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EverestWitman's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts (735 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 20 aliases.


I'm toying with the idea of starting up a homebrew campaign on the forums. Any suggestions about how I should run tactical combat?

If you are not full, I would love to play. I would have an idea for playing the mayor's (or whoever the public official is in ardfell) son. I would most likely be the aristocrat class.

Xisifer wrote:
Depends on the game you'd be running. Do you have any more details? Plot, level range, timeline, world, etc?

I really don't know what we would do. I would imagine once we pick a GM then they could work that stuff out. Otherwise I can tailor to what other people want to do.

I was wondering if anyone would be interested starting either a Pathfinder or Star Wars Saga Edition play by post campaign. I recently bought the core rulebooks for both games and am interested in trying one or the other out. I don't think I would want to GM, I'm relatively new to these games.

Let me know if you're interested in playing, or perhaps GM-ing!