Less than 20 hours left 896 Backers $129,215 pledged of $27,000 goal - Stretch Goals Unlock every $10k so at $130k, $140K, $150K 20 hours to go Now is your chance to get in and get a 4 army set to play with your friends. At $100 USD you currently get 48 models + Command Variants and B&W rulebook North
CEF or Colonial Earth Forces
Drones - Any Army
We are now at $97,307+ with the black and white rule book and Mamba, Jaguar, CEF commander variant + EW for the Cheetah added to the package. We only need $2,000 more to get the Colonial Earth Forces BF2-19 Frames - 2 of them! These are heavily armoured support hover vehicles. With 9 days to go we should be able to hit the Models in the $100 USD pledge. Now is your chance to get in and get a 4 army set to play with your friends. At $100 USD you currently get 40 models + Command Variants and B&W rulebook North
CEF or Colonial Earth Forces
I actually like the Spark Sagittarius with the linked Medium Particle accelerators. With a Penetration rating of 8 and hitting on 3+ per attack dice it makes for a pretty devastating range attacks. Toss in haywire and the shut down effect and it makes you a pretty serious threat to anything on the board.
New Models unlocked Now the 4th army is beginning to be unlocked.
At $100 USD you currently get 36 models + Command Variants and B&W rule book North
CEF or Colonial Earth Forces
We are now at $84,500+ with the black and white rule book and Mamba commander variant added to the package. We only need $8,500 more to get the Caprice Bashan mounts - 4 of them to be precise! With 18 days to go we should be able to hit the 52 Models in the $100 USD pledge. At $100 USD you currently get 32 models + Command Variants and B&W rulebook North
CEF or Colonial Earth Forces
We just crossed the $78,000 marker goal for a variant upgrade to the Jaguars. So now you can make a commander Jaguar with Sat uplink which is killer on the table top. Basically you can see the board from the sky. You still have to make communication checks to tell other units further than 6" what you see but the Commander gets bonuses to the roll. Next Level - $81,000 is the Rule book in Black and white and probably the southern commander variant. These variants unlock at every $3,000 while major unlocks are at every $6,000 which is a great way to push through the middle of the Kickstarter rule book zone. At $100 USD you currently get 32 models North
CEF or Colonial Earth Forces
Next Goal Completed $75,000 reached. Now Hidden Goals can be unlocked. Still waiting to see what they are... At $100 USD you currently get 32 models North
CEF or Colonial Earth Forces
The Heavy Gear Kickstarter is already fully funded ($72,000+). The target is $105,000 for 46 models and 4 Armies: North, South, CEF and Caprice. Extra Stretch Goals would bring the model count up to 54 for $170,000. This Kickstarter is cool because every $6,000 raised you can see what gets unlocked all the way to the end. However there are a few "Hidden" unlocks after $75,000 raised. They haven't dropped any hints what the hidden unlocks are but I am hoping for their custom terrain. At $100 USD you currently get 30 models North
CEF or Colonial Earth Forces
We are under $3,000 for the CEF to get the next Battle Frames. If you ever liked Heavy Gear Join in! The New Rules are free downloads at DrivethruRPG
Tom Carpenter wrote: Looks like we got Cthulu! Project Update #56: C'THULHU ACHIEVED! Posted by Reaper Miniatures WE DID IT!! OFFICIALLY The #3 KICKSTARTER OF ALL TIME!! You guys have been absolutely AMAZING!! This has been the most incredible Ride! Care to comment? View this update on Kickstarter →
Instead of evernote I use Google Docs and then give access to each player depending on story needs in the permission. It gives them a set of notes to refer from later and they can ask questions and strategize in a way that lets me plan out future encounters and see if my game is going off the rails early.
James Jacobs wrote:
Why that evil Goblin clan is collecting souls of course to have leverage enough should they have the infernal encounter they seek comes to fruition.
Grimmy wrote:
I have an acer tablet (at home) and I use a sweet app that has the whole prd as an off line file. It's really fast and is laid out in a far more intuitive manner than the website version. I can't recommend it enough. I can beat any of my players to a page in any book. Typically before they open it. with the website It gives me a list of results or SERP and that seriously slows the whole process down.
