Demon Hunter

Ser Jeras Devaron's page

16 posts. Organized Play character for EverestWitman.


Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Please forgive me. I haven't been able to post this week. School is being all consuming (it's that time of year). I hope to start posting again as soon as possible, but until then feel free to bot me.

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14

Jeras proceeds to examine the bodies along with Adonnenniel.

Heal Assist: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9

The silver-haired paladin pulls down his hood. His is face is young and handsome, but stern.

"Lead the way, elf."

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

I think that Erynion Orvir might be a good choice. A knowledge bard would be a great addition to our current party. I think that all of the healing could be managed between the two of us. I think from there I would maybe look for a caster of some kind. An alchemist would also be cool.

Grand Lodge

At this moment, the party consists of a human archery-based paladin and a ranger of some kind.

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Nightdeath, do you want to put up a thread for two more players?

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Are you guys there? Nightdeath and I are going to start looking for different players pretty soon...

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

We're the same person, just different aliases. We could just throw up a thread looking for 3 more players for Dragon's Demand.

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Alright. What can of information can you give about the region the game is taking place in? I would like to build some fluff because my stats are mostly all done.

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Browman, are you thinking of building a two weapon fighting ranger?

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Does that mean that I can't use my awesome Divine Hunter archetype?

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Sounds good to me.

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

If some other type of character is needed, then that is totally fine.

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

If we're not doing being PFS, then I would still like to play this character anyway.

Grand Lodge

Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

PFS credit would be great! Here is the character I would like to use, if that's okay. This is an archery based human paladin.

Grand Lodge

This is a character that I've been dying to use somewhere for a while. He's a human paladin with a focus on archery. I still need to adept him to your specifications and come up with a backstory.