Agreed that the only time FO4 requires anything relating to settlement building is the teleportation chamber. I've always accomplished that through a settlement, and didn't realize it could be built on another faction's turf (I thought the other factions gifted you with a settlement and then you had to build there).
Celestial Healer wrote: I actually abandoned Starfield - and I loved Skyrim and Fallout 4. It was just too hokey and bland for me. I wanted to like it. I want to rage and tell you you're wrong and it's the best thing since sliced bread, but... The game is seriously janky and a hot mess. And yet, I'll dump hours into it. My favorite thing I did that wasn't appreciated by the game was to romance and marry Sam. Then, I wanted to see if I could marry someone else. So I romanced Andreja and asked her to marry. She said I had to break things off with Sam, so I went to him, chose the most hurtful dialogue options possible, and told him it was off. To really rub salt in the wound, I then slept with Andreja on a really small ship with Sam and his daughter on board. For like a full week. He started out angry at me and wouldn't be a follower, but by the end of the week, he had gotten over it and was neutral towards me.
David M Mallon wrote:
Nope - settlement making is entirely optional and can be avoided entirely. David M Mallon wrote:
The NG+ mechanic also feeds into it as well (though I'm reluctant to say more lest I spoil). I'm not going to say Starfield is better than Fallout 4 (or even Skyrim). But it scratches the same itch.
captain yesterday wrote:
That's hilarious (I mean the buying and not playing, not the fact that you were injured - sorry to hear that!). I think you'll like it, even though it frustratingly doesn't do some things as well as Fallout 4 (e.g., settlement building and management). It's really easy to build your own head canon in the game, and I'm constantly doing random things because it fits the story in my head.
I'm at a loss for words. Gary was the bedrock of my Paizo experience. He was kind and welcoming to the fans, smart, and funny. I was also a culprit in the unofficial chat community, and I remember Gary bringing us a website he discovered where you could create an AI car that would evolve to perform better each time. The chatters spent the better part of a day screwing around as a group and having a great time with that silly little website. At my first PaizoCon, we drank together and I was sicker than I've ever been (I rarely, bordering on never, drink). But it was worth it, because the conversation was interesting, thoughtful, and funny. Just like all my interactions with him. And, of course, he once let me hold the banhammer, in all its glory. It changed me, for such power is not meant to rest in the hands of mortals. Only one such as him could truly hold its power. You will be missed dearly, Gary. Thank you so much for everything. I was lucky to be part of your world, even if it was a small (mostly) digital slice.
NielsenE wrote:
Thanks so much!
Justin Franklin wrote:
I prefer to think of it as asserting my divine rights, but that works. I once held the banhammer. They told me that only the Postmonster was worthy of lifting it, but I managed the feat and it felt natural in my hands. Like it was always meant to be...
Drejk wrote:
The fact that you would even assume that I don't hate strangers on principal shows that I've been gone too long.
GGSigmar wrote:
I can't disagree. Part of me feels bad that I'm making assertions that Paizo can't dispute without putting Sara in a negative light or subjecting them to liability. But the bigger part of me sees a toxic manager abusing their power. And the limited information I have access to paints that picture pretty clearly. And I expect better of Paizo. More accurately, Sara is Paizo to me. Losing her is a problem.
GGSigmar wrote:
To be fair, we don't know. It's possible Sara did something to bring this on herself. Usually, your number two won't follow you out the door in a situation like that, but who knows. And yet, even if she did something that justified the termination, all signs point to the decision being not thought out with no considerations given to the timing or ramifications. Clearly, someone thought she was disposable and not part of what makes Paizo special. I strongly disagree. Sure, I'm giving Sara the benefit of the doubt, but I don't think that assumption is unwarranted given her extensive history at Paizo and the many, many interactions I and others have had with her over the years. She deserved better. And given her proximity to the actual customers with whom she worked, we are rightfully pissed off. Put another way, the kind of person who spits in the face of their manager is not the kind of person who holds a position for a decade and is beloved by the customers with whom they interact.