Paid Subscription to have a module building or Instance System I want to be able to create a series of adventures or a module through a back end tool system where I can build an adventure. If the reward system and payouts are tied to what ever you plan on using as a CR system then it shouldn't be very easy to subvert the adventure for profit. It would be great to post these mini player quests as either in game jobs that my character can advertise or posting on the tavern jobs board/bard performance. (Aka - I just envision a bard NPC singing about noble or heroic quests to the audience and the players in the tavern selecting the ones that pique their interest) There should be some sort of payoff if you can post the quest to other players and they succeed. This pay off could be as easy as giving a title to the player and having that Title advance as the quests get successfully completed. The tool could start off fairly rudimentary but over time to have the ability to actually stock dungeons and place traps would be amazing. Having the Dungeon spit back the stats to your tool system so you could make improvements on the next quest would be really helpful. I am not suggesting a full software level editor more of a web interface to choose a pre-existing layout and then stock the instances with monsters, traps, loot + hooks to a part II module? - Side note: If it was possible that this paid subscription gave me a second character that resembled the old cartoon D&D master as a player that could wander around to give out the first part of a quest that would be amazing. No level advancement, no powers just a cool old dude with some evil problems that need to be solved.
Given the wide availability of laptops easily connected to flat screen tv's or tablets at the game table is it not possible for Paizo to implement a web only player map so that the maps don't need to be printed at all. Sell this digital map at a low $ amount for those that buy at their local store/dealer and those that buy direct it's part of their download section. (I envision $1 - $3) for the digital map. While this won't work for everyone it should make a big enough impact in the market to effectively solve the issue for many people. - This system will also give great insight back to the Paizo marketing department as they will be able to see the volume of traffic accessing the digital maps and then can decide which product was best received by the customer. A key point is noticing the longevity of certain maps. This could allow for better internal decisions on new paths and modules and opens up a new digital content revenue stream. - The maps would not be downloadable/savable as the size on the screen it just wouldn't format or be easy to manipulate the product into a printer.
How about a deck of cards for a series of CR's in a low adventure, mid adventure and high adventure range. This way you don't have to crack the book or reprint some of the standard monsters, goblins, orcs, harpy etc. Especially as I am having to relearn old monsters with the new base stats for CMB / CMD. As a DM all I would need to do is select a few cards for the nights sessions. If one side had a photo and the other side had stats and they came with a little plastic stand it would provide players with a visual while I worked off the stats side. The deck support cards seem to be about functional flavor and speed of game play and I think this fits that criteria
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Your half way there you just don`t realize it.
Masika wrote:
Well, Paizo needs to make money, so I think their cut is about a $1 or so, while the Dev`s (artists) make the rest but hold on. They need to pay taxes on all those earnings... So $4 is a really good buy for the ability to print and print until you printer runs dry. Hell these paper mini`s are so cheap when a player lets off a fireball I might just burn them on a pottery plate as an effect! If I could post a request to the Artists, Could you do 12 (6) men and (6) women of a class for PC`s to pick from. So 12 rangers, 12 paladins etc for players to choose characters from. Or maybe a race grouping... I know a lot of the players I play with stick to just a few classes and I think it`s probably true for a lot of players
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
How about as an online web tool we can print out our creations? Should be really simple to implement and will allow a broader user base to enjoy. Think of the time wasting one could have creating creatures and then posting to the forums...
