, 30' speed, Elf language, AND a ancestry feat at 1st level.

A half-elf...can choose two of those three, with the option to pick Diplomacy instead, and in the (distant) future has a broader array of choices, but does NOT get a separate feat at 1st level.

That's pretty terrible!

But look at it from another perspective.

What if were a sub-class of wizard who had fewer spells known at 1st, and was able to cast fewer spells at first.

But from level 2 on, their progression was identical to a Wizard in these two areas, with the added distinction of being able to choose their spells from the Druid spell list as well.

I think you meant you can pick one Druid spell at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17 in return for permanently stunted spell progression at your highest level.

Nope, meant what I typed. Post-level-1, half-breeds get the same feat progression as everyone else. All that's required is to choose a specific feat at 1st, which is more powerful than other feats in the category, and still contains some flexibility.

In exchange, you can go full power-gamer and cherry pick feats from 3 different categories - one of which no other race has access to.

If anything, its a strict power upgrade.

Give me $1000 today and I'll give you $2000 in 30 years, it's a strict financial upgrade.

And the Half-Elf feat is not more powerful than other feats the same category. That feat buys 2 out of 4 options. Elves get three of those for free, plus a whole other feat.

That's absolutely correct. $2000 is greater than $1000.

And you don't even have to wait 30 years. You get a better feat than elves at 1st level - and it gets better from there in 4 more levels.

You do realize that the feat's abilities are tacked on to what humans (or dwarves, or whatever you want to crossbreed with) already get, right? Even the developer agrees its more powerful.

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Xenocrat wrote:
Sgtdrill wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:

If I'm not mistaken elves get low light vision, 30' speed, Elf language, AND a ancestry feat at 1st level.

A half-elf...can choose two of those three, with the option to pick Diplomacy instead, and in the (distant) future has a broader array of choices, but does NOT get a separate feat at 1st level.

That's pretty terrible!

But look at it from another perspective.

What if were a sub-class of wizard who had fewer spells known at 1st, and was able to cast fewer spells at first.

But from level 2 on, their progression was identical to a Wizard in these two areas, with the added distinction of being able to choose their spells from the Druid spell list as well.

I think you meant you can pick one Druid spell at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17 in return for permanently stunted spell progression at your highest level.

Nope, meant what I typed. Post-level-1, half-breeds get the same feat progression as everyone else. All that's required is to choose a specific feat at 1st, which is more powerful than other feats in the category, and still contains some flexibility.

In exchange, you can go full power-gamer and cherry pick feats from 3 different categories - one of which no other race has access to.

If anything, its a strict power upgrade.

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Xenocrat wrote:

If I'm not mistaken elves get low light vision, 30' speed, Elf language, AND a ancestry feat at 1st level.

A half-elf...can choose two of those three, with the option to pick Diplomacy instead, and in the (distant) future has a broader array of choices, but does NOT get a separate feat at 1st level.

That's pretty terrible!

But look at it from another perspective.

What if were a sub-class of wizard who had fewer spells known at 1st, and was able to cast fewer spells at first.

But from level 2 on, their progression was identical to a Wizard in these two areas, with the added distinction of being able to choose their spells from the Druid spell list as well.

You're trading a bit of front-end power for increased power and flexibility later.

Which kind of even fits the 'half-breed' lore. Tough upbringing, but that same upbringing only hardened them, allowing them to be more successful later in life.

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I love this, and look forward to trying it.

And if your setting has half-elves and half-orcs where the other parent isn't human, say half-orc/half-dwarf characters, you can just allow the half-orc feat for dwarf characters and the rest of the work is already taken care of.

This is my favorite part. In fact, I'd love to see half-(other base races). For example, maybe half-gnome heritage feat, to represent the offspring of a halfling/gnome union.

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Just as a note - anybody can find any kind of trap, magical or otherwise. Even if we have nobody who can 'disarm' them, if we can find them we can find creative ways to get through.

