Sir Holton

Ser Bregan Stone's page

177 posts. Alias of wakedown.


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Answers to Questions:

2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.

I often prefer to post 1-3 times per day for the PbPs that I participate in. Viewing some of my more active aliases should confirm fevered posting and long-term participation on my part.

3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.

I have 4 currently active PbPs - Shackled City (1400 posts), a Savage Tide game back from the dead after a year (~200 posts) and two newer games - a Way of the Wicked game (72 posts already) and a Reign of Winter game (64 posts).

4. Share why your character is in Brevoy and how he/she became a part of a chartered group to explore and settle the Stolen Lands (aka your backstory).

This is on Bregan's profile page. I invented a lot of NPCs in the backstory and am open to revising anything as needed to more appropriately named NPCs (or organizations/affiliations) in the campaign.

Ultimately I'm looking for a serious Kingmaker game that will run its course and see kingdom building at some point!

Ah! I've been waiting and hoping for a new Kingmaker to pop up.

I'd like to submit Ser Bregan, a sellsword, cavalier and a bastard who was in a prior Kingmaker PbP that fizzled.

You can even view Bregan's posts for some insight into how he played out.

On The Failed Campaign - Semi-Spoiler:

This particular Kingmaker game - as far as I can tell, only featured the single scene at Oleg's before fizzling. Most of its two months of play transpired in Restov prior to the journey to Oleg's.

If there's no issue with him giving the campaign another go (given he saw all of one encounter from the AP), I'll tidy him up some.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Thanks Olondir, I appreciated the novel twist on the start of the adventure path!

Best of luck to you all, maybe see you in another game soon!

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan leaves the digging to the others and inspects the horses that the group has come into possession of - for malnourishment, breeding, and what-not.

Once Vishoon returns, he'll ask with indifference, "So, we have a winner of the most-useful-knowledge-for-sparing-me competition?"

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan will grab Step A, BAB and HP.

HP I presume are 1/2 + 1? (so D10 HD would be 6?)

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan nods when Vishoon agrees with letting the most useful one live, and hanging the others.

"Alright, you dogs hear that? Whichever we deem as the most useful gets to live. For the rest of you, it's the noose."

Bregan finally hops down off his horse and looks for some strong rope.

"Vishoon, you can decide which one is the most helpful."

The half-orc seems to have a good sense of the truth, or am I imagining that?

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

"My expedition?"

Bregan's question comes with a tone of shock in his voice.

"This is not my expedition. I'd rather say I was conscripted into this duty."

Bregan rubs his chin from Luck's back while he considers the circumstances.

"Alright, I suppose we can let one of them live. The rest should hang for their crimes. Perhaps whichever we deem as most helpful gets to receive this magnanimous pardon for their cooperation?"

Bregan speaks loudly so that all the bandits can hear.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan looks at all the captured men sternly.

"Well, they are all bandits - we know this for certain. The law of the land states they are to die by sword or rope."

He trots Luck about in a semi-circle as he continues to talk, so the brigands can overhear.

"If the example we set is that we knock them down, put them to sleep and and let them go with a warning, I don't think that's the deterrent that our lords had in mind..."

I've never hung a man before, not sure I have the stomach for it.

Bregan does his best to look serious and stern.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

"Round them up. We have some hanging to do."

Bregan trots about the captured bandits, still astride his mount, keeping his lance leveled in case any of them change their mind about giving up the fight knowing what justice awaits them.

Hanging, right? That's Brevan justice for banditry and within our charter isn't it?

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Note: I didn't add +1 for Inspire Courage. If that's up, that would turn Luck's one miss into a hit for -7HP. Credit for that damage should go to Areanna :)

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

I just have to say... a horse is ridiculous at level 1...

3 attacks! (even if two are at -1 to hit).

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Round 1

Status: 9/12HP

Fight with combat-trained mount (Handle Animal DC10): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Bregan frowns at the wound to his leg.

I should have known they'd all surround me.

Bregan thrusts out his lance while Luck rears up again to stomp some Greenbelt brigands.

Luck Attack (bite): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 for 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Luck Attack (hoof 1): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14 for 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Luck Attack (hoof 2): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12 for 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Bregan Attack (lance, horseback, power): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 for 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Attacking in order concentrating damage on bandit 2 first, then bandit 3

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)
DM Olondir wrote:
A surprise round is one standard or one move action. I presume you were holding whatever weapons you prefer while waiting as well as casting buffs like what Ravens did with magic stones. They are also flat-footed.