Although the poster who may or may not be related to Gorbacz generally does a more than adequate job of capturing my thoughts on any particular topic (I'm not entirely certain we're not the same person conducting an elaborate nth dimension troll), I can speak for myself. I heard through the Facebook grapevine that Sara had been fired. I came to post a thank you and goodbye without knowing any context beyond the fact that she was leaving. Then I saw the ongoing s~~%show, followed the stench to the Tweet-which-shall-not-be-named, and got pissed off that the firing seemed to be less about Sara's performance (which has been exemplary) and more about her supervisor's poorly timed, ill-prepared, apparent ego trip to assert power and dominance. Thus, my point has been limited to the fact that if your job is to supervise the customer service department, and you f##~ that up in such a manner that it erupts like this, you have failed in performing the basic functions and that should have consequences. This is some pretty basic stuff. It shouldn't be surprising that if you fire a prominent and well loved member of the community, and do it in such a way that their number two resigns in protest, your competence will be called into question. So, I'm not here to join the hang/sanctify JP bandwagons, but the information JP provided specifically around Sara Marie did certainly inform my reaction. (Also, I apologize for not mentioning Diego - I simply have more familiarity with Sara, though I'm 99% certain I've met Diego, and 100% certain he's a stand-up guy.)
I don't know what Paizo's internal workplace politics are like or what led to the termination of the frontline customer service employees. And I sure as hell am not going to wade into the morass of issues raised by the infamous twitter post we've all read. What I do know is that the people who "left" were well liked by the community, respected for the work they did, and, in many ways, the face of Paizo (particularly for those whose primary interaction is not the forums). On the one hand, I feel for those who remain behind, but, on the other hand, my patience with customer service will be limited in the future, and that falls on the management team that decided to cripple them because *shrug*. Whatever the reasoning or background behind the scenes, this entire fiasco is a self-inflicted wound that leaves a sour taste in my mouth as a fan and a (former) long-time member of the community. Terminating the customer service manager without a transition plan in place or an effective communication strategy is unprofessional, and well below what I expect of the company. Having the number two person quit in response is even more damning. I can't speak for everyone, but to me, if you want to make this right, you need to make some management changes. Some loud management changes. Starting with the person directly responsible for the decision to terminate (and I suspect we all know the name of that person). This reeks of petty infighting, and whoever decided that it is in the best interest of Paizo to fire the person who we know, for a fact and with a metric ton of evidence, helped us, supported us, and provided good service, needs to go. I want blood. I want that person out. Their incompetence is evidenced by this post, this thread, this drama. Whatever justified this termination pales in comparison to the harm it has created, and someone needs to be held accountable. Now give us a press release saying they are gone. They deserve it after creating this situation.
Thank you for being the reassuring email, the pleasant post, the calming presence in the chaotic anger of the internet that spilled into this forum. Thank you for the lunch, the office tour, the replacement map when a lamination machine when rogue (or rouge, if you prefer). Thank you for the kindness, the understanding, the helpfulness, the patience. Thank you for everything. You will be missed.
I've sent an email, but haven't received a response to a handful of other prior emails. Can you please cancel my order of the Starfinder Pocket Edition? I need to have it in hand before Thanksgiving, and I can't seem to connect with anyone who can expedite the shipping. As a result, I am ordering off of Amazon instead. Thanks.
bdk86 wrote:
For what it's worth, you're not the only one who made that connection. *Gazes longingly out the window; pulls out a faded photo of himself, young and hale, standing next to Dragon and Dungeon magazine laughing at the beach; let's out a deep sigh.*
What the what?! A whistle blower who actually exists, and was not made up by me for purposes of this post, just handed me a stack of top secret internal documents from Paizo's marketing team. They show that the projected profits from a 1e hardcover compilation of Kingmaker are ELEVENTY BILLION DOLLARS!!!! There's even a footnote. Here's what it says: "As shown above, the profits from printing a hardcover book for an edition we no longer support would be massive. The only thing that would generate more profits would be to continue supporting 1E indefinitely. However, this would go against our core philosophy of hating our customers and driving ourselves out of business." (I must confess, I would actually buy a 1e hardcover Kingmaker compilation. I had forgotten that 2e was a thing when I saw this headline, and was sad when I realized this was a different beast. I'm optimistic I will someday love this beast, but I'm still learning about it, and right now, we're at the Netflix sans chill level of our relationship. I'm sad for you as well, you edition warriors, who you also love this 1e beast that doesn't and won't exist. I hope that you learn to love the new beast, or maybe find some different beast, or maybe otherwise find a different windmill to tilt at in anger and defiance. I honestly wish you the best, and hope that you are able to find peace and happiness in a world that doesn't supply the things you want most.)