I've spent the last 4 months building a Indiana Jones adventure/RPG game on facebook with a couple of close friends. We just launched it last Friday and we hit 500 users today. I was hoping that some of the people here on this great gaming community would have a look and let me know what they think. It's always great to get feedback from real RPG'ers. This is not a clone of anything on FB. Here's the link to the app: Cheers
I did a search and could not find a post about this so I thought I would throw it up. It would be really helpful to have a release calendar for upcoming pathfinder products. Since all the products are split up between their "type of product". Right now it's only mildly annoying to figure out whats coming up this month but in the next year I can see releases picking up in pace and scrolling all the way down each column of products bloody annoying. Love the stuff, just want to find the info faster. At times I want to browse and read reviews but other times I just need the info. Cheers
When one of my players gets killed by poor luck in combat I tend to give them the Nintendo retry. This isn't for everyone I know but having a player bite it by rolling a one sucks for everyone. We just restart the battle from round one complete with the inits rolled from the 1st encounter. However this time I play for keeps and fudge nothing. If I can do a TPK (total Party Kill) I will. I have never succeeded in a TPK but some of those battles are so epic they live in legend. The fact that someone already died in this encounter makes the deja vu encounter so much more intense. More often than not the players succeed and the whole encounter feels even more heroic. I have killed 3 out of the 4 party members though but soften on the raise dead costs. All in All great excitement
I believe I would call this whole blog post issue about Seoni a link baiting contraversy to get links and create an importance on the web. The fact that the picture is really tame considering the content on the web these days. He's just looking for links and traffic I believe this falls under Evil Hooks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_website_linking#Link_bait After 7 years of web marketing stuff like this just becomes so annoyingly transparent. For more about link baiting examples wander through www.plime.com one day. 80% of that is link baiting an the most obvious examples.
I like nominating 6 classes that are viable for the campaign and then have the players pick out of a hat. I pre create 6 story lines or histories that can draw the players into a party situation and the players then draw one of those each out of the hat. After they have their choices, one back ground and on class they can all trade once, either their class or their background. Each person can only trade once. It works out quite well. The background is not their entire history so the players can fill in their back story as much as they want. Some players do and other who rarely do an in depth back story love that I have something for them to work off. The players roll their stats before the trade starts so the choices make more sense and if 2 people want to be the paladin there is a good chance the one with the better stats is going to get that class. If the stats don't match the players class he pulled then a trade is automatic, but what are the choices left for those that want to keep their class or want to trade. I guess you could always trade stats but that hasn't come up yet.
Well I got my books last week in the mail and with international shipping everything was great. No bent corners, I have read the setting cover to cover 2x now and the spine is great and the bindings are solid. Now about the campaign world, having already purchased the Gazetteer, I am extremely happy with the content and depth inside this campaign setting. It's a world so deep and rich I can't pick a place I want to play first. I have 6 places I want to start a campaign in. Now I am lovingly having to create a campaign that spans continents to feature all the areas I want to explore with my players. Thank you for creating such a rich world. I have always wanted to create something like this but I have never had the time.
I like to try things alot when I have a low attribute and as my failures build up I slowly stop doing them and second guess my abilities. Rapidly I start leaning on my party to help fill in for my weakness. After a couple more sessions if my Int or Wis is the low number I begin to do it all over again as so many people never learn long term from their mistakes and neither does my character. In life or death I may even flip a coin to make the decision safe or go for it, this is to take my personal feelings to want my character to live so I'll pick the right choice. This has lead to some very memorable characters!
"Hello friends, How are we this fine evening?" "Ah yes just arrived the other day actually" "Well actually I trade in rare items, in fact, do I have a deal for you!" "No really it solves so many of life's little problems" "why don't you just hold it while we have a pint and talk, it's so much easier to appreciate fine craftsmanship when it's in your hands"
Alison McKenzie wrote:
Lame, but no worries. I'll just bribe someone
The Paladin should be able to heal more than just one lay-on hands a round if the amount of points healed is so low. I also think this will make the player change his tactics a bit and I think the tactics change is a good thing. One of the biggest attractions to the new character abilities is the buying of powers and setting up new tactics. In the past it was mostly spell casters that could effectively use different spells with different tactics to keep the GM guessing on how you would play out an encounter.
How about coming at this from another angle. If you had a straight magic weapon that is not comprised of the material the creature is vulnerable to, IE: Silver. Than the weapon rolls straight dmg with no bonuses. So a D8 weapon only rolls D8 and receives no str bonus, training bonus or any other bonus. In early CR encounters it should not hurt the players too much as most of the creatures will have low HP. Later however it should make the players keep a "couple" of items close at hand to deal with nastier CR creatures with more HP but if a melee guy didn't have the DR weapon he would still be able to inflict decent dmg each turn. This way has less math and would make combat a little quicker. One other solution that would make life easier is potions that are essentially poison to the creature. Alchemical silver mix poured on the blade, for silver attacks. A nice cheap solution to packing a variety of weapons. 3 successful hit potions. |