I always forget this... Luck only got a single attack, which was of course a miss.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Surprise Round

I should have mentioned that Bregan would be holding shield and lance while waiting. This presumes that's OK.

Hearing the bandits conversing with Oleg, Bregan sighs.

When did I become a knight? If only the arrow had hit the princeling, I could have had gems and been retired somewhere by now...

Bregan shakes off the thought and focused on the words he overheard.


"H'yah boy!" Bregan shouted, spurring Luck out through the ajar stable door and into a crowd of unsuspecting men.

Fight with combat-trained mount (Handle Animal DC10): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Looks like the only place we can move is the 2x2 area at (K8:L9) which is a 5ft step, so no charge BUT it's a full attack!

Luck rears up and tramples bandit #4 (flat-footed in surprise round?)

Attack (bite): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 for 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 damage
Attack (hoof 1): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7 for 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 damage
Attack (hoof 2): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1 for 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 damage

Frowning at the Luck's luck, Bregan thrusts his lance towards the surprised man.

Attack (lance, power attack): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 for 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 damage


M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Ravens and Holbrecht can probably be behind their buildings initially (around the closest corner) to be out of sight.

Presumably the bandits arrive quite casually and take a good amount of time to loot Oleg's (at least 10 minutes, if not an hour?).

Ravens and Holbrecht could just casually stroll out and close the gates while the bandits are busy. They could roll sneaks for this (even if they are walking out into the open) to be quiet about it. It looks like a single move action to get to the gate. I don't know what the time required to close the gates is? (a move action? a standard? multiple rounds worth of pushing?)

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

"It doesn't split them up, but we could probably only manage that if they saw someone they knew."

Bregan rubs the imaginary stubble on his chin.

"Perhaps we should just both wait in the stables and simply spring the attack on them as they proceed about business as usual? It would be suspicious if Oleg wasn't about, so he'll at least need to greet them like normal before excusing himself..."

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

"Alright, so we have our plan?"

Bregan asks, hoping to get confirmation from the others.

"Areanna and Valeska from above and the safety of the roof." He holds up one finger to indicate he believes that's checked off.

"Me waiting in the stable on horseback." He holds up a second finger.

"Holbrecht and Ravens at the doors, ensuring the bandits cannot withdraw back through the main gate." A third finger.

"And Vishoon waiting perhaps inside for Oleg to lead a lone bandit perhaps for a look at some 'special treasure'?" Bregan asks this last one as a question, looking to both Vishoon and Oleg.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan's eyes wander upward at Areanna's question.

"I'd say death from above. Climb up on Oleg's roof and when you hear steel on steel, starting firing..."

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan nods in surprised admiration at everyone's suggestions.

This group might just have a head for these things.

"I wasn't sure if that was your 'spell' Ravens, but that's a good one for any fight."

The bird-master confirms his skill with sorcery. Perhaps he is more useful than someone to feed my horse?

Bregan gives Ravens a long look before he composes himself.

"I like the idea of luring off a pair somewhere. Splitting them up is always good."

Bregan hesitates.

"But I'm best atop my horse in this. Perhaps in the stables even, I could burst out like one of the Four Riders."

Bregan smiles.

What an imposing knight I've suddenly become...

+1 for Holbrecht's post, I love the lever that dowses us to readiness!

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan gladly accepts Svetlana's offer of a shot.

He imbibes it with the skill of a man who has had drank his fair share.

He then shakes his head to confirm what Areanna saw on his face. "No, I don't think ransom would work, unless one of them was this Stag Lord's red-headed nephew."

He chews on the thoughts a bit.

"They won't be expecting us. Likely we just hide among Oleg's stables and jump 'em when they're loading whatever they think they can take this trip."

Bregan continues to think, a slow and onerous chore.

"And we want to cut off their retreat real quick at the gate, lest we be chasing them for miles."

He then looks at Oleg.

"Six you say? How many come on horse?"

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan chuckles (a rare one) at Holbrecht's suggetion of moving the supply wagon.

"I... err, Holbrecht."

"We're not going to let them take anything tomorrow."

Bregan scratches his chin and looks at the entrance to the keep.

Aren't knights supposed to be tacticians? They should have given me a handbook...

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

It's curious that our elf refers to herself as 'arrogant'. Usually that's a bad trait..

Bregan shakes his head at the thought and focuses on the conversation. He had been a bit distracted during dinner while he considered the tremendous responsibility on his shoulders and those with him.

"Our charter includes bringing justice to all bandits and thieves while we map The Greenbelt."

