
Salient's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 45 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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The Heavy Gear Kickstarter is already fully funded ($72,000+). The target is $105,000 for 46 models and 4 Armies: North, South, CEF and Caprice. Extra Stretch Goals would bring the model count up to 54 for $170,000.

This Kickstarter is cool because every $6,000 raised you can see what gets unlocked all the way to the end. However there are a few "Hidden" unlocks after $75,000 raised. They haven't dropped any hints what the hidden unlocks are but I am hoping for their custom terrain.

At $100 USD you currently get 30 models

4x Hunters
4x Jaguars
2x Grizzlies
2x Cheetahs

4x Jaegers
4x Black Mambas
2x Cobras
2x Iguanas

CEF or Colonial Earth Forces
2x MHT-95 Hover Tanks
2x FLAIL or Genetically altered super soldiers in power armor
2x F6-16 Scout Battle Frames

We are under $3,000 for the CEF to get the next Battle Frames. If you ever liked Heavy Gear Join in! The New Rules are free downloads at DrivethruRPG

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

I did a search and could not find a post about this so I thought I would throw it up. It would be really helpful to have a release calendar for upcoming pathfinder products. Since all the products are split up between their "type of product". Right now it's only mildly annoying to figure out whats coming up this month but in the next year I can see releases picking up in pace and scrolling all the way down each column of products bloody annoying. Love the stuff, just want to find the info faster. At times I want to browse and read reviews but other times I just need the info.


Dark Archive

So I love where I live but I hate that I do not have room for this table or I would buy it today.

Look at this bloody table its dream!

Sultan RPG Table

Dark Archive

Do you get tracking numbers on your end that you can pass to me?

It would be helpful as I am leaving for a work trip shortly and I don't think the package is going to fit in my mail box.