Sheridan Driftwood wrote:
Still full Rogue, and I have thieves' tools, Disable Device +6 and Perception +4, I'm just a little skeptical that it'll be our highest perception.

It'll be fine. I'll be in front anyway, and I have a crapton of HP ;)

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DFAnton wrote:

Jesus, are shapeshifters getting shafted AGAIN?

Guys, it's okay for people to have fun.

Seems ok to me, but I'll probably need to reserve judgement until we see what polymorph spells are out there.


Ngai was born and raised in a small village, deep in the Mwangi Expanse. Her childhood was a happy one, learning from her elders, and playing with the other children. Unlike many places in the Mwangi, the village was peaceful. All followed the old ways, in touch with the spirits of nature, secure in their faith in Gozreh.

Unfortunately, legends of a vast treasure located nearby reached the ears of a bloodthirsty pirate captain - and he sent a raiding party off to retrieve it. But after many days of searching, no treasure was found - so the pirates settled on the next best thing: loot and slaves. They attacked Ngai's village in force, slaying wantonly, and capturing much of the young.

Ngai spent the next several years in a haze, first sold to a wealthy merchant, then passed on to other owners - each more violent and terrible than the last. All the while, a vast pool of rage bubbled under the surface, but any time she let it loose the punishments were dire, and she was then off to a new owner.

This might have been her fate for the rest of her life, but a wandering Pathfinder Agent, touched by her plight, bought her freedom from a potato farmer that was particularly cruel. Ngai slowly came to trust again as another few years passed, travelling with her new friend, helping where she could.

But now she's old enough to strike out on her own and forge her own legend. With a sword gifted from her benefactor, and newfound knowledge of how to channel her rage into might, Ngai walks the land - seeking new adventures.


Ngai M'Katu

Male Human Bloodrager 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Deity: Gozreh Homeland: Mwangi Expanse
Init +4; Senses Perception +3
AC 16 [14] Touch 12 [10] Flat-footed 14 [12]
HP 13/13 [15/15]
Fort +5 [+7] Ref +2 Will -1 [+1]
Favored Class Bloodrager (+1 HP)
Defensive Abilities
Speed 40 ft.
Melee Greatsword +6 (2d6+6/19-20) [+8 (2d6+9/19-20)]
Power Attack +5 (2d6+9/19-20) [+7 (2d6+12/19-20)]
Ranged Sling +3 (1d4+4)
Special Bloodrage (10 rounds/day, Fast Healing 1)

Str 18 [22], Dex 14, Con 14 [18], Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +5 [+7]; CMD 15 [15]
Feats Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Power Attack
Traits Reactionary, Berserker of the Society
(1) Acrobatics +6
(1) Climb +8 [+10]
(1) Intimidate +5
(1) Perception +3
(1) Survival +3
Languages Common, Polyglot
SQ Fast Movement, Verdant Bloodline
20 bullets
Hide Armor
Barbarian's Kit (backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, a flint
and steel, an iron pot, rope, soap, torches (10), trail
rations (5 days), and a waterskin)

will have the background up shortly

GM Eldbale of Evergale wrote:

If you want to do that, that's fine.

Since it will be a party of 5, that extra person might allow you to keep your submissions as they are, foregoing a main front liner. It'd be an interesting...challenge... to say the least.

If you'd rather save your Tetori idea, though, you may resubmit any front liner class you wish.
(Fighter, Barbarian, Paladin, and I'll even allow Bloodrager.)

Sounds good!

The Goblin wrote:

And we do not have a frontliner submission unless I am missing something. SgtDrill I am guessing Mesmer is a grapple and submit type, but can he realistically be a front line striker in a few levels? I like the Nacho Libre Vibe with a dash of Don Quixote for flavor by the way!

The Tetori is definitely a front liner, but its true he's designed to really only engage with one person at a time in combat. And he has a decent Perception, so I can be ok at finding the traps even if I can;t do anything about it. That being said, you're right - we ARE lacking a tanky front-liner.