He says this with a bit of resignation in his voice, far from the enthusiastic call to arms that others may have expected.

Can you reason with a bandit? No, best to kill them and hang anyone who lives for the rest to bear witness to.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Shocking, we made it the entire journey unmolested. Maybe the bandits in this area are a myth?

Bregan rubs some of his old wounds.

Or maybe they're just waiting.

"Much obliged, woman" he responds when offered a warm meal.

Now we'll see if she charges us once we're done eating.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

When Areanna mentions she brought a journal with, Bregan wonders how many of the group will while away their time writing.

Holbrecht will keep a log of our supplies, Arenna's chronicling our "adventure" and Ravens has bragged often of his ability to scribe.

The knight looks about for Ravens, checks the sky for the time and frowns.

"Looks like it's just the five of us today. I had hoped the boy would come out and we could get a sense of what each of us could do."

Seeing Holbrecht brought along a shortsword and crossbow, he wonders aloud, "how well can you use those?"

And while watching Areanna practice with her longbow, he comments, "just make sure if your shooting something I'm fighting you aim to my left, as I'll typically be doing this.." Bregan lunges right with his bastard sword, whirling a large arc downward towards an imaginary target.

"If you try to lead him to the right, well... you might lose the shield between you and our imaginary enemy here..."

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan steps forward, a look of genuine concern in his face as the woman holds out the knife.

He nods, gravely.

"That blade's good up close, but it would be best if you weren't ever up close to a threat."

His eyes trail off to Areanna.

"It would be best if you had a bow, a crossbow, or a sling even. Do you know how to use any of those?"

Bregan wouldn't know that she's much more valuable hexing until the cows come home. At this point, he thinks of her as healer.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Well, a little roleplay for the next morning for those who took up on Bregan's invitation.

Bregan stretches on the grassy fields of the tournament grounds, Norocol, his "lucky" horse tied up nearby.

Why did I say nine? I could have used another hour of sleep...

Seeing Vishoon arrive carrying a falchion, he nods approvingly.

Ah, a wicked weapon, but appropriate and very useful for a half-orc.

I'll assume at least one or two others arrive or else face Bregan's wrath.

Bregan looks to the others who step out onto the field and continues to explain his thinking.

"I thought it best we spend an hour before we set out. Get to know each other better. We're like to be jumped by bandits, so knowing that Vishoon here can use that, or Areanna has skill with a bow is important. I was hoping to teach some basic pointers to Ravens or Valeska, if they liked as well."

Let's hope they aren't all dead weight if a fight breaks out.

After finishing his regimen of stretching, he bends down and picks up his shield and unsheathes his sword.

"As many of you saw, I use a shield when I fight. A good shield will save your life, and I see none of you carry one. I suggest when given the choice, you put a shield between you and anyone trying to kill you. And if you don't carry a shield, then you keep my shield in between you and whoever or whatever we end up fighting."

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

If Ravens brings it up, he can scribe Scrolls of Cure Light Wounds for 12.5gp I believe, which would be more cost effective than potions while we are lean on cash?

Bregan has 6s to his name.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Good, if they can ready themselves in three days, they aren't weighing the group down.

"I think it's appropriate that we begin spending time training together. I would appreciate it if we all met tomorrow morning to get to know each other better. The tournament grounds should be acceptable."

For Bregan the morning is like 9:00AM not 6:00AM. He wants everyone to come armed to get a sense of what to expect from each other in a combat scenario.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

When Aldern mentions knowing of the status of retroactive charters, he adds, "perhaps we can leave in two or three days instead of seven then?"

Waiting a whole week will just make me anxious. The sooner we're away from all the nobility, the better.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan nods at the information shared by the feathered resume.

"A healer's hands will be very useful in The Greenbelt!"

He does his best to politely acknowledge Valeska now that he understands her substantial value to his own life.

In fact, she may be the most useful of all of us. Any man can pick up a sword.

Bregan looks about at the others.

Or almost any woman can pick up a bow.

He also introduces Holbrecht as the expedition's quartermaster.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan squirmed in his armor at the thought of an infant child being reared by Aldern.

No doubt, he will teach it the finer points of boar hunting and how to whine when his soup is luke-warm or his wineglass is smudged.

"Well, if she's not shackled to the responsibilities of a new mother, what can your keeper do to assist with our charter, raven?"

Bregan couldn't believe he was talking to a raven. It was hard enough talking to Ravens.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan doesn't know the answer to when we're leaving. Whenever we're told to!