Will there be conversion rules for Eberron? Because if not, I'm never playing 3.5 again and will tell all my friends, and they'll never play again, and then you'll go out of business, and your children will starve, and I will walk by you lying in a pool of your own vomit and misery and spit on you and yell "SEE HERE, ALL YE WHO DO NOT SUPPORT THE ONE TRUE EDITION, THE FATE OF ALL WHO DEFY ME." But then I'll feel bad, and maybe buy you some coffee and a sandwich and we can talk about why you're too obtuse to appreciate that Eberron is, was, and always will be the pinnacle of gaming.
Scene: A party of adventurers arrive in an ancient, crumbling temple. The rogue brushes aside spider webs, and holds up his torch, peering at some ancient text on the wall. Wizard: "What does it say?" Rogue: "It appears to be dedicated to Kazutal, Goddess of Safety. It says 'Beware, he who would run with scissors, for it is dangerous, and injury is likely.' Wait! There's more. 'Always swim with a buddy, and not until 30 minutes after eating.'" Fighter: "That is safe."
WalterGM wrote: I am very sorry that you arrived late to a game with a table of four people and were unable to get seated together. I sincerely hope that in the future you arrive on time, so that you can experience the amazing community of volunteers that we have, and enjoy this game that has brought us all together. To be clear, I showed up, on time (I was told be there at 8 am after everyone else was seated), after having come by the night before to tell the event organizers that I would be showing up, the next morning, with 3 kids really interested in playing Pathfinder (not Starfinder - they'd just had a lot of fun building characters for Pathfinder). So, not only was I on time, but I also gave as much advance notice as I possibly good because I knew that seating 4 people together would be difficult. The message I received was not "show up at 7:45 if you want a table" it was "show up at 8 am after everyone else has seated, and maybe we'll fit you in." Which is why it came as such a shock (and made me angry enough to post here) that I showed up at 8:00 am, as discussed the night before, and was told there were no games for us. But thanks.
I see the society’s quality of experience and commitment to bringing new players into the game continues electronically. I apologize for being a beginner and not realizing how far in advance I needed to plan and provide notice. I would’ve thought reaching out to beginners would be something important for the society, but I will take my bad experience and self inflicted injuries elsewhere.
RealAlchemy wrote: Four last minute sign ups is pretty rough for anyone to organize around. You are asking for an additional GM and an additional table to become immediately available. Fair enough, except it wasn’t last minute. I came by the night before and told them what I needed and then they sat a group of four over us.
I’m seriously bummed about my pathfinder society experience here at Paizcon. I take some of the blame for not signing up for events in advance, but given that tickets are sold at the door, I didn’t realize it was 100% mandatory. I came with 2 boys, ages 14 and 12, just getting into the game and excited to play. Did they get to play? I’m glad you asked... Day 1, I show up in the morning and there’s only 1 table with 2 seats open. That’s fine, the boys play, I sit and watch. In the evening, my daughter decides she wants to play. So I go down and explain. I have three kids, very excited to play, plus myself, which makes 4 - basically a table ready to go can they please make sure that we have a GM for us in the morning. I’m told I can’t sign up in advance, but not a big deal. They will find us a game in the morning. We arrive in the morning. Nope, no game for us. Can they ask a GM to come help (maybe one of you lovely scheduling people can help)? Nope. Can you maybe see if some of he other players will switch tables so that we have 4 seats? Nope, this other group has 4 people who want to be together. Okay, fine, we will take 2 seats at 2 tables. After we’ve begun, I learn that the boys are replaying the same scenario they played in yesterday. Fine. Day 3, we show up again (back down to 3). No seats available unless we want to play the same game the boys played the past 2 times. I guess we play our own game. Im not sure what I was expecting, but some support would have been nice. Especially when I’m showing up every single morning and getting the same dog and pony show about how there are no seats.