GM Eldbale - would you be ok with me resubmitting as a Paladin? I can save the Tetori idea for another time.

I'm certainly open to changing if you guys think I need to. Have a pretty good idea for a Mesmer - which can fill the Bard role.

A template would be hard to apply universally, but perhaps one troop of each CR, 1-20? Just to give us a general power level from Paizo's perspective?

Wouldn't have to be detail heavy - heck, pack 'em into 2-3 pages in an appendix.

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Sheridan Driftwood wrote:
Also, the party looks like it's shaping up to be three or four sub-optimal frontliners (glowing rogue, weapon bond wizard, grapple monk, combat cleric) and that sounds like hilarious fun.

And one optimal gun guy, behind that front line, loving life.

I should add - the reason I didn't go Unchained Monk is that I wanted to play a 'rassler, and the Tetori archetype is not for Unchained.

If you want Unchained only, there are some conversions on the web for Tetori - but they are by nature homebrew.

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The origin of... EL SERPENTO!:

Edward de la Vega was the youngest son of a farmer in a remote mountain village in Cheliax. He spent much of his formative years staring at the ass end of an ox, tilling his family's fields. But all that changed....

One day, while indulging his vice of reading lurid adventure stories, a passing cart threw a stone up, striking our hero in the head. He laid in a coma for many days, and when he awoke it was if he was a completely different person - a figure from his stories.

He was no longer Edward, plowboy. He was... EL SERPENTO, champion of the weak!

His father, torn between bemusement and resignation, gave him a small stipend and shipped him off to make his own way in the world. Through sheer natural talent, as well as shoulders built from a backbreaking farmer's life, El Serpento wanders the words fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves.

(Intentionally very 4 color pulp, by the way. I'm envisioning his delusion being over the top at the beginning, then slowly receding as Edward realizes he doesn't need to adopt a persona to be a hero)

Da Stats:

Male Human Chained Monk (Tetori) 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Deity: Irori Homeland: Cheliax
Init +3; Senses Perception +5
AC 13 Touch 13 Flat-footed 11
HP 14/14
Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +3
Favored Class Monk (+1 HP)
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed +4 (1d6+4)
Ranged Sling +1 (1d4+4)
Special Stunning Fist (DC 11, 1/day)
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +5 (Grapple +8); CMD 15 (Grapple 18)
Feats Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Snapping Turtle Style, Stunning Fist, Toughness
Traits Bred for War, Reactionary
(1) Intimidate +5
(1) Perception +5
(1) Sense Motive +5
(1) Acrobatics +5
(1) Climb +8

Languages Common
Combat Gear Sling, 20 bullets

Tight pants, Luchador mask, monk's kit (backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin)

16gp, 8 sp

Timezone - Central US

Number of current PbP campaigns - 0

Knowledge of this module? - None

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Deadmanwalking wrote:
Excaliburproxy wrote:

Naw, man. Return of the Runelords has a time travel plot and someone is going to step on a fairy 50,000 years ago and then goblins are gonna be a bunch of chill bros. You'll see. They will be the chillest bros in Cheliax or whatever.

Full disclosure: I don't play in Golarion and have no dog in this fight (which is a stroke of luck given that dog slicers are about).

I'm aware you're kidding, but for the record anyway:

All time travel in Return of the Runelords seems to be within a 10 year period or so [i]at the most/i]. There is no serious retconning time travel stuff.

I recently finished running Reign Of Winter, and as part of extending the campaign the party did a bit of time travel. The story is that Baba Yaga gained her 9th and 10th mythic tier by killing Aroden and opening the Worldwound.

As the final arc, the party had to find the Orb of Dragonkind, figure out a way to destroy it releasing the soul of the entrapped Great Wyrm Time Dragon, then True Res her so that she would send them back in time. All so they could intervene, keep Baba Yaga from gaining the immortality mythic power, and finally kill her for good.

Since my next DMed games will be the playtest, that's my in-game rationale for the PF2 changes - the players changed history in earth shattering ways, and this is the result.