BTW, Bregan picked up the Gendarme archetype, which meant he lost his tactician abilities but got Power Attack. Rawr!!

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan looks back at Ravens looking at him.

This one has a strange infatuation with my horse. Perhaps it will be better when he has one of his own.

"I don't know if a name is necessary at this time, I'm sure one will come to us once we have spent more time together."

1d12 ⇒ 5
1d30 ⇒ 7

Bregan was born on the 7th of Desnus, 4685

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

During the ceremony, Bregan stands, arms crossed, the image of an agent of retribution.

During the time in the office, Bregan stands, arms crossed, the image of an agent of retribution.

"I'm had enough with falcons. I'm the last of the Kupfer Falken. Possibly the last of these short-lived Mithral Falcons. Just no more falcons."

We do seem to have a lot of ravens about... is that a good sign or an ill one?

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan stood and listened to the dwarf's recount of necessary provisions. It was a long description and detailed and gave Bregan considerable confidence in the dwarf's ability to plan for their needs.

However, after the dwarf was done recounting the details, Bregan forgot almost all of them.

Five meals a day?

Bregan shakes his head. "No, it was something that Peitros said about covering our supplies. Perhaps you can handle the details with the Aldori and Ravens as well? He seemed interested in bringing some birds along to send back letters."

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Holbrecht cracks me up! Great job roleplaying the logistically minded dwarf.

Alas, I'm RPing a bastard knight.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan shakes Areanna's hand and manages a smile at the elf.

"Indeed, I'm sure your archery will come in handy. Are you able to track as well?"


Bregan studies Ravens for a moment.

He seems more enthusiastic without the pay. Why?

Sense Motive (Ravens enthusiasm): 1d20 ⇒ 4

The knight's eyes narrow as he tries to truly see Ravens, but Bregan discerns nothing at this time.

"Yes, the same chance as everyone else."

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Every time Aldern spoke, Bregan grew more annoyed. Clearly the noble did not understand when someone politely declined.

I will just busy myself, to continue to converse with this one is an invitation to have to listen to him further.

"There is no pay Ravens, just the honor of serving the Aldoris and the necessary provisions for our task."

Bregan did his best to make it sound like an exciting opportunity, but he too would have preferred some sort of guaranteed compensation.

"If you wish more, take it up with Peitros."

Maybe Ravens will accomplish what I could not.

Bregans looked at the talking raven, unsure what to make of the bird who volunteered the fortune-teller, who appeared to be nursing her child.

"Raven, and I mean the bird, not the bird-tender." He addressed Tzerny. "I'm not certain mothers with children should be coming to The Greenbelt. It is a dangerous frontier."

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)
Ravens the Birdmaster wrote:
"What elf, m'Lo-, m'Bregan? What did she say about what?" Ravens eats another bite of food.

Not the sharpest tack...

Scowling at Raven's lack of follow-through, Bregan makes a point to explain to the bird-master what his expectation was.

"I had asked you to speak to the elf and see if she had an interest in the expedition."

He was so swift to search for information about The Greenbelt earlier, perhaps he is only obedient while outdoors.

Sighing, he adds. "It is no matter, it appears Gregan had done us the service of securing her assistance."

Bregan makes his way to Areanna to clasp her hand and relay his thanks for her volunteering.

Aldern Foxglove wrote:
"Before you go, I'd love to take Valeska, you and the others out boar hunting."

As Aldern extends an invitation for the boar hunt, he shakes his head.

"No, I'm not interested in hunting for sport. Perhaps you'll get someone else to take you up on the offer."

He then turns to the rest of the Dragon's common room.

"Are there any others who would seek the service of their country in scouring The Greenbelt of banditry for this charter?" Bregan unrolls the paper for all who are interested to see.

No offense to Valeska, but Bregan wouldn't seek out a fortune-teller for the journey, so it'd need to be someone else's idea, or she'll need to step forward :)

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

"Worry not on the matter, my lord."

Bregan bows to Peitros.

I can wear honor as well a mummer wears a costume.

Returning to the common room, Bregan decides to visit Ravens again, to ensure the bird-master has approached Areanna about the expedition, as he was instructed to do several minutes earlier.

"Well, what did the elf say?" Bregan looks surprised to see Ravens eating and not standing near the entertainer-archer.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan nods.

"I cared not for pay. I was gladly serving Brevoy, my lord. It was for all these here hesitating in their duty."

Bluff (Bregan would've liked extra pay): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Looks like I'm left with volunteers from the rabble, here. How many here are motivated by noble needs for Brevoy?