Greetings, friends. It is me, your magical pony friend, back here at Paizo, basking in the warm glow of the flames and heat created by the launch of a new edition. Now, as we're all aware, gaming was a much better pastime back in [insert the year in which you started] and has only recently been ruined by [PF2e/Millenials/4e/The Lack of Support for Eberron]. Rather than debate the future of this godless dystopia we all currently inhabit, I wanted to extend a hand to all my former comrades in arms and accursed foes (you vile scum sucking bastards), and welcome you to sit here, have a virtual beverage and slice of pie, and enjoy the pain and anguish of Those Damned Kids fighting the same war we once partook in ages ago. So, hey, long time, no see. I hope the wife/husband and kids/pets are well. Edit: Sorry friends. I thought we could have something nice and friendly, but I forgot how edition wars work. Kiss the spouse and kick the dog for me. I'll be back when the sun sets in the east and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. (Okay, I'll probably be back sooner than that, but mostly to talk about Fallout.) Fare ye well, edition warriors.
Vic Wertz wrote:
I'm sure this is on your radar, but I hope you guys are ready for the massive traffic load on launch day. I still remember another edition launch having an inauspicious beginning when the countdown reached zero and then the company website went down for 1d4 days... P.S. - I'd be happy to help and download my copy early.
Were-wraith wrote:
As a fellow gamer who always, always, always buys a computer and/or phone immediately before the new version launches and makes my purchase obsolete, you have my deepest sympathies.
Gorbacz wrote:
Well, I have all of this old edition warrior gear just lying around, gathering dust. And this pie, which, frankly, wasn't even any good the first time around when I was the one who had to eat it. But *blows off dust*, once I microwave this and definitively convince everyone on the internet with a differing opinion that they are wrong (you know who you are, don't make me call you out), pie will be served. Oh yes. Pie will be served... PIE!!!!!
Sharoth wrote:
Rookie. Everyone knows that this lesson was originally taught by Zelda.
Greylurker wrote:
Did you clear out the Gunners right by the ironworks around the same time as you cleared out the Forged? As I mentioned upthread, I cleaned out the Gunners originally and left the Forged alone, and the Gunners came back pretty quickly. Once I cleared out both, they stayed cleared (at least as of the last time I played).
DeathQuaker wrote:
I had an interesting situation in Survival involving the Forged and the Gunners nearby. I was worried about taking on the Forged (I remembered that the final encounter didn't have much cover and was difficult when not on survival), so instead I took out the nearby Gunners. I got distracted, and did a few other missions, and a relatively small amount of time passed in game. I decided to go back and wipe out the Forged and, lo and behold, the Gunners were all back (even though other areas I had cleared at about the same time remained empty). I'm not sure if the game was set up to respawn the Gunners more quickly if the Forged remained active or something else happened (maybe that Gunner nest just respawns quickly). I finally wiped out the Forged and then the Gunners right afterwards. I should check and see if either of them came back next time I fire up the game.
DeathQuaker wrote:
What?!?! I just assumed you could only fast travel to the CIT Ruins, I didn't realize you could fast travel anywhere from the Institute.
Survival is tough. I ultimately gave in and installed some mods to make life a bit easier (particularly the underground railroad mod which let's you do a little bit of fast traveling between a set of fixed points). My modded survival character is close to 50th level, and now has a couple different options for fast traveling (either by calling a vertibird from the Brotherhood or teleporting to the Institute (which allows for one way fast travel even in Survival mode)). I would echo DeathQuaker's comment regarding Starlight Drive-In and Hangman's Alley. Those are my primary settlements in survival because the former is in a fairly central location and the latter is right by Diamond City.
Rysky wrote: Just gonna leave this here. Interesting and exciting. Direct sequels aren't really Fallout's thing (I'm not sure if Fallout 2 was a sequel to the original Fallout - that's before my time with the series), so it'll be interesting to see how they will handle the original game's consequences.