Wait. "Though you have already spent most of your Resonance Points crafting alchemical items during your daily preparations..."

So an alchemist is going to have to decide between having bombs and utilizing magic items? Hopefully bombs are a minor part of the PF2 alchemist then.

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I know that many will be using the playtest adventure specifically written for the purpose, but to me that means that playtest experiences outside of that will be valuable.

With that in mind, I'll be converting Giantslayer to PF2. Seemed like the AP that would be easier than most, as many of the opponents are pretty common monsters.

Because of the time frame involved, I'll be running book 1, book 3, and book 5 only. The players will be making new characters for each book, so that my party of 4 players can try out all 12 classes. My two main concerns regarding conversion are save/skill DCs, and conversion of magic items - but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Anybody else planning on an AP conversion? Not sure how long it will take me to get mine ready, but I would be happy to share my conversion once complete.

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Mark Seifter wrote:

If so, a wand of invisibility is going to cost more like 1,000 gp and be something you find/buy/get closer to 10th level than to 4th. And it would invert the relationship between staves and wands, insomuch as...

Then maybe diverge dramatically from what wands were. Instead of multi-use spells in a can, go wacky with them.


1) They can act as batteries, in which you store an additional spell known, but requires resonance invested to use.

2) Spend a point of resonance to remove the need for a Somatic action on a spell you are casting.

3) A particular wand is linked to a school of magic, and while wielded (and invested), they grant an additional number of spell points in that school. So wands would have degrees - Mark I, Mark II, etc.

Just spitballing, but if wands are kind of the odd man out in PF2.... and it sounds like they are..... why not fundamentally change their nature?

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I actually quite dig the concept of Resonance, and during the playtest I'll try it as written.

But if it goes to live unchanged I will 100% be house ruling it. Making magic item use dependent on Charisma automatically makes any non-Charisma class MAD (or even more MAD).

It seems to make much more sense to make it primary-attribute-dependent, similar to Starfinder's RP.

Tarik Blackhands wrote:

If you want to absolutely torture the intent of the rules and definition of species sure. Then again if we go into the dictionary, being declared a species generally requires two organisms capable of reproduction among several other bits of minutae. Since Yig (and Bokrug for all you Beast Shape lovers) are unique individuals who cannot make little Yigs/Bokrugs most biologists won't call either their own species.

Of course arguing that sort of thing is strictly academic since the general rule of thumb with PF rules is that if any part of your explanation for why something works features the word "technically" then odds are that wasn't intended and nearly any GM will treat such attempts with an icy glare at best.

Sorry, wasn't my intention to anger anybody - thank you for your feedback.

Sorry, yes - Monstrous Physique, not Beast Shape.

I guess one could argue that since its an unknowable Great Old One, that the player would need to make a HEFTY DC Knowledge check to have enough knowledge of Yig to change into it.

And yes, he's an individual - but he's also a species, since he's one of a kind.

From what I can tell with this spell, one of the Great Old Ones - Yig - is an allowed form. Am I missing something elementary in RAW to prevent it?

The attacks would be Bite (6d10), 2 Claws (4d8), Tail Slap (4d10). And a Con Drain poison that requires 3 consecutive saves.

EDIT: Wrong spell in the title

*THOUGHT it was

Stoopid phone

Well, hat's not bad at all. Though it was more involved than that.


As it says on the label. I was thinking about going this year, but I thought (perhaps erroneously) that I would have to pre-join the Pathfinder Society to be able to do any gaming.

Is that the case? Or is there more casual gaming available as well?

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Do you maybe mean this?


So... I guess what I'm looking for is feedback. I already know this is gonna make mighty players - so I'll be going through and beefing up encounters in the modules.

And there will be a storyline thing with Lamashtu once the AP is over, but don't want to get into too many details as some of my players are on here.

Some of my concerns are:

1) Size of some of the monsters might be rough on the player - thinking about letting players apply the Young template to any monster they choose if they wish it.