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan turns to respond to Vishoon.

"The name's Bregan."

He has an excellent question, why are we doing this for no set compensation?

"Well, for however long it takes us, we are getting food and drink. I suspect if we are successful, there will be some rewards for our effort."

Bregan excuses himself to hunt down Peitros and bring up the subject.

Assuming he gets Peitros...

"My lord, as I search for suitable members of the expedition, the question of pay keeps coming up. Am I to staff our group with prisoners forced as part of their sentence, or with competent mercenaries who would require at least some minimal weekly stipend?"

Bregan stands with his arms crossed, as if the decision of the success of the expedition depends on Peitros' generosity in the matter.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

"No pay, but I understand we're to be supplied with horses and traveling gear. You can ask Peitros about the details." Bregan waves his hand, almost as if he's disinterested in this level of detail. Then, he gets an idea.

"Holbrecht, perhaps you can sort out the details... keep track of provisions and what not?"

That can leave me free to drink and generally take the blame for anything that goes wrong.

"Why not bring the elvish archer along? And her too while we're at it?" Bregan half jokingly gestures to the Valeska the fortune-teller.

Let's take all the entertainers from the wedding. Where are the halfling mimes?

As the talking raven lands, Bregan frowns at it. "There you go Ravens, your first messenger bird, although this one might talk back and deliver our reports to the River Lands instead of Restov."

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

"Hrmm. She could."

Is the Greenbelt a place for a woman? Even one with a bow?

Bregan looked at Areanna and contemplated. The original group did include Shelaina, but she was scarcely able to defend herself against a single man.

"Yes, and I suspect an elf would be useful in the wild. Ravens, why don't you see if she's interested? She seems to be friendly with Gregan."

Is there any pay associated with what we're doing?

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)
Ravens the Birdmaster wrote:
"You know that I can read *AND* write, m'Lord? Magical and non-magical? Kill bandits? I suppose I could come along to keep the animals safe...sounds risky though. What is in it for me?"

Bregans nods. "I'm not inviting you just for your good looks. And it's Ser if you must, not M'Lord. Gregan is a lord, not me."

The knight points at Holbrecht and Vishoon. "They've both volunteered or agreed, as well."

Bregan strokes his chin.

"Anyone else we should bring along?"

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Backward time travel to thank Holbrecht and bring him over to where Ravens is seated...


He hands and allows Holbrecht to read the charter before heading over to Ravens.

The Charter ... from the OOC thread weeks ago.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Bregan stands, sighing.

If this is some trick to make me come to him...

With heavily armored steps, he moves to stand over Ravens, his long shadow hovering over the table and the bird-master's meal.

He forces himself to take on a softer voice, so as to not crush the spirit of the fragile youth.

"Ravens... I have this charter here." He sets it on the table.

"I need someone to tend the animals, send back ravens and keep Luck well. Make your lady proud?"

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)
Vishoon wrote:
"When yer not sitting looking pretty on yer horse, you fight well. If yer going bandit hunting, I would be interested in helping.

Why am I not insulted by his sitting pretty comment?

Bregan regarded Vishoon with a half smile, unsure what to make of him. He seemed deadly with a sword and passable with a spear, but he had nerves of steel.

And I doubt there's exactly going to be a line forming in town for this task...

Bregan took the half-orc's hand and shook it.


Two strong warriors is a good start.

He looked around the room and spotted the bird-master.

"Ravens!" he shouted with all the softness of a hammer breaking rock.

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)
Holbrecht Bastionne wrote:
"I could do the math for you, that way you don't muddle it with your opinion and use only the facts instead."

Bregan looked at Holbrecht with a look of I have no idea what you're talking about.

Bregan favored dwarves though, their work ethic was strong, they were mostly trustworthy and always seemed to turn up with ale when you most needed it.

Dwarvish (to Holbrecht): "You have any interest in chartering The Greenbelt?"

M Human Cavalier 1 (Gendarme)

Background checks in Restov? My luck continues if they skipped such a check on me.

Bregan nods a reluctant thanks as Peitros mentions honor or something of the sort.

I need to find more men for this charter do I?

Bregan looks around the Dragon's common room, spotting men engaged in conversations, the elvish entertainer frowning at a spot of blood on her garments, and the dwarf and the robed warrior grabbing ale.

The robed one. I just know he's a half-orc. A bastard born like me.

Bregan swallows. "I'll look. I'm not sure what I'll find."

His eyes narrow as he observes Ravens.

At least that one could feed and brush my horse.

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