Zehanet Ash |

My gm is allowing item crafting and I was super happy and then read dynamic magic item crafting. Like it says above this is hard it is all skill checks. With the special caveat of no taking ten even if you have a class ability that allows it. 24 different skills with dc's going from a hard 20-30 to 15-20 + the items caster level.
Examples from different Tasks.
Improve the Methodology Knowledge (arcana) DC 20 + item's caster level
Smuggle It Yourself Sleight of Hand DC 30
Improve the Item Spellcraft DC 20 + item's caster level
Improvise Use Magic Device DC 15 + item's caster level
Search for More Survival DC 25
I reach out in my time of confusion to you fellow players. I need help boosting skill checks and finding skill reroll items/drugs/feats like the fortunate charm, Clear Ear, and Deific Obedience to irori.