2) Some character concepts will not be perfectly suited to a monster form at each level - thinking about allowing players to add a simple template to their current monster instead of choosing a new one. So in the example, instead of going from Mongrelman to Sasquatch at level 2, they could instead have a Giant Mongrelman as their monstrous form.

3) Any class interactions I should avoid?

4) As most APs, I worry about replacing dead PCs - maybe something like if characters die, they return to life 1d10 rounds later or when combat ends, whichever comes first. The monster form in which they died is lost forever, they must choose a new one from the same CR.

5) Any pitfalls that don't occur to me?

How the lists of monsters from which they can choose, will match an aspect of Lamashtu's personality to
embody. In rules terms, each player would choose one of 5 colors - and each color can only be chosen once.

Red - The color of vicious hand-to-hand combatants (Example Troglodyte, Chokers, Ettercaps, Minotaurs, etc)

Yellow - The color of monsters that strike at range, whether through spells or force of arms (Example Lantern Archon, Mephit, Djinn, Bralani Azata, etc)

Green - The color of beasts - those who walk on four legs (including dragons) (Example Giant Weasel, Dire Wolf, Wyrmling Red Dragon, Triceratops, etc)

Blue - The color of lumbering, huge creatures - generally humanoid. (Example Sasquatch, Ogre, Troll, Ettin, etc)

Purple - The color of those who strike through trickery or misdirection. (Example Skulk, Dark Creeper, Doppleganger, Succubus, etc)

To put these together I went through all the Bestiaries, and broke out big lists of monsters by CR that fall into each of these categories - at least 3 per CR.

Example - deaturing Bob, the level 1 Human Fighter.

Bob's player chooses Mongrelman as hist 1st form.

He would reroll hps, using 2d10 (as usual, max at 1st, then roll two dice taking the best for the second HD)

He would gain Toughness and Natural Spell as bonus feats

In monstrous form, he would gain:
Monstrous Humanoid creature type
Darkvision and Low-light Vision
+2 Natural Armor
Slam natural attack
Sound Mimicry ability
Racial bonus of +4 Sleight of Hand, +4 Stealth
+4 Str, +2 Sex, +4 Con, +2 Wis, -4 Cha

Then when moving to level 2, the player would choose a monster from the CR2 list of the same color - for this example, we
assume he chose the Sasquatch (example character B). The character would:

1) Lose all the Mongrelman abilities:

Monstrous Humanoid creature type
Darkvision and Low-light Vision
+2 Natural Armor
Slam natural attack (1d4 damage)
Sound Mimicry ability
Racial bonus of +4 Sleight of Hand, +4 Stealth
+4 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Wis, -4 Cha

2) gain the Sasquatch abilities:

Humanoid creature type (with Sasquatch subtype)
Darkvision, Low Light Vision, and Scent
+2 Natural Armor
Slam natural attack of 1d4 damage
Move speed of 40
Racial bonus of +4 to Perception, Stealth, and Survival
Pungency ability
Woodland Stride ability
Rock Throwing ability
+12 Str, +4 Dex, +6 Con, -2 Int

3) reroll HPs all over again using 3d8 hit dice

4) Advance to 2nd level in a character class, gaining all abilities except hit dice

5) If he wishes, he can re-allocate all feats and skill points

So, about to start running Reign Of Winter, and upon reading the AP I realized that this is a great opportunity to try an idea I've been banging around. Instead of the listed bonus for adopting the mantle, here's what I was thinking.

Players gain the ability to transform into monstrous forms - not just like wildshape, but something similar to the old Savage Species rules. What I'm currently thinking is:

Players will start as a normal character - core races only. No Wild shaping - the bonuses from wildshape wouldn't stack with the bonuses from monster form anyway.

Then when they gain the Mantle, and they will gain the ability to transform into a monstrous form.

1) Players can change form at will, taking a full round action. This is a polymorph effect, thus would not stack with modifiers from other polymorph spells & effects (for example, Beast Shape). Other NON-Polymorph transmutation effects will work just fine (for example, Reduce Person or Animal Growth)

2) HP will use the monster form's hit dice, even when not in monster form.

3) Players retain all their class abilities, as well as gain all the abilities of the new form - including, but not necessarily limited to:
a) Movement modes
b) Natural Armor
c) Natural Attacks
d) Extraordinary, Supernatural and Spell-like abilities
e) Size
f) Stat adjustments
g) PC counts as both creature types

4) You will keep your base race abilities even in monstrous form

5) Every time a new level is gained, the player would choose a new monstrous form that they're able to change into. The forms will be the same CR as the character level (kind of like gestalt). When a new monstrous form is gained, the player may re-choose ALL of their feats and re-allocate ALL of their skill points. Other features may be changed at DM discretion (for example, changing a favored weapon style if the PC is a Ranger, or bloodlines for Sorcerors, etc)

6) Magic items will transform as Wild Shape. In other words, if they have a constant effect, but the new form lacks the ability to wear it, it will merge with the new form and remain functional. Unlike Wildshape, non-constant items will either meld or not, it is up to the player.

7) Players can choose weapon and one armor that will resize/reshape with form changes. This can be changed once a week with a one hour ritual, costing 10% of the item cost. This CAN be a weapon morphing into a necklace of natural weapons.

8) All players gain Natural Spell and Toughness as bonus feats once the 1st monstrous form is gained. These are gained in either base or monstrous form.

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Should also look at Adept. Some early entry spells there too... like Heal as a 5th lv spell.

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Two big tricks I use:

1) When they go to do something - open a door, identify an item, eat a sandwich - just ask in a neutral tone, "So.... that means you touch it, right?"

Even if there's nothing bad about it, its fun watching the light of panic in the players' eyes.

2) A deck of many things. No player can resist it.

New players are underpowered, because they don't know how to extract maximum cheese from the rules

3d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 6) = 12
3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2) = 9
3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4) = 15
3d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 5) = 12
3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6) = 8
3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 4) = 12

Working up a Heavens Shaman (for the joker/divine slot), whose main spirit has brought her to Numeria learn more about the fallen ship from space. Probably using the boon for the Samsaran race.

mordion wrote:
It's available much sooner (potentially) than the Wizard or Alchemist capstone abilities that aren't suppressed by an antimagic field. On the other hand I was thinking of making a venerable wizard for WotR and toughing it through the first few levels...but that's a somewhat scarier choice now.

Come on.... grow a sac! ;)

About to start it this weekend - we have:

Aasimar Paladin of Iomedae (me)
Elven Witch
Elven Rogue
Gnome Alchemist (bomb thrower)
Halfling Summoner (and his buddy, "Crunch")

Just lovin' the fact that we only have one tank, and it happens to be our primary healer :)

Cartigan wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:

I'm mad at disney, I went into a door marked disney employees only at disney and they told me I wasn't allowed back there.

How can they tell me I'm not allowed back there. I'm employeed, I'm at disney. That makes me a disney employee. I'm going to picket at there entrance until they clarify this! And don't you try to tell me that its meant to be people employeed by disney corporation because it says disney employees. You're not michael eisner, until I hear this from michael eisner. I'm not accepting any other explanation because its too confusing dangit!

Michael Eisner? Pfft, I'm taking this to Walt Disney himself.

Also, you are suffering from strawman disease. You should see some one about that.

At least he doesn't suffer from terminal arse-hattedness. [/meaningful glance at Cartigan]

Is there a reflex save involved for this damage like the splash or no?

As a DM, I would rule no - it was already determined that he was hit - fast reflexes wouldn't allow him to dodge out from under napalm that's already clinging to him.

Mr. Crowley

Ozzy Osbourne


No, I'm good to go. Just need to buy equipment and collate the combat capabilities - I'll handle that tonight.

My current group is one liberal (who is developing Libertarian leanings), a conservative (also developing Libertarian leanings), and 4 Libertarians.

Personal freedom, personal choice.... as the Constitution states (paraphrased - don't have a copy on me), any rights not specifically spelled out within as reserved for the states or the federal government shall rest with the individual. A principle that has not just been forgotten, it has been actively run over, shot, stabbed, hung, drowned, and poisoned.

Conservatives drive me crazy for their tendencies to restrict what women can do with their own bodies, what personal freedoms its ok to violate in the name of a little security, and what can or can't be taught in our schools.

Liberals drive me crazy for their tendencies to give away money to those who aren't willing to earn it themselves, to protect the minority (be it ethnic, religious, or creed) at the expense of the majority, and what can or can't be taught in our schools.

Still, I'm a realist and know that short of bloody revolution or a complete breakdown in our society, no 3rd party candidate will ever be President (at least, not in my lifetime). So every four to eight years, I alternate which of the big two parties I vote for. The rationale for this is that each party is screwing up our country, but at least they do it in opposite directions so hopefully we'll remain at least a little steady. (Bush, though... wooo - gonna take a while to fix that cluster)

festered in misery,

the true father of Tiger Woods's kids

Sick Tight


Character: Big Don Bohannon

Full Biped
Full Hands
Partial Speech
No Looks

Light Body Armor (A.R. 8, +40 SDC)

Alignment Scrupulous

Size 12

Ht 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8 4' 8"
Wt 6d10 ⇒ (7, 8, 1, 8, 1, 8) = 33 283lbs

Mathematics: Basic
Read/Write American English
Speak American English
Detect Ambush
Detect Concealment
WP Chain
WP Blunt
WP Sword
Hand to Hand:Ninjitsu
Acrobatics (+2 Roll w Punch/Fall, +1 to PS, 1d4 ⇒ 2 to PP, +1 to PE, 1d6 ⇒ 1 to SDC
Climbing (+1 to PS, +1 to PE, 1d6 ⇒ 3 to SDC)
Body Building (+2 to PS, +10 to SDC)
Running (+1 to PE, 4d4 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 4) = 10 to Spd, 1d6 ⇒ 3 to SDC)
Wrestling (+2 to PS, +1 to PE, 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 4) = 15 to SDC)
Boxing (1d4 ⇒ 3 to PS, 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 6) = 14 to SDC)
Athletics (+1 to PS. 1d4 ⇒ 2 to Spd, 1d8 ⇒ 3 to SDC)
Automobile 85%
Truck 69%
Automotive Mechanics 58%
Basic Mechanics

I.Q. 15
M.E. 4
M.A. 10
P.S. 10+6+1+1+2+2+3+1 = 26 (+11)
P.P. 8+2 = 10
P.E. 10+4+1+1+1+1 = 18 (+2)
P.B. 11
Spd. 15-2+10+2 = 25 (+4)
SDC 40+40+6+2+1+14+10+12+3 = 128
HP (PE+3) = 21

(Somewhat transparently modeled off of BA Baracus)

Winterwalker wrote:
Sgtdrill wrote:

never mind - I see lyingbastard posted the following above:

41-90 Adopted by Mentor. 3 military/espionage skills, 10 seconday skills (+5%), Hand to Hand: Ninjitsu, 3 ancient/ninja W.P. 3d6x$100 starting money 3d6 x 100

So, cash: 3d6 $1600

A ninja Hippo is certainly amusing :)

Keep in mind Ninjitsu can really be any style of similar fighting arts, maybe your a sumo that can really kick ass in hand to hand. (you still get the level benefits of the Ninjitsu tree however, but flavor wise thats up to you.)

Hmmm... Maybe a French hippo that is an expert at Savate? I was planning on taking only partial human speech, and coming up with a way to type broken English with a french accent that is halfway to a hippo's bellow intrigues me.

Still will probably have better English than Jean-Claude Van Damme, of course... ;)

Besides, being French would be appropriate with the 4 ME - I'll be surrendering left and right. "Non, monsieur Pastrami Sandwich - I lay my myself at your mercy...."

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